Dietary supplement Evalar OVESOL - reviews

Reviews from doctors about the drug Ovesol

Doctors often prescribe Ovesol to patients who have problems with the liver and gall bladder. They include this drug in the treatment regimen because it has a rapid therapeutic effect and contains herbal components. The latter property makes Ovesol safe for the treatment of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The effectiveness of the product is due to the fact that each of its components is capable of having a positive effect on the human body:

  • seed oats - stimulates the outflow of bile, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, reduces the severity of inflammatory processes;
  • turmeric – has anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties, removes harmful substances from the body;
  • Volodushka – has a calming effect on the nervous system, prevents fibrotic changes in liver cells;
  • immortelle - relieves pain, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • mint leaves – stabilize the digestive tract, have an antispasmodic and choleretic effect.

According to doctors, Ovesol with an enhanced formula should be used for the complex treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis. Rosehip has a choleretic effect and strengthens the nervous system.

But there are other negative reviews from doctors that are worth paying attention to so as not to “buy” into the advertising. Here is one such review.

“Natural does not mean absolutely safe. The plant components that make up Ovesol have a choleretic and mild antispasmodic effect. So, this very choleretic effect can play a very bad joke, namely provoke hepatic colic in the presence of stones in the gall bladder, which for the time being may not manifest themselves at all.

In addition, Ovesol should not be used for acute diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract. By the way, if you read the instructions for use, you probably noticed that, unfortunately, there are no such contraindications. And in conclusion, I would like to address those who like to “cleanse” the body: as long as our liver functions more or less normally, it does not need any cleansing, so there is no point in mocking our one and only organ!”

Reviews about liver cleansing with Ovesol

Ovesol has a gentle effect on the body, so many people use it in courses to cleanse the liver and prevent gastrointestinal disorders. Despite its safety, the product is not suitable for every person, so it is not advisable to take it without consulting a doctor.

Svetlana , 37 years old

I take the drug Ovesol 2 times a year in order to cleanse the liver of accumulated harmful substances. After completing the course of dietary supplements, I notice an improvement in the condition of my skin and general well-being. I believe that this drug should be taken regularly by all people who live in large cities.

Vitalina . 28 years

I drank Ovesol on the recommendation of friends in order to cleanse the liver. I started having problems with my skin, and I decided to cleanse my whole body. On the third day of taking Ovesola, she felt sharp colic in her right side. A day later, my temperature rose and my cramps intensified. I consulted a doctor to determine the cause of the problem.

Ultrasound revealed no abnormalities. The gastroenterologist said that you should not take dietary supplements on your own, because it is not suitable for everyone. In addition, at a young age, the liver is able to cleanse itself, without the need to take additional medications. After that, I no longer experiment with my body and health.

How and where did I buy Ovesol

After my tests were ready and the doctor confirmed that there were no serious abnormalities, I asked if I could take a course of Ovesol instead of the prescribed medicine. The doctor agreed without any problems and said that this is a good complex, but it will take longer to take. You can buy Ovesol at a pharmacy and no prescription is required. I was lucky and was able to find the product at the first pharmacy I went to. Compared to many modern drugs, Ovesol had a very reasonable price. I won’t say that it cost a penny, but I expected it to be more expensive.

Reviews on the use of Ovesol tea

Ovesol is produced not only in tablet form, it is also sold in the form of syrup and tea. The drink is brewed for 15 minutes and taken with meals. Reviews about Ovesol tea are mostly positive because it gives good results and is inexpensive.

Andrey , 44 years old

Ovesol tea is a good drug that has a minimal list of contraindications and is easily tolerated by the body. For me, this particular form of release of the drug is convenient. Sometimes I forget to take pills, but I drink tea and coffee all the time. Therefore, it is not difficult for me to replace one drink with another. I like the taste of Ovesol, I can take it instead of regular tea.

Antonina , 67 years old

Ovesol is an affordable drug. True, the tea didn’t help me: I didn’t feel much improvement in my health after taking it. Ovesol enhanced formula in tablets helped me temporarily stop inflammation of the gallbladder. However, I want to note that it has a weak effect compared to other dietary supplements of plant origin and traditional medicine.

Victor , 41 years old

I decided to drink Ovesol tea after overeating. I noted the safe composition of the product (it contains only natural ingredients). I brewed 1-2 tea bags a day and noticed a significant improvement in my health after a week. My feeling of nausea disappeared, the heaviness in my stomach disappeared. We recommend this product to everyone, as it helps a lot.

Dietary supplement Evalar OVESOL - reviews


Cleansing courses are needed, whatever one may say, because the liver gets dirty from everything, from food, alcohol, the environment... I use ovesol, because it’s just easier for me to take it, you buy pills, drink and the liver is cleansed, the gallstone normalizes its work... If you have the opportunity and desire - you can make oat infusions according to different recipes - that’s good too! But in addition to convenience, the good thing about tablets is that the doses are precisely calculated and there will be no harm; in preparing solutions/decoctions yourself, this can be a problem and you need to be very careful when using homemade products. In addition, the tablets are very cheap, for 200 rubles you can buy a course of one course of cleansing) it seems to me that it’s not that expensive,


Because of skin problems, I decided to take this product; I had never suffered from anything like this before))) It’s hard to say about my liver, it hasn’t hurt and doesn’t hurt, I don’t feel any changes after the course, but there are fewer inflammations on my face, new So far they haven’t appeared, and the old ones are healing, I hope I won’t be covered with a double portion of pimples soon))


After the New Year, as you know, the liver can be a little pumped up, because a lot of fatty foods and alcohol make themselves felt and have a very strong impact on the liver. And to protect myself, I decided to take these pills to somehow help my liver recover from the holidays. The course of these tablets is not long, but really effective, and the cost is normal, not high


It doesn’t cure, of course, but it can easily cleanse the liver. 20 days and my side doesn’t hurt, that’s already good.


With the current ecology, and the rhythm of life, the liver needs to be helped. She's our filter! And filters tend to get clogged. It is for this purpose that I periodically take Ovesol, the result is obvious - in the literal sense of the word, by the way! complexion and skin condition are significantly improved, digestion is improved, and vigor is added to the same :)


In my opinion, ovesol is a good drug, which, I specifically noticed, contains as many as six plant extracts, which together help the liver cleanse itself. The liver is cleansed - the face is cleansed, toxins are removed - weight is lost. I think it's a good effect, isn't it? Again, it’s more convenient to take in tablets. You just need to carefully read the instructions to see if there are any contraindications, and you can try. Evalar plus.


As I grew older, I developed constipation and bowel dysfunction. The doctor prescribed oatsol, he said it not only helps the liver, but the whole body. I took it for about a month and really started to feel better. The stool returned to normal within a week.


Ovesol was prescribed to my husband, he was treated and a couple of tablets were left lying around in the medicine cabinet. When I had a liver attack, I decided to try and drink it, I liked the effect, I immediately felt relief. Now I bought myself a whole package, I’ll get myself in order.


price, number of tablets


I didn’t find it, everything suits me

The user left his review anonymously

After ovesol, for the first time in several months, my liver stopped hurting after eating fried potatoes) I love them very much and for a long time I didn’t understand what was wrong and why my side hurt after my favorite dinner, until I read that fried potatoes “hit” the liver very hard. I bought a 20-day course of oesol, because I believe that if you drive more quietly, you will continue to do so, but I’m in no hurry. I took the pills and now I feel good, even the acne on my face is gone.


And I take Ovesol for prevention in the off-season. Mainly in the spring. Yes, and winter nutrition makes itself felt)) And then I changed jobs, it was just nerves, and it became completely unclear how to eat... horror, in general! the liver began to rebel about this, so I decided to cleanse it... Well, just 20 days of taking oesol and everything is fine!



Neloroy is an effective drug.


Not for children, pregnant or lactating women.

Good day, Reviewers. Today we will talk about the most precious things. About our health. It so happened that my family and I, as well as all our relatives, friends and blah blah blah, live in a very dirty city. There is gas, bad ecology and much more. So to speak, all the worst at once. And, of course, I am concerned about the issue of health. How to preserve it, support it. I have been interested in various kinds of dietary supplements for a long time. And how (from my mother) I learned about this drug. Mom assured me that only he could save her. And, for your information, she works as a painter, still in the same city. That is, in addition to all the above-mentioned troubles, mom is faced with other chemicals - paint, solvents, etc. Nothing really helped her. Like a working day, in the evening she is in bed with pain... But now this is not the case. This drug really helped her. Its action is aimed at helping our poor liver. The cleansing course is 20 days, which is good news. There is no need to drink for six months and hope for a miracle. But! It is allowed only from 14 years of age. That is, mothers of small children, pass by, or drink only yourself. Price. Doesn't bite. In pharmacies in my city - 330 rubles. The effect of the drug is mild (as the manufacturer actually stated), but noticeable. In general, friends, I listened to my mother and started using it. And I'm very pleased. If your liver is suffering, you can safely drink it. And that’s all I have, don’t get sick and be happy!



Helped to lose weight, cleanse the body, normalize digestion; convenient use



Whether this drug is effective or not, I cannot say for sure. But he helped me lose weight. This is clear. And it's not about its magical properties. It’s just that due to constant winter overeating, I started having digestive problems. Constant bloating, pain in the intestines, unpleasant taste in the mouth. And the instructions for this drug say that all digestive problems are caused by the liver. Well, I thought that if I take it, everything will work out. Of course, as an educated person, before starting the course I understood that eating anything and, especially, drinking alcoholic beverages are things incompatible with cleansing the body. Therefore, I not only took Ovesol tablets 2 times a day for 20 days, I also tried to eat less. This was especially true for dinner. I could have just eaten porridge with water. Or slices, apple, muesli, cereal, kefir. Of course, you need to eat on time and not delay this matter. Otherwise, you can get an ulcer and get a ravenous appetite before bed. I drank green tea, by the way. That is, I had a comprehensive approach to solving my problem. As a result, I lost several kilos (I can’t say for sure, since I didn’t weigh myself; my goal was not to lose weight, but to normalize digestion). I feel light. Digestion has normalized. True, it doesn’t matter if I eat some heavy food like grilled chicken, and oats and my diet are powerless. So you need to observe moderation in everything, eat little and on time, plus cleansing the liver won’t hurt. And everything will be magical for you. I recommend this drug, but only in conjunction with a diet and a healthy lifestyle. I think now, during Lent, this is especially relevant. It's time to cleanse your body and lose a few kilos before summer.



Availability of use, available in pharmacies without a prescription.


didn't find it

I am very glad that I found out about this drug. I used it twice, the pigment spot on my face disappeared and my overall condition improved and I lost weight. In three months I will repeat the course.



Natural, good price



I drink Ovesol after illness. Everyone thinks that liver disease is the lot of alcoholics. But for some reason, few people know that this organ suffers from taking pills that we use to treat common colds... If you think about how many painkillers we use (and women have to use them at least once a month), then imagine the load on the liver! Ovesol is also a herbal dietary supplement and does not carry any additional load. In their pure form, it is problematic to collect so many plants in one plate or mug. For me, this option is a real discovery.



Price, result.



Not long ago, my son developed minor problems with his liver. He periodically complained of slight pain in his side, although they seem to say that his liver “doesn’t hurt.” Naturally, we went to the doctor, after the examination we were prescribed a small list of medications and advised to purchase Ovesol. One package - one course, it is very convenient. Affordable price. Now we take it together once every 3-4 months as a preventive measure, and we no longer receive any complaints from our son. I'm glad my son is healthy.


Hello! After an active vacation, I felt a general heaviness in my entire body and an “Ovesol” advertisement on TV caught my eye. I read the reviews on Airek and the instructions for use; I found it very convenient to take, 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. Without hesitation, I decided to buy. The price was about 240 rubles. On vacation, to put it mildly, I led a very unhealthy lifestyle, it was not clear what kind of sleep I was having, I ate everything in a row, alcohol, and lack of physical activity. In addition to this kind of rest, my diet is 3 times a day, like most people, breakfast/lunch/dinner. I decided to use this drug during breakfast and dinner. When you take a pill, such a pleasant chill goes down your esophagus, I really liked this feeling! I can’t believe it, but from the first pill I “Saw” the result! About 40 minutes after breakfast, I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes, the whites were very white, without any broken capillaries, I didn’t feel sand in my eyes, as I do after sleep. Every morning I use eye drops for irritation (Costs of the profession). The look was clear, just like the blacks!))) That same day I felt some kind of relief, as if I couldn’t breathe and started again. There was a general lightness of the body. It was very surprising for me. My mood immediately lifted, I wanted to do something, change something! “Ovesol” inspired me to eat right and resume sports. Now I weigh several kilos. less. My course is completed, I was pleased with the result and I am taking another dietary supplement from Evalar Hepartin. As soon as I finish the appointment, I will write a review.


I had problems with my liver for several years, but I didn’t find out about it right away. The liver is an organ that rarely hurts, unless the disease is very serious. I began to suspect that my liver was not in order, when pigment spots began to appear on my usually always clean face. These spots look like large freckles or age-related pigmentation. At first I didn’t understand what it was from, I tried to cover it up with makeup. But the Internet helped, I read that the spots could be due to a slagged liver, with problems with the biliary tract. I started my cleansing with an enema, and once a week I drank a decoction of senna grass to cleanse my intestines. Then I started taking ovesol according to the instructions and drank a collection of phytohepatol-2. After a few days of taking it, my liver started to hurt a little in the evening. In the morning the pain intensified, and many dark green stones came out. The cleaning was successful, but it was quite risky to carry out without a preliminary ultrasound of the liver. The stones could get stuck in the bile ducts and require surgery. The oatmeal cleaning method is good, but it is advisable to do an ultrasound first. As a result, after cleansing the liver, 3 months have passed and I have a blemish-free face.

Reviews of Ovesol for gastrointestinal diseases

The plant components in the dietary supplement allow you to quickly and effectively cleanse the digestive system of toxins and waste. Due to this, intestinal motility accelerates and digestion processes improve. Ovesol has a complex effect on the body: choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory. For this reason, gastroenterologists often prescribe the drug to patients with gastritis.

Marina , 33 years old.

My mother gave me an Ovesol tablet after I had a stomach ache after the New Year holidays. I felt a constant heaviness in my stomach, I didn’t want to eat anything. The drug helped me for 2 days. Now I take dietary supplements 2 times a year for preventive purposes and to cleanse the liver.

Olga , 27 years old.

I took Ovesol after treatment with strong antibiotics. During therapy, I developed problems with my intestines: my stool became loose and I constantly felt a gurgling sensation in my stomach. I didn’t expect Ovesol to be effective due to the fact that it has a completely natural composition. I was wrong: I noticed results from taking the supplement already on the 3rd day. I felt much better: the heaviness in my stomach disappeared, my bowel movements returned to normal, and I felt more cheerful. I'm very pleased with the result.

Reviews of Ovesol for gallbladder diseases

Products containing oats prevent stagnation of bile in the body and improve its outflow from the bile ducts.

Ksenia , 45 years old

At the next preventive examination, the doctor revealed a slight stagnation of bile in me by ultrasound. Because of this problem, I felt bitterness in my mouth in the morning, heaviness after eating, and mild tingling in my right side.

The gastroenterologist said that in my case it was possible to do without strong medications: a diet and taking herbal dietary supplements would be enough. He prescribed me Ovesol with an enhanced formula for 10 days. After a month of break, she completed the second course of treatment and noted the disappearance of previously disturbing symptoms. No allergic reactions occurred while taking the drug.

Elena , 56 years old

I have a congenital curvature of the gallbladder, so I periodically encounter digestive problems. Recently I went on a diet, excluding fried and smoked foods from my diet. In order to improve the flow of bile from the body, I take the drug Ovesol in syrup. I like its pleasant taste and the absence of side symptoms.

Thanks to a course of taking the drug, it was possible to normalize the functioning of the intestines and liver. The dietary supplement relieved me of the feeling of nausea in the morning and colic in my right side. I take Ovesol according to the instructions in full course. The only drawback of the medicine is a mild laxative effect (without abdominal discomfort).

Vadim , 43 years old

I bought Ovesol after I suffered from pain in my right side all night. I read on the Internet that this problem may be associated with inflammation of the gallbladder. After a day of taking the dietary supplement, I noticed red spots all over my body. I didn’t tempt fate any further and went to the doctor.

The doctor diagnosed me with cholelithiasis and said that Ovesol and other drugs with a choleretic effect are prohibited in my case. It’s good that I stopped self-medication in time, because it could have led to more unpleasant consequences than a rash on the body.

Composition of the drug for the liver

In principle, I immediately liked the fact that Ovesol is a dietary supplement to the main meal. This fact endeared me to myself, because I was already tired of chemistry and heavy medications with side effects. I wanted to look at the composition in more detail.

  • seed oats;
  • sandy immortelle;
  • long turmeric;
  • peppermint;
  • Volodushka extract.

To tell the truth, almost all the components are familiar to me, unlike the Volodushka. But from the information about the composition, I realized that Ovesol really contains exclusively herbal components that help cleanse the liver. Plants have a rich spectrum of action, and also complement each other’s work, resulting in a complex effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic.

The complex turned out to be so popular that on the Internet I was able to find a decent number of expert reviews about Ovesol. Most doctors are inclined to believe that the complex is not a drug, and its effect is auxiliary in the main therapy. But if we consider it not in terms of treatment, but for prevention, then the majority support its use.

“Ovesol was originally developed to cleanse the liver from bile stagnation and as a preventive measure for cholelithiasis.
The drug copes with its tasks perfectly, cleanses and restores functions. In advanced and serious cases, Ovesol alone cannot be used, as it is a herbal remedy with a rather mild effect. But I strongly recommend that all my patients periodically take the complex for prophylaxis in order to prevent a long course of serious medications.” Anna Vladimirovna, general practitioner, Volgograd

I liked the recommendations and reviews of doctors regarding Ovesol, I don’t think that my situation is very advanced. Most likely slagging with age and a side effect of antibiotics. In addition, in all the years of my life I have never cleansed my liver, it’s good that at least now I read useful information and now I know that this needs to be done regularly.

Reviews about Ovesol for the prevention of liver diseases

The drug is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of liver diseases. This is due to the following actions of the natural remedy:

  • stopping inflammatory processes in liver cells;
  • removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • acceleration of the outflow of bile from the digestive tract;
  • providing an antispasmodic effect on the biliary tract.

Igor , 52 years old

I have been suffering from liver problems for a long time, so to prevent exacerbation of symptoms, the doctor recommended Ursosan to me. I decided to replace this drug with the cheaper Ovesol. I took the dietary supplement for a week and ultimately did not notice any effect from its consumption. I still had to spend money on the more effective Ursosan, after which the heaviness in my right side immediately disappeared. I also didn’t like Ovesol because after it I was constantly bothered by belching with a mint flavor. It is unlikely that I will buy this product again.

Ekaterina , 40 years old

I value my health and take care of the condition of my liver. I regularly carry out a preventive course of cleansing the body with Ovesol. What attracts me to the product is its completely natural composition. The main component of the medicine is oats, on the basis of which numerous traditional medicines are prepared.

I take the medicine in courses of 2 tablets per day. After 2 weeks of therapy I notice an improvement in my skin condition. To maintain health, I also try to follow a diet and not drink alcohol. Thanks to this approach, the body has a complex effect. From using this dietary supplement I did not have any of the side symptoms indicated in the annotation.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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