Effective treatment of colpitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis

According to statistics, every second girl who comes to see a gynecologist has encountered such an intimate disease as colpitis at least once in her life.

Colpitis or vaginitis is an inflammatory process of an infectious or non-infectious nature, affecting the mucous membrane of the vagina, and in some cases, the vulva.

This disease brings a lot of discomfort - from discharge and unpleasant odor to painful sensations during sexual intercourse, and worsens a woman’s quality of life.

At the initial stage of development, the infection is not dangerous, but the lack of timely qualified medical care or self-medication can lead to serious complications.

Causes of the disease

Depending on what is the cause of colpitis, one can distinguish specific, that is, caused by an infectious agent, and non-specific, caused by vaginal microorganisms, which normally do not cause problems in a healthy woman, but when exposed to certain factors begin to multiply intensively, causing discomfort and leading to pathological processes.

It is important to correctly determine the cause of the inflammatory process and prescribe appropriate treatment precisely aimed at eliminating the problem.

The most common causes of vaginitis are:

● Sexually transmitted infections.

A large group of diseases is caused by infections acquired through unprotected sex.

There are microorganisms that can be transmitted in this way from an infected partner through mucous membranes, but do not cause any harm to a healthy person, since his immune system suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

However, if particularly pathogenic microorganisms occur, as well as with decreased immunity, the presence of microtrauma or concomitant diseases, an inflammatory process develops.

Colpitis can be caused by syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus, ureaplasmosis and many others.

The most reliable option for preventing vaginitis in this case is the use of barrier contraception methods during sexual contact.

● Damage to the vaginal mucosa.

The mucous membrane plays a very important role as a barrier that prevents microorganisms from entering the thickness of the vaginal walls. Injury to it can occur both during sexual contact and with medical instruments during improper manipulation. Through microtrauma, bacteria and microorganisms penetrate tissue and multiply there, causing inflammation.

● Impaired blood supply.

With blood, not only oxygen enters the vagina, but also many nutrients that ensure the normal functioning of the mucous membrane. With a lack of microelements, it becomes thinner and does not produce a sufficient amount of natural secretions, which leads to the formation of microtraumas.

● Endocrine diseases.

The proper functioning of the endocrine system is also responsible for the sufficient production of natural vaginal secretions and the timely renewal of the mucous membrane. With diseases of the ovaries, thyroid gland, pancreas and adrenal glands, a hormonal imbalance occurs in a woman’s body, which can lead to inflammatory processes in the vagina.

● Antibiotics.

Long-term use of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs can lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora. The effect of antibiotics is that they destroy all pathogenic microorganisms, but along with them they also kill beneficial bacteria that make up the natural microflora.

● Weak immune system.

Immunity plays an important role in the human body, accurately identifying pathogenic microorganisms and eliminating them. After surgical interventions, long-term use of antibiotics, vitamin deficiencies, general exhaustion of the body and previous diseases, the immune system weakens and becomes unable to repel the attacks of infections, which provokes colpitis.

Restoration of normal microflora

The second stage involves restoring vaginal function, increasing protective properties by restoring normal own microflora and reducing relapses of the disease. Biological agents

  • Acylact (suppositories) 1 piece at night for 10 days,
  • Lactonorm 1 capsule in the vagina at night for 7 days,
  • Vagilak 1 capsule per day orally for 2 to 4 weeks,
  • Provag 1 tablet per day with meals for 20-30 days.

The choice of drugs is made taking into account individual intolerance, allergic reactions, and the presence of concomitant diseases. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, eliminating risk factors, and clinical recovery.

Types of colpitis

Depending on the cause of colpitis, several types can be distinguished. Each form of the disease has different manifestations, recovery time and risks of complications, so the approach to treatment must be selected individually.

Candidiasis colpitis

A type of infection called thrush is caused by the fungus Candida. These fungi can live in the body for years without causing any discomfort, and certain factors can trigger their intensive growth and lead to inflammation. Candida colpitis occurs both as a result of unprotected sex and with weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis, and antibacterial therapy.

Atrophic colpitis

Most often they appear in women after the onset of natural menopause, when the amount of estrogen decreases, due to which the vaginal epithelium becomes insufficiently moisturized, it becomes thinner, and microcracks appear. For a woman, colpitis is accompanied by a lot of discomfort, dryness, itching, and pain during sexual intercourse.

Atrophic colpitis can also occur in girls who have undergone surgery to remove the ovaries or uterus, and after taking certain medications.

Trichomonas colpitis

Associated with infection by the microorganism Trichomonas vaginalis. Transmission of the infection occurs during sexual intercourse with an infected partner without the use of barrier contraception.

At an early stage of development of the disease, it is easily diagnosed and treated. But an advanced stage can lead to chronicity of the disease, the cure of which is a big problem. In this case, periods of exacerbation are replaced by short periods of remission.

Trichomonas colpitis is dangerous because, in the absence of competent and timely treatment, it leads to dangerous complications, including infertility.

Infectious agents

In the case of a specific nature of the disease, the causative agents are sexually transmitted infections, and in the case of a nonspecific nature - opportunistic microflora.

Among the factors that provoke opportunistic microorganisms to become pathogens, the following can be identified:

● Frequent use of panty liners;

● Wearing underwear made of artificial materials;

● Tight clothing that does not allow ventilation of the genitals;

● Failure to maintain regular intimate hygiene;

● Weakening of the body’s immune defense due to stress, taking antibiotics, vitamin deficiency, and malnutrition;

● Abortion;

● Diabetes mellitus;

● Postmenopausal period.


Signs of this disease can be very different, depending on the cause of its occurrence and the stage of development. In later stages, the patient may experience increased body temperature, headaches, and general malaise. And at the initial stage of the disease, the most common manifestations are vaginal odor, unhealthy discharge, and painful sensations both during sexual intercourse and in everyday life.

Vaginal discharge

Vaginitis discharge is in no way related to the phase of the menstrual cycle. With candidiasis, they are white in color and have a heterogeneous cheesy texture. Trichomoniasis is characterized by gray-green discharge, and in the bacterial form it is foamy and has a uniform consistency.


Often a sign of the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the vagina is odor. It may vary depending on the specific type of microorganism. Its appearance is due to the fact that in the process of life, bacteria decompose various substances, releasing gas, which in turn has an odor.


When the vaginal walls are inflamed, they often experience pain during sexual intercourse. Pain can also occur when urinating, when substances contained in the urine irritate the already irritated mucous membranes. Often women complain of the presence of burning and itching, and the pain is characteristic of inflammation as a result of mechanical damage.

Vaginal sanitation

General action drugs most often used in modern conditions:

  • Clindamycin 300 mg x 4 times a day, 7 days,
  • Doxycycline 100 mg x 2 times, daily, for 10-14 days,
  • Nystatin, Levorin 500 mg x 4 times a day for 10 -14 days.

For vaginitis caused by yeast-like fungi:

  • Mikosist, Diflucan 150 mg once.

As part of complex therapy, the antimicrobial drug Trichopolum is widely used with good effectiveness and tolerability, 1 tablet x 2 times a day.

For mixed infections, local drugs are used:

  • Terzhinan,
  • Klion-D,
  • McMirror-Complex

These drugs allow you to quickly relieve the symptoms of inflammation in the acute stage. The drugs are used by injection into the vagina, they cause rapid death of the pathogen and help restore the normal concentration of lactic acid bacteria and the acidity of the vaginal contents.

Drugs with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action have a good effect in mixed infections:

  • Betadine 1 vaginal suppository per day, 7-14 days,
  • Hexicon 1 suppository x 2 times a day for 10 days. Before receiving test results, an antiseptic with a broad spectrum of activity is used
  • Fluomizin.1 vaginal tablet per day x 6 days quickly relieves symptoms of vaginal inflammation.
  • Epigen-intim spray 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days quickly relieves symptoms of vaginal infection, itching, burning.

Diagnosis of the disease

When diagnosing colpitis, the doctor’s task is not only to identify the disease, but also to determine the factor that provoked its appearance. Usually, already at the first appointment, a gynecologist can suspect the disease based on the patient’s complaints and examination in the gynecological chair.

For a more accurate diagnosis, colposcopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and rectal examination are performed to detect various neoplasms in the rectum. A vaginal smear for cytology will determine the nature of the inflammatory process, and with the help of bacteriological analysis, a specific type of microorganism can be identified.

If necessary, the doctor also prescribes a general blood and urine test and a blood test for hormones.


To prevent colpitis, a number of rules should be followed:

● Regular examinations by a gynecologist to identify disorders in the initial stages of their occurrence.

● Caring for the vaginal lining, including maintaining personal hygiene, frequent changes of underwear, and proper use of toilet paper.

● Taking antibacterial agents exclusively as prescribed by a doctor and, if necessary, combining them with taking medications that will maintain the microflora of the mucous membrane in a normal state.

● Strengthening the immune system.

General information

Colpitis ( vaginitis ) includes a whole group of diseases in which inflammation occurs in the vaginal mucosa.
Vaginitis occurs very often in modern women. According to medical statistics, approximately 70% of all women who lead an active sexual life have at one time or continue to suffer from bacterial colpitis , and the number of such patients is constantly increasing. Such a wide spread of this disease can be explained, first of all, by the frequent occurrence of various sexually transmitted infections, as well as by ignoring basic standards of personal hygiene, environmental problems and massive deterioration of immunity .

Sometimes a consequence of vaginitis, in which inflammation spreads to the vaginal mucosa, is vulvovaginitis . This disease is characterized by the involvement of the woman’s external genitalia in the inflammatory process.

Treatment of colpitis

Proper treatment should include not only eliminating disturbing symptoms, but also getting rid of the cause of the pathology. The latter falls within the purview of etiotropic therapy. It is based on the use of antifungal, antibacterial or antiviral drugs.

To treat nonspecific colpitis, combination medications are prescribed to kill several types of infections. Local therapy consists of the external use of various antiseptics and other medications in the form of douching or moistened vaginal tampons.

Do not forget that if vaginitis is associated with the acquisition of an infectious agent through sexual contact with an infected partner, both partners must be treated at the same time.

It is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse during therapy until complete recovery.

Why is colpitis dangerous?

Colpitis is not a dangerous disease if treatment is started in a timely manner. If a woman neglects medical care, the disease can become chronic, which will significantly worsen the quality of life.

If vaginitis is not treated correctly, it can develop into endometritis, urethritis or cervical erosion. Also, bleeding microcracks on the walls of the vagina serve as open gates for the acquisition of new pathogenic microorganisms, complicating the treatment process.


If treatment is prescribed correctly, there is no threat to the woman’s health. But self-medication, as well as complete ignorance of the symptoms of the disease, can cause inflammation of the fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and ovaries. This negatively affects reproductive health, leading to recurrent miscarriage or infertility.

The presence of dangerous complications of colpitis is indicated by:

  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • amenorrhea;
  • difficulties associated with conceiving a child;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding.
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