How to survive grief and loss without breaking down? Approaches to the treatment of adaptation disorders and psychosomatic disorders.

Tenoten helps to calm down, restore mental balance and concentrate on an important matter in case of increased anxiety and emotional stress. Helps children maintain performance under high mental stress at school.

  • Tenoten for children: who is it indicated for?
  • Contraindications
  • Tenoten for children: instructions for use
  • Tenoten for children: price

Tenoten for children: pharmacology

The main use of the drug is associated with the need to reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system. Tenoten increases the tolerance of emotional stress to which a young body is exposed. At the same time, the drug does not have a muscle relaxant effect. Being a nootropic, it improves cerebral circulation, which is especially important during hypoxia.

Additionally, Tenoten reduces the risk of developing depressive conditions associated with nervous exhaustion. Increases attentiveness in class, as well as the ability to absorb large amounts of new information. The drug has a stress-protective effect.

Tenoten is based on antibodies to a brain-specific protein, which is known in neurology under the code S-100. Additional ingredients used to form tablets include:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

The main substance is applied in the form of a water-alcohol solution to lactose monohydrate.

Tenoten tab d/rassas No. 40


Materia Medica Holding (Russia)

Shelf life

3 years

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C

Registration certificate number

LS-000542 dated 11/18/2009


Lozenges1 table
active substance:
antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100, affinity purified*0.003 g
lactose monohydrate (lactose) 0.267 g; MCC - 0.03 g; magnesium stearate - 0.003 g
*Applied to lactose in the form of a water-alcohol mixture containing no more than 10−15 ng/g of the active form of the active substance


Lozenges1 table
active substance:
antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100, affinity purified*0.003 g
lactose monohydrate (lactose) 0.267 g; MCC - 0.03 g; magnesium stearate - 0.003 g
*Applied to lactose in the form of a water-alcohol mixture containing no more than 10−15 ng/g of the active form of the active substance

Description of the dosage form

Tablets are flat-cylindrical in shape, scored and chamfered, from white to almost white.

On the flat side with a notch there is the inscription “MATERIA MEDICA”, on the other flat side there is the inscription “TENOTEN”.


It has a calming, anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect without causing unwanted hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Improves tolerance to psycho-emotional stress. It has stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant effects.

In conditions of intoxication, hypoxia, and after an acute cerebrovascular accident, it has a neuroprotective effect, limits the area of ​​damage, and normalizes learning and memory processes in the central nervous system.

Inhibits lipid peroxidation processes.

Modifies the functional activity of the S-100 protein, which carries out the coupling of synaptic (information) and metabolic processes in the brain. Providing a GABA-mimetic and neurotrophic effect, it increases the activity of stress-limiting systems and helps restore the processes of neuronal plasticity.


increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;

children under 18 years of age (children and persons under 18 years of age are advised to use the drug Tenoten for children).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The safety of Tenoten during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. If it is necessary to take the drug, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.

Directions for use and doses


not during meals. 1-2 tables each. for one dose (keep in mouth until completely dissolved). Take 2 times a day; if necessary - up to 4 doses per day. The course of treatment is 1–3 months; if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to 6 months or repeated after 1–2 months.

If there is no sustained improvement in your condition within 3-4 weeks after starting treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

Reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.


No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been registered to date.


In case of accidental overdose, dyspepsia may occur due to the excipients included in the drug.

special instructions

The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactase deficiency.

Due to the presence of activating properties in the action of the drug Tenoten, the last dose of the drug should be taken no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles.

No negative effect of the drug Tenoten on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms has been identified.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.


Anxiolytics; nootropics (Anxiolytics)

Pharmaceutical actions

anxiolytic, antidepressant, nootropic, antiasthenic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antistress, antiamnestic

Tenoten for children: who is it indicated for?

Tenoten for children is intended for teenagers and preschoolers aged 3 years and older. Direct indications are:

  • neuroses;
  • hyperactivity;
  • attention deficit disorder;
  • severe anxiety in the presence of strangers;
  • obvious irritability;
  • nervous excitability.

A special course is intended for children planning to attend a preschool institution, or any other institution that does not involve being with a parent at the same time. Tenoten helps the child adapt to a new team, to the environment, to the rules and daily routine. Children in the first month of attending preschool may, due to nervous shock, begin to urinate in their pants. This is due to neurosis, due to which the child’s brain loses connection with the bladder sphincter. Evacuation begins without the child's knowledge. You can’t scold someone for dirty pants in such a situation. We need to help the baby get used to the new environment, which is radically different from home.

Neurologists recommend starting to take the drug a week before the first visit to a new environment. They continue the course, as a rule, during the first month of their stay in the team. If a child experiences bowel irregularities, morning tearfulness, or irritability, it makes sense to discuss additional therapy or dose adjustment of Tenoten with the attending physician.

For high school students who experience constant nervous tension due to upcoming exams, Tenoten for children is necessary to restore their performance. The drug will reduce anxiety, help improve rational thinking, and speed up memory processes.

A child who has suffered a minor traumatic brain injury is prescribed Tenoten as a safe nootropic that improves blood circulation. This allows you to reduce the risk of complications and prevent the manifestation of unwanted symptoms after a head injury. Serious head injuries accompanied by nausea, dizziness and loss of consciousness should be treated under the supervision of a specialist.

Tenoten for children: instructions for use

Each tablet contains a score in the center. But it is not applied to divide the dose in half. The tablets are taken orally. They are not intended to be washed down with water. Each dose must be dissolved on the tongue. If the child’s age does not allow him to dissolve medications, which is important for children under 4 years of age and those who have disorders of the pharyngeal muscles, you can dissolve the tablet in half a glass of drinking water, and give the solution to the patient to drink.

As a preventive measure for nervous disorders, especially during the period of preparation for adaptation associated with visiting children's institutions or with any other radical change of environment, 1-2 tablets per day are prescribed.

If neuralgia has already developed, take 1 tablet three times a day. The course should not last less than two months. The recommended period is three months. After which you should see a doctor, who, based on the patient’s condition, will decide to extend therapy for another 3 months or discontinue the drug. Prolongation involves reducing the dose to 2 tablets per day for a period of up to 6 months of therapy.

You can repeat the course after a break, which should be no shorter than a month.

When a child has attention deficit disorder, give 1 tablet in the morning and before bed for 2 months. If after 4 months of any therapy there is no obvious improvement in the condition, you should stop taking Tenoten and consult a specialist for advice.

High school students are recommended to take the drug a month before the start of exam time. One tablet twice a day is the optimal dose to help you concentrate on your studies, reduce anxiety and gain confidence in your abilities. There is no need to stop admission until the last exam is completed. The total duration of the course is in this case two months: a month before the start of the session and the period during the entire examination month.

What are amphetamines and how do they work?

To reduce the cost of the final product previously produced by processing ephedra, synthetic ephedrine is included in the drug composition. A completely synthetic drug is often produced in artisanal conditions, which increases the risk of its use associated with acute intoxication of the body.

Amphetamine can be called meth, ice or crystal, and behind all these beautiful epithets lies a poison that is especially dangerous to human health. To increase the mass and volume of the white powder, inexpensive anesthetics and starch can be added to it, so the toxic effect on the body is increased by the risk of consuming unknown components.

Amphetamine is used by inhaling through the nose and smoking using a special smoking pipe. If a person makes intravenous injections, their traces help to identify addiction and provide him with timely relief from addiction with a full course of rehabilitation.

When the drug enters the body, it stimulates a simultaneous and powerful release of adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine into the blood. The state of euphoria is accompanied by an increase in activity and performance, but at the same time a stable attachment and dependence on drugs develops.

When is medical help urgently needed?

The consequences of systematic use of synthetic drugs affect all spheres of human life.

A drug addict needs urgent and professional help when identifying the fact of drug use; however, you should not wait for an overdose and strictly monitor the symptoms:

  • photophobia and dilated pupils;
  • sleep disorders and insomnia;
  • periodic increase in activity;
  • mood swings and depression;
  • acute cramps and convulsions;
  • decreased pain threshold;
  • paranoid state.

After taking amphetamines, a person develops hallucinations and the illusion of omnipotence and invulnerability appears. In this state, he can commit actions associated with health risks, and effective drug addiction coding allows him to get rid of the addiction that destroys his life.

Consequences of long-term amphetamine use

Taking narcotic substances is associated with increased activity and stimulation of the nervous and hormonal systems. After the cessation of the action of the active substances, poisonous toxins remain in the body and the addict feels a loss of strength, anxiety and restlessness increase.

The condition worsens because the person loses working capacity and to restore it, it seems to him that the next dose will be enough. Getting into this vicious circle, it itself aggravates the situation and increases the risk of developing shortness of breath and tachycardia, surges in blood pressure and interruptions in heart function.

Features of withdrawal syndrome

Under the influence of various factors, a drug addict may temporarily stop taking drugs, while experiencing acute withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal syndrome manifests itself in the first strong blow to the physical condition, which lasts 8-96 hours; at its peak, patients experience severe discomfort. A person can remain in this state for up to 3 months, and during this period it is important to choose a rehabilitation center in order to reduce the risk of relapse, which increases as abstinence intensifies.

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