The drug Laennec: pros and cons of the drug, indications and contraindications, placental therapy in cosmetology

"Laennec" in cosmetology. Expert - Professor Yutskovskaya Yana Aleksandrovna

Professor Yutskovskaya Yana Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, doctor of the highest category, owner of the clinics "Professor Yutskovskaya Clinic" LLC (Vladivostok) and "Professor Yutskovskaya Clinic" LLC (Moscow), founder of the "Professor Yutskovskaya School" project, President of the Association gender medicine, member of the board of directors of NADC, freelance expert of Roszdravnadzor of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It is impossible to fight the inevitable (aging). Today it is necessary to create protocols for the prevention of premature aging. Only systemic therapy can prevent premature aging. An important component of this therapy is the use of the placental drug Laennec. Many myths have formed around the use of placental drugs. We have systematized these myths and counterarguments:

Myth 1.

The artificiality of the novelty of placental therapy. Answer. Indeed, it is not novel, unlike the method of obtaining the drug - molecular fractionation, characterized by a purification process that preserves useful biological substances and completely eliminates the risk of viral infection. This determines the safety of the drug.

Myth 2.

Relation of placental therapy to stem cells. Answer. Placental therapy has no relation to stem cell therapy.

Myth 3.

Placental therapy deals with fetal cells. Answer. Doesn't have it. The placenta is taken only after a successful birth.

Myth 4.

Placental preparations contain hormones. Answer. No, as a result of processing, the placenta hydrolyzate is completely cleared of hormones.

Myth 5.

Presence of counterfeit drugs. Answer. Yes, you need to be careful when purchasing.

Currently, the use of placenta is widespread. Placental therapy has every chance of becoming one of the most effective ways to achieve rejuvenating and healing effects. There are several registered and certified products on the Russian market. These include the drug "Laennec", which is produced in Japan and has been in practice for more than 25 years. The placenta hydrolyzate included in the drug is produced in Japan. The remaining placental drugs are other drugs from which we do not expect any effect or safety. There is no history of such drugs since 1956. For the effectiveness of placental therapy in cosmetology, a long clinical history of the result is important.


Laennec is an innovative drug from the pharmacotherapeutic group of immunomodulators and hepatoprotectors.
It is intended for injection and was invented back in 1956 by scientist Hieda Kentaro. During this period of the Celestial Empire, all the forces of the “great minds” were aimed at finding the most effective medicines for the liver among victims of nuclear bombings in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Thanks to the introduction of unique technologies in the invention process, it was possible to obtain a perfectly purified, stable composition that successfully passed tests for toxicity, pyrogenicity, sterility and virus safety. It is important to note that all biological components of low molecular weight are completely preserved in it, and the presence of hormones and stem cells is excluded. Due to these features, Laennec began to be used as part of complex treatment.

The safety of the drug has been proven by 60 years of experience. Production in Japan is under government control, supervised and subsidized by the department, since in the country placental therapy is included in the national health insurance program.

Laennec appeared in Russia more than 10 years ago and was registered as a hepatoprotector (2003), and then as an immunomodulator (in 2009). Also during this period, it began to be actively used in cosmetology using the microinjection method for anti-age therapy of the face and body, for the treatment of the scalp and hair restoration. Considering the wide range of effects, doctors have identified several ways of how often to repeat the course of procedures and how to store Laennec.


The manufacturer of Laennec is the Japanese corporation Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd. (JBP Co.). Medical production is under state control, supervised and subsidized by the department, since in the country this type of therapy is included in the national insurance program. Another advantage is the presence of our own research laboratories, working in the same direction with the State Program for Placental Health.

Close control and responsible attitude towards compliance with the technologies for manufacturing the essence, as well as its purification, allows us to annually confirm compliance with the highest global GMP standards.

Rich composition

adheres to a special manufacturing philosophy. In each ampoule, the main active ingredient is placenta hydrolyzate in a volume of 112 mg. At the same time, biomaterial is available for collection only if donors maintain a healthy lifestyle, are in exceptional health, and comply with the terms of the contract with the pharmaceutical company, which adheres to strict philosophical reasoning about a favorable life and health. It is this component, according to Japanese scientists, that is endowed with a special “life-giving” power, but in addition to it, the drug also contains other elements that complement each other and provide a complex effect on the entire body. In the active center:

  • cytokines and peptides that provoke an immunological reaction;
  • interleukins working as a mediator of inflammation;
  • erythropoietin, which controls the formation of red blood cells;
  • more than 36 cell growth factors.

Also includes:

  • peptides;
  • 18 amino acids, including essential ones, to prevent unwanted cellular oxidation and prevent the action of free radicals;
  • nucleic acids for the correction of scars, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, acne, post-acne, combating signs of aging by chrono- and phototype;
  • glycosaminoglycans - to maintain the cell matrix;
  • about 100 protective enzymes and 40 vital minerals;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E;
  • hyaluronic acid to optimize water balance and moisture retention in cells.

Laennec drug and super-thin injection needles Nanoneedle

Laennec - injection solution No. 10

Curacen / Curacen

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 30G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 33G

Introduction of the drug "Lannek"

Most often, the drug "Laennec" is used intramuscularly. At the same time, there are patients who are prescribed the drug intravenously. For example, when a patient is preparing for Vaser liposuction. Local use of the drug "Laennec" is possible for patients with sensitive skin.

The combined use of PRP technology and placenta hydrolyzate is acceptable. In this case we are not talking about mixing. First, progressive stimulation of the skin’s natural immunity occurs with the use of PRP technologies, and then you can switch to the Laennec drug.

Useful properties of Laennec

Initially, even at the production stage, the essence was positioned as a powerful immunomodulator, immunostimulant and hepatoprotector by stimulating regenerative functions in the body. Physiological processes are activated at the cellular level. As a complex therapy, it helps remove toxins and provides an anti-inflammatory and metabolic effect.

Further research revealed:

  • antifibrotic effect;
  • increasing the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system;
  • reducing the activity of negative changes that occur against the background of free radicals.

Indications for use of the drug Laennec

Laennec is recommended as hepatoprotection to restore and enhance the protection of liver function. Immunomodulation is another area. The unique effect is determined by the regenerating effect on cells. Thus, today the product has proven itself and is successfully used both independently and as part of complex therapy for:

  • general health;
  • toning and treatment of chronic fatigue;
  • skin, namely to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibers, moisturizing, accelerating cellular renewal;
  • reduction of the rehabilitation period after operations;
  • stimulation of hair growth;
  • for dermatological diseases;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • improving metabolism;
  • detoxification for drug and alcohol addiction;
  • restoration of potency and fertility.

Contraindications for taking Laennec

Throughout the entire period of active use of the Japanese placental drug in medicine and cosmetology, good tolerability has been observed among various groups of patients, including among older participants. The proportion of allergic reactions is less than 0.4% of all registered cases. At the same time, doctors carefully select applicants and collect a complete medical history. Among the restrictions on injection, the manufacturer identifies:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • minor age;
  • hypersensitivity to the components in the composition.

At the same time, injection cosmetology is successfully combined and helps to achieve prolongation of the results from fillers and mesothreads, is combined with botuotoxin-based muscle relaxants, and also does not cause negative consequences during cosmetic hardware and therapeutic procedures.

Are there any side effects from Laennec?

An undesirable reaction of the body can be observed if the patient has an allergy, which manifests itself in the form of:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • swelling;
  • numbness;
  • pain in the injection area;
  • anaphylactic shock.

However, such phenomena are extremely rare. To completely eliminate the risk, it is recommended that therapy be carried out in specialized medical institutions that have undergone mandatory licensing, and under the supervision of a highly qualified doctor.

How does the procedure work?

Before carrying out systemic treatment, it is recommended to undergo a full therapeutic examination. Based on the results obtained, the doctor chooses the drug and the method of its use.

Funds are deposited in one of the following ways:

  • intramuscularly;
  • intravenously (using a dropper);
  • subcutaneously using mesotherapy or pharmacopuncture.

The procedure for injection of placenta hydrolyzate promotes:

  • increasing skin tone;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • increasing the flow of lymph and blood.

The effect of the product on the placenta can be noted after the first procedure. The effect is manifested in improving the color and structure of the skin, lifting, eliminating puffiness and pastiness.

Description of the drug Laennec: how best to use it and what it treats

Placental pharmacotherapy has successfully proven itself in a variety of medical fields due to a wide range of actions. But everything depends on the capabilities of the human body, and “laennec placenta” only stimulates potential, helping to cope with all diseases without excessive medication.

Injections are recommended to patients as an auxiliary component as part of a whole complex, and some industries allow independent use. Regardless of the reason for use, all manipulations must be agreed with the attending physician.

Application of Laennec in cosmetology: how to inject and other facial procedures

The most noticeable clinical effect is achieved in the field of aesthetic medicine. This is primarily due to the high content of native hyaluronic acid, which replenishes lost natural HA molecules. It is necessary to moisturize the skin, which becomes possible by attracting water and retaining it in the recreated structure. Small and medium wrinkles are smoothed out. Due to the additional effect on the liver, the complexion of the skin of the face and body is evened out.

A complex of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and other nutrients accelerate intercellular metabolism, regeneration of soft tissues and release of toxins. This effect helps in the treatment of dermatological diseases of varying complexity, including psoriasis, herpes, acne, hyperpigmentation, etc.

The purpose of the placental drug Laennec in the fight against Covid-19

The new coronavirus infection, which has engulfed the whole world, is taking over all the main places in news resources. The medical community could not ignore this virus and began active research into the effectiveness of Laennec against COVID-19.

It is known that the disease can occur both in an asymptomatic or relatively mild respiratory form, and in the form of complex pneumonia, against the background of which distress syndrome often develops, accompanied by severe shortness of breath. This course is due to the fact that pathological cells affect the most important part of the lungs, intended for gas exchange. It is the alveoli that suffer.

Even with timely and competently prescribed treatment, coronavirus infection is characterized by a long recovery period. Patients have to put up with shortness of breath, high levels of fatigue and decreased tone for a long time. Placental Laennec therapy, due to its complex effects, helps restore and improve sleep, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, strengthens the nervous system, eliminates the effects of stress and increases resistance to stress factors, and eliminates asthenia.

Thus, placenta hydrolyzate is necessary precisely after an illness to eliminate the risk of re-infection and to speed up the rehabilitation of the depressed organism. At the same time, a positive effect in moderate and severe forms of the disease has already been proven in studies conducted at the National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov.

Recovery after surgery

Plastic surgery is an opportunity to quickly get rid of various defects in appearance, as well as radically change. The number of patients in the industry is constantly growing: according to statistics, over the last decade the number of visits to surgeons has increased several thousand times. At the same time, the accessibility, popularity and demand of the technique requires the use of modern technologies to speed up the rehabilitation period.

When using a Japanese placental drug, a reduction in healing time by 15% was found. This is due to the fact that the complex composition contains a huge number of different growth factors that move to the area of ​​damage and help in tissue regeneration. At the same time, the effectiveness and speed indicators have been proven in clinical trials.


Humanity has been searching for the secret of eternal youth for many years, but it has not yet been found. Nevertheless, the secrets of prolonging beauty and improving health have long been known.

In fact, rejuvenation is a complex process, which is indicated not only by tightened facial skin, but also by a person’s mobility and flexibility, his physical strength and reaction speed. All of the listed resources become less pronounced over time, weaken, and therefore need to be nourished from the outside. Premature aging is most familiar to urban residents, who are constantly in areas of increased gas pollution and are subject to chronic lack of sleep and stress. If we add to everything an unhealthy diet, bad habits, namely alcohol, nicotine, then the immune system, in the literal sense of the word, dies before our eyes, the skin becomes dry, and the body wears out.

The complex of active components contained in Laennec is a ready-made cure for “big city syndrome”. After just one procedure, intercellular metabolism is activated, nutrition with vitamins, macro- and microelements, and the acceleration of the synthesis of one’s own fibers help restore youth.

Additionally, it is important to pay attention to getting rid of defective, old and damaged cells. Laennec prevents their division, and as a result, prevents the appearance of malignant neoplasms or slows down their growth.

Laennec drug and super-thin injection needles Nanoneedle

Laennec - injection solution No. 10

Curacen / Curacen

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 30G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 33G


If we consider that the main attention of Japanese scientists at the development stage was aimed at toxicogenic effects and hepatoprotection, then the product will be an ideal option for treating and strengthening the liver. It will help remove toxins and restore the protective function. When prescribed in combination with other medications, Laennec has proven effective in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis and damage to the exocrine gland in alcoholism. There is also a normalization of metabolism and stabilization of the functioning of all systems if the patient is overweight.


  • liver and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • decreased immunity, increased fatigue, depression, stress;
  • dermatological problems;
  • intoxication due to life in a metropolis;
  • chronic endometritis;
  • menopause and related disorders;
  • diseases of the female genital area, sexual disorders;
  • aging processes of all tissues and organs;
  • acne and post-acne, including those caused by endocrine disorders;
  • age-related and hormonal hyperpigmentation;
  • deterioration of hair and nails;
  • alopecia;
  • preparation and rehabilitation after serious cosmetic procedures and surgical interventions.

Let's sum it up

Placental therapy is a modern option for restoring the body. It is impossible to find the same high content of useful and nutritional components in any preparation. Clinical trials conducted since the invention, that is, for more than 60 years, have proven the effectiveness of the drug for diseases at different stages and complexity. It is important to remember that in fact the drug is not a panacea for all pathologies. Its use is possible only under the supervision of a highly qualified doctor in a licensed medical institution, and the greatest effect is achieved in combination with other medications or cosmetics, depending on what Laennec is used for.

Duration of placental therapy

Placental therapy is most effective if carried out in a course. The dosage and frequency are chosen by the doctor after a face-to-face consultation. Independent use of Laennec is unacceptable!

During one session of placental therapy, an average of 2 ampoules of the drug are consumed, and the dosage is gradually increased according to the doctor’s recommendations. The minimum course is 5 procedures, the maximum is 10. Sessions are conducted at intervals of 2 times a week.

Placental therapy “Laennec” is the ideal elixir of youth and health for residents of big cities. Want to experience its benefits for yourself? We are waiting for you in our clinic for a consultation!

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