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Home>Articles> Eliminating hangovers with pills

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  • The effect of anti-hangover drugs
  • What pills are useless
  • Effective drugs
  • Herbal products
  • How to prevent a hangover

A hangover is an unpleasant condition that almost any person experiences after drinking alcohol. It is accompanied by severe migraine attacks, vomiting and nausea, lethargy and apathy. Anti-hangover pills relieve symptoms of post-alcohol syndrome and normalize well-being.

The effect of anti-hangover drugs

Anti-hangover pills, the list of which is presented below, activate the removal of ethanol breakdown products from the body's cells, relieving signs of intoxication.

The effect of pharmacological agents on the body:

  • cleansing all internal organs from toxic substances of ethyl alcohol;
  • maintaining an optimal level of moisture and salt balance;
  • relief of headaches;
  • elimination of increased dryness in the oral cavity;
  • increasing tone and activity, getting rid of fatigue.

Pharmacological hangover remedies can be taken both before drinking a strong drink and in the morning, when unpleasant symptoms appear. The method of using the medicine is indicated in the manufacturer's information.

What pills are useless for hangover syndrome

In an effort to get rid of the symptoms of a severe morning condition as soon as possible, a person often takes those medications that are at hand and does not take into account their pharmacological effect.

  1. Paracetamol - puts an increased load on the liver, which is weakened by the breakdown and excretion of the components of ethyl alcohol.
  2. Citramon - often taken for headaches. A pharmaceutical based on paracetamol has a similar effect.
  3. Nurofen is intended to relieve spasms in inflammatory diseases and does not affect hangover symptoms.

Before you relieve a hangover with pills, you should definitely read the instructions for the medicine, otherwise you can only worsen your condition.

Composition and release form

According to the instructions, Antipolitsay consists of licorice root, eucalyptus oil, and gum arabic. Additional substances include glucose syrup, sucrose, ammonium chloride.

The drug is produced in the form of lozenges, which must be dissolved in the mouth. In addition, Antipolitsay appeared on sale in the form of an instant spray, as well as double Antipolitai with enhanced pharmacological action. The drug in the form of a spray is very convenient to use, which is confirmed by reviews of Antipolitsay.

Effective drugs to relieve unpleasant symptoms

Popular pharmaceutical remedies for reducing the signs of a hangover have different effects on the body - they reduce migraines, restore heart rate and blood pressure, and cleanse toxic compounds.

What pills help with a hangover:

  • activated carbon;
  • aspirin;
  • No-Shpa;
  • Coficil-plus;
  • Askofen;
  • Ketorol;
  • Linux.

Most often, activated carbon from a home medicine cabinet is used to neutralize the effects of a feast. The number of tablets is calculated individually, based on body weight - one tablet is taken per ten kg.

Charcoal can be taken in combination with other medications, this significantly increases their effectiveness . If you feel unwell, you can take 7-9 tablets of activated carbon with an aspirin capsule and two No-Shpas. Coal removes toxic substances, No-Shpa improves the functioning of hepatocytes (liver cells), and aspirin normalizes blood pressure and relieves spasms.

Coficil-plus and Askofen are used to neutralize the symptoms of hangover. Medicines must be taken in the evening, before bedtime. If waking up in the morning after libations is accompanied by swelling, it is recommended to take a tablet of Furasemide or another diuretic pharmaceutical.

To eliminate the unpleasant odor of fumes and increase overall tone, liquid vitamin B6 is used, which is available in the form of ampoules. One ampoule should be diluted in water (2-4 tablespoons) and drunk in one sip.

This component has a detoxifying, immunomodulatory and tonic effect. Vitamin B6 stimulates the functioning of liver cells and metabolic processes, due to which the toxic components of ethyl alcohol are removed from the cavity of the gastrointestinal system much faster.

Effervescent remedies - Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, Aspirin - are good for relieving hangovers. They dissolve in a cup of water and begin to act immediately after consumption, without irritating the inflamed surface of the digestive organs. Effervescent tablets act faster than regular tablets, since carbon dioxide provides intense saturation of cells with oxygen molecules.

Instructions for use of Antipolicea and doses

After eating onions, garlic and other foods with a strong odor, as well as after drinking alcohol or smoking, you need to dissolve one or two Antipolitsay lozenges in your mouth; reviews of the drug are positive, due to the rapid pharmacological action of Antipolitsay. The instructions indicate that the effect after taking the drug occurs within 5 minutes after the lollipop is absorbed.

The effect of Antipolicea lasts for an hour after taking it. The instructions for Antipolitsay say that if a person eats, drinks alcohol or smokes within an hour after taking the candy, it is necessary to repeat taking Antipolitsay again; reviews from those who use the drug confirm this rule.

Review of herbal preparations

To reduce the symptoms of a hangover and improve the general condition, pharmaceuticals based on natural ingredients of organic origin are often used. They have a soft, gentle effect on weakened organs.

Effective anti-hangover drugs of plant origin:

  • Korrda;
  • Stand up;
  • Alco-Buffer;
  • DrinkOFF;
  • Good morning.

Corrda is an effective remedy for combating unpleasant hangover symptoms based on white grape berries. Normalizes the functioning of hepatocytes and cleanses its cells from toxic substances. This remedy is intended for long-term use and is not used for immediate anti-hangover relief.

Get up - a pharmaceutical preparation that contains organic extracts of St. John's wort, thyme and ginseng extract. Effectively improves metabolic processes, strengthens sleep, the functioning of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Used for long-term therapy.

Alko-Buffer is based on an extract from milk thistle, which is considered one of the most effective herbal hepatoprotectors. Milk thistle normalizes the functioning of hepatocytes, cleanses cells of toxic components and activates their regeneration processes.

DrinkOFF is a popular herbal remedy that is effective and has a quick effect on hangover symptoms. The tablets contain succinic and citric acids, eleutherococcal extract, and ginger root extract. The product reduces headaches and neutralizes other signs of a hangover, increases tone and activity.

Guten Morgen is a pharmaceutical preparation containing succinic and ascorbic acid, dry cucumber brine, as well as an extract from grape berries. Prevents dehydration of the body, maintaining the necessary level of moisture, improves overall well-being.


Medichronal refers to pharmacological agents based on the active component sodium formate. After administration, it enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, neutralizing the aggressive effects of ethanol components.

Medichronal effectively accelerates metabolic processes, cleanses the blood of poisons, and stimulates tissue renewal. The manufacturer emphasizes that this drug is intended to combat severe post-alcohol syndrome. With a small dosage of ethyl alcohol in the blood, Medichronal can provoke intoxication of the body.


The anti-hangover remedy Bison contains two active ingredients - amber acid and soda. The pharmaceutical drug acts directly on redox processes, providing an antioxidant effect and cleansing hepatocytes of toxic compounds and ethanol residues. After taking it in the morning, Bison quickly relieves migraines and improves tone.


Zenalk is anti-hangover drug based on plant extracts and extracts. Its composition is dominated by organic extracts from Terminalia hebula, chicory extract, emblica and date palm. Zenalk effectively improves metabolic processes, accelerates the cleansing of body tissues from toxic elements of alcohol.

The pharmaceutical product has an antioxidant effect, protecting cells of the brain, kidneys, liver and other internal organs from ethanol.


One of the most common pharmaceuticals for relieving hangover syndrome is Antipohmelin. According to the instructions, the tablets should be taken before drinking an alcoholic drink.

Antipohmelin contains active components that minimize the aggressive effects of alcohol. These are ascorbic acid, as well as succinic acid, glucose and sodium glutamate. The medication relieves signs of alcohol intoxication.


Zorex is an anti-hangover pill based on the active ingredient utinol. This component penetrates the liver, improves its functioning, accelerates the toxic breakdown products of ethyl alcohol and protects hepatocytes from their destructive effects.

Zorex tablets are well tolerated by the body, but in some cases they can cause an allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to utinol. In such cases, the use of the drug must be abandoned and replaced with another anti-hangover drug.


Alka-prim is a medicine based on aspirin, glycine and soda, which eliminates the consequences of alcohol consumption. It prevents the loss of moisture in the body, relieves headaches, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Alka-prip reduces the toxic effects of acetaldehyde on the human body.


Alka-Seltzer is an effective hangover pill that dissolves in water and quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. The drug contains aspirin, citric acid and soda, which are quickly absorbed by the body.

The medicine improves the acid-alkaline balance and maintains it at an optimal level, eliminates headaches and dizziness.

Contraindications and side effects of Antipolitsay

The instructions for the drug do not contain information about possible side effects and contraindications to the use of the drug. But it is still necessary to take into account that hypersensitivity to at least one of the active ingredients precludes taking the drug. In rare cases, minor allergic reactions to the ingredients in Antipolicea may occur.

Possible side effects of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding have not been identified, so these categories can take this drug.

Ways to prevent a hangover

Preventing a hangover is much easier than dealing with unpleasant, painful symptoms in the morning. To do this, you can use medications that are taken before drinking alcoholic beverages.

  1. Enterosgel - this sorbent helps prevent the appearance of a hangover or make its symptoms minimal. For this purpose, you need to take 3 spoons of Enterosgel after alcohol and the same amount in the morning. You can also drink the drug before a feast - this will reduce intoxication.
  2. Activated carbon – prevents you from getting too drunk, as it absorbs and neutralizes ethyl alcohol. To do this, you need to take 3-5 tablets 20 minutes before the feast, then 2 tablets every 55-60 minutes.
  3. Almagel is a drug intended for detoxification of the body in case of various poisonings, including alcoholic ones. Three spoons of the product should be taken 15 minutes before the “libations”, then drink 2 spoons every 30-40 minutes.
  4. Among folk anti-hangover remedies, milk is widely popular - a glass of this drink, drunk before the first glass, will prevent the development of headaches and other symptoms of a morning hangover.
  5. To prevent unpleasant symptoms, you can take vitamins B6 and C - they speed up metabolism, helping the body process, break down and remove ethanol breakdown products.

A hangover is a severe result of drinking alcohol that is familiar to many. It is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health, severe headaches, attacks of nausea and vomiting. Effective anti-hangover medications help reduce unpleasant symptoms, cleanse the body of toxic substances and improve overall well-being.

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