Thyroidin: instructions for use and analogues

Diseases of the endocrine system are very common all over the world, especially in regions remote from the sea, where the concentration of iodine in the air is extremely low.

The thyroid gland is an organ that produces hormones necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems. If thyroid function decreases, the entire body suffers. Source: flickr (Joanne Richardson).

Thyreoidinum is a homeopathic medicine that has the ability to restore the activity of the thyroid gland and eliminate symptoms associated with the functional deficiency of this organ.

Pharmacological properties

It has the biological activity of thyroid hormones. Includes two hormones that are produced in the body, but whose concentration decreases as thyroid function decreases: thyroxine and triioditonin. They differ from each other by the presence of an additional iodine atom in the thyroxine molecule.

In small doses, Thyroidin accelerates protein synthesis in the body (anabolic effect). In large doses, it promotes protein breakdown.

Replenishes the need of body tissues for hormones, ensuring their normal functioning. At the same time, the drug in large doses inhibits the work of the pituitary gland: the thyroid and pituitary glands are paired organs in the endocrine system, so a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland always leads to increased activity of the pituitary gland.

Side effects and contraindications

The use of the drug may lead to side effects. Their occurrence is due to the effect of the endocrine on the autonomic system. In particular, tachycardia, increased sweating and insomnia may occur. Also, the use of medication in some cases leads to nervous overexcitation. When diagnosing side effects, you can adjust the dose used or stop taking it.

An overdose of the drug provokes the appearance of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. Symptoms of this condition include: weakness, deterioration of health, angina pectoris and increased drowsiness. If these signs appear, the drug should be discontinued. In addition, an overdose can lead to angina pectoris. Exceeding recommended doses may also lead to an allergic reaction to the drug.

Contraindications to taking the drug are thyrotoxicosis, severe physical exhaustion of the patient, Addison's disease, and diabetes mellitus. In addition, the administration of the drug is not permissible for patients diagnosed with severe coronary artery insufficiency.

The drug is not prescribed to pregnant patients, since its components carry a risk to the health of the fetus. Also, "Thyroidin" is not used to treat nursing women, since the drug has the ability to penetrate into breast milk.


The main indication for the use of the drug Thyroidin is hypothyroidism - a condition of the body in which the concentration of thyroid hormones is below the normal limit. This can occur with autoimmune thyroiditis, when the immune system attacks the cells of an organ, or with toxic poisoning, when the organ cannot cope with the process of purifying the blood.

Advanced hypothyroidism causes myxedema, a disease in which the amount of lymph fluid in the body increases; the limbs look swollen, the face is pasty.

Thyroidin is also effective for endocrine diseases such as:

  • endemic goiter;
  • oncological diseases of the thyroid gland.

Sometimes homeopaths use the drug to normalize body weight, if exceeding the normal number of kilograms for height and physique is associated not with eating habits, but with hormonal imbalances.

What problems does the drug solve?

"Thyroidin" is used for disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland. So, indications for use of the drug:

  • primary hypothyroidism;
  • obesity resulting from hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • endemic form of goiter.

The product also helps with diseases such as myxedema and cretinism. "Thyroidin" is used to treat skin diseases (in particular, eczema, etc.). Taking the drug is also indicated for diagnosing oncological diseases (thyroid cancer). In addition, the prescription of the drug occurs in case of metabolic disorders and a decrease in the patient’s performance.


Thyroidin is strictly contraindicated for endocrine diseases such as:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • Addison's disease;
  • diabetes.

It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to patients with malnutrition, since its use can become a catalyst for even greater weight loss.

Thyroidin can be used during pregnancy, moreover, sometimes it is even recommended for women whose heredity is burdened with hypothyroidism. Source: flickr (Andras Czipa).

Recommended dosages and features of administration

The medicine is taken orally after meals. The drug is taken in the first half of the day. The use of “Thyroidin” is recommended in the following dosages: for adults, the maximum single dose is 0.3 g, and the maximum daily dose is 1 g. Before taking, the drug must be mixed with water at the rate of 0.01 g of product per 10 - 15 ml of water.

The following dosages are indicated for children: if the child weighs less than 2 kg, the drug is prescribed at 0.01 g twice a day; at the age of up to 6 months, the single dose is 0.01 g, the daily dose is no more than 0.06 g; at the age of six months to a year - a single dose is 0.02 g, and a daily dose is 0.06 g. Children from 2 to 3 years old are prescribed 0.03 g, and the daily dose should not be more than 0.09 g.

A single dose for children aged 3 to 4 years is 0.05 g, and a daily dose is 0.15 g; at the age of 5 to 6 years - a single dose should not exceed 0.075 g, and a daily dose - 0.25 g; at the age of 7 to 9 years, a single dose is 0.1 g, and the daily dose is no more than 0.3 g. For older children, the dosages are increased: patients aged 10 to 14 years are prescribed 0.15 g, and the daily dose the drug should not exceed 0.45 g.

The dosages indicated are approximate. In each specific situation, the dosage is selected individually by the attending physician, depending on the disease for which Thyroidin is used and the characteristics of the patient.

Patients notice the effect of taking it 3-4 days after starting treatment, but, as a rule, the course lasts for several weeks.

If the drug cannot be found, alternative drugs can be used. Analogs are represented by the following medications: Thyreocomb, L-Thyroxine, Thyrotom and some others. But, you need to pay attention that Thyroidin has no structural substitutes.

Mode of application

In order to find out what dosage of the drug you need to take, you need to contact a homeopath, who will assess the severity of the disease, medical history, body weight and other factors.

On average, for hypothyroidism, it is recommended to take up to 0.2 grams per day until the symptoms of the pathology are eliminated: tachycardia, increased cholesterol, normalization of body weight and reduction of swelling. The same treatment regimen is recommended for myxedema.

Toxic goiter involves using an initial dosage of 0.2 grams, with a gradual decrease to 0.05 grams.

Oncological tumors are treated with drugs only after surgical excision of pathological tissue and radiation therapy in a dosage of up to 0.3 grams.

Usually, a noticeable effect occurs already on the 3-4th day of taking the medicine, but the course must be continued for several weeks, in accordance with the instructions of the homeopathic doctor.

Homeopathic medicines in high potency (Thyroidin 200) are prescribed to people who have a lot of vital energy. When prescribing a drug, a homeopath also takes into account the patient’s condition. Therefore, you should not prescribe treatment for yourself; it is better to consult a specialist.

Need to know! Thyroid hormones are best absorbed by the body in the first half of the day.

Composition and release form

Homeopathic thyroidin is obtained by drying and grinding the thyroid gland of animals: the extract of the thyroid glands of livestock acts as the main active preparation of the medicine. The effect of the drug is ensured by the presence of two natural hormones - triiodothyronine and thyroxine.

The release form of the drug is presented in two options: the drug is produced in the form of tablets and granules. "Thyroidin" is available in dosages of 0.05, 0.2 and 0.1 g. The release of the drug in various dosages is intended for the convenience of patients.


Among Thyroidin analogues there are:

  • Euthyrox;
  • L-Thyroxine.

Eutirox is a synthetic analogue of the thyroid hormone - thyroxine. The active ingredient is levothyroxine sodium. The German quality drug is actively used for hypothyroidism, and it is also used to treat chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Quite often used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter. It has a mild action and good effect.

L-Thyroxine is also a synthetic analogue of thyroxine. Characterized by an anabolic effect on protein and fat metabolism, if consumed in small doses. Medium doses promote growth and development, increase tissue oxygen demand, stimulate the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and increase the activity of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system. It is dangerous to use in high doses; it is possible only under the supervision of a physician. Begins to act already on day 3.

Both drugs have a beneficial effect on the lives of people with thyroid problems. They have similar characteristics:

  • eThese are hormonal cycle drugs;
  • Both Eutirox and L-thyroxine are taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before the next meal;
  • They have one shelf life;
  • Available only with a doctor's prescription.

And also the differences:

  • Number of tablets (L-thyroxine can be purchased in quantities of 10 and 50 pieces. Eutirox is produced in 25 tablets);
  • Various contraindications. L-thyroxine should not be prescribed to patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction. Eutirox - for those suffering from pituitary insufficiency.

Obviously, both drugs are almost identical, but this is all in theory; putting them into practice is another matter. In any case, it will be correct to purchase the drug prescribed by the treating homeopath.


Name: Thyreoidin (Thyreoidnum) Pharmacological action: In small doses it gives an anabolic effect (increases protein synthesis), in large doses it leads to increased protein breakdown, inhibits the thiotropic activity of the pituitary gland (regulation of thyroid function by pituitary hormones) and reduces thyroid function. The action of thyroidin is associated with the presence of two hormones in it: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Both hormones have a similar multifaceted effect on the body, increase the need of tissues for oxygen, enhance energy processes, stimulate growth and differentiation of tissues, affect the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, liver, kidneys and other organs and systems, enhance the absorption of glucose and its utilization (assimilation). The effect of thyroid hormones may vary depending on the dose. Thus, small doses of thyroxine have an anabolic effect, while large doses lead to increased protein breakdown. In large doses, thyroid hormones inhibit the thyroid-stimulating activity of the pituitary gland.

Indications for use: Primary hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function) and myxedema (severe depression of thyroid function, accompanied by edema); cretinism (congenital deficiency of thyroid function, characterized by a sharp decrease in mental and physical development); cerebral-pituitary diseases (a combined disease of the brain tissue and pituitary gland, usually characterized by a decrease in the release of hormones by the pituitary gland) and obesity, occurring with hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function); endemic goiter (disease of the thyroid gland, accompanied by its enlargement, due to low iodine content in water) and sporadic goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland, usually without significant impairment of its function, developing in individuals outside endemic goiter areas / areas with low iodine content in water/); thyroid cancer.

Directions for use: Prescribe thyroidin orally. Doses should be carefully individualized taking into account the age of the patient, the nature and course of the disease. Take orally in the first half after meals. Adults with myxedema and hypothyroidism are initially prescribed 0.05-0.2 g per day, then the dose is adjusted to achieve normalization of pulse, basal metabolism, and blood cholesterol. For diffuse euthyroid sporadic and endemic goiter, the dose is from 0.1 to 0.2 g per day, then during treatment, as the size of the gland decreases, the daily dose is reduced to 0.05-0.1. Patients with thyroid cancer (after surgical removal of the tumor and radiation therapy) are prescribed 0.2-0.3 g of thyroidin per day (for distant metastases /spread of the tumor to other organs and tissues due to the transfer of tumor cells from the primary site with blood and lymph/ - up to 1 g or more per day). For toxic goiter (a disease characterized by an enlargement of the thyroid gland and an increase in its function, manifested by exophthalmos / forward displacement of the eyeball with widening of the palpebral fissure - “bulging eyes” /, rapid heartbeat, weight loss) take from 0.05 g every other day to 0.15- 0.2 g per day (together with antithyroid drugs). Higher doses for adults orally: single - 0.3 g, daily - 1 g; for children under 6 months of age: one-time - 0.01 g, daily - 0.03 g; from 6 months up to 1 year: one-time - 0.02 g, daily - 0.06 g; at the age of 2 years: one-time - 0.03 g, daily - 0.09 g; 3-4 years: one-time - 0.05 g, daily -0.15 g; 5-6 years: one-time -0.075 g, daily - 0.25 g; 7-9 years: one-time - 0.1 g, daily - 0.3 g; 10-14 years: single dose - 0.15 g, daily dose - 0.45 g. Children under 1 year of age are prescribed in the form of granules (mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of water or jelly). For myxedema and hypothyroidism, children are prescribed doses close to the highest, specifying them depending on the clinical course of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy. Typically, the effect of thyroidin is observed after 2-3 days of treatment, the final effect is observed after 3-4 weeks.

Side effects: In case of overdose, thyrotoxicosis (a disease associated with an increased content of thyroid hormones in the body), angina pectoris, worsening of diabetes mellitus, and allergic reactions are possible.

Contraindications: Thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease), diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease (insufficient adrenal function), general exhaustion, severe forms of coronary insufficiency (discrepancies between the heart's need for oxygen and its delivery).

Release form: Powder; film-coated tablets, 0.05 g and 0.1 g each, in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions: List B. In a dry, cool place, protected from light.

Synonyms: Tyrant, Thyroid, Tirotan.

Ingredients: Hormonal preparation obtained from the dried fat-free thyroid glands of slaughter cattle. Yellow-gray powder with a faint odor characteristic of dried animal tissues. Insoluble in water, alcohol and other solvents. It has the biological activity of thyroid hormone. Standardize according to the content of organically bound iodine (from 0.17 to 023%). The action of thyroidin is associated with the presence of two hormones in it: thyroxine and triiodothyronine (both are levorotatory isomers in the body). Chemically, thyroxine differs from triiodothyronine in the presence of one additional iodine atom in the molecule.

Attention! The description of the drug “ Thyroidin ” on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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