TOP 8 cheap analogues and substitutes for the drug Detralex

Has restrictions during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Prohibited for children

Has restrictions for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

Detralex is a venotonic drug for the treatment of venous insufficiency. It eliminates inflammation in the membranes of veins and venules, and also thins venous blood, eliminating its stagnation. The drug affects veins in different places, improving blood movement and restoring the firmness and elasticity of the membranes of capillaries and veins. Analogues of Detralex do not have such effectiveness, although they are in a lower price segment.

Properties of the drug:

  • reduces the intensity and frequency of calf cramps;
  • relieves pain and swelling in the legs;
  • reduces the feeling of distension of the venous membranes;
  • the progression of trophic changes on the skin and the formation of trophic ulcers slows down;
  • restores circulation in venules and small capillaries;
  • enhances the outflow of lymph, which helps eliminate heaviness in the legs.

Results of using Detralex

The drug is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids of any form. For the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones, the regimen for using tablets is as follows - 6 pieces per day (3 pieces at the time of breakfast and dinner) for 4-5 days, after that 2 pieces twice a day - 3-4 days. After relief of acute pain, it is necessary to take 2 tablets per day for several months as maintenance therapy.

The complex drug Detralex includes the following components:

  • hesperedin;
  • diosmin.

The use of the medication is prohibited in case of allergic reactions of the body to the components in the medication, as well as during lactation. During pregnancy, the use of the medication is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Detralex is not used in pediatrics.


Detralex contains 500 mg of micronized flavonoid fraction (Purified micronized flavonoid fraction), in which diosmin is 90% (450 mg), hesperidin is 10% (50 mg).
Auxiliary components: gelatin, magnesium stearate, MCC, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, purified water.

Film shell composition: macrogol 6000, sodium lauryl sulfate, orange-pink premix for p/o (magnesium stearate, glycerol, hypromellose, iron dyes - yellow and red oxides, titanium dioxide).


  1. The medicine is included in the list of drugs whose main active ingredient is troxerutin.
  2. Capsules and gel for external use are produced in Russia. One tube of gel 40 grams costs 40 rubles, and a pack containing 50 capsules costs about 300 rubles.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed orally for the following conditions:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • venous insufficiency.

It is possible to take capsules for the complex treatment of diabetic retinopathy, as well as arterial hypertension complicated by atherosclerosis.

Directions for use and dosage

  • Capsules are taken orally without chewing, preferably with 200 ml of liquid. The dosage is 900 mg per day, divided into three doses.
  • After 14 days of therapy, the dose is reduced to 600 mg per day. A noticeable therapeutic effect is observed after 1 month.

The European analogue of Troxerutin is called Troxevasin (manufactured in Bulgaria).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

It has an angioprotective and venotonic effect, reduces venostasis , venous distensibility and capillary permeability, increases the tone of the venous walls, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Increases the ability of capillaries to maintain the integrity of the walls under mechanical stress.

The use of the drug Detralex helps to reduce the interaction of leukocytes and endothelium , as well as the adhesion of leukocytes in post-capillary venules, which reduces the severity of the damaging effect of inflammatory mediators on the venous valve leaflets and venous walls.

T½ - 11 o'clock. Excretion of active components is carried out mainly through the intestines. About 14% of the dose taken is excreted by the kidneys.


Manufacturer: NPO LLC FARMVILAR (Russia)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: angionorm

Angionorm belongs to the group of angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors. The medication has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic properties, has a tonic effect on the venous wall, and stimulates renal diuresis. The Detralex analog is effective in the treatment of thrombosis, thromboembolism, and thrombophlebitis.

Indications for use of Detralex

When are vein pills prescribed?

Indications for the use of Detralex are organic and functional venolymphatic insufficiency of the lower extremities , which is manifested by swelling and pain, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, trophic disorders, and convulsions.

When is the drug used as a pill for hemorrhoids?

The use of the drug Detralex is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of acute hemorrhoidal attack .


For both varicose veins and hemorrhoids the drug is used as a symptomatic remedy and often as part of complex therapy.

To reduce the severity of symptoms of venous insufficiency, a venotonic ointment or gel can be prescribed along with tablets.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids Relief , Proctosan , Nigepan , etc.) and ointments ( Ichthyol , Hepatrombin , Bezornil , etc.) can be used to relieve pain and inflammation, improve vascular tone, reduce thrombosis and stop bleeding

Detralex or Antistax - which is more effective?

Manufacturer: GINSANA S. A. (Switzerland)
Release form: capsules, gel for external use

Active ingredient: red grape leaf extract

Both medications are used in the treatment of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. When comparing both medications, priority in the therapeutic effect will be given to Detralex. By its action, the drug quickly relieves negative symptoms and improves the condition of the veins.

Its analog Antistax is more suitable as a prophylaxis and prevention of relapse of the disease. The natural component of the active substance shows its effectiveness only with long-term use of the medication.

Side effects

Side effects of Detralex are extremely rare. Most often the body reacts to treatment with dyspeptic disorders ( nausea , diarrhea , etc.), sometimes neurovegetative disorders (malaise, headache , dizziness , etc.) and disorders of the subcutaneous tissue and skin ( urticaria , skin rashes) , itching).

In extremely rare cases, angioedema .

Analogues on

If you go to, you can find good dietary supplements to maintain the health of your veins. The most inexpensive of them:

  • Life Time, 60 capsules 692 rubles;
  • Great legs, 69 capsules 960 rubles;
  • Doctor's Best, 60 capsules for vegans 890 rubles;
  • FutureBiotics, VeinFactors, 90 capsules 905 rubles.

All drugs are certified and safe for consumers. On the site you can read reviews about specific supplements, as well as see product ratings.

The cheapest substitutes

Name of medicineAverage price for 30 tablets
Venarus570 rubles
Detralex800 rubles
Troxevasin405 rubles
Phlebofa550 rubles
Normoven180 rubles
Venosmin590 rubles
Detraven600 rubles

Detralex tablets, instructions for use

Instructions for use of Detralex for varicose veins

For venolymphatic insufficiency, the recommended dose is 2 tablets. 500 g per day. The tablets are taken with meals, one in the daytime, the second in the evening.

The medicine is prescribed only to adult patients. To enhance the effect, the doctor may also recommend using external therapy - ointment or gel.

The duration of treatment with Detralex for varicose veins , as well as the need for repeated courses, is determined by the doctor.

Detralex for hemorrhoids. How long to take pills for hemorrhoids?

The description attached to the drug on how to take Detralex for hemorrhoids states that in the acute stage of the disease (during an acute hemorrhoidal attack ) it is necessary to take 6 tablets per day. during the first 4 days of treatment and 4 tablets/day. in the next 3 days. Take the medicine with meals, dividing the daily dose into 2-3 doses.

Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids involves taking 4 tablets daily. They are taken with meals, 2 at each dose. After 7 days, you can reduce the dose by half and reduce the frequency of applications to 1 r./day.

How long to take the medicine depends on the degree of advanced disease and the effectiveness of therapy. On average, doctors for chronic hemorrhoids recommend taking pills in courses lasting 2-3 months. In case of an acute attack, treatment is carried out in short courses lasting 7 days.

If symptoms persist longer than this time, the patient should be examined by a proctologist.

Reviews of Detralex for hemorrhoids are mostly good. The main disadvantage of the drug, according to consumers, is its high price. However, given that Detralex is a drug with proven effectiveness (patients often notice an improvement in the situation after 2-3 days of taking the tablets), many people still prefer it over cheaper analogues.

Detralex or Troxevasin - which is better and more effective for hemorrhoids and varicose veins

Manufacturer: BALKANFARMA TROYAN AD (Bulgaria)
Release form: capsules, gel for external use

Active ingredient: troxerutin

Both drugs have different active substances and mechanisms of action. Detralex and its analogue stimulate blood flow, have a positive effect on the permeability of the vascular wall and relieve tissue swelling.

Troxevasin will be more effective for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, as it can reduce the risk of blood clots and hematomas. An additional form in the form of a gel analogue of Detralex increases the therapeutic effect for hemorrhoids in combination with capsules used orally.

For lymphovenous insufficiency and hemorrhoids, according to doctors, the best would be Detralex, which has a highly tonic effect on the vascular wall, improves lymph flow and quickly relieves negative symptoms.

special instructions

The use of tablets during an acute hemorrhoidal attack cannot replace specific therapy and creates obstacles to the treatment of other proctological diseases.

If after a short time there is no rapid decrease in the severity of symptoms, the patient should be examined by a proctologist, and the doctor should reconsider the therapy.

For people with impaired venous circulation, to increase the effectiveness of the drug, it is recommended:

  • avoid standing for long periods of time and prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • adjust body weight and diet;
  • wear compression stockings to improve blood circulation;
  • hike.


Release form: gel for external use

Active ingredient: sodium heparin

The Detralex analogue is a direct coagulant for external use. Lyoton, penetrating through the skin, reduces inflammation, prevents the formation of blood clots, and improves microcirculation. As a result of the action of the analogue, swelling decreases, the resorption of blood clots accelerates, and tissue metabolism improves.

A correctly selected analogue of Detralex will allow you to quickly stop the symptoms of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids, significantly increase remission and prevent unwanted complications of the disease.

Detralex's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:




Troxevasin Neo


Ginkor Gel

Ginkor fort







What can replace the drug?

Drugs similar to Detralex with a similar mechanism of action, but a different composition:

  • Antistax
  • Askorutin
  • Vasocket
  • Venolek
  • Venoruton
  • Rutin
  • Troxevasin
  • Troxerutin
  • Phlebodia 600
  • Yuglanex
  • Phlebofa

Substitutes based on Hesperidine + Diosmin:

  • Venozol
  • Venarus

The medicine and its analogues are used to treat functional and organic venous insufficiency , as well as hemorrhoids (both acute and chronic).

The price of Detralex analogues is from 60 rubles. The cheapest analogues of Detralex are the drugs Rutin and Ascorutin .

In Ukraine, if Detralex is not available in the pharmacy, they may offer to replace it with the following drugs:

  • Venorin
  • Venosmin
  • Juantal
  • Dioflan
  • Normoven
  • Nostalex

Which is better: Detralex or Phlebodia 600?

On forums, the drug is often compared with its analogues. And most often with the drug Phlebodia 600 . The basis of both products is diosmin. Its concentration in Phlebodia is 600 - 600 mg/tab., in Detralex - 450 mg/tab., however, in the latter its effect is enhanced by the presence of hesperidin (50 mg/tab.).

For varicose veins , take Phlebodia 600 1 tablet per day, Detralex - 2 tablets per day, that is, the daily dose of diosmin in the first case is 600 mg, in the second - 900 mg.

If we compare the pharmaceutical effect of the drugs and the specifics of their use, there are practically no differences.

However, thanks to the use of a unique technology for processing the active substance in its production, Detralex is absorbed into the body faster and more completely than its analogue, while its concentration in the blood plasma reaches a maximum after three to four hours.

Which is better: Detralex or Antistax?

Antistax is a herbal medicine that is used for venous circulation disorders. The capsules are based on a dried extract of red grape leaves with a high content of isoquercetin and quercetin glucuronide - flavonoids that help stabilize cell membranes, normalize vascular permeability, and reduce swelling.

However, if the effectiveness of Detralex was confirmed during clinical experiments, there is currently no scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of Antistax.

Another difference between the drugs is that Detralex can be used during pregnancy, but there is no information regarding the safety and effectiveness of Antistax for pregnant women.

According to experts, Antistax for vascular diseases can be recommended more as a prophylactic agent and as an addition to the main treatment.

Thrombovazim or Detralex - which is better?

Thrombovazim is an enzyme preparation with thrombolytic, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory activity. Its active ingredient is a complex of proteinases produced by Bacillus subtilis.

The medicine is prescribed as part of complex therapy for chronic venous insufficiency . It is strictly contraindicated for peptic ulcers , pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Considering that the drugs Detralex and Trombovazim have different pharmacological effects, it is not correct to compare them. Especially if you take into account that doctors often recommend taking them in combination.

Which is better: Detralex or Venarus?

Venarus is a Russian analogue of the drug. If you compare which is better - Detralex or Venarus, then you can come to the conclusion that there is no fundamental difference between them.

The basis of both drugs are the substances diosmin and hesperidin; the products differ only slightly in the composition of the auxiliary components. The principle of action of Venarus is the same as that of its analogue, and the drug is prescribed for the same thing as Detralex tablets.

Recommendations on how to take both remedies for varicose veins and hemorrhoids are also identical.

The annotations for the drugs are distinguished by the fact that an additional contraindication to the use of Venarus is the lactation period. In addition, the cheaper analogue of Detralex is characterized by lower bioavailability and is somewhat more likely to cause side effects than the drug produced by Les Laboratoires Servier.

Detralex or Venarus - which is better and more effective for hemorrhoids and varicose veins

Manufacturer: JSC FP OBOLENSKOE (Russia)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: diosmin, hesperidin

Venarus and Detralex have the same active substances and mechanism of action. But Detralex will be the best for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Its effect in reducing disease activity is observed already in 1 week, due to the method of manufacturing the medicine, that is, the microionization procedure. For the Venarus analogue, this period increases to 20 days.

According to doctors, the use of Detralex is preferable if it is necessary to quickly relieve acute symptoms of the disease with severe pain.

The effect of using Detralex is enhanced in combination with external agents.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no categorical ban on drinking alcohol during treatment with Detralex. The active ingredients of the drug are flavonoids hesperidin and diosmin, which, according to Wikipedia, are plant pigments and powerful natural antioxidants, do not interact with other substances and have no significant side effects.

However, it should be taken into account that, by affecting the cardiovascular system, alcoholic drinks provoke an increase in blood pressure and dilation of blood vessels, and a sharp influx of blood causes an increase in its stagnation in places of accumulation.

Thus, alcohol reduces the effectiveness of therapy and contributes to the progression of the disease.

Detralex or Phlebodia 600 - which is better for varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Manufacturer: INNOTERA CHOUZY (France)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: diosmin

Phlebodia and Detralex have the same active substance. The diosmin content in the first is 600 mg, and in the second - 450 mg. Detralex will be the best for long-term treatment of varicose veins in the early (1-2) stages of the disease. Its effect is gentle on the gastrointestinal tract and practically does not provoke side effects.

Due to the higher concentration of the active substance in Phlebodia, the therapeutic effect occurs faster, therefore the use of the Detralex analogue is preferable for hemorrhoids.

Detralex during pregnancy

Despite the fact that studies have not revealed the teratogenic properties of Detralex, it is used with caution during pregnancy.

Due to the lack of information on the ability of diosmin and hesperidin to pass into breast milk during breastfeeding, the use of the drug should be avoided.

The category of effect on the fetus according to the FDA classification has not been determined.

Studies on rats have shown that the drug does not have reproductive toxicity.

Reviews of Detralex during pregnancy allow us to conclude that the drug really helps with problems with veins and hemorrhoids . With the use of tablets, pain in the legs disappears, the legs become less tired and do not swell (and if they swell, then not so much), the development of varicose veins hemorrhoids disappear (or are significantly reduced) .

Which is better to choose?

Reviews about Detralex are positive. The drug is effective for various disorders in the functioning of the venous system. Reviews about its analogues are not always clear; you can purchase both more and less effective products with a similar effect on the body.

Reviews from doctors

Marushenko E.K., phlebologist: “Detralex is effective not only in the treatment of varicose veins, but also hemorrhoids. Not all substitutes are also effective, so I do not recommend that patients choose their own substitutes. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct analogue. If we talk about more budget-friendly products, I can recommend Normoven - it is a truly universal and effective remedy.”

Reviews of Detralex

On the forums you can find a variety of (and often completely opposite) reviews about Detralex tablets on the forums you can find different ones. But still, most patients respond well to the drug.

If you take pills for hemorrhoids , the result becomes noticeable already on the 2-3rd day of treatment. Moreover, the medicine “works” even in advanced cases (including during pregnancy, when almost all drugs are contraindicated, and surgical intervention is simply unacceptable).

If you take pills for varicose veins , the effect develops somewhat more slowly, but the achieved result can significantly improve the quality of life. Analyzing doctors' reviews about Detralex, we can come to the conclusion that the drug is effective, but:

  • the result is more noticeable the earlier treatment is started (reviews of Detralex for varicose veins indicate that if you start taking pills when the first signs of the disease appear, you can forget about it (the disease) for many years);
  • the effect develops gradually, that is, if the doctor said that the medicine should be taken for 2 months, then it really needs to be taken for the specified amount of time, and to maintain the achieved results, repeat the course 1-2 times a year;
  • the approach to treatment must be comprehensive - in order to achieve the desired effect, do not forget about the regimen, diet, adequate physical activity, and the use of other medications.

Side effects from the use of tablets develop extremely rarely, and they do not require special treatment or discontinuation of Detralex. This effect is due to the unique medicinal formula of the drug and a special production technology: the particles of the active components of Detralex are so small that they are very easily absorbed by the body (due to its high bioavailability, the drug is considered more effective than its more inexpensive analogues).

Detralex or Daflon - which is better?

Manufacturer: LABORATORIES SERVIER (France)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: diosmin, hesperidin

The drugs have the same active substances, indications and mechanism of action. The difference lies in the composition of their additional ingredients. Detralex more effectively stimulates venous tone, which reduces the risk of intravascular thrombus formation.

Under the influence of the medication, the speed of blood flow becomes faster compared to its analogue Daflon. This mechanism of action of Detralex is due to the presence of an increased concentration of starch and talc in the composition of the product. With these ingredients, the rate of absorption of the drug increases, which leads to a more effective effect of the drug.

Detralex price, how much it costs

Detralex 500 mg tablets in Russia sell for an average of 800 rubles. for package No. 30 and 1500 rubles. per package No. 60.

The average price of Detralex tablets for hemorrhoids and varicose veins in Ukraine (for 60 tablets 500 mg) is about 300 UAH.

The drug is available exclusively in the form of tablets and suspension. You won’t be able to find Detralex ointment or lyophilisate.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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Answers on questions

Detralex suspension or tablets - which is better, what is the difference?

Detralex in these forms of the drug is taken orally. The difference between them lies in their dosage. The suspension contains 1000 mg and tablets 500 mg of the active substance. The best form for taking Detralex is a suspension, which is produced in sachet packaging. It is ready to drink and does not require additional water.

The Detralex suspension tastes good and does not cause discomfort. It is convenient to take it anywhere (at work, on vacation or on the go).

Does Detralex thin the blood or not?

Detralex is a venotonic that reduces the risk of intravascular blood clots. This occurs due to blood thinning, which leads to normalization of its outflow.

Detralex 1000 or 500 - which is better?

The medication in a dosage of 500 mg is produced in tablets, and 1000 mg in a suspension. Detralex with a double dose of the active substance will be more effective due to the higher concentration of the drug in the blood plasma and its effect on pathologically altered veins.

Detralex and alcohol - can they be combined or not?

Alcohol is not compatible with taking Detralex, as it has the opposite effect of the drug and neutralizes the drug effect. Alcohol abuse and taking Detralex provoke an exacerbation of the disease and lead to its progression.

Is Detralex a dietary supplement or a medicine?

Detralex is not a dietary supplement, but a medicine.

Is Detralex an anticoagulant or not?

Detralex is not an anticoagulant. This is a venotonic, the action of which is aimed at reducing the time it takes blood to pass through the veins, strengthening the walls of capillaries and preventing the development of varicose veins.

Detralex sachet or tablets - which is better?

In terms of the therapeutic and practical use of Detralex, the best is the sachet form, that is, a single dose of 1000 mg in a dense sachet, which is convenient to take directly from the package.

Is Detralex an antibiotic or not?

No, Detralex is not an antibiotic.

Does Detralex increase blood pressure or not?

Detralex has no effect on blood pressure.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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