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Why does my baby have colic? The reasons for this condition

The causes of colic in newborns are poorly understood, but they are thought to be related to the following:

  • baby's intestinal spasms;
  • air entering the esophagus during feeding or crying;
  • allergies;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • digestive problems;
  • lactose intolerance.

Foods that cause gas formation should be excluded from the child’s diet: chocolate, cocoa, coffee, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut, bananas, baked goods, muffins. A newborn baby may experience abdominal colic if a nursing mother consumes the listed products. Source: N.I. Ursova Infantile intestinal colic. Modern data // Issues of modern pediatrics, 2011, v. 10, no. 2, p. 125-131

How to understand that a baby has colic: symptoms of intestinal problems

Colic in children can be expressed in bouts of crying (they often occur in the evening), tension and bloating in the abdomen, tightening of the knees, arching of the whole body, redness of the face, and refusal to eat. Usually, with colic, a child does not calm down if you pick him up and rock him to sleep. Breastfeeding can have an effect, but not for long, usually after the end of milk intake, the baby continues to cry.

Colic can also manifest itself as:

  • anxiety for no reason;
  • difficulty with stool;
  • sharp cries during feeding;
  • flatulence.

Often colic is accompanied by acne, similar to teenage ones. This is due to the fact that during the period of colic, the mother’s hormones received in the womb leave the child’s body. Hormonal balance is disrupted.

Signs of acute colic

Usually, during an attack, the child screams shrilly and unexpectedly , and shows extreme anxiety during feeding. Until the attack ends, it is almost impossible to calm the baby down - neither motion sickness, nor changing clothes, nor regurgitation help. Source: I.A. Belyaeva Intestinal colic in newborns and infants: from diagnostic issues to differentiated correction Issues of modern pediatrics, 2011, v. 10, no. 2, pp. 137-140. Lying in bed, the child tosses and turns from side to side, clenches his fists, and may blush or turn pale. You can see a “grimace of pain” on his face. The abdominal muscles become stiff and tense, which can be felt when touched. You can see bloating in the abdomen, the child is passing gas in large quantities.

Colic as a symptom

Although in medicine it is not customary to call colic either a disease or a symptom, they do occur against the background of other diseases. That is why it is imperative to show the child to the pediatrician to rule out:

  • intestinal spasm;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • flatulence;
  • abnormal development of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruption of the digestion process;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • allergies.

Sub simplex

Sab Simplex (simethicone) is a drug that is used for increased gas formation. In demand mainly in pediatric practice, incl. in newborns. Increased gas formation (flatulence) in newborns is due to imperfect development of their digestive system. The consequence of the latter is regurgitation of food after feeding and intestinal colic. The cause of flatulence is under-digestion of food components. Sab Simplex is a herbal medicine that eliminates bloating due to gas filling. Simethicone, which is the active component of the drug, is a surfactant that dissolves gas bubbles in the stomach. As a result, the stretching of the walls of the digestive tract is reduced, which leads to the relief of colic and the elimination of regurgitation. Sab Simplex is not absorbed in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and is eliminated unchanged, which reduces the risk of adverse reactions and makes it possible to use the drug in children from the moment of birth. Sab Simplex underwent a series of clinical trials, one of which was conducted in our country, or more precisely, at the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. The drug showed its best performance: increased gas formation was eliminated in 100% of the study participants (and these were children under 3 months), regurgitation - in 96%, intestinal colic - in 92%. All this indicates the high effectiveness of the drug Sab Simplex. Its good organoleptic characteristics are also important, which is very important in pediatric practice. The drug is used not as part of medication courses, but as needed at the time of intestinal colic. Its undeniable advantage is the absence of clinically significant undesirable effects, including allergic manifestations, a favorable safety profile, and good tolerability.

Gases that are released after crushing gas bubbles with simethicone are absorbed in the intestinal walls or excreted through intestinal peristalsis. Sub simplex is also in demand in diagnostics when conducting a number of instrumental studies: it improves image quality, preventing interference, and promotes more complete irrigation of the colon mucosa with an x-ray contrast agent. Simethicone does not enter into chemical interaction. It is not absorbed into the body due to its complete physical and chemical inertness. It is eliminated from the body unchanged, because does not undergo any metabolic transformations. Intended for oral use. Drops can be added to freshly prepared infant formula or taken in pure form. The optimal time to take it is with or after meals, as well as before going to bed (if necessary). The duration of treatment is determined by the dynamics of the clinical situation. The drug can be taken for a long time. It is recommended to shake the bottle of medication vigorously before use. To facilitate the flow of the suspension from the pipette, the bottle must be turned over and clicked on the bottom several times. When using the drug before instrumental studies, it is recommended to remove the pipette. The drug is taken the evening before the test. Sab Simplex is also used when detergents enter the digestive tract. The drug can be used in people suffering from diabetes mellitus, because it does not contain carbohydrates.

How to help a child when he is sick and what to do? Treatment methods

There is no clear treatment for colic in children, but pediatricians advise the following:

  • abdominal massage after feeding;
  • gymnastics (pressing your legs to your stomach);
  • after feeding, you need to carry the baby upright for fifteen minutes so that he burps;
  • place the baby on his stomach. Source: E.S. Keshishyan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, E.K. Berdnikova Functional intestinal colic. Tactics for their correction in young children // Medical Council, 2013, pp. 106-109

In some cases, your doctor may recommend using a special gas tube.

If the colic is severe, then a gas tube may be used.

Medical pediatricians will teach you how to properly give your baby a breast or a bottle so that he does not swallow excess air when feeding. Correcting the nutrition of a nursing mother is also important. The list of prohibited products is compiled together with the attending physician.

In some cases, doctors recommend taking medications to stabilize the child’s condition. Specific prescriptions depend on the identified causes of the child’s anxiety.

The following medications are often prescribed:

  • probiotics;
  • sedatives;
  • medications for dysbacteriosis;
  • preparations with enzymes.

What can you give a child for colic?

  • Herbal carminatives.
  • Enzyme preparations.
  • "Espumizan" if the cause is flatulence.
  • Dill decoction when colic is caused by gases.
  • Herbal preparation "Plantex".
  • Defoamers based on simenticon (when the cause is flatulence due to foaming in the intestines). These are “Espumizan L”, “Sab Simplex”, “Bobotik”.
  • No-Spa will help relieve spasms.
  • If the cause is a microflora disorder, then probiotics are given, for example Lactobacillus reuteri.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Sab simplex

The active component of the drug Sab Simplex is simethicone - a stable surfactant polymethylsiloxane. It reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus and causes their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed by intestinal peristalsis. Simethicone removes foam physically, does not enter into chemical reactions and is chemically inert. Simethicone is not absorbed when taken orally and is excreted unchanged.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures for colic in children come down to monitoring the nutrition of the nursing mother and following other pediatrician’s instructions from the first days of life.

During the first year of a child's life, it is especially important to regularly visit a qualified pediatrician and follow all his instructions. Doctors at the pediatric medical department have the necessary qualifications and experience to treat the youngest patients. If your baby experiences anxiety, often cries and sleeps poorly, then consult a pediatrician at SM-Clinic.


  1. N.I. Ursova. Infantile intestinal colic. Modern data // Issues of modern pediatrics, 2011, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 125-131.
  2. I.A. Belyaeva. Intestinal colic in newborns and infants: from diagnostic issues to differentiated correction // Issues of modern pediatrics, 2011, v. 10, no. 2, pp. 137-140.
  3. E.S. Keshishyan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, E.K. Berdnikova. Functional intestinal colic. Tactics for their correction in young children // Medical Council, 2013, pp. 106-109.

Grek Elena Anatolyevna Clinic

Author of the article

Grek Elena Anatolyevna

Doctor of the highest qualification category

Specialty: gastroenterologist

Experience: 23 years

The information in this article is provided for reference purposes and does not replace advice from a qualified professional. Don't self-medicate! At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor.


Name of service (price list incomplete)Price
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a gastroenterologist, primary, therapeutic and diagnostic, outpatient1750 rub.
Prescription of treatment regimen (for up to 1 month)1800 rub.
Consultation (interpretation) with analyzes from third parties2250 rub.
Consultation with a candidate of medical sciences2500 rub.
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (comprehensive)2900 rub.
Ultrasound of the retroperitoneal space (and retroperitoneal lymph nodes)1400 rub.
Ultrasound of the gallbladder1400 rub.
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (comprehensive)2900 rub.
Ultrasound of the liver1600 rub.
Ultrasound of the spleen1600 rub.
Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection (HELPIL test)1200 rub.
Colonoscopy5050 rub.
Biopsy during endoscopic examination (1 biopsy)1000 rub.
Body composition assessment - bioimpedance analysis2150 rub.
Body composition assessment - repeated (bioimpedance analysis)1750 rub.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EFGDS)3050 rub.

Use of the drug Sab Simplex

Sub Simplex is best taken with or after meals and, if necessary, before bed. The drug can be given to newborns before feeding using a small spoon. Shake the bottle vigorously before use. In order for the suspension to begin to flow out of the pipette, the bottle must be turned upside down and tapped on the bottom. The duration of use depends on the clinical dynamics. Sub Simplex can be taken for a long time if necessary. Use in preparation for diagnostic examinations of the abdominal organs is facilitated if the pipette is removed from the bottle. If there are complaints related to excessive gas formation Newborns and children of the first year of life Add 15 drops (0.6 ml) of Sub Simplex to each bottle of baby food. The drug mixes well with other liquids, such as milk. If symptoms are present, use during each feeding. Children aged 1 year - 6 years: Prescribe 15 drops (0.6 ml) during or after each meal. If necessary, 15 drops can be taken before bed. Children over 6 years of age and adults School-age children are prescribed 20-30 drops (0.8-1.2 ml), adults - 30-45 drops (1.3-1.8 ml). In the indicated doses, the drug is taken every 4–6 hours; if necessary, the dose can be increased. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of flatulence. If necessary, Sub Simplex can be used for several days or even several weeks. Preparing for an x-ray examination The day before the examination, take 3–6 teaspoons (15–30 ml) of Sab Simplex in the evening. Preparation for ultrasound examination Take 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of Sab Simplex in the evening the day before the examination and 3 teaspoons 3 hours before the examination. Preparation for endoscopic examination Before endoscopy, take –1 teaspoon (2.5–5 ml) of Sab Simplex. During the examination, an additional few milliliters of Sub Simplex suspension can be injected through the endoscope to remove foam bubbles. Intoxication with detergents The dose depends on the severity of intoxication. The minimum recommended dose of Sab Simplex is 1 teaspoon (5 ml).

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