Laferon-PharmBiotek nasal lyophilisate d/prig. drops called 1000000IU per vial. in pack No. 1 (interferon alpha-2b)

Release form and composition

Dosage form of Laferon: freeze-dried powder (in ampoules or bottles, 1, 5 or 10 pieces in cardboard boxes; 1 or 5 ampoules or bottles complete with a solvent - water for injection, 1 set in a cardboard box).

The active substance is recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, its activity in 1 bottle or ampoule can be: 100 thousand International Units (IU), 1 million IU, 3 million IU, 5 million IU, 6 million IU, 9 million IU and 18 million ME.

Additional components: potassium dihydrogen phosphate, dextran, anhydrous sodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride.

Indications for use

Laferon is recommended for use as part of combination therapy for adults and children for the following diseases:

  • Acute bacterial, viral and mixed infections;
  • Septic diseases in acute and chronic form, viral and bacterial etiology (including sepsis);
  • Acute and chronic viral hepatitis B (in moderate and severe form);
  • Herpetic infections of various localizations: herpes zoster, multiple herpetic rashes, herpetic keratoconjunctivitis and keratouveitis, genital infections;
  • Urogenital chlamydia in chronic form;
  • Lesions of the nervous system occurring with mono- and polyradicular pain syndromes;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Laryngeal papillomatosis;
  • Hemoblastoses: hairy cell leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, malignant non-Hodgkin lymphoma;
  • Malignant tumors: melanoma of the skin and eye, multiple myeloma, Kaposi's sarcoma, cancer of the bladder, kidney, ovary, breast.


Name: Laferon Pharmacological action: Laferon has a wide spectrum of biological activity. Of primary importance is a pronounced immunostimulating and antiviral effect, activation of antitumor protection. Regulation is carried out between the links of humoral and cellular immunity. Under the influence of the drug, differentiation accelerates, and the activity of natural killer cells and T-lymphocytes, which determine the activity of cellular immune reactions, increases. Laferon regulates the production of inflammatory mediators, and also affects the migration of inflammatory cells to the site of infection, stimulates phagocytosis, and normalizes the dynamics of the inflammatory process. The effect of the drug on the expression of molecules in the major histocompatibility complex and the cytokine spectrum determines their antiallergic effect.

Laferon influences the main stages of pathogen replication inside cells, stopping their reproduction, ensuring the effectiveness of lysis of infectious agents. It also has high antichlamydial and antiviral activity. Its use in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory chronic diseases can significantly reduce the dose of antibacterial and other drugs used in treatment, reducing their toxic systemic effect and shortening the duration of treatment.

Indications for use: Laferon is used in complex therapy of children and adults for various diseases: - viral hepatitis B in moderate and severe forms, acute and chronic; — acute bacterial infections, viral and mixed; - septic diseases of viral and bacterial nature, chronic and acute, including sepsis; - herpetic infections of various localizations: multiple herpetic rashes, herpes zoster, genital infections, keratoconjunctivitis and keratouveitis of herpetic nature; — chlamydia chronic and urogenital; - lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by poly- and monoradicular pain syndromes; - papillomatosis of the larynx; - multiple sclerosis; - malignant tumors: myeloma, eye and skin melanoma, kidney, breast, bladder cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; - hemoblastoses: hairy cell, chronic myeloid leukemia, malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Method of administration: Laferon solution is administered intramuscularly, intravenously, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, intravesically, endolymphally, parabulbarly, intranasally, rectally. For dissolution, water for injection is used, if a volume of 1 ml is dissolved, for dissolution in a larger volume - saline solution.

Hepatitis B: administered intramuscularly for acute 1,000,000 IU for 10 days a day twice, for chronic 3,000,000-4,000,000 IU for about 2 months three times a week.

ARVI: Laferon is used intranasally for children at a dose of 20-100 thousand IU/ml. You can insert cotton swabs soaked in the solution into the nasal passages. For adults, the drug is administered intramuscularly for 3 weeks at a dose of 1,000,000-3,000,000 IU; it can also be used intranasally 6-8 times a day, 4 or 6 drops.

Acute and recurrent pneumonia of viral-bacterial and viral etiology: 1,000,000 IU is administered intramuscularly for 5-7 days in combination with complex treatment.

Diarrheal syndrome of newborns: the drug is administered rectally for 3-7 days in the form of microenemas of 100 thousand IU.

Acute intestinal infections with hypocoagulation phenomena in children: Laferon is administered rectally at 10 thousand IU/kg body weight three times at an interval of 2 days.

Purulent-septic diseases of the abdominal cavity: Laferon is administered intravenously 2000000-4000000 IU per day 1 time with a total dose per course of 12000000-16000000 IU.

Herpetic infections: for herpes zoster, the drug is administered daily subcutaneously around the rash area at 2,000,000 IU per 5 mg of saline and intramuscularly at 1,000,000 IU for 5-7 days. For skin herpetic rashes, 2,000,000 IU is administered subcutaneously around the lesion. For genital infection, 2,000,000 IU of Laferon is administered intramuscularly daily and the drug is applied to the area of ​​the rash. For herpetic keratoconjunctivitis, apply 2-3 drops under the conjunctiva of the eye every 2 hours for 7-10 days of 1,000,000 IU of the diluted drug per 5 ml of physiological solution.

Lesions of the nervous system accompanied by poly- and monoradicular pain syndromes: intramuscular administration of 1,000,000 IU with complex treatment for 5-10 days.

Laryngeal papillomatosis: intramuscular or perifocal injection into the larynx area 100 - 150 thousand IU/kg body weight for 20-25 days daily.

Multiple sclerosis: intramuscular injection of 1,000,000 IU of Laferon three times a day for 10-15 days, then once a week 1,000,000 IU for six months.

Malignant tumors. For skin melanoma, breast cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma and myeloma, 3,000,000 IU per day is administered for 10 days. For kidney cancer, intramuscular administration of 1,000,000 IU for 10 days. For real melanoma, 1,000,000 IU is administered daily parabulbarly for 10 days. For bladder cancer, intravesical instillations of 5000000-10000000 IU are performed 3 to 6 times. Course 30,000,000 IU. For ovarian cancer during surgery, 5,000,000 IU is injected into the drain intra-abdominally within 5 days after surgery. Then intramuscularly for 10 days, 3,000,000 IU between courses of chemotherapy. The total dose of the drug is 90,000,000 IU.

Side effects: Injection of the drug is usually accompanied by a flu-like syndrome with fever, muscle and headache, chills, lethargy, and joint pain. Side effects depend on the dose and are typical for the first days of treatment, after which they become weaker and disappear. They can be stopped or reduced by administering paracetamol 30 minutes before the injection of 0.5-1 g. Long courses of treatment may be accompanied by thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, which are eliminated by reducing the dose.

Contraindications: The drug is not prescribed if there is hypersensitivity to interferon alfa-2b and other components included in the composition.

Pregnancy: Laferon is not prescribed during pregnancy due to the risk of miscarriage.

Interaction with other drugs: It is not recommended to take Laferon with glucocorticosteroids. Simultaneous use with other medications is not contraindicated.

Overdose: In case of an overdose of the drug, deep disturbances of consciousness, lethargy, and prostration may occur. These conditions are reversible; they regress when treatment is stopped.

Release form: Laferon is produced in the form of a dried powder in ampoules, bottles containing freeze-dried powder of 1.5 or 10 pieces, 1 or 5 pieces with a solvent - 1 or 2 ml water for injection.

Storage conditions: Store the drug at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. The injection solution should be used immediately. For intranasal use, the solution can be used within 24 hours and stored in a household refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius.

Synonyms: Laferobion, Interferon.

Composition: The active ingredient of Laferon is recombinant human interferon alpha-2b. Its activity in a bottle or ampoule is 100 thousand, 1000000 IU, 3000000 IU, as well as 5000000 IU, 6000000 IU, 9000000 IU, 18000000 IU.

Excipients: dekrastan, 0.025 mg potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 9 mg sodium chloride, 0.362 mg anhydrous sodium hydrogen phosphate.

Attention! The description of the drug " Laferon " on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Directions for use and dosage

Laferon solution can be administered intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, endolymphally, intravesically, rectally, parabulbarly and intranasally. Water for injection is used as a solvent if the powder needs to be diluted in 1 ml, and isotonic sodium chloride solution (saline) if diluted in a larger volume is required.

The following dosage regimen is recommended:

  • Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Children are prescribed 20-100 thousand IU/ml intranasally (depending on age), and it is also allowed to insert cotton wool pads soaked in the product into the nasal passages. Adults receive intramuscular injections in a dose of 1-3 million IU, or intranasal instillations - 4-6 drops 6-8 times a day;
  • Acute and recurrent pneumonia of viral-bacterial and viral etiology. It is recommended to administer intramuscularly at a dose of 1 million IU for 5-7 days as part of complex therapy;
  • Hepatitis B. Use intramuscularly for the acute form, 1 million 2 times a day for 10 days, for the chronic form - 3-4 million three times a week for 2 months;
  • Diarrheal syndrome of newborns. Administered rectally for 3-7 days (in the form of microenemas) 100 thousand IU per day;
  • Acute intestinal infections in children with hypocoagulation phenomena. Apply rectally at 10 thousand IU/kg body weight 3 times with an interval between doses of 2 days;
  • Purulent-septic diseases of the abdominal cavity. Prescribed intravenously at 2-4 million once a day, the total dose per course is 12-16 million IU;
  • Shingles. 2 million IU dissolved in 5 mg of saline is administered subcutaneously around the rash area daily, and 1 million IU intramuscularly for 5-7 days;
  • Skin herpetic rashes. Apply 2 million IU subcutaneously, injecting around the site of the rash;
  • Herpetic keratoconjunctivitis. Apply 2-3 drops of solution (1 million IU per 5 ml of saline) under the conjunctiva of the affected eye every 2 hours for 7-10 days;
  • Genital herpetic infection. 2 million IU is administered intramuscularly daily and applications are carried out on the rash area;
  • Laryngeal papillomatosis. They recommend intramuscular or (if possible) perifocal administration into the larynx at a dose of 100-150 thousand IU/kg body weight;
  • Multiple sclerosis. Take 1 million IU intramuscularly 3 times a day for 10-15 days, then at the same dose 1 time per week for 6 months;
  • Lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by poly- and monoradicular pain syndromes. 1 million IU is administered intramuscularly as part of a combination treatment for 5-10 days.

For the treatment of malignant tumors, the following doses of Laferon are recommended:

  • Breast cancer, skin melanoma, multiple myeloma, Kaposi's sarcoma: 3 million IU per day intramuscularly, 10 days;
  • Kidney cancer: 1 million IU intramuscularly, 10 days;
  • Uveal melanoma: 1 million IU daily parabulbar for 10 days;
  • Bladder cancer: 5-10 million IU in the form of intravesical instillations 3 to 6 times. The course is 30 million IU;
  • Ovarian cancer: 5 million IU intraperitoneally during surgery and during the subsequent 5 days - into the drainage. Subsequently, 3 million IU is prescribed intramuscularly for 10 days between chemotherapy courses, the total dose of the drug is 90 million IU.

Laferon-PHARMBIOTEC nasal lyophilisate for the preparation of nasal drops 1,000,000IU No. 1


Laferon-PharmBiotek called lyof.d/preg.drops called 1 million IU in flask in pack No. 1


Lyophilized powder or porous mass, white, hygroscopic.

Main active ingredient

Interferon alpha-2b

Release form



1 million IU

special instructions

To maintain the immunobiological activity of the drug, only water cooled to room temperature (from 15 °C to 25 °C) should be used to dissolve the powder.

Indications for use

Laferon-PharmBiotek® NASAL is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral and viral-bacterial infections in adults and children, including newborns. For the purpose of prevention, it is used when there is a threat of infection (during an epidemic period, in contact with a patient with an acute respiratory viral infection). For therapeutic purposes, it should be used as early as possible - at the first signs of the disease. The earlier its use is started, the higher the effectiveness of the drug.

Directions for use and doses

Open the bottle with the dry powder of the drug and fill it with 5 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature (from 15 °C to 25 °C). A syringe with a volume of at least 5 ml can be used as a dosing device. Carefully close the bottle with a rubber stopper and, using gentle oscillating movements, completely dissolve the powder. Replace the rubber plug with the supplied dropper cap. The drops are ready for use. After each use of the drug, close the dropper with a protective cap. After filling the bottle, 1 ml of the prepared solution contains about 200 thousand IU of interferon. When using the supplied dropper cap, 1 ml of the prepared solution contains 32 drops. One drop contains 6250 IU of interferon. For the treatment of influenza and other respiratory viral infections, drops are instilled into each nasal passage in the following doses: for infants, including premature babies - 1 drop 4-5 times a day (single dose 12500 IU, daily dose 50000 - 62500 IU); children from 1 to 7 years old - 2-3 drops 4-5 times a day (single dose 25,000-37,500 IU, daily dose 100,000-187,500 IU); children over 7 years old - 2-3 drops 5-6 times a day (single dose 25,000-37,500 IU, daily dose 125,000-225,000 IU); adults - 4-5 drops 6-8 times a day (single dose 50,000-62,500 IU, daily dose 300,000-500,000 IU). Typically, the course of antiviral treatment with Laferon-PharmBiotek® NASAL is 3–5 days. For the purpose of prevention in case of contact with a patient and in case of hypothermia, Laferon-PharmBiotek® NASAL is used in accordance with age-specific dosages 2 times a day for 5–7 days: – single dose for infants, including premature babies – 12500 IU, daily dose – 25000 ME; – single dose for children from 1 to 7 years – 25,000–37,500 IU, daily dose – 50,000–75,000 IU; – single dose for children over 7 years old – 25,000–37,500 IU, daily dose – 50,000–75,000 IU; – single dose for adults – 50000–62500 IU, daily dose – 100000–125000 IU; If necessary, preventive courses are repeated. For one-time contact, a single application is sufficient. When there is a seasonal increase in incidence - once in the morning with an interval of 1-2 days.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug has not been studied in pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Interaction with other drugs

Interferon alpha-2b is capable of reducing the activity of P-450 cytochromes and thereby influencing the metabolism of cimetidine, phenytoin, chimes, theophylline, diazepam, propranolol, warfarin, and some cytostatics. As a result, the neurotoxic, myelotoxic or cardiotoxic effects of these drugs may be enhanced. Caution should be used simultaneously with narcotic, sleeping pills and sedatives. Interferons can influence oxidative metabolic processes. This should be taken into account when used simultaneously with drugs that are metabolized by oxidation (including xanthine derivatives - aminophylline and theophylline). When used simultaneously with theophylline, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of the latter in the blood serum and, if necessary, adjust the dosage regimen. There are no data on negative interactions during complex therapy.


Established allergy to interferon and excipients of the drug.


Active ingredient: recombinant human interferon alpha-2b. The vial contains 1 million International Units (IU) of interferon. Excipients: sodium chloride, dextran 70, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, anhydrous sodium hydrogen phosphate.


There were no cases of acute overdose of the drug.

Side effect

Short courses of treatment with interferon in the form of nasal drops do not cause any side effects.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature of 2 °C to 8 °C. Keep out of the reach of children. After opening the bottle and preparing the solution, store the drug for 5 days in the refrigerator or 2 days at room temperature (15 °C to 25 °C). The prepared solution should be protected from direct sunlight.

Side effects

When injecting Laferon, especially at the beginning of the course, the following may often be observed: lethargy, chills, joint pain, increased body temperature, muscle pain and headache. During further treatment, these effects weaken and disappear, and they can also be stopped or significantly reduced by taking 0.5-1 g of paracetamol 30-40 minutes before the injection. With prolonged use, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia may develop, which can be eliminated by lowering the dose.

Symptoms of overdose may include prostration, deep disturbances of consciousness, and lethargy. These conditions are reversible and regress when the drug is discontinued.

Side effects of the drug Laferon-farmbiotek powder for solution for injection

Injection administration of Laferon-PharmBiotek, like all other alpha-interferon drugs, in most cases is accompanied by a flu-like syndrome, characterized by fever, chills, headache and muscle pain, joint pain, and lethargy. These side effects are dose-dependent and, as a rule, are noted only in the first days of treatment, then their severity decreases and they disappear. These symptoms can be stopped or significantly reduced by administering paracetamol at a dose of 0.5–1 g 30–40 minutes before the injection. With long courses, leuko- and thrombocytopenia is sometimes noted, which can be eliminated by reducing the dose.

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