Badyaga - the meaning of the word among drug addicts and youth, slang, jargon

What is badyaga in the jargon of drug addicts?

The word "bodyaga" has a large number of different meanings.
In the encyclopedic dictionary it is deciphered as gimmick, chatter, empty jokes. In medicine, it is called a drug of animal origin that has a local analgesic, anti-inflammatory and irritant effect. In thieves' jargon, the meaning of bodyagi is “thief.” People suffering from drug addiction use the word bodyaga in a different meaning. What does it mean in their language? This word can be used in two meanings. Sometimes this is the name for any low-quality drugs prepared in an artisanal way and containing a large amount of impurities. But much more often the word bodyaga means ephedron, a home-made psychostimulant that is obtained from ephedrine. Ephedrone is a fast-acting stimulant that produces a feeling of euphoria. This condition is accompanied by psychosensory changes. After taking bodyagi, a drug addict’s mood improves and a feeling of lightness and carefree arises.

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Ephedron has a powerful psychostimulating effect. This drug is very toxic; when used regularly, it quickly destroys the human psyche and has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system. The use of bodyagi is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dilated pupils, poorly responsive to light;
  • rapid eye movements in different directions (nystagmus);
  • hallucinations;
  • lack of criticism of one’s condition;
  • pale skin;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, tachycardia.

Ephedrine addicts are often depressed, rude, and constantly depressed. Their behavior changes and emotional swings occur. After taking bodyagi, a feeling of dryness occurs in the mouth, sleep and appetite disappear. This condition can last up to eight hours.

Badyaga 10g powder

Dosage form

Powder for preparing a suspension for external use


Badyaga are dried colonies of coelenterate animal sponges - badyaga, the skeleton of which consists of needle-shaped silica crystals glued together with a small amount of spongin.

Composition per package

Badyaga – 2.5 g, 5 g, 10 g


The powder is brownish-green, greenish-gray or yellowish-gray. The smell is specific.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Local irritant of natural origin.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a local irritating effect due to the content of silicon needles.

Indications for use

Bruises and bruises, pain in muscles and joints of a rheumatic nature, neuralgia, radiculitis.


Hypersensitivity to the drug; acute infectious diseases, tumors of the peripheral nervous system, skin diseases (dermatitis of bacterial, fungal and viral etiology, etc.), violation of the integrity of the skin (including open wounds) at the site of intended application, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood up to 12 years old.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. Before using Badyaga, if you are pregnant, or think you might be pregnant, or are planning a pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

Method of administration and dosage

The drug is used externally.

For bruises and bruises: the contents of the package are placed in a bowl, boiled water is added, stirred until a pasty mass is obtained, a swab is applied to the skin and rubbed in a circular motion (using rubber gloves). After 20 minutes after drying, the composition is washed off with water.

For radiculitis, neuralgia and rheumatic pain: add vegetable oil to the powder, stir until a creamy mass is obtained and rub into painful areas. In case of severe burning, rinse the composition with water.

If there is no improvement or if the symptoms of the disease worsen, you should consult your doctor.

Use the drug only according to the method of use and in the doses indicated in the instructions for use.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, irritation, and hyperemia of the skin at the site of application of the drug are possible.

If you experience the side effects listed in the instructions or they get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


When using the drug in accordance with the instructions for use, an overdose is unlikely. To date, no cases of overdose have been registered.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, in case of improper use, or in case of overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Not studied.

special instructions

Avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes (eyes, mouth and nose). In case of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with water. Do not apply to skin in the breast area. Do not exceed the maximum duration and recommended doses when using the drug. If there is no improvement or if the symptoms of the disease worsen, you should consult a doctor.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The use of the drug does not affect the ability to drive or engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and psychomotor speed.

Release form

Powder for preparing a suspension for external use.

2.5 g, 5 g or 10 g in heat-sealable bags made of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride film or packaging material made of combined materials.

The packages are placed in group packaging with an equal number of instructions for use.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years.

Do not use after expiration date.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.

Ephedrone intoxication includes two phases:

  • The addict feels waves of relaxation coming from the limbs. He feels alienated from reality. The body becomes practically weightless, everyday problems disappear.
  • The second stage of intoxication is stimulating in nature. The drug addict makes many chaotic movements. He becomes manic and cannot stay in one place.

When using ephedrone, addiction develops very quickly.
Having tried a drug once, a person feels the desire to do it again and again. With the help of a bodyagi, he is distracted from problems, increases his self-esteem, feels confident and relaxed. This is especially important for young people who use ephedrone more often than others. Many drug addicts develop severe consequences after using this drug: severe heart pain, muscle spasms, enterocolitis and chronic gastritis, impaired functioning of the facial muscles, etc. Mental disorders of a paranoid nature are also observed, and persecution mania may develop.

Badyaga gel for acne and age spots 50 ml


Badyaga Forte gel for age spots, acne and bruises 75ml N1 tube
Improved in composition, the gel has a higher content of badyaga - an ancient natural remedy with unique absorbable properties.

Badyaga is a freshwater sponge that lives on underwater objects (snags, stones) in ordinary rivers. The skeleton of the badyagi consists of a looped network of silica needles, interconnected by an organic substance - spongin. It also includes phosphates, carbonates and organic substances.

The action of the gel is based on mechanical irritation of the skin with crushed silicon needles, causing vasodilation, which helps to activate blood supply and provides excellent absorbable and bactericidal effects. The action of badyagi is accompanied by a weak heating effect and temporary local redness of the skin.

The intense absorbable effect of badyagi is accompanied by the softening, moisturizing and healing effect of plantain and yarrow extracts.


- has an active absorbable, anti-edematous effect;

- helps reduce pain and itching;

– promotes the disappearance of age spots and stagnant spots

Release form

gel for external use

Indications for use

— For bruises, age spots and congestive spots;

— For acne, oily skin;

- As an exfoliant for skin rejuvenation.

Recommendations for use

To remove bruises:

In this case, we recommend using Badyaga Forte gel as a stronger drug.

Procedures are carried out 1-3 times a day, depending on the reaction of your skin to the irritating effect of the badyagi.

Apply a sufficient amount of Badyaga Forte gel to the location of the bruise with light circular movements. Depending on the skin reaction, the procedure time can vary between 20 - 30 minutes.

It is not recommended to apply the gel to open, unhealed bruises, bruises and wounds.

The action of badyagi is accompanied by a warming effect and temporary local redness of the skin. A slight tingling sensation of the skin is allowed. If noticeable discomfort or severe skin irritation occurs, it is recommended to stop the procedure.

At the end of the procedure, remove the gel with a cotton swab or napkin and rinse off the residue with warm water.

To reduce skin irritation, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream after the procedure.

It is not recommended to go outside for 2-3 hours after the procedure if the gel was applied to open areas of the body.

To resolve seals after bruises:

Procedures are carried out 1-3 times a day, depending on the reaction of your skin to the irritating effect of the badyagi.

Apply a sufficient amount of Badyaga Forte gel to the problem area with light circular movements. You can do a light massage if it does not cause severe pain or noticeable skin irritation. After the massage, it is recommended to insulate the application site with thick fabric. Depending on the skin reaction, the procedure time can vary between 20 - 30 minutes.

It is not recommended to apply the gel to open, unhealed bruises, bruises and wounds.

The action of badyagi is accompanied by a weak heating effect and temporary local redness of the skin. A slight tingling sensation of the skin is allowed. If noticeable discomfort or severe skin irritation occurs, it is recommended to stop the procedure.

At the end of the procedure, remove the gel with a cotton swab or napkin and rinse off the residue with warm water.

To reduce skin irritation, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream after the procedure.

It is not recommended to go outside for 2-3 hours after the procedure if the gel was applied to open areas of the body.


specially purified water, badyaga, glycerin, plantain and yarrow extracts, gelling agent, bronopol, fragrance.

Active Ingredients and Innovations

Plantain extract has a bactericidal, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing effect. Contains vitamins C, K, A, flavonoids, carotene, phytoncides, tannins.

Yarrow extract has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hemostatic, healing, antispasmodic, tonic, antiallergic effects.

special instructions

It is not recommended to use the gel for dry and irritated skin. Do not allow the gel to come into contact with mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse mucous membranes with plenty of water.

Before using the gel with badyaga for the face, it is recommended to apply a small amount of gel to the bend of the elbow to test for individual intolerance.

Frequent use of the gel in badyago is not addictive and has no side effects.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place out of reach of children.

Vacation conditions

Over the counter

Help from professionals

A person who uses bodyagu needs the help of a professional narcologist.
It is very difficult to quit using this drug on your own. Treatment for this type of drug addiction should take place in a special drug treatment clinic. Drug addicts who want to return to a healthy, normal life can receive help from professional drug addiction specialists in our drug treatment center. We employ competent, experienced, attentive doctors who know how to treat different types of addiction. We help patients who are addicted to any narcotic or psychostimulant drugs.

The initial stage of treatment is to cleanse the drug addict’s body of drug residues. This is followed by the stages of therapy and rehabilitation. Our doctors use the latest therapeutic techniques in their work. We also employ experienced psychiatrists and psychotherapists who help our clients solve their psychological problems associated with drug use.

Our patients successfully recover from drug addiction and return to a healthy, normal life.
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