Review: Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate)

is a drug used in sports to improve physical parameters. Along with testosterone and methandrostenolone, it is the most popular anabolic steroid in the world of bodybuilding. Its main effects are to increase muscle mass, increase endurance, and strengthen bones. Deca Durabolin is used in medicine to boost the immune system, which can also have a positive effect on athletes during periods of high stress.

Anabolic steroids act on the human body in a manner similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. Simply put, AAS mimic the actions of testosterone. At the moment of peak concentration of the hormone, we usually observe an increase in strength, endurance, reaction, drive, energy, and desire to live. Anabolic steroids activate anabolic processes, due to which muscle mass grows.

Deca Durabolin was discovered in 1950 and remains relevant today. There are many doping scandals associated with this drug. Famous football players, tennis players, sprinters and swimmers have been caught using deck durabolin . Then they began to understand that the substance can be produced in small quantities in the body directly. But who cared? True, several medals were returned to athletes who were previously accused of using the anabolic steroid nandrolone - Deca Durabolin.

The drug Deca Durabolin in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, the steroid is used to increase mass. The fact is that the deck has a powerful effect on the androgen receptor. Deca Durabolin stabilizes the androgen receptor, the latter is in an activated state, and the cell begins to synthesize a lot of protein.

The effectiveness of Deca Durabolin is compared to such powerful steroids as testosterone esters. Although Deca is somewhat inferior to testosterone enanthate in increasing physical strength, its ability to activate androgen receptors makes the drug a leader. Deca is mainly used in combination with testosterone, thereby increasing the effectiveness of all other steroids included in the cycle.

Historical excursion

Nandrolone (19-testosterone), classified as an anabolic steroid, was synthesized in the fiftieth year of the last century. The structure of all anabolic androgenic steroids is similar to the structure of testosterone (male sex hormone). However, artificial analogs are much better at building muscle mass (anabolic effect). Nandrolone is a classic representative of anabolic steroids. Conducted studies have proven that in terms of the time of action on cellular receptors, which play an important role in the course of anabolic processes, it is superior to substances with a similar formula. This was the reason for the success of nandrolone. In Hungary, nandrolone decanoate was produced under the name "Retabolil". In the US and Western countries it is known as Deca-Durabolin. One ampoule of retabolil contains fifty milligrams of the active substance. The effect after using nandrolone lasts two weeks. The properties of nandrolone determine its use in recovery from injuries, treatment of dystrophy, in the postoperative and post-infarction periods. When the drug enters the female body, an increase in hemoglobin and a decrease in calcium loss from bone tissue are observed. For people whose activities involve constant physical activity (circus and ballet performers), a busy work schedule (show business stars), a course of injections is sometimes simply necessary and becomes a way out of a difficult situation. Many doctors, biologists, and physiologists consider the concept of the IOC (International Olympic Committee), which has declared a real war on doping, to be incorrect and, to some extent, criminal. The fact is that the prohibition of nandrolone by this organization, which supposedly guards the health of athletes and fair competitions, leads athletes to search for alternative options, which consist in the use of little-studied drugs that are more toxic and harmful to health.

Deca Durabolin in other sports

The steroid significantly increases endurance due to the formation of new red blood cells. Oxygen transport improves. That’s why it was used by football players and tennis players, where functionality and endurance are important. The deck is not intended for strength sports where lifting heavy weights is important. Yes, the drug increases mass, but the conductivity of nerve fibers worsens.

Anabolic steroids work. Pharmacological support in sports is already necessary in order to be competitive, not to get injured, and to protect the body from crazy stress. Amateur athletes work on the farm to win even low-level competitions. And there are those who modify their bodies for photographic sessions, beaches, weddings, etc. In such conditions, it would be stupid and dishonest not to move.

Effects of Deca Durabolin

1. Pronounced increase in muscle mass. Due to the activation of androgen receptors, the cell begins to produce more protein. Anabolic processes begin to provoke muscle growth. One of the best drugs for gaining weight. 2. Strengthening joints. Many people notice the cessation of pain from old injuries in the joints. This happens due to fluid retention, which lubricates the diseased areas and the complaints really go away. Some athletes recommend deca specifically for the treatment of joints, especially if the steroids trenbolone, stanozolol, masteron (drostanolone) were used. In addition, an anti-inflammatory effect is observed. 3. Increased endurance. Many famous athletes, for whom increasing functionality was important, were caught for doping control. They used Deca Durabolin, which indicates effectiveness in this area. 4. Stimulation of the production of new blood cells - red blood cells. Blood is a powerful transport system that supplies muscles and organs with useful substances. When using deca, the transport of oxygen to the muscles occurs many times faster, and endurance increases. 5. Increased immunity. Due to this property, deca is used in medicine in the treatment of patients with immunodeficiency. 6. Collagen synthesis. Deca stimulates the production of collagen protein, which strengthens the ligamentous apparatus. 7. Feeling of muscle pumping and fullness. During the course of the deck, there is a pleasant feeling of fullness and elasticity of the muscles. If your workouts are done in a pumping style, the results will be stunning.

The overall feeling of using Deca Durabolin is an increase in muscle mass, a feeling of elasticity and stiffness in the muscles. Endurance increases when the muscles do not fail longer and the athlete can work more intensely. Efficiency increases. All old joint pains disappear, as fluid is retained in the joint capsules. Immunity increases. In addition to increasing physical parameters, the anabolic steroid improves the quality of life, tone and gives energy for new achievements and creations. A person on the course becomes self-confident and easily solves his daily (and other) tasks.

Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) is the most common and well-known drug of injectable anabolic steroids. And not among the injectable ones, it is second only to Methandrostenolone in popularity. Like other hormonal drugs, you can buy Deca-Durabolin in the Russian Federation only on the black market. You can probably look for it at a pharmacy, but you will need a prescription. Athletes love Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) because it can be used for various needs, depending on the sport, and it will always provide excellent results.

Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) in its chemical composition differs from testosterone in that it lacks a carbon atom in the 19th position and because of this Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) is a progestin, and accordingly is much less androgenic than testosterone. Testosterone in the body is converted into the powerful androgen dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for most of the side effects, and Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) is oppositely converted into the weak androgen dihydronandrolone, which causes virtually no side effects. But due to the small amount of androgens in the blood, the athlete may experience a decrease in libido. Also, due to the effect on progesterone receptors, sexual desire is further weakened. More about this in the side effects tab.

The anabolic effect of Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) is 1.5 times stronger than that of testosterone. The androgenic effect of Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) is 3.5 times lower than that of testosterone.

As we see, Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) not only has a strong anabolic effect, but also not a strong androgenic one. Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) perfectly increases muscle mass, strengthens bones and ligaments, and also reduces joint pain. Muscle mass remains well after the course. Of course, on a Sustanon cycle, with the same dosages and course duration, you will gain more muscle mass, but you will also lose a lot more at the end of the course. An increase in muscle mass occurs due to a positive nitrogen balance, blocking cortisol receptors, and also due to an increase in strength. It is worth remembering that during the course you need to exercise more often and more intensively, but also do not forget about recovery and diet to gain muscle mass. Estrogenic side effects, such as water accumulation in the body and gynecomastia, are much less common than with Sustanon and, as a rule, only when the recommended dosages are exceeded.

Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) can be used solo on a course, but personally I don’t know anyone who does this, since there is a risk of decreased libido during the course (although it may be a plus for someone, they will have more time to devote to classes), and Also, do not forget that Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) takes a long time to work. To eliminate these shortcomings, Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) can be combined with sustanon, methandienone, stanozolol. To prepare for bodybuilding competitions, Deca-Durabolin is far from the most suitable steroid, since the dosages in bodybuilding are not small, it is possible to gain a little excess water. Of course, there are many drugs that will help avoid this, but there is no point in loading yourself with additional tablets if you can simply exchange Deca-Durabolin for more suitable steroids.

Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) is well suited for female athletes. The combination of Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) with Oxandrolone will work great for them. Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin), like Oxandrolone, is practically not androgenic and therefore the process of turning into a man is not possible. In this combination, Deca-Durabolin helps increase muscle mass through protein synthesis, and Oxandrolone helps increase muscle mass through increased creatine phosphate production. Oxandrolone can also be replaced with Stanozolol and Primobolan.

Briefly about our store or where to buy Deca-Durabolin at a low price:

1. We offer you one of the best prices for Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) in the Russian Federation. Even if you find where to buy Deca-Durabolin (Deca-Durabolin) a little cheaper, then 100% shipping will be from outside Russia, which will expose you to serious risk. We always send your drugs only from the territory of the Russian Federation, so you can easily pick up your order from the post office and not worry.

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If you have read this information about our online store, then I think you no longer have any doubts where to buy Deca-Durabolin .

With Deca-Durabolin they buy Methandrostenolone, Sustanon, Testosterone Enanthate, Proviron.

How to take Deca Durabolin

The drug is presented in injection form. It is mainly combined with other steroids. Still, Deca Durabolin is not the best option for solo use. In combinations, drugs form a symbiosis and bring much more benefits than individually. You can often find a combination: Deca Durabolin, testosterone, methandrostenolone.

The minimum effective dosage starts at 200 mg per week. This will be a good start for beginners and when combined with other steroids it looks quite effective. Without any particular fear, you can increase the dosage from 200 mg to 1 gram per week. Anything above 1 gram is the lot of professional athletes who pursue their specific goals, have experience and are supervised by specialists.

The frequency of injections is once every 7-8 days. It would be a good idea to split the weekly dosage and give injections more often to maintain a stable level of the steroid in the blood.

Deca: effects of use

Deca is a classic anabolic steroid and has a more pronounced anabolic effect than testosterone. Has a longer lasting effect than testosterone. The duration of action is about two weeks (the duration of action depends on the ester). Thanks to the pronounced anabolic effect, athletes receive a good increase in muscle mass during the course. The quality of the mass and its quantity directly depend on the quality of nutrition and control of analyzes. Deca cancels out all its positive effects when used alone. Should only be taken in conjunction with testosterone.

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Very effective not only for gaining weight, but also for increasing strength. It has a beneficial effect on joints (every second athlete in my care tells me this if they had problems before). Minimal effect on liver enzymes (non-toxic to the liver). Effectively reduces SHBG, which further reveals the effects of testosterone when used in combination.

Regarding application time:

  • Nandrolone decanoate (deca) should be used for at least 10-12 weeks
  • Nandrolone phenylpropionate should be used for at least 8 weeks.

What to combine with Deca Durabolin?

The drug is aimed at gaining muscle mass. It is cost-effective to combine it with the appropriate steroids: methane, testosterone. It is important to connect an anabolic steroid that has high androgenic activity. This is a testosterone ester, such as enanthate. It is especially suitable in combination with Durabolin deck.

Deca Durabolin, although it does not leave behind the phenomenon of aromatization, the drug has high progestogenic activity, which is why fluid retention is observed. To extinguish this effect, you can add stanozolol to the course. And to preserve muscle mass in the second half of the cycle, Deca Durabolin is replaced with boldenone or methenolone.

When we combine Deca Durabolin and testosterone, the proportions are 1:2, where there is twice as much testosterone. One of the dosage options may look like this. Deca Durabolin: 200-400 mg per week. Testosterone: 250-750 mg per week. Here you can add the legendary methandrostenolone at a dosage of 10-50 mg per day. This ligament is super lethal for gaining muscle mass.

Side effects of Deca Durabolin

1. At high dosages, deca causes the retention of excess fluid. Adding Winstrol to the cycle helps to get rid of this, which will inhibit progestogenic activity.

2. Suppression of the production of endogenous testosterone is solved by including the powerful androgen testosterone enanthate or propionate in the course.

3. The risk of gynecomastia and excess fluid accumulation is observed only with unreasonably high dosages - over 600 mg per week. It is logical that compliance with the recommended dosages solves this undesirable effect.

4. Deca Durabolin does not contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system, which is why it is combined with other anabolic steroids.

5. In order to prevent negative phenomena, you should not use the deck for longer than 8 weeks. After the cycle, carry out post-course therapy using Clomid (50-100 mg)

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