INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE "Bronchipret" syrup

Composition of the drug

The cough medicine Bronchipret consists of a complex of herbal components. Plants for their production are grown in ecologically clean areas on plantations. During the production of the product, multi-stage quality control is provided. This guarantees the safety of the product.

The main ingredient of the medicine in any form is common thyme extract. This plant has long been used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The extract used in the preparation facilitates expectoration and accelerates the removal of mucus, as it has the following effects:

  • Reduces the inflammatory process.
  • Reduces the viscosity of the secretion.
  • Destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Has a bronchodilator effect.

Other components in its composition enhance the effect of the drug:

  • Ivy leaves. They have secretolytic, antimicrobial and bronchospasmolytic effects.
  • Primrose roots. The extract from them has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and also accelerates the removal of sputum and has a bronchospasmolytic effect.

In addition to the main component, bronchipret tablets contain primrose root extract, and bronchipret syrup contains ivy leaf extract. The combination of herbal components allows for maximum effectiveness of the drug due to the synergistic effect. The effectiveness of cough treatment and good tolerability of the drug by patients of any age have been confirmed through large multicenter studies.

The drug Bronchipret contains no preservatives, artificial colors or flavors. They are often potential triggers of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. This means that when treated with the drug, the likelihood of allergic manifestations is significantly reduced.

Indications and use

Bronchipret, the instructions confirm this, is prescribed for the treatment of cough in various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The drug is indicated in the complex treatment of bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, tracheitis, which is accompanied by cough with the formation of sputum.

Bronchipret tablets and syrup are intended for oral administration before meals. The course of treatment with the drug is 12-14 days. Extending it or repeating it after a certain time is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The drug can be taken in tablet form from 12 years of age. Dosage for complex therapy of diseases - 1 tablet three times a day. The syrup is approved for the treatment of children from 3 months and adults. When taking it, you must follow the dosage recommendations specified in the instructions for use. The solution in the bottle should be shaken before use.

Bronchipret® syrup - instructions

Registration number: LS-000181 Trade name: Bronchipret® International non-proprietary or generic name: Common ivy leaf extract + Thyme herb extract Dosage form: syrup

Composition (per 100 g of syrup): Active components: Thyme1 herbal extract liquid3 15.0 g Ivy2 leaves extract liquid4 1.5 g Excipients: maltitol syrup, potassium sorbate, citric acid monohydrate, purified water.

1 - Latin name - Thymus vulgaris L., family Lamiaceae or T. Zygus Loefl ex L. family Lamiaceae or a mixture of both species 2 - Latin name - Hedera helix, family Araliaceae 3 - (1 :2-2.5), extractant - mixture: ammonia solution 10% - glycerin 85% - ethanol 90% (volume ratio) - water in the ratio 1:20:70:109 4 - (1:1), extractant - ethanol 70% (v/v)

Description Transparent liquid of light brown color with a characteristic odor. Slight opalescence may occur during storage.

Pharmacotherapeutic group Expectorant of plant origin. ATX code: R05CA10

Pharmacological properties The drug has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, secretolytic, bronchodilator effect, helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and accelerate its evacuation.

Indications for use As an expectorant in the complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough and sputum formation (tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis).

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, to other plants of the Araliaceae and/or Lamiaceae family, as well as to birch, wormwood, celery; sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption; pregnancy, breastfeeding period; children's age (up to 1 year). Due to the presence of ethanol, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug for alcoholism, epilepsy, liver diseases, brain diseases, and traumatic brain injury.

With caution : Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric ulcer). Before starting to use the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Method of administration and dosage The drug is prescribed orally, after meals. Children from 1 year to 2 years - 2.2 ml 3 times a day; children from 2 years to 6 years - 3.2 ml 3 times a day; children from 6 years to 12 years - 4.3 ml 3 times a day; children over 12 years old and adults - 5.4 ml 3 times a day. It is recommended to take undiluted Bronchipret® syrup with water. Dosing of the drug is carried out using the supplied measuring cup. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Increasing the duration and conducting repeated courses of treatment is possible on the recommendation of a doctor. If there is no improvement during treatment, or symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Use the drug only according to the indications, method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

Side effects In rare cases (more than 1/10000, but less than 1/1000), allergic reactions are possible. Adverse reactions whose frequency is unknown, e.g. cannot be assessed based on available data: hypersensitivity reactions such as shortness of breath, urticaria, swelling of the face, mouth and/or pharynx. Infrequently (more than 1/1000, but less than 1/100) gastrointestinal disorders (cramping pain, nausea, vomiting) may occur. In case of the first signs of the reactions described above or other adverse reactions not listed in the instructions for use, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Overdose In case of overdose, pain in the stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea are possible. Treatment is symptomatic.

Interactions with other drugs Bronchipret® syrup should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs, as well as drugs that reduce the formation of sputum, as this makes it difficult to cough up liquefied sputum. Combination with antibacterial drugs is possible.

Special instructions If, when using the drug for 10–14 days, the symptoms of the disease persist, or shortness of breath, fever or sputum with pus appears, you should consult a doctor. The drug contains 6-7% ethanol (volume). The maximum recommended single dose of the drug for adults, 5.4 ml, contains 0.297 g of absolute ethyl alcohol, the maximum daily dose (16.2 ml) contains 0.891 g of absolute ethyl alcohol. The drug should be prescribed with caution to children (due to the possible negative effects of ethanol). Information for patients with diabetes: the recommended single dose of the drug for adults, 5.4 ml, contains about 0.18 bread units (XU). During storage of the drug, slight turbidity or slight precipitation may occur, which does not affect its effectiveness. Shake before use!

Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery During the period of use of the drug, care must be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher, operator).

Release form : Syrup. 50 or 100 ml in a dark glass bottle with a dosing device, a blue screw cap with a safety ring and a measuring cup on top. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

Storage conditions Store in the original packaging (dark glass bottle, cardboard box), at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life: 3 years. Do not use after expiration date. Opened bottles can be used for 6 months.

Conditions of release Dispensed without a prescription.

Manufacturer Bionorica SE, Kerschensteinerstrasse 11-15, 92318, Neumarkt, Germany

Organization accepting consumer complaints Limited Liability Company "Bionorika" 119619 Moscow, 6th st. New Gardens, 2, bldg. 1. tel./fax, email address

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to any components of the drug. Therefore, it is important to carefully study its composition before using the medicine. It is prohibited to use bronchipret during pregnancy and lactation. Medicine in the form of syrup is not prescribed to children under 3 months, and tablets cannot be used to treat children under 12 years of age.

The product contains ethanol, so it is not recommended for use in alcoholism. It is advisable to avoid treating cough with bronchiprete if epilepsy is diagnosed. It should be used with caution in the presence of liver pathologies, brain diseases and traumatic brain injuries. You should consult a doctor about the possibility of treating cough with bronchipret if you have various gastrointestinal diseases, in particular gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Side effects include allergic reactions. They most often present with skin rash and shortness of breath. In severe cases, as the instructions note, urticaria, swelling of the face and mouth occur.

Symptoms of overdose are manifested by side effects from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain. If the dose recommended by the instructions is exceeded, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE "Bronchipret" syrup




Active ingredients: liquid extract of thyme herb, liquid extract of ivy leaves.

Release form: syrup 50 ml and 100 ml in bottles . For use in adults and children over 1 year of age.


Active ingredients:

10 g of Bronchipret syrup (corresponding to 8.85 ml) contains:

1.5 g liquid extract of thyme herb (Thymus vulgaris) (1: 2-2.5),

extracting agent: aqueous solution of ammonia 10% (v/v), glycerol 85% (v/v), ethanol 90% (v/v), water (1:20:70:109);

0.15 g liquid extract of ivy leaves (Hederae helix) (1:1), extractant: ethanol 70% (v/v).

Ethanol content: 7% (v/v).


Citric acid monohydrate, purified water, potassium sorbate, maltitol solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic group : herbal preparation used for colds and respiratory diseases.

ATC code: R05CA

Pharmacological properties

Combined preparation of plant origin. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, secretolytic, bronchodilator effect. Helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and accelerate its evacuation.


Not represented.

Indications for use

As an expectorant in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough and sputum formation (tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis).

Directions for use and dosage

Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, the usual dosage is:

Age Single dose (3 times a day) Total daily dose
Children 1 - 5 years old 3.2 ml 9.6 ml
Children 6 - 11 years old 4.3 ml 12.9 ml
Adults and teenagers from 12 years old 5.4 ml 16.2 ml

Take Bronchipret syrup, using a measuring cup, 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening), undiluted. If desired, you can take it with a drink

liquid (not alcohol), preferably a glass of water.

Bronchipret syrup can be taken with meals or regardless of meals. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should take the drug after meals.

Shake before use!

The duration of use depends on the course of the disease. If complaints continue for more than 1 week, consult your doctor.

Side effect

Like all medicines, Bronchipret syrup can have side effects, which do not appear in every case.

When assessing side effects, the following data on the frequency of their occurrence are used as a basis:

Often: in more than 1 in 10 patients treated
Often: 1 to 10 out of 100 patients treated
Sometimes: 1 to 10 out of 1000 patients treated
Rarely: 1 to 10 out of 10,000 patients treated
Very rarely: less than 1 in 10,000 patients treated
Not known: frequency cannot be determined from available data

Significant side effects to watch out for and measures to take if you experience the following reactions:

If the following side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. He can decide on the severity of the side effect and what further measures are needed.

Sometimes complaints from the gastrointestinal tract may occur, such as cramps, nausea, vomiting.

Rarely, skin hypersensitivity reactions (allergic reactions) with rashes may occur. Allergic reactions such as rash, shortness of breath, swelling of the face, mouth or oral cavity are also possible.

At the first sign of a hypersensitivity reaction, you should stop taking the drug.

If any of the side effects listed are severe, or if you experience side effects not listed in this leaflet, contact your doctor or pharmacist.


Hypersensitivity (allergy) to ivy, thyme or other Lamiaceae, birch, wormwood, celery or any of the components of Bronchipret.

Drug interactions

To date, cases of interaction with other drugs are unknown.

Bronchipret should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs, as well as with drugs that reduce the formation of sputum, as this makes it difficult to cough up liquefied sputum. Combination with antibacterial drugs is possible.

special instructions

Bronchipret syrup should not be taken by children under 1 year of age.

Due to the lack of relevant research, it is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If complaints do not disappear after a week of taking the drug, if difficulty appears

breathing, fever, purulent or bloody sputum, you should consult a doctor immediately.

The drug contains 7% ethanol (volume). The drug also contains a solution of maltitol and therefore, in patients suffering from intolerance to certain sugars, taking the syrup should only be started after consultation with a doctor.

Patients suffering from diabetes should note that a single dose of syrup (5.4 ml) contains an average of 0.18 countable bread units (BE).

Ability to drive and maintain machinery: No special precautions required.


In case of overdose, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea are possible.

In this case, inform your doctor about this, he can decide on the necessary measures.

Storage conditions

Store the drug in its original container to protect it from light.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Do not take the medicine after the expiration date indicated on the package.

The expiration date refers to the last day of the month.

Best before date

3 years

Shelf life after opening the bottle: 6 months

Features of use

You cannot continue to use the drug bronchipret if there is no positive dynamics during the course of treatment for a week. You cannot combine the medicine with other antitussives, the action of which is aimed at reducing the amount of sputum. This will make it difficult to cough and reduce the effectiveness of the drug. The effectiveness of treatment increases when bronchipret is combined with antibacterial drugs.

Since the drug contains ethanol, during treatment it is necessary to use caution when driving vehicles or performing operations that require increased precision and attention. To a certain extent, after taking bronchipret, psychomotor reactions slow down.

Bronchipret tablets and syrup are prescription drugs and have an affordable price. The medicine must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a place protected from light and moisture, to which children do not have access. Shelf life – 3 years. The syrup may become cloudy during storage, but this factor does not impair its medicinal properties. After the expiration date, the product must not be used.

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