Complivit calcium D3 Gold (tablet p/v. No. 30)

Complivit Calcium D3 Gold

Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD is a special* formula, developed specifically taking into account age-related hormonal changes in a woman’s body, contains phytoestrogen (genistein), calcium, vitamins D3 and K1.

Estrogen is a key factor in women's health and beauty, but after forty its level drops: calcium begins to be washed out of the bones faster, the production of its own collagen decreases, bones can become fragile, the aging process of the skin accelerates: wrinkles and age spots appear, the rhythm of the menstrual cycle changes, women may experience: sudden hot flashes, increased sweating, especially at night, depressed mood and problems sleeping, lack of energy even for ordinary activities.

The action of the components in Complivit® Calcium D3 GOLD is aimed at maintaining the health and beauty of women after 40 years:

  • Strengthens bones 15–20% better than a combination of calcium and vitamin D34.5;
  • Improve well-being and sleep, reduce irritability, increase vitality, alleviate vegetative-vascular manifestations of estrogen deficiency**,
  • Maintain joint health, regulate metabolism in articular cartilage cells, activate collagen production,
  • They take care of the youth of skin cells from the inside and protect against photoaging.

Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD should be taken 1 tablet.

How does Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD work?

The components in Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD act synergistically:

GENISTEIN exhibits effects similar to those of its own estrogens, helps strengthen bones by maintaining the processes of formation and mineralization of bone tissue, activates the production of its own collagen, protects the skin from photoaging, plays an important role in maintaining healthy joints - regulates metabolism in articular cartilage cells and protects joint tissue.

Genistein (GeniVida) in Complivit® Calcium D3 GOLD is produced in Switzerland using patented technology and has a high level of purity and activity of the substance1-3

CALCIUM is involved in the formation and mineralization of bone tissue, the formation of dentin and tooth enamel, strengthening hair and nails, maintaining the stability of cardiac activity, regulating nerve conduction, muscle contractions, and hormone production. Calcium controls the metabolism of fat tissue cells; adequate calcium intake promotes more effective fat loss during dieting and helps to better control weight.

VITAMIN D3 is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increases calcium absorption in the intestines and reabsorption in the kidneys, promotes the formation and mineralization of bone and dental tissue, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands.

VITAMIN K1 is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, which regulates the processes of bone tissue mineralization. Increases bone mineral density, especially when taken together with calcium and vitamin D, and helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is important for reducing the risk of fractures. At the same time, vitamin K prevents the deposition of calcium in the arteries, helping to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disorders.

A particularly pronounced effect is observed when genistein is combined with calcium and vitamin D3 - the study showed that long-term (for 3 years) use of this combination during menopause helped strengthen bones and the spine 15-20% better than the combination of calcium and vitamin D3 , due to its complex effect on bone metabolism and mineralization.

In another observational study, taking this combination for 6 weeks reduced symptoms of estrogen deficiency such as hot flashes and night sweats, difficulty falling asleep, decreased concentration and memory problems, feelings of fatigue and loss of energy, aching bones and pain.

In addition, special studies have shown that the use of genistein helps improve skin condition by increasing collagen synthesis and protecting skin cells from photoaging, which is one of the main causes of age spots and wrinkles.

Complivit Calcium D3 GOLD – your right to remain beautiful and full of strength!

Complivit calcium D3 Gold (tablet p/v. No. 30)

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Calcium, genistein, vitamin K1, vitamin D3.

pharmachologic effect

The activity of the drug is due to the properties of the components included in the composition. Calcium is a macroelement, participates in the formation and mineralization of bone tissue, the formation of dentin and tooth enamel, strengthening hair and nails, maintaining the stability of cardiac activity, regulating nerve conduction of muscle contractions, hormone production and is a component blood coagulation systems. Calcium controls the metabolism of adipocytes (adipose tissue cells), promoting more effective loss of adipose tissue when losing weight/dieting, to improve weight control. Vitamin D3 - is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increases calcium absorption in the intestines and reabsorption in the kidneys, promotes the formation and mineralization of bone tissue and dental tissue, is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands. The use of calcium and vitamin D3 prevents an increase in the production of parathyroid hormone, which is a stimulator of increased bone resorption and bone destruction. Vitamin K1 is necessary for the implementation of blood clotting processes, because participates in the synthesis of proteins of the blood coagulation system. Necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, which regulates the processes of bone tissue mineralization. Increases the mineral density of bone tissue and helps strengthen it (reduces the risk of fractures), especially when used together with calcium and vitamin D. According to the results of a study, taking vitamin K1 in combination with calcium and vitamin D3 in menopausal women led to an increase in mineral density and mineralization of bone tissue. Therefore, the combined use of calcium, vitamin D; and vitamin K1 helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is important for reducing the risk of fractures. At the same time, vitamin K prevents arterial calcification, helping to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular pathology. When used together with vitamin D, vitamin K1 improves the elasticity of the arteries. Studies have shown that providing the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin K helps reduce the risk of developing and improve the course and prognosis of cardiovascular pathology. Genistein is a biologically active substance of the isoflavone class, which exhibits effects similar to the action of estrogens in the female body: it reduces the frequency and severity “hot flashes” and night sweats, sleep disturbances in women during menopause; has a beneficial effect on reducing risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases.

Indications for use

Recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of calcium, vitamin D3 K1, a source of the isoflavone genistein, which contribute to: improving well-being during menopause: reducing hot flashes and night sweats, reducing irritability and sleep disturbances: strengthening bones and teeth, maintaining health joints: improving skin condition, increasing collagen synthesis, protecting skin from photoaging.

Mode of application

Adults: 1 tablet per day with meals. Duration of use: 1 month. Repeated courses are possible in consultation with your doctor.


No data.

Side effect

No data.


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.


No data.

special instructions

It is not a medicine. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Dietary supplement Complivit Calcium D3 Gold - reviews


I would never have thought that my time would come so quickly to become acquainted with the tides. Older girls will understand me. I looked everywhere for options on how to deal with this disaster. Well, a friend told me that calcium d3 Gold saved her. I bought it.

The impressive size of the tablets reassured me and set me up for a positive result. And the packaging itself with beautiful gold letters already lifts your spirits

Comfortable. Nothing falls apart or breaks. I took 1 tablet once a day. Usually in the morning after eating. Pleasant to the taste.

My husband was the first to notice the changes, who was happy that I was laughing at his jokes again) And then I myself realized that I felt less hot and my mood became calmer. It turns out that a combination of calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K and genistein works great!



the skin tightens, joint pain disappears, the number of hot flashes decreases



There are many diagnoses that are called - well, at your age this is normal. So this age happened to me. The therapist said that calcium deficiency is the main problem in my body. And after that I met calcium d3 Gold. 60 tablets, which contain calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K and genistein, a pack of 60 tablets is enough for 2 months, and the effect is at least half a year! After it, I stopped using the elevator because I could go up to the 3rd floor without pain in my knees. My hot flashes and the feeling of spontaneous heat have almost disappeared. And in the mirror I began to like myself more. I couldn’t believe it was all calcium! Therefore, after half a year I repeated the course!!! And the result is even better. Apparently 2 months of treatment was enough for half a year. After drinking the second course, I went to the therapist with gratitude and a box of calcium d3 Gold as a gift)) not only do I experience a feeling of lightness in my joints and enjoy tighter skin.


I have been involved in sports all my life and, accordingly, there were injuries, and the wear and tear of the cartilage tissue made itself felt.

My new trainer told me how I recovered myself, and taking into account my age, let’s say 30-something, he told me how and how best to support my joints. Including calcium d3 Gold.

I read the composition:

- calcium carbonate,


-vitamin D3,

-vitamin K1

It also contains:

phytoestrogen,” “genistein,” which promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue and collagen synthesis.

Conclusion - you can definitely try it.

The course is for a month, there are just 30 tablets in a package.

The packaging is convenient, plastic. You can take it with you, it will fit into any bag.

In parallel with this complex, I continued training, and I will say this - I began to bear the load easier, my joints hurt less, and mood swings disappeared.

I strongly advise athletes my age to try calcium d3 Gold.



One tablet contains both vitamins and minerals. One dose per day. It really helps.



Really helps with menopause. The price and quality correspond. The improvement in well-being is noticeable. Helps great if you have problems with joints, especially on


I first learned about the vitamin and mineral complex “COMPLIVIT Calcium D3 GOLD” thanks to an advertisement on television. I can’t say that I immediately noticed and began to find out in detail what kind of vitamins they were. A little time passed and when the question became how to support my body aged 50+ before the autumn changes in weather, pressure and mood, when “the bones ache and the tail falls off,” I remembered a new vitamin and mineral complex.

I found the instructions on the Internet, read them carefully and decided that it was worth getting to know “COMPLIVIT Calcium D3 GOLD” better.

So, the vitamin-mineral complex is available in 2 packages: 30 vitamins and 60. Having read that the course is only 30 days and you only need to take 1 vitamin a day with meals, I bought a package of 30 tablets.

Looking ahead, I will say that with a short break after finishing the course of vitamin and mineral support for the body, I decided to buy another package, but now 60 tablets.

The complex consists of three main components: calcium, K1 and D3, which appeared before me in the form of fairly large (1575 mg) boat-shaped tablets the color of baked milk.

At first I was a little upset because I have a hard time swallowing large capsules and tablets. But in this case there were no problems, since the vitamins are very smooth, as if polished to a glossy finish, so they are easy to swallow.

The vitamins are packaged in a nice plastic bottle and cardboard box. The design is very stylish and I would even call it elegant: a combination of gold and velvet blue colors.

The vitamin and mineral complex “COMPLIVIT Calcium D3 GOLD” is recommended for women in order to strengthen bones, maintain healthy joints and, of course, improve skin condition, strengthen sleep, relieve irritability and other negative aspects during menopause.

Let me clarify that I took this complex simultaneously with a drug that improves cerebral circulation, deciding that such a combination should have a beneficial effect on my weather dependence and emotional swings during the autumn blues. Imagine my surprise when, after completing the course of treatment, I caught myself thinking that I had survived November without a single migraine attack! It is for this reason that I bought a second jar of COMPLIVIT Calcium D3 GOLD. The instructions indicate that a repeat course should be started after consultation with a doctor, but my body is the most faithful doctor. And if he reacted this way to these vitamins, then after 2 months I think that he can repeat taking this dietary supplement.

I recommend that ladies 45+ definitely pay attention to this complex. Naturally, a miracle will not happen immediately, but maintaining our body at such a wise age is simply vital.

Health and good mood, regardless of the time of year and other natural phenomena!


Suddenly I felt that I was “falling apart.” My knees hurt, all my joints are crunchy, and I feel stiff in the morning. I read and bought calcium.

The pharmacy advised Complivit calcium d3 Gold for women, they say it has a special composition.

The packaging offers good results - bright, with gold.

The jar is convenient, the lid screws on tightly.

The tablets are oval, large, but do not get stuck when swallowed, although they can be broken.

At the beginning, I only noted the advantages for myself, drinking it once a day, the description contains a lot of additional effects. And a month later, there were tablets in the jar just for this period, I began to wake up with a feeling of lightness - less joint stiffness, crunching became rare, and even more energy (I read that this is the effect of phytoestrogen). I will definitely repeat the course so I don’t have to suffer with my joints anymore.


When you want to be young and beautiful, then all means are good.

My cosmetologist said that for photoaging of the skin, prevention of age spots and wrinkles, phytoestrogen, vitamin D help well and it would be good in combination with calcium, given the age, she told me about calcium d3 Gold.

I listened to her, who knows my skin better than her, and started taking this complex.

There are 30 tablets in the package, and they last exactly a month, because you need to take 1 tablet per day, which in my opinion is convenient and economical.

While taking it, I noticed that I began to fall asleep better and sleep more soundly. And the most important thing is that I really saw how my skin became more elastic!

I decided to repeat the course for myself because I was convinced that it helps preserve my youth!



positive effect, packaging is designed for the course



I always ignored systemic vitamin intake. But with age, my health began to deteriorate, and so my son gave me calcium D3 Gold with a hint that at “my” age it was time to take minerals and vitamins on a regular basis. Reluctantly, I started drinking this complex; it wouldn’t go to waste. And then she called and said thank you to her son. Because: my mood improved, apathy went away, my bones reacted less to changes in the weather, I had a desire to walk and enjoy life. This is how children care! I don't know the cost of packaging, since it was a gift. I note that the packaging is beautiful, blue and gold. It clearly indicates why and how to use vitamins, what is included in the composition, expiration date and other useful information. The package contained 30 tablets, which was enough for the entire course - for a month. I drank it every day during breakfast. Thanks son! I'm expecting another package for my birthday!


Experimenting with health is not the best option, since first your well-being, metabolism, and then the “results” in your face suffer.

So my calcium deficiency literally affected my face and joints. It began to crunch with every movement, the face sagged, the hair and nails became brittle. Having taken tests for calcium (prescribed by the gynecologist since menopause had begun), a severe calcium deficiency was discovered. Verdict - replenish over a long period of time and thoroughly! Calcium D3 Gold from Complivit was prescribed.

The tablets are roll-shaped, large, and also contain Vit D3, K1, and genistein.

The composition is good, I was interested in phytoestrogen. The promised effects are encouraging, everything is as I need.

I started drinking them the next day. I admit, I missed it sometimes. But despite this, I noticed how much better I felt in terms of my physical condition. The crunching in my joints became less frequent, and I started walking on the treadmill longer. My face became lighter and my skin became more elastic, and overall I had more strength and less irritation.

I believed in this complex and got the expected result! I definitely recommend it.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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