How to properly use thuja oil for adenoids in a child

September 19, 2018

Averyanova Sveta

Inflamed adenoids cause babies a huge amount of inconvenience and problems. Discomfort in sleep, deafness, decreased mental abilities, chronic rhinitis and otitis as a consequence of advanced disease frighten parents. Thuja oil has become a popular method of treating adenoid hypertrophy in recent years. What are its benefits and how to use it to treat children, we will talk in our article.

general information

Often, the first thing doctors advise parents with grade 3 adenoids in children is surgical intervention. Of course, adenotomy helps alleviate the child’s condition and restore normal breathing.
However, even surgery cannot give one hundred percent confidence that the disease will not recur. In some cases, it is enough to resort to so-called conservative or alternative treatment methods to forget about enlarged adenoids once and for all. In this material we will talk about how to treat grade 2 adenoids in children and discuss the most effective medications used in therapy.

What are adenoids?

Before we move on to the main topic of the article, we need to understand some important general issues. So, adenoids are an enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil , which causes pathological difficulty breathing and also provokes hearing loss.

This condition occurs with hyperplasia (enlargement) of the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx . It is important to note that in children the adenoids themselves are much larger than in adults.

This is due primarily to their main function - protection against viruses and infections that enter the human body through airborne droplets, as well as suppression of the growth of conditionally harmful microorganisms that live on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

This is why the slightest inflammation of the adenoids and an increase in their size against the background of influenza , acute respiratory infections, ARVI , tonsillitis and other diseases causes so much inconvenience to children. Since it is impossible to breathe through the nose, the child uses his mouth. As a result, problems arise with sleep and eating.

In addition, oxygen starvation negatively affects brain activity and the normal development of the brain and the entire body as a whole. Due to the fact that the nose does not breathe, children with enlarged adenoids often get sick, because... Pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the nasopharynx.

To diagnose the disease, an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) uses specialized instruments, since during a routine examination the nasopharyngeal tonsil is not visible. Primary palpation is considered less informative compared to other examination methods, but it is this that gives the doctor initial information about the condition of the pharyngeal ring (palatine, tubal, lingual and nasopharyngeal tonsils).

Methods for studying adenoids:

  • finger method;
  • CT scan;
  • X-ray of the nasopharynx;
  • endoscopic rhinoscopy of the nose;
  • endoscopic epipharyngoscopy;
  • posterior rhinoscopy.

Degrees of the disease

There are three main degrees of the disease:

  • grade 1 adenoids is a condition in which an enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil covers the upper part of the nasal passage or the unpaired bone plate located in the nasal cavity (vomer);
  • adenoids of the 2nd degree - this is a condition in which the tonsil is enlarged even more and already covers 2/3 of the nasal passages or vomer;
  • Grade 3 adenoids are a condition in which the tonsil grows so large that it covers almost the entire surface of the vomer.

The risk group for this ailment is considered to be children from 3 to 7 years old. As a rule, enlargement of adenoids is preceded by chronic or acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as influenza viruses, diphtheria , measles , rubella or scarlet fever .

In addition, enlarged tonsils can be caused by:

  • allergic reactions;
  • caries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • decreased immunity ;
  • adrenal gland diseases ;
  • hypovitaminosis or hypothyroidism ;
  • congenital malformations of the nasopharynx.

The disease can occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms. Since enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil most often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, the symptoms of this ailment are the same - fever, difficulty nasal breathing, dry cough, purulent or mucous discharge from the sinuses.

What is the effect of thuja on adenoids?

People began to use thuja as a medicine from the 15th-16th centuries. For the first time, the effectiveness of evergreen oil was recorded by Christian Hahnemann, who is considered the founder of homeopathy.

Doctors in Western Europe called thuja the tree of life, treated diseases of the respiratory system with pine esters, stopped bleeding, and killed parasites. A recipe was created for making oil from thuja cones by distilling them. The method of extracting useful components has not changed much to this day.

Modern chemical science can, from a practical point of view, explain the usefulness and effectiveness of thuja for the treatment of adenoids. The secret is in the composition of the product. It contains:

  • Flavonoids. These natural components have a positive effect on the activity of enzymes and the functioning of the body as a whole.
  • Aromatic resin. Makes breathing easier and gives the oil a pleasant fresh aroma.
  • Aromadendrin. Contained in thuja leaves. Restores the nasal mucosa.
  • Essential oil. Eliminates pathogenic flora in the nasopharynx, relieves swelling.
  • Sesquiterpene alcohol.
    Constricts blood vessels, normalizes breathing. Calms the nervous system, which has a positive effect on sleep.
  • Tannins. They have an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ascorbic acid, tannin. Act as immunomodulators.

The chemical composition of the extract from thuja cones allows the product to have a positive effect on the body in the following areas:

  • reduces the frequency of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • relieves nasal congestion, frees up the passages for breathing;
  • relieves pain in inflamed nasal passages, nasopharynx, irritated throat;
  • normalizes the size of adenoids;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • increases the baby's immunity;
  • constricts the vessels of the nasopharynx;
  • normalizes the functioning of the body's metabolic systems.

The use of thuja makes it possible to get rid of the consequences of inflammation of the adenoids. Children sleep better, become cheerful and active. The brain does not experience oxygen starvation, so it works actively.

This is interesting! Thuja is a tree from the cypress family. Grows in North America and East Asia. But it is often used as an ornamental plant to decorate public parks, winter gardens, and greenhouses. Today, the main producers of thuja oil are companies from Canada and the USA.

Treatment of grade 1-2 adenoids in children

Let's talk more specifically about the first two stages of the disease and methods of treating them. The initial stage of the disease is not as acute and noticeable as subsequent stages. This is why it is so difficult to recognize the first degree, which makes it possible for the ailment to develop into more serious forms.

Symptoms of grade 1 adenoids

  • frequent runny nose ;
  • short-term increase in temperature;
  • voice due to constant nasal congestion ;
  • difficulty breathing at night or during periods of daytime sleep when the child assumes a horizontal body position;
  • cough when lying down;
  • headaches , lethargy and apathy due to lack of oxygen;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the tonsils;

At this stage of the development of the disease, the most important thing is to diagnose it and select competent treatment, which may include both drug therapy and physical therapy.

Stages of treatment

  • First of all, you need to think about how to make breathing easier, relieve swelling and restore the normal state of the nasal mucous tissues. with a low-salt or saline solution , as well as drops such as Aqualor , Physiomer , Aqua Maris effectively helps with this . Antiallergic drugs Zyrtec or Fenistil also eliminate swelling.
  • In order for the nose to continue to breathe calmly, you should resort to the help of vasoconstrictors - Galazolin , Sanorin , Naphthyzin .
  • Therapeutic proto-head drops (2% silver) , Eucasept, Tizin and Pinosol have a local anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Inhalation with a nebulizer using saline or saline solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • If there is no allergy , then you can use homeopathic remedies, for example, drops of thuja oil in the nose, Tonsilgon , Adenopai or Sinupret .
  • If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to eliminate infections in the mouth and respiratory tract, as well as drugs that stimulate the immune system.
  • Simultaneously with drug treatment, the patient must undergo physiotherapeutic procedures - laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, tube, electrophoresis with calcium chloride , vacuum, ultraphonophoresis with the application of ampicillin ointment .

It is important to remember that all medications, including nasal drops for adenoids in children, antibiotics or immunomodulators, should be prescribed by the attending physician after examination and determination of the extent of the disease. Often, parents, not receiving immediate results, begin to “play” doctors themselves and prescribe medications for their child.

It happens that after the first relief occurs, mothers feel sorry for their children and themselves cancel all the testimony of the ENT doctor. Both situations can result in the development of serious complications and the transition of the disease to the next stage. By the way, treatment of grade 2 adenoids in a child often requires surgical intervention.

Is it necessary to remove adenoids at the first symptoms of enlargement? Otolaryngologists and pediatricians, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky, advise first to undergo the conservative course of treatment described above. The operation is indicated in rare cases when there is no relief after therapy, and the child often suffers from sinusitis and otitis media .

In addition, there are signs of constant oxygen starvation. Preventive measures that are aimed at maintaining the child’s immunity at a high level will help avoid the disease not with the help of medications, but through:

  • good nutrition;
  • healthy sleep and daily routine;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • physical activity, outdoor games or sports.

In addition, you should not neglect medical examinations and the help of specialists. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of enlarged adenoids in your baby, do not waste time and immediately seek medical help.

Timing and treatment regimens

After making an accurate diagnosis and identifying the degree of development of inflammation in the nasopharynx, a treatment regimen using thuja is prescribed. There are several such schemes.

Important! Before putting any cold remedy or oils into your nose, clean the mucous membrane. Use safe sprays “Dolphin”, “Otrivin”, “Aquamaris”, dilute sea salt in water yourself.


Otorhinolaryngologists choose one of the following schemes depending on the condition of the nasopharynx and the age of the baby:

16 weeks3 times a day, drop the pharmaceutical product into each nasal passage, 2–4 drops.
26 weeksTherapy is carried out in stages: • 1st week To cleanse the nose, we use Aquamaris spray and instill protargol into each nostril. We wait 20 minutes. Place 1-2 drops of oil into each nostril. • 2nd week We clean the nose, instill protargol. It is better to lie down at this time. After 15–20 minutes, we inject Argolife, an antimicrobial agent, into the nostrils. • 3rd week We repeat the course of the 1st week. • 4th week We repeat the course of the 2nd week. • We alternate the 5th and 6th weeks in the same way. Procedures are carried out 2–3 times a day.
34 weeksIn the 1st–2nd week after washing the nose, inject 4 drops of pharmaceutical oil into the nostrils. We rest for 14 days. We repeat the procedure for another 2 weeks.
44 weeksFor 1–2 weeks, 6–8 drops of western thuja are instilled into the nose, 6–8 drops in each passage. 7 days – break. Repeat the course – another 2 weeks.

Important! Warm the product to room temperature before using nasally. Hold the bottle in your palm or under the pressure of hot water.


You can inhale essential oils if your baby does not have a strong cough or fever. To carry out the procedure you will need:

  1. boiling water;
  2. child size inhalation mask;
  3. thuja oil

Place 5 drops of the product into a container of boiling water (250 ml of water).

Let the baby breathe 1-2 times a day for 15 minutes. Inhalations can be performed on children over 5 years of age. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.


For the procedure, prepare a mixture of herbal decoction:

  1. Mix sage, chamomile, calendula (total volume - 2 tbsp.)
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Add thuja (20 drops).
  5. Cool.
  6. Strain.
  7. Rinse your nose 2 times a day.

In the same way, a mixture of chamomile and aloe vera with the addition of thuja oil is used. Continue the procedure until the child's condition improves without interruptions.

Important! Children under one year old should not rinse their nose with this herbal solution.

Aroma baths

For preschoolers over 5 years of age, add 5-6 drops of thuja cone extracts to non-hot bath water as a preventive measure and treatment for adenoids. You need to take the procedure every day for a month, then 2-3 times a week until complete recovery.


For adenoids, it is useful to breathe clean, aromatic air soaked in ethers. With the help of thuja and an aroma lamp, you can disinfect the room and create an optimal climate for night sleep in the nursery.

Proceed as follows:

  • To enrich the entire apartment with useful substances, place 2-4 drops of pure substance on the lamp. Keep it on for 1-2 hours.
  • You should add 1-2 drops of 100% product to your children's night aroma lamp no more than 2-3 times a week. In the morning, monitor your baby’s condition, especially if you use thuja-based nasal drops or use inhalations.
  • If the baby is intolerant to essential extracts, herbs, infusions, aromatherapy cannot be used.

Interesting! Ether therapy can be used as a prophylactic against ARVI and adenoids in the whole family. To do this, it is enough to turn on the oil lamp in all rooms every week and apply 1 drop of ether diluted to 15% on the pillows.

Treatment of grade 2-3 adenoids in children

If conservative drug therapy in combination with physiotherapy gives a positive result, then the first two degrees of adenoids can be cured without surgery. The advanced second or third stage of the disease is a completely different matter.

Symptoms of grade 2 and 3 adenoids

When the disease moves to the second and third stages, in addition to the above listed manifestations, the symptoms are replenished with the following signs:

  • difficult and noisy breathing through the mouth or nose;
  • constant headaches , memory impairment, lethargy, loss of attention due to constant oxygen starvation;
  • heavy snoring during sleep;
  • ear pain;
  • hearing loss;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases ( otitis media , sinusitis , tonsillitis , sinusitis , bronchitis );
  • constant runny nose accompanied by serous discharge;
  • fatigue, loss of appetite and performance, apathy;
  • retardation in mental and physical development;
  • nasality intensifies, slurring appears in the pronunciation of words;
  • “adenoid face” is changes in the child’s appearance associated with a constantly open mouth, which is characterized by malocclusion , as well as lengthening and narrowing of the lower part of the jaw;
  • lymph nodes may enlarge ;
  • the enlargement of the adenoids is visually noticeable.

Stages of treatment

  • Rinsing the nasal passages and removing purulent discharge from the surface of the tonsils. Such manipulation should only be performed by a specialist using specialized instruments (nasopharyngeal douche). It is forbidden to carry out this procedure on your own, because You can push pus even further into the nasopharynx, thereby worsening the condition of the adenoids.
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment with drops such as Albucin or Protargol .
  • Antibiotics ( Macitrol , Polydexa ), corticosteroids ( Nasonex, Flixonase, Avamis ) and immunomodulators ( Derinat ), as well as homeopathic ( Tonsipret , Sinupret ), antihistamines ( Erius , Zodak ) and hormonal drugs ( Avamis , Nasonex ).
  • Physiotherapy ( laser therapy , magnetic therapy , inhalation , electrophoresis , quartzing of the nasal passages and nasopharynx, and so on).

In cases where conservative treatment methods do not produce results, and complications appear in the form of sinusitis , maxillofacial anomalies , apnea , sinusitis and otitis media, surgery comes into play. Recent studies have shown that tonsils play an important role in the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, modern doctors recommend trying a standard treatment procedure before surgery to remove adenoids.

There are two main types of adenotomy:

  • classical, when, after local anesthesia, a surgical instrument is inserted through the oral cavity, and then the enlarged adenoid tissue is removed;
  • endoscopic, when, under general anesthesia, a tube with a camera is placed into the nasal cavity (the image is displayed on the monitor) and, using a special instrument, the overgrown tissue is crushed and removed with suction.

An important preoperative stage is preparation. The patient must undergo appropriate studies (take a general and biochemical blood test, urine test, have a coagulogram , x-ray or tomogram of the nasal sinuses), and also obtain a doctor’s opinion that he does not have inflammatory diseases or other ailments in the acute phase.

Indications and contraindications

Thuja oil is prescribed to children for the following diseases:

  • I–II degree of adenoid hypertrophy
  • otitis
  • bronchitis
  • sinusitis
  • chronic sinusitis
  • polyps in the nasopharynx
  • cough.

You should not use this natural remedy for the treatment of ARVI, rhinitis, adenoids on your own, without the advice of a doctor, especially in children.

Since thuja oil has several contraindications:

  • allergy to essential oils
  • pine needle intolerance
  • age up to 3 years
  • epilepsy.

Important! After the first use of thuja, monitor the child’s condition, even if he has no contraindications to the use of a homeopathic remedy. If you observe redness, swelling, or increased difficulty breathing, stop the course of treatment and seek advice from a doctor.

Homeopathy for adenoids in children

According to many parents, treatment with homeopathy for grade 1-2 enlarged adenoids in children can be very effective. In addition, the conservative method of therapy used by doctors also does not exclude the use of homeopathic medicines for adenoids in children.

However, do not forget that any treatment should be carried out only after a medical examination and agreement with an otolaryngologist and pediatrician. In addition, parents must be one hundred percent sure that the herbal components included in homeopathic remedies will not provoke the development of a severe allergic reaction.

As a rule, the composition of medicines used for adenoids includes such plant components as: barberry fruits, pierced-leaved saplings, verbena, gentian, elderberry, primrose, sorrel, and thuja oil. It is believed that it is thuja that best copes with enlarged tonsils and gives consistently positive results.

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