Nootropic drug Actavis Phezam - reviews

Phezam. If you need a good maintenance nootropic, I recommend Phezam. We encountered this drug twice. At first, my mother started having memory problems. She is already over 60, so this was not surprising, but she still did not want dementia to gradually progress. Therefore, we consulted a doctor. The doctor recommended taking these pills. As a result, my mother really felt better, she even began to solve crossword puzzles without problems.

I remembered about the drug when problems arose at work. We had competition for promotion, I felt completely exhausted, with great nervous tension. I had to stay late at work, to show that I was approximately fulfilling my duties and coping with everything well. Against the backdrop of tension, breakdowns began, insomnia, headaches, I began to forget some things, just out of the blue. Therefore, to support my brain, I decided to take nootropics. There was still a plate of Phezam left at home from my mother, so I started drinking it.

The effect exceeded all my expectations. Both in terms of drug tolerability and positive effects on the nervous system. Therefore, today I will make a detailed review.

pharmachologic effect

The abstract indicates that Phezam is a combined agent that provides nootropic, antihypoxic and vasodilating effects. There is a mutual potentiation of a decrease in cerebral vascular resistance, improving blood flow in these vessels.

As Wikipedia informs, the therapeutic effect and its mechanism are determined by the main active substances that are part of the drug Phezam. The main effect observed after taking the medicine is improvement of blood circulation in the brain and metabolic processes in nerve fibers and brain cells.

The substance piracetam has a nootropic effect, activating brain activity and positively affecting metabolism in the body. Under the influence of the substance, the rate of consumption of glucose, which is the main nutrient for the brain, increases. Thus, under the influence of piracetam, more active nutrition of cells occurs, which leads to the production of more energy and activation of brain function. Piracetam helps increase the speed of impulse transmission between neurons. As a result, memory increases, concentration improves, which leads to increased intellectual function.

Piracetam also helps improve blood flow in those areas of the brain where there are damaged vessels, and ischemia , that is, oxygen starvation. Since microcirculation improves, ischemic zones that arise due to lack of oxygen disappear, and the entire volume of neurons participates in brain function.

In addition, there is an indirect effect of this component, which helps to activate blood flow. It is ensured by inhibiting the process of platelet adhesion, which essentially prevents the formation of blood clots. The piracetam component not only activates blood flow, but also improves its properties. Thus, blood circulates more actively through microvessels.

hypoxia increases . Piracetam improves the integrative function of the brain, activates intellectual work, facilitates the process of assimilation of new material, and ensures restoration and support of brain functions in older people.

The substance cinnarizine has a pronounced effect directly on the blood vessels of the brain, dilating them. Also, under the influence of this substance, the tone of smooth muscles decreases, their response to active substances that constrict blood vessels decreases. Due to the fact that the substance dilates blood vessels, blood flow is activated, and more oxygen and nutrients enter the brain. Due to improved blood flow, the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen deficiency also increases. Moreover, despite the vasodilating effect, cinnarizine does not affect blood pressure and intracranial pressure .

The presence of these two components in Phezam simultaneously ensures a mutual enhancement of the effects of the active components. Consequently, the severity of the effect of the drug is more pronounced compared to taking these components separately.

When taking Phezam, there is a predominance of the sedative effect of cinnarizine, from which the medicine does not lead to the manifestation of psychomotor agitation, as happens when taking piracetam.

Phezam: effect of the drug

Phezam, the instructions for use emphasize this, has a pronounced antihypoxic, nootropic and vasodilating effect.

The active ingredient in piracetam is a nootropic substance. It activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain. This allows you to improve memory, increase the threshold of intellectual fatigue and learning ability. In addition, piracetam provides protection to the brain during oxygen starvation, which minimizes the risks of damage and death of brain cells due to hypoxia.

Another active component, cinnarizine, has a vasodilating effect and reduces blood viscosity. This allows for improved tissue nutrition. The substance has moderate antihistamine activity, reduces the tone of the sympathetic nervous system and stimulation of the vestibular apparatus.

The drug is quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of active components in the blood is reached in approximately an hour.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After the patient has taken Phezam tablets orally, the active substances are completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of piracetam in plasma is observed after 2-6 hours, cinnarizine - after 1-4 hours. The bioavailability level of piracetam is 100%.

Piracetam does not bind to plasma proteins, cinnarizine binds 91%. Penetrates the BBB, is detected in all tissues and organs, and passes through the placental barrier. Its selective accumulation in the cerebral cortex is noted.

The substance piracetam is not metabolized, the metabolism of cinnarizine occurs in the liver.

The half-life of piracetam is 4-5 hours from the blood, 8.5 hours from the cerebrospinal fluid. Mainly excreted through the kidneys. The half-life of cinnarizine is 4 hours. Metabolites are excreted mostly in urine and also in feces. In people with renal failure, the half-life of piracetam is increased.

Indications for use of Phezam

Before using the medicine Phezam, you should definitely take into account the indications for use. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with insufficiency of blood flow in the brain (in the case of vascular atherosclerosis , during the recovery period after an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke , with encephalopathy of various origins, after a TBI);
  • in case of intoxication;
  • in diseases of the central nervous system, in which there is a decrease in intellectual-mnestic functions, that is, deterioration of attention, memory, mood;
  • with psychoorganic syndrome, in which signs of asthenia and adynamia ;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • labyrinthopathy (tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and vomiting);
  • asthenic syndrome associated with psychogenic origin;
  • Meniere's syndrome;
  • for the purpose of preventing migraine , kinetosis ;
  • in the complex therapy of children who have a psychoorganic syndrome, which has led to low learning ability.

What does the drug treat?

Fezam, the instructions for use confirm this, is indicated for the treatment of various intellectual and cognitive disorders. It improves memory and the thinking process, promotes the development of attention. When taken, it is possible to reduce emotional negative reactions such as irritability and apathy.

The drug has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of pathologies caused by cerebrovascular accidents. Fezam is prescribed after:

  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Hemorrhages.
  • Intoxication.

It is possible to improve the condition of patients with psychoorganic disorders when using Phezam. This group includes a number of diseases characterized by:

  • Deterioration of intellectual abilities.
  • Weakening of memory, which causes difficulty in remembering new information and activating previously learned information.
  • Emotional instability, which is expressed by a sharp change in mood.

Other indications for use of the medicine:

  • Encephalopathy, which is associated with metabolic disorders in brain cells.
  • Meniere's disease, the symptoms of which are dizziness and progressive hearing loss.
  • Cognitive disorders.
  • Asthenic syndrome, a characteristic feature of which is increased fatigue, significantly worsening the quality of life.
  • Arterial hypertension caused by increased blood pressure.

Phezam is also used for preventive purposes. Taking it reduces the risk of developing a migraine attack. In addition, it is possible to prevent various unpleasant reactions of the body to acceleration and weightlessness: dizziness and motion sickness.


Phezam should not be taken in the following cases:

  • in severe forms of renal and liver failure;
  • during periods of increased psychomotor agitation;
  • with Huntington's chorea ;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • when the patient is under 5 years of age;
  • with high sensitivity to the components of the product.

The medicine is prescribed with caution to those patients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease , hemostasis disorders, impaired liver or kidney function, and severe bleeding .

Side effects of Phezam

The following side effects are possible during treatment:

  • Nervous system: nervousness, feeling of drowsiness, hyperkinesia. In rare cases - headaches, dizziness , insomnia , ataxia , agitation, anxiety.
  • Allergic manifestations: in rare cases - skin rash, dermatitis , swelling, itching, photosensitivity.
  • Digestive system: severe salivation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea .
  • Other manifestations: increased libido.

What can you expect from your appointment?

When using the product, many problems that previously bothered you go away.

  • Headaches go away.
  • The perception of information improves.
  • Facts are remembered faster.
  • Short-term memory stops suffering. There are no more problems with lost keys or a switched-on stove.
  • Vision improves. Normalization of visibility occurs as a bonus due to the improvement of blood circulation.
  • The reaction to the weather in the form of headaches and dizziness disappears.
  • Irritability and temper are reduced.
  • Internal organs that depend on the parasympathetic nervous system work better: dyskinesia, convulsions, paresis, and bladder incontinence go away.

Phezam tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The instructions for use of Phezam, which are provided in the annotation for the drug, indicate that the medicine should be taken 1-2 capsules three times a day for one to three months. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. The drug is usually taken in courses - 2-3 courses annually.

Children over 5 years old are advised to take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day. Capsules are used for one and a half to three months. Capsules should be taken by swallowing them whole, without violating the integrity of the capsule. The tablet should be taken with half a glass of non-hot water.

Many users ask about capsules and how to take them - before or after meals. The instructions say that there is no particular difference in whether to take the product before or after meals. But it is optimal to drink capsules 20-30 minutes after eating. It is advisable to take the medicine at the same time every day.

Doctors warn that you cannot take the medicine for longer than 3 months - a break is necessary between courses.

Are there any side effects

Phezam increases blood flow to the brain, so at first you may feel a slight headache from increased intracranial pressure. Another side effect may be indigestion and allergic reactions in the form of a rash. However, these phenomena do not occur often and indicate poor tolerability of the drug.

In any case, I recommend initially buying a pack of 20 tablets and checking how you react to the composition. Only then buy a larger package.

If you take more capsules than you should, there may be an overdose, during which all the side effects actively appear. Therefore, it is better to drink exactly as much as you should for your problem.


Not all medications can be taken with Phezam tablets at the same time, so the interaction of this medication with other medications should be taken into account.

When taking medications simultaneously with Phezam that depress the action of the central nervous system, ethanol , tricyclic antidepressants , their sedative effect may increase.

When taking Phezam, the effect of nootropic and antihypertensive drugs is potentiated.

Vasodilator medications enhance the effect of Phezam.

Due to the presence of cinnarizine in the drug, the activity of hypertensive drugs .

When taking Phezam simultaneously, there is an increase in the activity of thyroid hormones , which can lead to tremor and anxiety.

Due to the antihistamine effect, cinnarizine can mask the manifestation of positive reactions in relation to factors of skin reactivity during skin tests. To avoid this effect, you must stop using the medication 4 days before such tests.

Phezam may enhance the effect of oral anticoagulants .

special instructions

If Fezam is prescribed to patients with impaired liver function, liver enzyme levels should be monitored.

The medicine activates the functions of thyroid hormones, which is why patients undergoing treatment may experience anxiety and tremors .

Since cinnarizine can cause drowsiness, during treatment you should drive carefully and work with precise and dangerous machinery.

When treating elderly people, it is necessary to regularly monitor kidney function indicators and, if necessary, adjust the dose.

Active components are able to penetrate the filter membranes of hemodialysis .

The medication should be avoided in case of porphyria .

When taking Phezam, a false positive result may occur during doping control in athletes, also due to the presence of iodine-containing dyes in the capsule shell. A false positive result may occur in the radioiodine test .

Since piracetam reduces platelet aggregation, it should be prescribed with caution when hemostasis is impaired in patients, as well as in conditions accompanied by hemorrhages. You should not take the medicine during complex surgical operations, with severe bleeding and a history of hemorrhagic strokes

Phezam can provoke irritation in the epigastric region; when used after meals, a decrease in the severity of gastric irritation may be observed, for which purpose the medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

lactose as an auxiliary component .

What is the drug for?

Despite the fact that I used a nootropic to maintain a generally healthy nervous system, Phezam is also intended for the treatment of specific brain diseases.

  1. It is very useful for stroke patients. In this case, some nerves are damaged, some die, but for some the changes are reversible. Taking the capsules helps restore neuronal activity and quickly create new nerve connections bypassing the affected structures.
  2. An effective remedy for reducing blood circulation. The brain really needs oxygen, thanks to it important processes of energy production take place, on which the work of neurons is based. Stroke is an acute lack of oxygen, called hypoxia, but there is also a chronic lack. The blood flow is not blocked, but is reduced. This occurs as a result of clogging of blood vessels with fat, their spasms, and disruption of the functioning of the vascular walls. The drug improves circulation.
  3. Recommended for diseases that are accompanied by impaired memory and mental functions. Actually, cognitive abilities depend on how well the brain is supplied with nutrition and oxygen. With a regular lack of air, problems begin. This includes different types of dementia, amnesia, including after injury.
  4. A useful remedy for labyrinthopathy. You know that in a person’s inner ear there is not only the auditory apparatus, but also the vestibular apparatus. There are diseases in which the organ of balance is disturbed, for example, too much fluid is formed in the cochlea. At the same time, a person loses balance and hearing decreases.
  5. Prevention of migraine development.
  6. Suitable for children. The drug is used for children who are delayed in development, including speech. In complex therapy it is suitable for the treatment of dyslexia (inability to read).

For people without diagnosed diseases, Fezam is recommended in terms of increasing attention, concentration, and speed of thinking during periods of overexertion, stress, sessions, exams, and annual reports.

Phezam's analogs

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Phezam and its analogues should be prescribed by a doctor after an accurate diagnosis. Active components similar to those contained in the drug Fezam are included in the following drugs: Combitropil , Piracezin , Omaron , NooKam . The price of analogues depends on the manufacturer of the drug and its packaging.

Medicines also have a similar pharmacological effect on the patient’s body: Acefen , Vinpocetine , Demanol , Memotropil , Combitropil , Pantogam , Pyriditol , Cellex , Encephabol , etc.

Omaron or Fezam - which is better?

Omaron drug and has the same indications for use, contraindications and causes similar side effects. At the same time, the price of the drug Omaron is lower compared to Fezam.

Fezam: description

Phezam is a drug that has a versatile effect on the nervous system. The nootropic is designed to improve memory, normalize blood circulation, and increase brain nutrition. Available in capsule form. Contains two synthetic components that have long been used by neurologists.

The medicine is produced by the European concern Balkanfarma, located in Dupnitsa in Bulgaria. The packaging of the drug is simple in purple and white colors without any special designs. Inside are white capsules - sixty pieces, 10 in each blister, plus instructions.

Reviews of Fezam

Most often, reviews about Phezam on forums are positive, they talk about improving the condition of patients when taking this medicine. Users write that after taking it, memory normalizes, attention and performance improve. Also, under the influence of the medicine, stress and anxiety .

Similar positive reviews appear when capsules are used for children.

On forums where the drug Phezam is discussed, reviews from doctors are also often positive. However, there are also negative comments that the drug causes drowsiness, as well as the lack of positive effects during treatment.

Fezam reviews from neurologists and patients

The drug helped me well. At first it seemed like nothing was happening. But I continued to take it for a week. And by the fifth day I noticed that I was really thinking better. The necessary numbers stopped slipping out of my head, and I managed to keep several processes in my field of attention at once. And after a working day, I felt invigorated, and not squeezed like lemon. During the decisive month, I managed to maintain my position and achieve a positive assessment of my work. As a result, I received a promotion. And, on the one hand, this is the full merit of Fezam. There were no specific side effects. The first days there was a certain feeling of overwhelm in my head, but then it gave way to clarity and lightness.

Other users also leave positive reviews about the work of the medicine.

“I recently took a nootropic. I encountered a side effect - I really wanted to sleep, there was some lethargy. However, after two months, I realized that my irritability and anxiety went away, I began to react calmer to stress, and easily cope with difficult situations. That’s why I give Fezam a positive rating,” Yulia.

“Fezam was prescribed because of osteochondrosis, which caused headaches and dizziness. After just ten days of taking the medicine, the medicine helped me. All the negative phenomena disappeared and, as a bonus, even my memory became better. The doctor recommended taking the medication at least twice a year to improve cerebral circulation,” Andrey.

Doctors speak positively about the drug and often prescribe it as the main or part of combination therapy.

Phezam price, where to buy

The price of Phezam capsules in Moscow is on average 270 rubles for 60 pieces. You can buy them at any pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

The price of Phezam in Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkov, etc.) is from 200 UAH. per pack 60 capsules.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Fezam capsules 400mg+25mg 60 pcs.Balkanpharma/Zdravle HFZ
    306 rub.order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Phezam (caps. No. 60) ZiO-Zdorovye CJSC

    RUB 308 order

  • Phezam (cap. No. 60)Zdravlje

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  • Phezam No. 60 capsules Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry, Zdravle AT, Serbia
    199 UAH.order


  • Phezam capsule Phezam capsules No. 60 Bulgaria, Balkanpharma-Dupnitza

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