Valerian, lemon balm and mint in the treatment of anxiety disorders and sleep disorders: a review of clinical studies

Depression is one of the most common diseases. In terms of prevalence, it is second only to cardiovascular diseases. And of all those suffering from depression, no more than 20% seek qualified help.

In this article we will tell you about all the drugs used to treat depression.

All medications with antidepressant effects can be divided into several groups:

  1. Antidepressants.
  2. Normotimic drugs.
  3. Neuroleptics.
  4. Tranquilizers.
  5. Nootropics and metabolic agents.
  6. Herbal remedies.
  7. Amino acids.
  8. Psychostimulants.

Normotimic drugs

Medicines in this group have an antidepressant effect only in cases where the depressive state is caused by chronic affective diseases, such as bipolar affective disorder (BD, manic-depressive psychosis), cyclothymia, dysthymia, schizoaffective disorder. Most commonly used medications:

  • Carbamazepine (finlepsin)
  • Depakine chrono
  • Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
  • Lithium carbonate

The best antidepressants: how to treat depression, apathy and anxiety?

May 12, 2021


  • Antidepressants without a prescription
  • Afobazole
  • Persen
  • Novo-passit
  • Tryptophan
  • Prescription antidepressants
  • Zoloft
  • Doxepin
  • Paroxetine
  • Melipramine

It often happens that a person is in a bad mood, he literally gives up and doesn’t want to do anything. This is usually how a mental disorder begins to develop, so try to listen to your body in order to start treatment on time. Depression is a condition in which a person ceases to experience joy, negative thoughts appear, and physical activity decreases. This situation requires urgent consultation with a psychotherapist and the prescription of antidepressants.


Despite the fact that most antipsychotic drugs depress the nervous system, among them there are drugs with antidepressant effects:

  • Flupenthixol (fluanxol).

    It has an antidepressant effect only when administered in small doses (less than 2 mg per day).

  • Aripiprazole.

    Effective for depression in bipolar affective disorder and schizitypal disorders.

  • Levomepromazine (tizercin).

    Prescribed for endogenous depression accompanied by insomnia.

Life in the “serotonin pit”

An alternative to the monoamine theory, which from the point of view of many scientists can no longer be considered basic, is the biopsychosocial model of depression. In accordance with it, the development of the disease is influenced not only by biological, but also by psychological factors.

“A person may experience loss (grief) or severe frustration of their needs (stress). As a result, its neurochemistry also changes,” explains Danina. “But this is the so-called normal “grieving process.” Doctors talk about reactive depression only if, even after months, a person continues to experience the same unpleasant sensations, and over time his condition only gets worse.”

In some people, however, the functional characteristics of their neurons make them more susceptible to depression. Such patients do not require external circumstances to “start” the process. And their depression is not reactive, “endogenous” in nature.

In both cases, as a medical treatment, in addition to psychotherapy, doctors prescribe antidepressants, that is, drugs that can affect neurotransmitters in the brain.

There are five classes in total. Each of which affects the brain in its own way.

1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

SSRI drugs increase serotonin levels. Which helps to more accurately regulate mood and gradually overcome moderate and severe depression. These drugs do their job by preventing neurons from taking up serotonin from the synaptic cleft between neurons. Due to this, neurons are able to exchange information better.

SSRIs have fewer side effects than other classes of antidepressants. For example, in case of overdose, they do not disrupt cardiac conduction and do not lead to seizures.

However, there are still side effects and they are quite serious - from increased suicidal thoughts to sexual dysfunction, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and headaches.

In addition, all drugs that increase serotonin levels in the brain can cause serotonin syndrome, a situation where there is too much of the neurotransmitter.

Serotonin and signal transmission along nerve cells.

With serotonin syndrome, a person becomes overexcited, restless, suffers from sweating and increased heart rate. This is why being treated simultaneously with two antidepressants that increase serotonin levels is dangerous to life and health.

2. Selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

SNRIs work in much the same way as SSRIs, but with one difference. Medicines “prohibit” neurons from absorbing not only serotonin, but also norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of emotions and thought processes.

And since norepinephrine works closely with serotonin and dopamine, SNRIs are believed to increase attention, focus, and improve memory.

The indications and side effects of SNRIs are very similar to SSRIs. Drugs in this class have few advantages over SSRIs, but they are better for some patients.

3. Atypical antidepressants.

This class includes drugs with different principles of action, which have only one thing in common - these drugs are not similar to SSRIs and SNRIs.

Although some drugs in this class also “prohibit” neurons from taking up serotonin, like reuptake inhibitors, some of them can affect receptors for other neurotransmitters. This makes it possible to fine-tune the sensitivity of neurons to one or another substance.

It is worth noting that the components of some atypical antidepressants - for example, bupropion - are indicated in a note to the list of psychotropic substances subject to control on the territory of the Russian Federation. And although this product has been approved by reputable international medical organizations - for example, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it cannot be legally purchased in Russia.

Side effects for this class of drugs vary depending on the specific drug. For example, some atypical antidepressants make you sleepy, while others, on the contrary, invigorate you. To choose the right medicine, the doctor must take into account the specifics of the legislation, individual symptoms and the patient’s health condition.

4. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs).

All drugs in this class are thought to increase norepinephrine and serotonin levels in the brain, much in the same way as SNRIs do.

But TCAs have a very important difference - they are able to act on brain receptors that bind to other substances. In case of overdose, this leads to severe side effects - for example, seizures and complete heart block. And although TCAs are quite effective, today they try to use drugs from this group as rarely as possible.

5. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

Drugs in this class “turn off” monoamine oxidase, an enzyme that breaks down norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in the brain. As a result, neurotransmitters are not destroyed and remain in the synaptic cleft for a long time.

Unfortunately, MAOIs have many side effects, including high blood pressure, weight gain, swelling, sexual dysfunction, and suicidal thoughts. So medications of this class today are used only under strict medical supervision and as a last resort - if other antidepressants have not helped.


  • Bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine (phenazepam).

    The drug of choice for neurotic conditions with depression and post-stress conditions. That is, in cases where short-term treatment is required.

  • Clonazepam.

    Strong anti-anxiety and sedative effect. When taken for a long time it causes dependence.

  • Alprazolam.

    Prescribed for anxiety and depression. Recommended for short courses (no more than 10 days) due to the risk of developing addiction and dependence.

Review of modern antidepressants

NominationplaceName of productprice
Review of “neutral” antidepressants1Sertraline568 ₽
2Venlafaxine348 ₽
3Escitalopram507 ₽
4Duloxetine641 ₽
antidepressants with an “invigorating” effect1Fluoxetine51 ₽
2Paroxetine322 ₽
"calming" antidepressants1Fluvoxamine758 ₽
2Trazodone754 ₽
3Amitriptyline59 ₽

Nootropics and Metabolic Aids

The remedies in this group help to get out of a depressive state that has developed against the background of stress, overwork, encephalopathy, the consequences of injuries and poisoning. By improving the blood supply to neurons and energy metabolism within cells, they contribute to the activation of cognitive functions and memory. The most effective drugs in this group:

  • Phenibut
  • Mexidol
  • Aminalon (GABA)
  • Piracetam (nootropil)
  • Picamilon
  • Pyriditol (encephabol)
  • B vitamins.


The advisability of taking and dosage of Afobazole is determined solely by the doctor. This is one of the most famous and accessible antidepressants in our country with a calming effect on the nervous system. The active substance of the drug is fabomotizole. You can buy Afobazol in almost every pharmacy, which is very convenient. At the same time, there is a wide range of antidepressant packages: from 10 to 120 tablets per pack. The main advantage of Afobazole is that it has virtually no side effects. And given that this medicine for depression is relatively mild in its effect, it can be taken by people of any age (except for children under 18 years of age). "Afobazole" also copes well with anxiety and irritability.

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

Afobazole is used in adults for anxiety conditions: generalized anxiety disorders, neurasthenia, adaptation disorders.
The drug is also prescribed for somatic diseases: bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias. from 357


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Are there non-drug treatments for depression?

In addition to medications, there are many non-drug treatments for depression. These are psychotherapy, biofeedback therapy, diet therapy, physical therapy, exercise therapy, reflexology, light and color therapy, sleep deprivation, etc. Most often, a combination of several methods is used to treat depression. For example: psychotherapy + drug treatment, biofeedback therapy + psychotherapy, medication + diet therapy, etc.

You cannot prescribe or use medications on your own. If you or your loved one is faced with the problem of depression, you need to see a psychiatrist or psychotherapist! Only according to his recommendations can you use drugs. Self-medication is life-threatening!

Types of disorder

With the right methods, medications and treatment plan, the disease can be stopped and cured, regardless of the stage and duration of development. If the disorder is caused by the absence or deficiency of certain vitamins and substances in the body, the person’s condition will normalize as soon as the balance is restored. When treating endogenous or psychogenic depression, special complex therapy is required. In the first case, the disease is caused by a malfunction of the psyche, in the second – by traumatic events.

For example, an elderly woman can take the death of her husband to heart; the loss of a person with whom she lived hand in hand is very traumatic, which can cause the development of not only neuroses, but also dementia. In this case, doctors advise treating depression in women in a clinic.

Treatment for postpartum depression, which is very important for a young mother, is no less dangerous. During pregnancy and after childbirth, a huge number of changes occur in a woman’s body. Not everyone gets used to the new role right away; some are afraid of the oncoming responsibility; others are not confident in the support of their spouse. The result is mental disorder, panic attacks, unreasonable fears, breakdowns.

Today, specialists quite often treat bipolar depression. This disease is getting younger every year, but it should not be confused with a number of other abnormalities. Bipolar disorder is often confused with increased emotionality. If you feel the symptoms of this disease, call the clinic; today it is possible to both treat depression in a hospital in Moscow and undergo therapy on an outpatient basis.

Do you want to know about the cost of services?

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History of appearance

Until the 19th century, in medicine, for the treatment of depressive conditions, substances with a strong stimulating effect were actively used (various opiates, ginseng extracts, valerian, caffeine, bromine salts), which temporarily brought patients into a state of euphoria.

By the end of the 50s of the twentieth century, the use of the first antidepressants began to come into practice. They were obtained through the synthesis of iproniazid, which was used for the complex treatment of tuberculosis. It was noticed that patients' mood improves over time and their emotional background becomes more balanced. However, the side effects were too great, and it did not justify itself as a cure for tuberculosis.

Around the same years, the German doctor R. Kuhn discovered imipromin. He gave his patients various substances and observed the results. Thus, an increase in mood was observed from imipromine. The drug was included in the official list of the World Health Organization and was a sales leader until the advent of new generation products.

Today, the pharmacological industry offers more than 130 drugs that can overcome depression.


"Persen" is a mild medicine against depression with a sedative effect. The drug is based on valerian, lemon balm and peppermint, which soothe, relax the nervous system, improve sleep and, over time, relieve insomnia. "Persen" is sold in any pharmacy. For this anti-depression medication to be most effective, it must be taken for at least a month. The big advantage of Persen is that it has virtually no side effects.

Lek d.d., Slovenia

A sedative of plant origin, which is used for: increased nervous excitability;
- insomnia; - irritability; - depressive states; - panic disorders. from 202

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Novo-Passit is another popular and effective herbal-based antidepressant. Novo-passit contains: St. John's wort, valerian, elderberry, lemon balm. Thanks to its calming effect on the nervous system, anxiety and irritability are significantly reduced. In addition to treating depression, Novo-Passit is indicated for increased fatigue and decreased concentration. After a course of taking Novo-Passit, the functioning of the nervous system noticeably improves, and the symptoms of depression go away.

IVEX Pharmaceuticals, Czech Republic; Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Germany

Novo-passit is a combination drug, the pharmacological activity of which is due to its constituent components of an extract based on medicinal plant raw materials with a predominantly sedative (calming) effect and guaifenesin, which has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect.
from 174

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Tryptophan is a homeopathic antidepressant that helps fight irritability, apathy and anxiety. The active ingredients of the drug are vitamins B5 and B6, as well as the amino acid L-tryptophan. L-tryptophan normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves sleep quality (by regulating the production of melatonin). Tryptophan has a complex effect on the body, so it helps to cope with depression more easily. After taking this antidepressant, negative thoughts completely go away, the person becomes calmer, irritability decreases and anxiety disappears.

Calm Formula Tryptophan
Evalar, Russia

A drug for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system.
from 190


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Let us emphasize once again that over-the-counter antidepressants are not very effective, so they should be taken only at the initial stage of the development of depression, so as not to aggravate the situation and prevent complications of the condition. Depression is not a serious problem that requires immediate treatment. If you notice that you have lost interest in your usual activities, you have sleep disturbances, you begin to cry often, or obsessive thoughts appear - consult a doctor immediately.

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