Formidron - instructions for use for sweaty feet

Excessive sweating of the feet is one of the most common problems that causes a lot of trouble and discomfort in a person’s life. People suffering from hyperhidrosis of the feet are embarrassed to take off their shoes in the presence of strangers and feel awkward at a party, in a shoe store or in a gym.

Most often, excessive sweating is the cause of dysfunction in the body (hormonal imbalance, the presence of fungal diseases, hereditary factors) and requires drug treatment. Wearing the wrong shoes can also cause your feet to sweat excessively. Modern manufacturers of medical drugs offer a wide range of products to eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat, one of such drugs is Formidron. With this solution you can quickly and quite effectively get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant odor.

Side effects

Allergies may occur when using the drug.
Before you figure out how to use Formidron, you should carefully study the possible side effects. The drug does not cause systemic negative reactions, but may cause:

  • skin irritation and redness,
  • itching and burning at the site of application,
  • overdrying of the epidermis,
  • allergies.

An allergy to Formidron results in hives. The area treated with the medicine swells and turns red, small rash blisters appear that are very itchy. To eliminate symptoms, you must first stop exposure to the drug by washing it off the skin, and then take an antihistamine.

In case of irritation, redness and peeling of the skin, the amount of the drug should be reduced when re-treating the affected area.

Directions for use and dosage

Formidron is used only as a means for external use. Wipe the skin in the armpits and feet in areas of increased sweating with cotton wool or a cotton pad soaked in the solution. It is recommended to use the drug up to two times a day. Apply the solution to prepared, clean, dry skin for 30 minutes, after which you need to rinse off any remaining product under running water. The formaldehyde solution can be irritating to the armpit hollows and thin sensitive skin, so the exposure time is reduced to 15-20 minutes.

When shaving your armpit hollows, refrain from using the product for 24 hours so that the antiseptic does not cause redness of the skin and allergic reactions. Irritation is eliminated with the help of soothing regenerating creams. Formidron begins to act immediately after application to the skin - one or two procedures will be needed to obtain a lasting effect lasting up to 14 days. If sweating of skin areas is increased, then treatment is carried out within 2-3 days.

For nail fungus

Formidron is used as an adjunct in the treatment of nail fungus. The affected nail plates are treated with a diluted solution (1 ml per 100 grams of water). The procedure is repeated 3 times a day for 15-20 days. The liquid makes the nail plate soft, more loose, the healing cream penetrates into the upper layers of the nail, and the dynamics of treatment improves.

For shoes

Formidron is often used to treat footwear against fungus. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every two weeks to prevent re-infection of the feet and nails with fungal diseases. A solution of formaldehyde in alcohol easily penetrates into the pores of shoe material and effectively suppresses the development of colonies of fungi that cause mycosis. After the first use, the level of pathogenic bacteria is significantly reduced.

For excessive sweating of the skin

Sweating underarms causes discomfort, provokes the development of bacteria, and a strong smell of sweat accompanies the person. Formidron, the components of the drug, can cope with this problem by narrowing and atrophy of the sweat glands, reducing the volume of sweat secreted. After treating the armpits or feet, tannins begin to act on the epidermis, preserve the sweat channels, reducing the secretion of the glands. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to apply the solution 1-2 times a day to areas of the skin with increased sweating for 3-4 days.

For legs

During the autumn and winter periods, when the feet are constantly warm and high humidity, favorable conditions arise for the development of fungus. Excessive sweating of the feet is an additional risk factor, but Formidron also copes with this problem. Treatment of skin areas according to instructions is carried out 1-2 times a day for 2-3 days. Repeated use when excessive sweating resumes will only be needed after 15-20 days. Dermatologists recommend accompanying foot treatment with the use of softening and regenerating creams.

Form and composition

Formidron is produced in the form of a clear, alcohol-based solution. It has a pleasant smell. Pour the antiseptic solution into darkened glass bottles.

The main active ingredient in formidron is formaldehyde. It destroys protein molecules. After the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, the intensity of the process of decomposition of secretions secreted by the sweat glands decreases. This allows you to remove the pronounced smell of sweat. In addition, formaldehyde has special properties that lead to atrophy of the sweat glands and promote their closure.


Symptoms of overdose are usually redness of the skin at the site of application, dryness, irritation and itching. You should stop using the product and wash it off the affected area with water.

Symptoms of poisoning when Formidron is ingested are acute pain in the stomach, dizziness, disorientation, causeless fear, nausea, and vomiting. If formalin gets into the gastrointestinal tract, you should immediately induce vomiting or, if more than half an hour has passed, perform gastric lavage through a tube. Prescribe diuretics, ammonia and urea preparations.

In case of poisoning with formaldehyde vapor, inhalation should be performed with a solution of ammonia (1-2 drops).

Cost and analogues

Teymurov paste is used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis

Having figured out what Formidron is used for, you should know what drugs can replace it. In the treatment of hyperhidrosis, Teymurov's paste is used. You can also replace the product with Formagel. Formidron, the price of which is 10-20 rubles per bottle, can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Indications and contraindications for use, side effects

Many people believe that Formidron is used exclusively for foot odor, reduces sweating, etc. However, this is not so. Formaldehyde has antifungal activity, so it can be prescribed in the following situations:

  • Mycoses of the skin of the legs;
  • Fungus of the nail plate;
  • Increased sweating of the feet;
  • Unpleasant foot odor.

The medicinal liquid has certain contraindications. Use for sweaty feet during pregnancy is prohibited; use is not recommended in children under 12 years of age. The drug should not be used if inflammatory processes are detected or if there is a history of individual intolerance to formaldehyde.

If there are cuts, wounds or scratches on the skin, then it should not be used. Since the drug contains toxic components that penetrate into the blood, leading to the development of negative reactions.

In some cases, side effects develop:

  1. Skin rash;
  2. Itching and burning of the skin;
  3. Hives;
  4. Hyperemia.

Usually such symptoms do not occur. But with organic intolerance, the signs of allergy can be quite strong. In this case, you need to stop the drug and visit a doctor.

Pharmacological properties

The drug prevents the spread of fungal spores to healthy areas of the nail plates or epidermis

Formidron is a product with an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Such properties are due, first of all, to the presence of alcohol in the composition of the drug. Additionally, the drug reduces sweating and unpleasant odor from the skin.

Formidron is advisable to use in the treatment of mycoses, including onychomycosis, but not as a therapeutic agent, but as a prophylactic agent.

Due to its antiseptic effect, the drug effectively prevents the spread of fungal spores to healthy areas of the nail plates or epidermis.

Due to its pleasant smell, it is advisable to use the medicine for excessive sweating of the feet. The antiseptic effect of the solution will reduce the smell of sweat, and the cologne in the composition will bring a feeling of freshness and comfort.

Instructions for using Formidron for nail fungus

The drug is intended for external use only.

When treating with Formidron, it is extremely important to prevent the antiseptic from coming into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Remember that the antifungal agent should not be applied to damaged skin: this may cause serious irritation of the epidermal layer

Formidron should be used to treat mycosis of the feet only under the supervision of a dermatologist. As a rule, in advanced forms of the disease, the medicine is prescribed in combination with other fungicides.

How to use Formidron for legs

External use of this product can effectively stop the proliferation of the fungus at the initial stage of infection. An antiseptic is used for daily treatment of affected areas of the skin. Before treating the fungus, it is recommended to steam your feet and remove dead skin cells. Then the Formidron solution should be applied to the affected areas, after which, after leaving for about 40 minutes, the medicine should be washed off with warm water.

Upon completion of the procedure, as a rule, there is no need to use any deodorants or other means to eliminate the unpleasant odor that is so characteristic of the period of active spread of mycosis spores. It is recommended to treat feet once a day for 2-3 weeks. The medicinal liquid has a broad-spectrum antiseptic effect, so while treating a fungal infection, you will also get rid of other pathogenic microorganisms that cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

Among other things, answering what Formidron is needed for, experts call the fight against onychomycosis. Nail fungus is dangerous because it can quickly spread to healthy areas, causing partial or generalized destruction of the plate. Formidron against nail fungus is very effective, so its use in the initial stages of the disease gives good results. In advanced cases, experts recommend first removing the fungus using a hardware technique.

The instructions for the drug indicate that to treat onychomycosis, apply a compress with a medicinal composition to pre-steamed and cleaned nails. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the affected area for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to wipe the interdigital area. The procedure must be repeated once a day. In case of severe damage, the frequency of use of the medicine is determined by the doctor.

How to treat shoes with Formidron

Without proper prevention of nail fungus, treatment of mycosis will be ineffective, and relapses of the disease will not take long to occur

For this reason, it is extremely important to disinfect your favorite shoes, boots and other fashion accessories. Formidron for treating footwear against fungus is recommended by experts to eliminate residual effects of the disease

If disinfection has not been carried out, re-infection with mycosis is almost inevitable. You can find out how to treat shoes with Formidron below:

Take a previously washed and dried fashionable “pair” and remove the insoles from it. Soak a cotton pad or napkin in the disinfectant and thoroughly wipe the insoles on all sides.

Dip a new cotton pad in the medicinal liquid and treat the entire inside of your shoes or boots, paying special attention to hard-to-reach areas. After disinfecting your shoes, pack your shoes or boots in a bag

In order to more effectively destroy fungal spores, leave the “couple” in this form for 2-3 days. After the specified period, take out the shoes and let them air for several hours.

How to use the drug correctly

Absolutely all areas with increased sweating can be treated with Formidron solution, but it should be taken into account that frequent use of the solution can dry out the skin. It is not recommended to use Formidron more than twice a day. You should also avoid getting the drug on damaged areas of the skin (wounds, abrasions and scratches) - ethyl alcohol causes irritation.

Apply the product to the skin of the feet twice a day and wait until it dries completely. Simultaneously with the treatment of the feet, Formidron should also be applied to the inner surface of the shoes. The ideal time to treat your feet is before work, in the morning, and in the evening, before bed.

Formidron is used with extreme caution, since there is a possibility of poisoning by formaldehyde vapors.

Advantages of the drug

Formaldehyde-based medicine has long been popular as a means of combating sweat. The undeniable advantages of the drug are:

  1. High antiseptic properties of the active substance, which stops the proliferation of bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor.
  2. Affordable price of the drug - for a bottle of medicine, with which you can quickly and effectively get rid of hyperhidrosis of the feet, you will have to pay only 40 rubles. for 100 ml or 25 rubles. for 50 ml.
  3. Formidron contains tannins, which dry out the skin and reduce sweating.
  4. Perfectly disinfects the skin in problem areas and has an antifungal effect.
  5. The procedure for treating the skin is very simple and does not take much time.
  6. The drug does not leave marks on socks and clothes.
  7. Formidron liquid can be used on shoes to kill bacteria.
  8. The product is highly effective and helps to quickly and permanently get rid of foot hyperhidrosis and bad odor, both on the skin and in shoes.

Can the drug cause harm to health?

When using Formidron, precautions should be taken, since the drug belongs to the category of toxic substances, carcinogens that provoke the development of malignant neoplasms.

In modern conditions, it is impossible to exclude the complete absence of human contact with formaldehyde - the main sources of air pollution are furniture, household chemicals and even paper. Scientists claim that the content of this substance in residential areas is much higher than in the open air, despite the fact that rainwater and exhaust gases are also saturated with vapors of this dangerous substance. Poisoning can occur by swallowing or inhaling harmful fumes.

In some cases, the negative effect of formaldehyde on the body can manifest itself in the form of serious diseases of the reproductive system, skin, visual and respiratory organs. However, the development of serious pathologies occurs against the background of a general decrease in immunity and regular exposure to a substance of a certain concentration level.

The instructions for the drug Formidron indicate that when treating excessive sweating, an overdose is excluded, but the solution must be used with extreme caution.


Despite the high efficiency and powerful antibacterial properties, there are a number of contraindications to the use of Formidron solution. These include:

  • The presence of an allergy (individual intolerance) to one of the active substances included in the medicinal product.
  • Dry and very sensitive skin.
  • The presence of wounds, cracks and scratches on the skin.
  • Inflammation in problem areas to be treated with the solution.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period and age up to 12 years.
  • It is not recommended to wipe the skin on the face with Formidron to avoid an allergic reaction.
  • If itching or burning sensation occurs, stop using the drug.

Necessary Precautions

Do not forget that the main active component of the drug Formidron is formaldehyde, which is classified as a dangerous toxic substance. Before applying the solution to the skin, you need to carefully study the instructions for use of the drug and strictly follow them in the future:

  • Before applying the product to problem areas, you must wear rubber gloves or use tweezers and a cotton swab.
  • If after the first procedure a burning or itching occurs on the treated skin, you should immediately stop using Formidron.
  • Do not wipe the skin on the face with the drug, especially for the treatment of cranial hyperhidrosis.
  • In order to prevent poisoning by harmful fumes, you can wear a mask or respirator while treating problem areas.
  • The bottle of medicine should be tightly closed after use and stored out of the reach of children.

Long-term use of Formidron can cause dryness and thinning of the skin, which is why it is not recommended to use the drug more than twice a day.

Can Formidron be used in the axillary area?

Most often, people experience excessive sweating in the armpit area. But the skin here is very sensitive and quite thin, so the use of Formidron in these areas should be extremely delicate. After shaving, the product can be used only after 24 hours!

The liquid is carefully applied to the previously cleaned and dried surface of the skin using a cotton pad. You should absolutely not rub the solution in; you just need to lightly rub the skin. When Formidron is applied, a slight burning sensation may sometimes be felt in the axillary area. 20 minutes after treatment, the armpits are thoroughly washed with warm water, dried with a towel and lubricated with fragrance-free cream or baby powder is applied to the skin. The use of antiperspirants is not recommended.

Due to its aggressiveness towards sensitive and dry skin, Formidron is not suitable for everyone, therefore, at the first manifestations of an allergic reaction, as well as in case of severe irritation, the use of the drug should be stopped.

Are there analogues of this drug?

Other medications may be used to treat hyperhidrosis, including:

  • An analogue of Formidron, “Formagel” is a gel, the main active ingredient in which is also formaldehyde.
  • Salicylic-zinc ointment or Lassara paste are preparations containing zinc oxide and salicylic acid.
  • Galmanin is a drying powder.
  • Teymurov's paste - this ointment contains borax, talc, salicylic acid, formaldehyde, zinc oxide and other components.
  • Chlorhexidine, Urotropine - these agents have a powerful antifungal and antibacterial effect and perfectly reduce sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors.

All drug data on this site is obtained from publicly available sources and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not recommended to use the above information as instructions for the use of Formidron for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Before using formaldehyde-based products, you should always consult your doctor.


It is not allowed to use Formidron for skin diseases or for individual hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug. An exception to use is oncological diseases. It is prohibited to perform skin treatment procedures on children under 12 years of age, or to use the solution on the face or on areas of skin with inflammatory processes. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse immediately with plenty of running water.

Contraindications for use are pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is necessary to consult a doctor for a comprehensive consultation and undergo an examination. If there is a risk of Formidron getting into the wounds, then you should refrain from using it until the skin lesions are completely healed.

Instructions for use

How to use Formidron depends on the indications. The main method of using Formidron solution is to apply the drug to the skin with a cotton pad. This is practiced for hyperhidrosis. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day. If too frequent use of the drug causes peeling, the frequency of use should be reduced to once a day.

The dosage depends on the area of ​​skin being treated. Usually it is enough to moisten a swab with a few milliliters of the product to treat all areas with increased sweating. The duration of use is selected individually and depends on the effectiveness of therapy.

After the main symptoms of hyperhidrosis disappear, the solution can be used for prevention once a week.

Use for fungus

For nail fungus, it is suggested to apply the product with a cotton swab to each affected nail. Treatment with Formidron solution is a preparatory step before applying cream or ointment against fungus.

The solution can also be added to foot baths for mycosis of the foot and onychomycosis. The recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon for every liter of water in the bath.

Compresses can be applied to the nails. To do this, soak a cotton pad in Formidron solution and apply to the affected nail for 5 minutes. This remedy will not get rid of nail fungus, but will prevent its further spread.

In the initial stages of onychomycosis, the use of a solution may be sufficient, since the antiseptic easily eliminates still weak fungal spores. When severe symptoms appear, complex therapy is necessary. As a preventive measure, Formidron can be used after visiting public places with high humidity to prevent the development of fungus on the nails.

Formidron for legs

The use of Formidron for feet is indicated in the presence of a strong unpleasant odor. In this case, you can make baths or lubricate the skin with the solution daily. Typically, a ten-day course of use of the drug is enough to eliminate the unpleasant odor associated with the proliferation of pathogens on sweaty skin.

Using Formidron on shoes is an effective way to prevent the recurrence of nail or foot fungus. In this case, the drug Formidron acts both as an antiseptic and a fragrance, eliminating foot odor in shoes. For this purpose, it is enough to wipe the shoes with a cotton pad soaked in the product.

You can also soak gauze generously in the solution and leave it in your shoes overnight. This will disinfect the shoes and prevent the spread of fungus.

How else can Formidron be used?

In addition to prescribing Formidron for armpit sweating, some doctors advise using it to disinfect shoes, which is quite reasonable. Wiping the inside of the shoe will not only reduce the concentration of infection, but will also eliminate the unpleasant odor that is literally ingrained into the shoe. And reviews from patients who have used this method indicate that the drug significantly reduces the unpleasant odor emanating from the feet even during intense training.

If the shoes have been soaked with sweat for a long time and have an extremely pungent and specific odor, simply wiping them will not be enough. To get rid of odor effectively:

  1. Place cotton pads soaked in Formidron solution in your shoes;
  2. Wrap your shoes in a bag or carefully wrap them in cling film;
  3. Wait a day.

After this procedure, the shoes will be saturated with the specific smell of the drug, however, to completely remove it, it is enough to leave the shoes on the balcony. After a day they will be absolutely fresh.

What is Formidron

The pungent odor of sweat is the result of the activity of microorganisms that decompose organic matter. Formidron is an antiseptic that destroys colonies of bacteria that multiply on the skin. A solution of formaldehyde in alcohol directly affects proteins and inhibits the growth of bacteria. The drug, in comparison with other similar drugs, has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The tannins contained in the product tighten the pores, which reduces the amount of sweat produced.
  2. The solution kills all types of microorganisms on the skin and is used in the treatment of fungus.
  3. Neutralizes the smell of sweat in shoes.

Instructions for use of Formidron were developed on the basis of clinical trials of the drug and contain instructions on the dosage of the solution in each specific case. The drug is prescribed for excessive sweating and for the effective treatment of fungus.

Composition and release form

The antiseptic is available in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. As a flavoring additive, manufacturers add cologne or another substance to the solution in accordance with current specifications. The Tula pharmaceutical factory produces Formidron with the addition of fir oil, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Substance Number of parts of substance in solution
Formaldehyde 10
Ethyl alcohol 95% 39,5
Purified water 50
Cologne or other fragrance additives 0,5

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substances included in the composition disinfect and suppress the development of fungus. The toxicity of the solution is determined by the content of formaldehyde, which destroys the structure of protein molecules. Using Formidron against sweating feet, you can achieve a complex effect on the skin due to the destruction of bacterial colonies and a general reduction in foot sweating. The main thing is to use Formidron correctly - detailed instructions for use are included in the attachment, follow the instructions and recommendations of specialists.

What is Formidron used for?

An antiseptic is prescribed according to doctor's indications to reduce sweating of the feet and increased sweating of the armpits. The solution can be used to treat shoes and insoles, thereby eliminating unpleasant odors for a long time. The drug, in accordance with the instructions, is used for fungal diseases of the nail plates in combination with specialized ointments. Formidron softens nail tissue, facilitates access to the active substances of medications, and accelerates the dynamics of the patient’s recovery.

Drugs with similar effects

Among modern antiseptics offered by pharmacies, there are many analogues of Formidron. Some of them are more convenient to use and also have a more powerful effect:

NameActive substanceManufacturerHow much does it cost in rubles
FormagelformaldehydeRETINOIDS FSPP JSC180-200
Croc Honey Anti OdorAluminum hydroxychloride + climbazole"PhytoBioTechnologies"150-180
Galmaninsalicylic acid + zinc oxideJSC "Sintez"40-60
Pasta Teymurovaboric acid + formaldehyde + zinc oxide + talc + salicylic acidSAMARAMEDPROM JSC40-60

The listed drugs are presented in other forms: ointments, gels, powders. Perhaps the presented substitutes will be more convenient to use than Formidron antiseptic liquid.

Instructions for use of Formidron

The instructions will answer the question of how to use the fungus remedy. Before using the medicine, you need to read the instructions. Before applying the liquid, wash your feet and dry them with a towel. Apply only to dry skin.

Mode of application:

  • If the remedy is used for excessive sweating of the feet, then the solution is applied to the soles, feet, and between the toes. Wash off after half an hour. Frequency of application for legs – twice a day;
  • For fungal skin infections, the drug is applied to the affected areas using a cotton pad. No need to rub. After application, a slight burning sensation is felt, but this is normal. Wash off after 30 minutes. Frequency of use – once a day;
  • If there is severe sweating in the armpits, then the instructions for use of Formidron suggest a method of use: apply liquid to a cotton swab, rub in the armpits, leave for twenty minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and sprinkle with talcum powder.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the therapeutic course lasts. The duration of therapy is determined by the degree of fungal infection, the area of ​​infection, and other factors. If a patient has mycosis of the skin, it can be cured in a few months. In a situation where the nail plate is affected, you will have to use the drug for at least six months.

Doctors note that an antiseptic is a good option for getting rid of fungus forever. To speed up the recovery process, you can additionally use external antimycotic drugs.

If there is a fungus, you must disinfect your shoes. The inner surface is treated with an antiseptic. Then the shoes are placed in sealed bags and left for one hour, no less. This time is enough to clean shoes from pathogenic microorganisms and prevent secondary infection.

Overdose and intoxication

Formaldehyde is characterized by a high degree of toxicity. Incorrect use or non-compliance with recommendations for use can lead to the development of increased side effects. Symptoms of overdose: burning and itching of the skin, hyperemia, severe peeling. In this case, discontinuation of the drug is required.

Signs of poisoning:

  • Acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • Dizziness;
  • Loss of orientation;
  • Fear without reason;
  • Attack of nausea;
  • Repeated vomiting.

If Formaldehyde enters the gastrointestinal tract, but not even 30 minutes have passed, then you should try to induce vomiting. If more time has passed, then the help of doctors and gastric lavage with an umbrella are required.

How should they treat the shoes?

Before applying, you should wash your shoes thoroughly. Then it is allowed to dry, and then they begin to treat it with the product. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the insoles are removed;

  • soak a cotton pad with the preparation;
  • insoles are processed on both sides;
  • the inner cavity of the shoe is wiped (close attention is paid to problem areas - joints, seams; due to the fact that they are difficult for a person to reach, they become an excellent haven for germs);
  • the treated pair is packaged in a sealed bag (the insoles are not returned to the shoes, they are simply placed in the same bag with them);
  • wait 1–2 days;
  • the couple is taken out of the bag and ventilated for several hours;
  • return the insoles to their place.
  • You can put on shoes treated with Formidron only after thorough ventilation. This method is also suitable for preliminary care before putting shoes away in the closet until the next season.

Important! Wear gloves. When performing processing, do not skimp on funds. It evaporates quickly, so wet and change cotton pads often.

What is Formidron

This medicinal composition belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs. Due to its deodorizing effect, it is often used in the fight against hyperhidrosis or severe sweating of the feet. In addition, the solution can be used either independently or as part of complex therapy for the treatment of foot and nail fungus. The drug effectively fights bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the occurrence of the main signs of mycosis in the form of an unpleasant odor, itching, and burning.

Composition and release form

Disinfectant liquid is available in dark bottles of 50 or 100 ml. The active ingredient of the drug is formaldehyde - a colorless gas with a pungent odor, highly soluble in alcohols, water, and polar solvents. The product contains 10 parts of the active ingredient. Excipients of the medicinal formula are:

  • ethanol;
  • water;
  • cologne.

pharmachologic effect

The appearance of an unpleasant odor and other negative symptoms is provoked by bacterial flora that develops on the skin of the legs due to increased sweating. The active substance of the fungicide destroys the protein structure of pathogens, preventing them from affecting the secretion of the sweat glands. Disinfectant liquid stops the spread of infection and prevents fungal infection of the nail plates. In addition, the medicinal formula has the following pharmacological effects:

  • deodorizing;
  • fungicidal;
  • tanning.

Indications for use

A fungicidal agent can eliminate many unpleasant symptoms associated with fungal infection and hyperhidrosis of the feet. The main indication for its use is the treatment of onychomycosis in the initial stage. In addition, in order to ensure proper hygiene, a formaldehyde solution is used after hardware treatment of the nail plate, which in most cases is carried out for hypertrophic nail fungus and subungual hyperkeratosis.

How does Formidron work against unpleasant odors?

The effectiveness of the product is determined by its composition. All 3 main active components specifically solve the problem, but approach the issue from different angles. Their actions:

  • ethanol and formaldehyde disinfect, inhibit and kill microorganisms, and prevent their active reproduction;

  • cologne eliminates the odors emanating from both the feet themselves and alcohol with formaldehyde;
  • formaldehyde inhibits the secretion of sweat glands.

Important! Due to the effectiveness of each individual component, the drug allows you to achieve significant improvements after the first use. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

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