Deca (Nandrolone decanoate) how to take, side effects

Chemical properties

Nandrolone Decanoate ( Nandrolone Decanoate ) is a medicine, an anabolic steroid with a weak androgenic effect . Abroad, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate - a white or yellowish powder with a creamy tint, which has a specific odor. The product is practically insoluble in water, poorly soluble in ethyl alcohol , but soluble in acetone and chloroform . Decanoate is synthesized in the form of yellow or white crystals, which are poorly soluble in water, but are highly soluble in ether , ethyl alcohol, acetone, and various oils.

The molecular weight of the compound is approximately 274.4 grams per mole. As part of the preparations, the substance is most often found in the form of an oily, thick solution for injection.

Nandrolone has greater pharmacological activity than testosterone . Therefore, it is often used as a doping . In the human body, the substance is produced naturally from testosterone . The International Olympic Committee closely monitors the blood levels of this compound in athletes. The maximum permissible concentration in urine is 2 nanograms per ml for both men and women.

How to combine Deca with other steroids

It’s not so often that you meet people who choose nandrolone as the only steroid in their cycle. Rather, this is the lot of testosterone and trenbolone. Usually drugs that are synergists are combined. The regimen of taking nandrolone with methandrostenolone is considered effective. Even greater effectiveness is achieved by those who include testosterone in the complex with nandrolone (the ratio of nandrolone to testosterone is 1:2). The second method is also a kind of insurance against problems with potency. A combination of the three drugs listed above is the best option for those who want to gain weight in the shortest possible time.

It is worth warning zealous followers of dubious ideas who take everything they are told on faith. The use of nandrolone with other progestins (anadrol, trenbolone) is dangerous and can lead to negative consequences and cause a long-term withdrawal from anabolic steroids.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After penetration into the systemic bloodstream, the substance interacts with specific receptor proteins located on the surface of target organs. In this way, a complex connection between the receptor and Nandrolone is formed, and the substance can freely move into the hyaloplasm , breaking through the cell membrane. Next, the compound penetrates through the nuclear membrane directly into the cell nucleus diffusion regulatory genes .

The drug stimulates the processes of synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid , some other structural acids, enhances tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation in skeletal muscles. As a result of these processes, muscle mass increases and active burning of fat deposits occurs. Creatine phosphate and ATP accumulate in skeletal muscles , the growth of male genital organs is accelerated, and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics is stimulated.

The growth zones located in the bones become calcified and the skeleton stops growing. Also Nandrolone Decanoate ( Nandrolone Decanoate ) stimulates spermatogenesis , sebaceous and male reproductive glands. When using large dosages of the drug, suppression of Leydig cells of endogenous sex hormones decreases , since the pituitary gland ceases to produce luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone .

Within 3-7 days after injection of the substance, the anabolic effect of the drug appears. In the glandular and integumentary epithelium , bones and muscles, reparative processes are activated, the speed and completeness of absorption of amino acids from the small intestine increases. This effect is especially noticeable when eating foods rich in proteins . erythropoietin is stimulated and anabolic processes in the brain are activated. If iron supplements are prescribed in parallel, the antianemic effect of treatment is manifested.

K-dependent blood coagulation factors in the liver tissue is disrupted the lipid profile of the blood plasma changes. The drug also promotes the development of edema due to the processes of reabsorption of fluid and sodium in the kidneys.

After administering 100 mg of Nandrolone oil solution intramuscularly, the maximum concentration in the blood is observed after 7-12 days. When used orally, the bioavailability of the drug is about 2%, while injections provide 100% absorption. In the body, the substance is metabolized in the liver, forming 17-ketosteroids . The drug is excreted mainly in urine, the rest in feces. The half-life is about a week. The drug is completely eliminated from the body within 3 weeks.


The choice of method of administration of the drug is determined by genetic differences. For some, nandrolone is simply a miracle cure. Others, whose body does not interact well with the “long esters” of nandrolone, risk developing health problems. This result is due to the presence of a large amount of 5-alpha reductose in muscle fibers, when it is possible to replace 19-nortestosterone with phenylpropionate, or increased sensitivity to progesterone. In the second case, the way out is to use nandrolone together with stanazolol or to prevent the weekly dose from exceeding three hundred to four hundred milligrams. For athletes who do not have the characteristics described above, the use of nandrolone will greatly facilitate weight gain. The purpose of testosterone and nandrolone is to activate satellite cells and increase IGF-1, stimulating muscle hyperplasia, but the dosage of the latter should exceed six hundred milligrams per week. Based on the properties of nandrolone, which can retain water, its use during “drying” before competitions is inappropriate.

Previously, there was an opinion that the retention of fluid in the body under the influence of nandrolone is one of the factors for the accumulation of water in the joint capsules, which is why the joints experience a beneficial effect. In fact, the mechanism of functioning of 19-nortestosterone is somewhat more complicated.

The drug does not cause an additional influx of water into the joint capsules. Thanks to nandrolone, water simply does not leave them. This process is explained by the fact that nandrolone is a very strong progestin, having a fifth of the power of progesterone, and can be converted into estradiol, which is responsible for retaining water in tissues. Assessing the properties inherent in nandrolone, one cannot fail to note its superiority over other drugs that have antiestrogenic (drostanolone) and antiprogestagenic (stanozolol) activity. Composing a cycle of trenbolone, stanozolol, drostanolone can cause harm to joints during intense training. Do not forget: if a certain concentration of estrogens and progestins is exceeded in the blood plasma, then an anti-inflammatory effect is observed. Nandrolone has progestogenic activity, the ability to convert into estradiol, which determines the possibility of a beneficial effect on joints. In this regard, nandrolone is significantly superior to oxymetholone, methandrostenolone, and testosterone.

Nandrolone not only affects the increase in muscle mass. When taking it, strength indicators increase significantly. Most athletes, whose weekly dose is at least four hundred milligrams, confirm this. True, there is one very important negative factor: the suppression of endogenous testosterone production by 19-nortestosterone leads to a deterioration in the conductivity of nerve fibers and impaired erectile function. Not everyone is ready to sacrifice their intimate life. The way out of the situation is seen in using some strong androgen, for example, testosterone, in combination with nandrolone.

Indications for use

Nandrolone is prescribed:

  • for diabetic retinopathy ;
  • to increase the rate of generation and catabolism in chronic infectious diseases, after operations, severe injuries, and with steroid myopathy ;
  • for Werdnig-Hoffman syndrome ;
  • to eliminate anemia caused by metastases from malignant tumors , drugs, salts of heavy metals ;
  • patients with progressive muscular dystrophy ;
  • to eliminate hypocalcemia in senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis , after treatment with GCS ;
  • for anemia due to kidney disease, myelofibrosis , myelosclerosis , myeloid aplasia of the bone marrow ;
  • to stimulate growth in children with growth hormone deficiency ;
  • for inoperable breast carcinoma (women) in the postmenopausal period or after oophorectomy .

Nandrolone decanoate for women

I would like to immediately note that I do not encourage women to use nandrolone, moreover, I am even against women using steroids in general, but I will not hide the fact that women use steroids, including nandrolone, which is used very actively by the female sex.

No matter how acute this issue is, no matter how eloquent statements there have been on this topic and there have been no disputes, girls use nandrolone and this is a fact. Moreover, the use of nandrolone by women is to some extent even more successful compared to the male body.

Among my clients there are quite a few girls, including representatives of the fair sex, who have used nandrolone repeatedly and very, very successfully.

Of course, I am not saying that nandrolone is safe for women. There are no safe substances among anabolic steroids. But for many who are interested in bodybuilding or powerlifting and want to develop their body to new levels, this drug is one of the best and most suitable for the female body.

Those representatives of the fairer sex who purposefully take a more risky path in order to better progress in strength sports, they must approach the use of nandrolone consciously, as with most steroids.

If the dosage is not chosen correctly and without a preliminary examination of the body, the use of nandrolone can immediately begin with a lot of troubles, which are described above in the topic of side effects. In addition to all this, you should not avoid systemic examination of the body during the entire course. And remember that the use of steroids can negatively affect your ability to conceive a child, so avoid steroids if you are still planning to have children, or at least do not take cycles longer than six weeks and do not use large dosages of steroids. It is best if you work under the supervision of a specialist.

Nandrolone course for women

Girls, if you still decide to approach the use of the drug on your own, then you should not get carried away with increasing the dosage and increasing the duration of the course. The female body is structured differently from the male body, so hormonal changes will be different, and the effectiveness of the drug will be more pronounced even with small dosages.

I recommend using short nandrolone ester, also known as Nandrolone phenylpropinate, the optimal dosage would be 30-50 mg intramuscularly, three times a week, for 6-8 weeks and then discontinuation of the course. For the first experience, I recommend starting with 30 mg and doing a course for 8 weeks.

During the course, it is advisable to use oral contraceptives as chosen by your doctor - this will help stabilize cycles and possibly avoid losing them, but not guaranteed.

* Draw your attention! Be sure to do a health check before the course and repeat the check throughout the course. You can read about what tests you need to take before a course of steroids and during the course in this article.

As for recovery after the course, after canceling a short and simple course, Antiestrogens are not used, as is the case with the male body, and normalization of hormonal levels requires time and suitable conditions that will help restore cycles and normalize hormonal levels. Similar rest and nutrition measures will help, as in the case of men, after each course of steroids. You can read more about the events here, where the 12th point will also come in handy, only in your favor accordingly :)

If there is a need to restore hormones after a complex course of steroids, then the use of antiestrogens and other substances cannot be avoided, and the situation will need to be analyzed individually, which requires individual treatment. I will not publicly give recommendations and treatment methods due to many peculiarities.


The medicine is contraindicated:

  • if allergic to the active substance;
  • patients with prostate carcinoma or hypertrophy ;
  • for malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland in men;
  • women with breast carcinoma with hypercalcemia ;
  • pregnant women;
  • with ischemia ;
  • patients with severe atherosclerosis ;
  • if the patient has a tendency to develop edema due to heart failure, chronic or acute liver and kidney diseases ( nephritis );
  • during lactation;
  • alcoholics and patients with alcoholic damage to the liver, kidneys or heart.

Side effects

Adverse reactions most often develop when using large dosages of the drug.

The medicine may cause:

  • iron deficiency anemia , progression of atherosclerosis , peripheral edema;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen, vomiting and nausea, disturbances in the liver ( jaundice );
  • violations of blood clotting processes, bleeding;
  • leukemia-like syndrome;
  • headaches, disturbances in normal breathing, darkening of stool, vomiting with blood and other signs of hepatonecrosis ;
  • hepatic purpura;
  • hepatocellular carcinoma , spermatogenesis ;
  • pain in the right side, dark urine, discoloration of stool, yellowing of the skin and other symptoms of cholestatic hepatitis .

Women may also experience:

  • amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea ;
  • increased hair growth, clitoral growth, voice changes;
  • hypercalcemia.

The nature of adverse reactions that occur in men depends on age.

In the prepubertal period, men may experience: penis growth, accelerated formation of secondary sexual characteristics, skin rashes, acne , priapism , acceleration or cessation of growth, skin hyperpigmentation.

In the postpubertal period, the following are observed: an increase in the frequency of the urge to urinate, gynecomastia , an increase in the sensitivity and density of the mammary glands.

Male patients develop prostate carcinoma or .

Side effects of nandrolone

The absence of methyl group 19, although it gives nandrolone a number of its advantages, however, such a structure of the steroid does not make it without additional disadvantages.

In addition to the fact that the use of nandrolone produces similar hormonal changes as with the use of any other anabolic steroid, plus, nandrolone has its own unique features that are unique to it and have their effect selectively depending on the genetic characteristics and gender differences of the users. That is why, when using nandrolone, test results for some hormones differ, both among representatives of the same sex and between men and women there will be significant differences in some health indicators and the manifestation of possible side effects.

Due to its structural differences from testosterone, nandrolone, under the influence of 5-alpha reductase, is converted not into dehydrotestosterone, but into a weaker androgen - dihydronandrolone, which in turn displaces DHT from the tissues (since another androgen comes in their place). Because DHT antagonizes estrogen in androgenic tissues and other sites such as breast tissue, its reduction by displacement by dihydronandrolone results in symptoms of gynecomastia even when estrogen and prolactin levels are normal. Therefore, it is imperative to combine nandrolone with a course of testosterone in order to reduce the likelihood of side effects and at the same time enhance the overall result.

Nandrolone, although not subject to significant aromatase action, is still slightly aromatized due to a sufficient release of E1, which is partially converted into E2 (estradiol) naturally. And the combination of testosterone with nandrolone in turn causes a certain induction = 3b HSD subtype 1, which promotes the conversion of E1 to E2 and thus it turns out that testosterone synergistically increases the estrogenic activity of nandrolone. This, in turn, is worth taking into account and monitoring the level of Estradiol in the blood, which can further increase during a course with nandrolone up to 20% of current values.

Nandrolone has 1/20 the affinity of progesterone, so it acts as an antagonist in most cases. This ability can further provoke its rapid growth and stimulate the symptoms of gynecomastia. Such a driver of progestin growth can occur in case of non-compliance with the simple rules of training and rest, where, in addition to the progestin stimulus from nandrolone, there is also a natural increase in progestin activity against the background of overtraining, poor rest, lack of sleep and nervousness (stress, anxiety, etc. .). Insufficient rest, general fatigue and constant stress will enhance the overall negative effect and, in addition, lead to an additional increase in Prolactin, which actively grows due to general fatigue of the body and stress as well. Therefore, people with poor resistance to stress and the presence of passive fatigue will often have to deal with the symptoms of gynecomastia, even with ideal values ​​of prolactin and estradiol. So, when symptoms appear, it is necessary to optimize training in favor of more rest between training days, establish stable and timely sleep, and also be sure to contact a neurologist for the use of antidepressants if you cannot pull yourself together on your own.

Most negative reactions and deviations in hormones occur as a result of an overestimation of one’s body’s capabilities and knowledge, as well as in the presence of genetic or acquired characteristics during life, which the user chose not to pay attention to with the confidence that everything will work out. An unconscious and irresponsible approach causes a series of common reactions in the body, which I recommend paying attention to, namely:

  • (for women) manifestation of virilization: deepening of the voice, appearance of male-type hair, increase in the size of the clitoris;
  • (for men) suppression of testosterone and additional inhibition of the functioning of germ cells;
  • swelling, water retention;
  • (for men) decrease in sexual desire;
  • acne (pimples);
  • deterioration of lipogram parameters;
  • high blood pressure;
  • deterioration of liver function indicators;
  • load on the kidneys;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • pain in the heart;
  • irritability;
  • swelling, water retention;
  • weakness.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

According to the instructions for Nandrolone, the oil solution is administered intramuscularly , deeply.

The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the indications.

Instructions for use of Nandrolone Decanoate for anemia

When treating anemia with this drug, it is recommended to prescribe iron supplements in parallel. On average, the dosage for men is from 100 to 200 mg of the substance, once every 7 days.

Women are prescribed 50-100 mg of the drug, once a week.

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Instructions for Nandrolone Decanate as an anabolic steroid

It is recommended for men to administer no more than 200 mg of the drug at a time, for women – no more than 100 mg (from 50 to 100). The injection is given once every 7-28 days.

For children aged 2 to 14 years, dosages of 25-50 mg are recommended. The frequency of administration is the same as for adults.

The course of treatment is up to 12 weeks. 2 months after the last injection, the course can be taken again.

During treatment, it is recommended to follow a protein diet.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is prescribed for the treatment of breast carcinoma in a dosage of 50 to 100 mg. The medicine is administered intramuscularly , deeply, once every 7 days.

A course of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can be taken under the supervision of a specialist. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Properties of nandrolone

The structural difference between nandrolone and testosterone is the absence of methyl group 19 in the first molecule, which became the reason for the spread of the name 19-nortestosterone. This gave the substance the ability to better stabilize androgen receptors. In other words, the duration of action of nandrolone increases approximately two to three times compared to the duration of action of testosterone, and the longer the receptor remains activated, the more protein is synthesized by the cell. There is also a negative point: free nandrolone degenerates into dihydronandrolone (DHN), which is two to three times less effective than nandrolone, impairs the ability of nerve fibers to transmit signals, which negatively affects neuromuscular stimulation and libido. True, nandrolone is not so active in the prostate and skin, so athletes taking this drug are less susceptible to acne, prostate hypertrophy, and baldness.

The effect of aromatase on the course of nandrolone is not so significant. But as a result of a chemical reaction, estrogen is still produced, albeit in small quantities. We should not forget about the progestogenic activity of 19-nortestosterone. Those whose total dose of the drug exceeds six hundred milligrams per week put themselves at risk of developing gynecomastia.


Nandrolone phenylpropionate and decanoate enhance the effect of indirect anticoagulants, insulin, antiplatelet agents oral diabetes medications

Preparations containing sodium, corticosteroids , mineralcorticoids , and corticotropin increase water retention in the body and increase the likelihood of edema and acne.

The medicine weakens the pharmacological effect of somatotropic hormone and its derivatives.

The substance protects the liver when combined with hepatotoxic drugs .

Nandrolone in bodybuilding – features

The use of nandrolone for men and women will be different, including differences in a number of side effects. If you do not take into account the peculiarities of the drug and health indicators before the course, then the likelihood of getting a negative reaction during the course is greater.

Nandrolone is specific in its own way and its use still requires special knowledge, of course, if the goal of its use is to get the maximum with a minimum of problems. So, for example, when using it “at random - according to schemes”, several cases can be identified where, as an exception, the use of nandrolone will not cause significant trouble even if you neglect health control during the course, and the drug itself will be very successful and will provide sufficient positive effect. For others, the very result of using nandrolone may be barely noticeable, or even the specifics of its effect on the body will have a more negative effect than a positive one.

But the whole point is in the same 5-alpha reductase and in the individual characteristics of the organism, in which the level of reductase can be higher/lower. Where higher it is very bad, lower it is still tolerable. Since 5-alpha reductase converts nandrolone into a weaker androgen, this leads to suppression of signals along nerve fibers, which causes a weakening of neuromuscular stimulation and blunting of communication between muscle fibers, where metabolic processes deteriorate accordingly. And in practice, it turns out that we cannot take full advantage of all the anabolic capabilities of nandrolone, since we lose the interaction of muscle tissue with receptors, which in turn does not contribute to more effective muscle growth and strength indicators. This effect occurs in cases where a deficiency of dihydrotestosterone occurs in the cells, which is individually replaced by more/less dihydronandrolone. This indecency can be eliminated by adjusting the dosage of testosterone and using DHT derivatives.

But such resort to excess androgens does not always work or be suitable everywhere. It is no secret that an increase in the level of androgens, which are not converted into dihydronanodorolone, causes a number of adverse reactions and complications associated with their increased activity among men and especially women. Each case must be considered individually.

The peculiarities of nandrolone, as well as cases of the appearance of any abnormalities in hormones and the occurrence of adverse reactions, should not be a reason to refuse it or stop the course. All you need is timely, competent help. Of course, when the majority do courses from scratch, relying on tips from forums, which is dubious help, this is a risk and it is better to stop such an experiment if troubles arise. It’s another matter when there is someone to turn to for specialized help, where timely adoption of measures before the course helps eliminate all its shortcomings. And in the event of the development of any adverse reactions during the course, medical intervention to help and a number of measures that will help ensure that the course of steroids is successful and with the greatest result. Therefore, in order not to guess the body’s reaction by your own example, and not to waste the course down the toilet with the help of all sorts of tips from forums or gyms, control of the body is still required and especially specialized attention during the entire course of steroids.

special instructions

Despite the fact that the medicine has practically no androgenic properties, it should be prescribed to women with extreme caution, after assessing the ratio of the risk of adverse reactions and the benefits of therapy. Treatment with the drug can be combined with glucocorticosteroids , radiation therapy and cytostatics .

Particular caution should be taken in case of epilepsy, glaucoma and migraine . Periodic monitoring of intraocular pressure , the condition of the prostate gland and liver function tests is necessary.

If the patient has a progressive malignant neoplasm , then the duration of treatment with the drug is determined by the attending physician depending on the patient's condition.

Use of deck by women

In the middle of the last century, nandrolone found wide use in the treatment of women. Moreover, representatives of traditional medicine considered it a fairly effective drug. Then athletes paid attention to 19-nortestosterone and actively used it until the nineties, until studies conducted by Heinonen and Goossens cast a shadow on the drug. The first experiment involved women taking fifty milligrams of nandrolone decanoate every three to four days. As a result, half of the subjects began to experience the phenomenon of virilization. The second experiment did not lead to the same. True, nothing was reported regarding the magnitude of the doses. Of course, women taking one hundred milligrams of nandrolone decanoate per week raises questions, but limiting the dose to thirty milligrams administered once every two weeks can be considered acceptable. This fact was proven by an experiment that took place in 1996, when no virilization phenomena were recorded with a similar method of administration. Dear ladies who have nevertheless chosen Deca as a means to achieve their goal, I would like to advise not to rush to extremes and start with a dose of fifty milligrams once every ten days, gradually increasing it to seventy-five to one hundred milligrams in the same period of time. The first signs of virilization should be a signal to stop taking the drug.

Drugs containing (Analogs)

Level 4 ATC code matches:


Preparations based on Nandrolone: ​​Deca-Durabolin, Phenobolin solution for injection in oil, Nandrolone Decanoate Norma , Nandrolone D 20% solution, Retabolil , Nandrolone Decanoate , Nandrobolin 250 .

Dosage methods

Achieving a noticeable effect from taking nandrolone is possible at dosages of two hundred milligrams per week and above. Some professional athletes prescribed a daily dose of eight hundred milligrams. How practical this is these days is difficult to say. Indeed, recently there has been a tendency to abandon nandrolone decanoate. World-class bodybuilders consider this drug to be exhausted and obsolete. However, people who do not think about sports achievements and simply want to have a beautiful body can be advised to set an upper limit for themselves of one gram of nandrolone per week.

Nandrolone decanoate has a fairly long half-life, so it is advisable to stick to one injection per week. True, there is another opinion. Many people believe that to maintain stable hormone levels, it is better to introduce long-lasting drugs into the body more often.

Reviews about Nandrolone

Reviews of Nandrolone Dean are left mainly by athletes who want to improve their performance, accelerate muscle growth and reduce their fat percentage. Reviews are mostly good, the product is well tolerated, the most common side effects are headache, back pain and allergic reactions. Women rarely use this drug, but note that in low dosages its androgenic effect is practically not manifested.

Reviews about Nandrolone Phenylpropionate are also good. The medicine has established itself as an effective assistant in the fight against breast carcinoma in women. It is used less often by athletes. Adverse reactions occur no more often than stated in the instructions.

Deca-dik – the whole truth and where the concept came from!

The term “Deca-dik” itself arose due to the special structural differences between nandrolone and other steroids, but the drug gained negative popularity during the times of collective farm use of steroids, when there was a shortage of steroids, but nandrolone itself was quite readily available, which was widely used by everyone without any or concepts and knowledge of how the hormonal system behaves when using anabolic steroids. Therefore, a stereotype arose based on illiteracy, where Nandrolone and Deca-dik allegedly became an integral part. Time has passed, but the collective farm methods still remain, as well as the stereotype itself, which is used to scare future users of nandrolone.

Now let’s sort everything out, what is hidden behind the term: “Deca-Dick”?!

To put it simply, a decrease in the concentration of testosterone in the blood and at the same time a low level of DHT rising in the tissues to a critical level leads to an inevitable drop in libido, which at one time received the nickname “Deca-dick”. In truth, there will be a drop in libido on any course of steroids without the use of testosterone, but in the case of using nandrolone, the likelihood of a drop in libido increases due to its structural features.

But we all understand that when you are a normal guy and even while on the course, then in fairness there is a healthy desire to fuck 24/7, but when there is a lack of testosterone in the blood and plus an increased number of DGN versus a low level of DHT - you remain in side together with your penis and with your ambitions in thoughts that life is crap and all this is the effect of bad nandrolone! Therefore, the use of testosterone with a course of nandrolone is an integral part, since testosterone is converted into DHT, which means that when it is included in the course, the level of dihydrotestosterone in the tissues will be maintained at the proper level due to the correction of the dosage of the drug.

Therefore, in most cases it is enough to add testosterone to the nandrolone course to avoid the possibility of a drop in libido, and in the vast majority of cases this will be enough.

But, nevertheless, there are many nuances and it happens that the use of nandrolone with testosterone is not enough. In this case, it is best to seek specialized help. Nandrolone is not quite simple and there are a lot of features in its effect on the hormonal system, which will be multidirectional among users with the same weight, when using the same dosage of the drug from the same manufacturer, for example. And the reasons here are both in the level of 5-alpha reductase, and in many other genetic differences among users, as well as in the general structural features of each hormonal and nervous system.

And now let it finally become clear! - What is Deka-dick and what is not Deka-dick!?

The peculiarity of the connection of nandrolone to the drop in libido, which was given the name: “Deca-dick”, is precisely the reasons for the lack of production of neurosteroids from DHT, insufficient stimulation of androgen receptors of the penis and androgen receptors of the brain. In other cases, when libido decreases due to other hormonal changes, from overwork or due to stress and lack of a dopaminergic response, this is no longer “Deca-dick” and happens during every course of steroids, as well as in everyday life!

Below are additional reasons that may result from a drop in libido and are not related to Deca-dick:

  • lack of testosterone concentration in the blood;
  • physiological overwork (lack of sleep, overtraining and other fatigue) and emotional (stress, aggression, poor sleep), which serves as a driver for the growth of progesterone and prolactin;
  • low or high estrogen levels;
  • lack of daily allowance of fats and other minerals (poor nutrition or calorie deficit).

Here comes the truth!

So, in the case of Deca-Dick, it turns out that the penis requires androgenic stimulation, which alone cannot be obtained by using nandrolone alone, so there is a need to use testosterone and DHT derivatives to neutralize the side effect associated with libido. During this relationship, a balance occurs between dihydronandrolone and dihydrotestosterone in cells due to the conversion of DHT from testosterone, which individually should be higher than DHT from nandrolone.

But there is always this big “BUT”. An increased level of DHT does not benefit everyone, but ambitions in development are still present, and you don’t want to lose your libido. In such cases, a suitable method of using nandrolone is needed to bypass the loss of lido and not lose the anabolic effect without even resorting to testosterone itself and the use of DHT derivatives. Such methods exist, but in such cases you need to analyze the situation individually.

Price, where to buy Nandrolone

You can buy Nandrolone either in a pharmacy chain with a prescription from a doctor, or order it in an online store (increased risk of purchasing a counterfeit). The price of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is approximately 260 rubles for 5 ampoules, each with a capacity of 1 ml, and a dosage of 100 mg per ml. buy Nandrolone Decanate in the form of an oil solution for injection for 2000 rubles, 10 ml, 200 mg of active ingredient per 1 ml of product. The price of Nandrolone Decanate as part of the drug Retabolil is approximately 250 rubles, 1 ampoule, dosage 50 mg per 1 ml.

A course of nandrolone with other steroids

And so, despite the unique structural differences of the drug, which give it the ability to retain the necessary substances in the tissues longer and longer and remain in a more active phase, they do not make nandrolone a self-sufficient drug, and the individual characteristics of each of us can further contribute to a decrease in the anabolic effect and increasing the chance of developing side effects. Therefore, to take a course with nandrolone, you will need to draw up a suitable course that will take into account the individual characteristics of the user.

Nandrolone combines flawlessly with all steroids. But it’s not enough to create a course to complete it without popping up problems. The more complex and longer the course, the more body control and common sense are required when using dosages of each substance. People with experience use all kinds of combinations, which, in addition to the standard composition, include: trenbolone, insulin, growth hormone and a lot of other substances. And don’t be fooled by horror stories about the incompatibility of progestin drugs - everything is compatible and goes together very successfully. The incompatibility of the brain with the necessary knowledge to control more complex courses is a problem, and not courses that contain both nandrolone and trenbolone. So, if you are your own specialist and work through schemes from the Internet, use simpler courses and do not use trenbolone with nandrolone.

Important! If you do not have the proper knowledge and experience, do not use complicated courses and do not create “super courses” in your own name. If you have no complaints or health problems, you can start getting acquainted with nandrolone in combination with testosterone, you can also add any tablet drug here for 6-8 weeks. It is better to start dating with short esters of nandrolone and testosterone at the same time, and not with long ones. Long esters (enanthate, cypionate, sustanon, decanoate) should be approached after successful experience with short ones (propionate, phenylpropionate).

Let's take a course to get acquainted with nandrolone as an example.

One of the classic combinations is the following course:

  • 1-8 weeks: Testosterone Propioant 100 mg daily (30 ml of substance);
  • 1-8 weeks: Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100 mg daily (30 ml of substance);
  • 1-8 weeks: Stanozolol 4 t/day (220 tablets);
  • Anastrozole can be started at 0.5 mg hourly (a supply of 40 tablets);
  • Cabergoline 0.25 twice a month (supply 4 tablets);
  • Cardiomagnyl 75 mg/day;
  • !!! taking Anastrozole and Cabergoline is not recommended. The dosage and frequency of administration are taken based on an average example (my statistics). Everything needs to be accepted and adjusted according to analysis;
  • * Analyzes once a month: Oak, Biochemistry. Estradiol and Prolactin - watch twice a month. Keep hormones within average limits, selecting the dosage of medications and timing of administration. Read more in the topics about Anastrozole and Cabergoline;
  • HCG (Gonadotropin) should be administered according to my scheme No. 1, instructions here:

!Remember! All schemes are a technique with probability, not accuracy. Without analysis and control, you take risks and play roulette.

In the future, the length of the course should be extended to 12 weeks and in the future switch to a course of 4-5 months using long ethers.

When switching to nandrolone decanoate, you need to use +/- testosterone (cypionate, enanthate) that is equal in its prolonged action. In this case, the course length extends to 15-20 weeks. For example: Testosterone Cypionate 500-600 mg/week. + Nandrolone Decanoate 300 mg/week. It is better to do injections twice a week and 1+1. At the same time, testosterone should be administered 2 weeks longer than nandrolone, since the decanoate ester leaves the body 2 weeks longer than the others.

In both cases it is necessary to undergo PCT. After short broadcasts, therapy begins 6-7 days later, and after long ones a month later and, to be sure, 5-6 weeks after the last injection. It is very advisable to monitor the therapy by analysis, since the response of Leedig cells will be different for everyone and the schemes may not be suitable at all, since the response may turn out to be too good or extremely bad, which in turn is negative. The preferred drug for PCT would be Clomiphene citrate, and Tamoxifen after a course with nandrolone is extremely undesirable. If you want to take a pkt course according to the schemes, see the schemes from me on the website:

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