Complete blood count - basic blood indicators, their interpretation, meaning and norms in children and adults

General blood test and its interpretation

The indicators of a general fasting blood test are assessed (the price of the test is available to everyone) by quantity, percentage and quality. They evaluate “red blood cells” - red blood cells, which, with the help of hemoglobin, carry oxygen throughout the body. Also, the indicators of the general blood test of a child and an adult, which are deciphered in children and adults at prices below average, are carried out by us, help to evaluate all types of white blood cells - leukocytes and blood platelets - platelets. The former are responsible for many processes in the body related to the functioning of the immune system, and the latter are responsible for the ability of blood to clot.

Blood hemogram - what kind of analysis is it?

It is carried out for the purpose of:

  • Detection of anemia, leukemia, lymphoma.
  • Diagnosis of bleeding and bleeding disorders.
  • Detection of viral and bacterial infections.
  • Detection of polycythemia vera (polycythemia vera).
  • Studies of lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes).
  • Detection of various allergies.
  • Analysis of splenomegaly (enlarged spleen)


  • Detection of thalassemia.
  • Monitoring the treatment of liver diseases.

Currently, venous blood is an ideal material for this type of research. What is this - a blood hemogram? This is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of individual blood structures (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, etc.).

What does a blood hemogram show:

  • This examination method makes it possible to identify the nature of the occurrence of certain symptoms of pathology after a specialist has studied the patient’s medical history and physical examination.
  • In order to monitor changes in blood counts during chemotherapy.

When to do this analysis:

  • After injuries accompanied by internal and/or external bleeding.
  • In case of malaise, fatigue, bleeding, bone pain, swelling of the lymph nodes, infection, etc.
  • At the preparatory stage before surgery.
  • To assess the quality of blood after transfusions.

Decoding a blood hemogram provides information not only about the number of cells. It can also indicate the physical characteristics of some of them, which helps the doctor make an accurate diagnosis.

There are cases when the analysis indicators do not change even in the presence of any disease.

General blood test: interpretation in adults

General clinical blood test: the norm of red blood cells is from 3.7 to 5.1 per 10 to 12 cells per 1 liter, the concentration of hemoglobin in them is 120-140 g/l in women and 130-160 g/l in men.

The blood test is general and its interpretation requires an assessment of the shape of the red blood cells, which normally represent a biconcave disc. Changes in these indicators may indicate iron deficiency and anemia, or blood thickening. Indicators of a general blood test and their norm help determine the type of anemia, its possible cause, etc.

The number of “young” red blood cells - reticulocytes - in a general fasting blood test is in the range of 0.2-1.2%. They increase with increased hematopoiesis, accelerated destruction of mature red blood cells (hemolysis) and decrease with anemia, kidney disease, thyroid disease, consequences of radiation exposure, etc.

What deviations in the UAC may mean

For diagnosis, both a current blood test and previous studies are important to track changes. Let's consider what deviations in indicators can mean:

  • Red blood cells. Exceeding the value is accompanied by insufficient oxygen supply, dehydration, acquired heart disease, and impaired adrenal function. The level may be lower than normal due to blood loss, iron deficiency anemia, in the second half of pregnancy, and with chronic infectious diseases.
  • Leukocytes. Leukocytosis (exceeding the norm) can be caused by physiological characteristics or pathology. In the first case, the causes are: pregnancy, intense physical/psycho-emotional overload, hypothermia/overheating. Inflammatory and oncological diseases, poisoning and allergic reactions are manifested by pathological leukocytosis. With leukemia, bone marrow hypoplasia, liver damage, measles, lymphogranulomatosis, autoimmune diseases, a decrease in leukocytes will be detected.
  • Platelets. The amount decreases with leukemia, AIDS, poisoning, bone marrow damage, prolonged therapy with hormones or antibiotics. The indicator goes beyond the normal range with inflammation of the rectal mucosa, osteomyelitis, joint diseases, cancerous lesions, and in the postoperative period.
  • Hemoglobin level. Exceeding the norm occurs against the background of an increased platelet count, impaired blood clotting function, after a gastrointestinal disorder, or with an overdose of medications for anemia. Low HGB gives the right to suspect the presence of internal bleeding, kidney dysfunction, malignant neoplasms, and bone marrow damage.
  • Erythrocyte indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC). The indicators give an idea of ​​the state of red blood cells and their functionality. MCV is the average volume of one red blood cell; it increases with diseases of the liver and hematopoietic system, lack of folic acid and vitamin B12. Decreased in some types of anemia, hyperthyroidism, hemoglobinopathy. MCH shows the average hemoglobin content in one red blood cell. Analogous to color index. MCHC – average concentration of red blood pigment. The interpretation is carried out taking into account other indices.
  • Hematocrit level. Allows you to assess the severity of anemia associated with iron deficiency. Exceeding the norm indicates dehydration, extensive burns, and inflammation of the peritoneum. A low figure gives the right to suspect pathologies of the heart and vascular system, kidney disease, blood disease, extensive blood loss, malaria, and poisoning.
  • Reticulocyte count. Exceeding the norm is observed in case of blood loss, poisoning, taking certain medications, during the recovery period after treatment of cancer, diseases of the hematopoietic system, metastases in the bone marrow. A decrease in the number of young red blood cells is caused by: anemia, kidney disease, chronic infections, bone marrow tumors, blood pathologies, myxedema of the thyroid gland, chemotherapy, deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12.
  • ESR. Decreases in heart pathologies, joint diseases, anaphylactic shock. Exceeding the norm is observed during pregnancy, anemia, severe poisoning, exacerbations of chronic diseases, and inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Color. Hyperchromia (exceeding the norm) indicates a deficiency of cyanocobalamin, possible polyps in the stomach, various malignant tumors, and a lack of vitamin B9. Hypochromia (decreased color index) indicates anemia or lead poisoning. With normochromia, the doctor looks at the values ​​of other, more informative indicators.

General blood test interpretation: ESR and leukocytes

An increase in ESR, or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (normally 1-10 mm per hour in men and 2-15 mm/hour in women), helps detect signs of an inflammatory response.

The total number of leukocytes is 4-9 per 10 to the 9th power of cells per liter. The optimal ratio of fasting blood count indicators is normal for different types of leukocytes:

· For neutrophils - band 1-6% - segmented 47-72%

· For basophils 0-1%

· For monocytes 2-9%

· For eosinophils 0-5%

· For lymphocytes 18-40%

Changing the number of different types of white blood cells can help determine the presence of a viral or bacterial infection, an inflammatory reaction, atypical changes in cells in the bone marrow, a parasitic disease, an allergy, etc.

What do violations of norms in a blood test indicate?

Violations of the above OAC norms in children may indicate either a slight illness in the child or the development of a serious and sometimes fatal disease.

Only a doctor can evaluate the totality of all factors, including the full picture of the analysis performed, the general condition of the baby, his age, the presence or absence of somatic diseases or congenital conditions, etc.

Do not try to independently evaluate the results obtained and draw conclusions, much less self-medicate. Delay in receiving quality and professional treatment can cost your child his life.


Leukemia refers to cancers of the blood, the causes of which have not yet been fully determined. Leukemia (or leukemia) is a malignant tumor process in the hematopoietic and lymphatic tissue.

The likelihood of a complete recovery and return of the child to normal life directly depends on the timing of seeking medical help. What could be a signal that there are serious problems? Deviations in the general blood test:

  • a significant drop in red blood cell levels;
  • decreased platelet levels (2.5 times lower than normal);
  • drop in hemoglobin level (sometimes 3 times);
  • depending on the form of the disease, the leukocyte count can be highly elevated or, conversely, catastrophically low;
  • a sharp increase in ESR.

Allergic manifestations

Any allergic manifestations, from the most minor to those requiring urgent medical attention, are reflected in the indicators of a general blood test.

The presence of foreign allergens in the body does not go unnoticed.

  • the number of leukocytes increases;
  • ESR increases slightly;
  • the number of eosinophils (one of the types of leukocytes), which are considered the main indicator of allergies in a blood test, increases sharply;
  • the level of ferritin, a specific protein, increases as the body’s response to the inflammatory process;
  • all other indicators remain practically within normal limits.

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A number of diseases, the main indicator of which can be considered a change in the composition of the blood, where platelets are significantly increased (in some cases, the level of platelets can be increased by 3-4 times). Among the most common causes of thrombocytosis may be:

  • presence of tumor diseases;
  • severe blood loss;
  • acute inflammation or infectious diseases;
  • disruption (at the gene level) of the production of activated protein C, which ensures the fluid properties of blood.

Worm infestations

Infection with parasites, if not treated in a timely manner, can have very serious consequences. Some specialists from European medical organizations believe that the presence of helminthic infestation (worms) in the human body reduces its lifespan by 10-15 years.

If infection with parasites (for example, Giardia) occurs, this immediately affects the composition of the child’s blood. The child’s body is especially sensitive to this type of infection, so based on the results of a child’s blood test, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • hemoglobin levels decrease;
  • the level of eosinophils increases;
  • there is a significant increase in ESR.

Atypical leukocytes

The appearance of atypical leukocytes in a child’s analysis (differences in shape, size, color, change in nucleus) may indicate:

  • about the presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the child’s body (for example, sore throat);
  • about intoxication of the body;
  • about the development of pathological tumor processes or the presence of genetic pathology.

Hypochromic anemia

Hypochromia or hypochromic anemia is a violation of the color of a blood smear (red blood cells) taken for analysis. Hypochromia is closely related to another disorder, microcytosis - the predominance of small red blood cells in the blood.

Such violations indicate the presence of a systemic disease that provokes the appearance of one of the types of anemia.


Mononucleosis is an acute viral disease that requires urgent medical treatment.

  • the level of lymphocytes increases (by more than 40%);
  • the level of monocytes increases (by more than 10%).

General clinical blood test for a child interpretation

Children's bodies continue to develop and adapt to the changes associated with growing up. Therefore, the data of a general fasting blood test in children of different age groups are different.

A general clinical blood test for a child under one year of age does not differ in price from an adult. Interpretation: Number of erythrocytes - 4.3-7.6 per 10 to 12 cells/l, reticulocytes - 3-51%, hemoglobin concentration - 180-240 g/l, platelets - 180-490 per 10 to 9 cells/ l, leukocyte level – 8.5-24.5 per 10 to 9 degrees, ESR – 2-4 mm/hour.

The ratio of types of leukocytes: eosinophils - 0.5-6%, basophils - 0-1%, band netrophils 1-17%, and segmented ones - 45-80%, lymphocytes 12-36%, monocytes - 2-12%;

General blood test in children (the price is quite affordable) older than 1 year:

The number of erythrocytes decreases - 3.6-4.9 per 10 in 12 cells/l, hemoglobin - 110-135 g/l, reticulocytes - 3-15%, leukocytes - 6.0-12.0 per 10 in 9 degrees. ESR becomes closer to adult levels - 4-12 mm/hour.

What do changes in blood parameters indicate?

Deviation of the blood hemogram from the norm in the table:

  • A reduced level of hemoglobin is observed in anemia, leukemia, severe blood loss, pregnancy, congenital diseases of the circulatory system, and lack of iron and vitamins.
  • Hemoglobin increases with congenital pathologies of the heart or lungs and their insufficiency, while at altitude, with dehydration caused by impaired renal function, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, vomiting or diarrhea, low fluid intake or heavy sweating.
  • An increased level of leukocytes is observed in cases of cancer, purulent-inflammatory processes, burns or other injuries during which the soft tissues of the body are damaged.
  • An increased number of lymphocytes indicates infection with any viruses, and neutrophils indicate bacterial infections. Eosinophils are considered to be markers of parasitic infestations and allergic reactions.
  • An increased number of platelets occurs in chronic inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis of the liver), after operations, treatment with hormones, in some types of cancer, and iron deficiency anemia.
  • A decrease in the number of platelets indicates heavy metal poisoning, blood diseases, kidney failure, pathologies of the liver, spleen, and hormonal disorders.

In addition, most drugs affect the results of laboratory tests of the above indicators.

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Reasons that may affect the tests:

  • The tourniquet was applied incorrectly when drawing blood or the application time was exceeded.
  • Shaking the test tube.
  • Insufficient amount of blood taken for testing.
  • Mixed-up tubes with samples from different patients.
  • The test tube filling standards were not met.
  • Long-term storage of the collected blood sample.
  • Biochemical parameters are disturbed.
  • Blood is taken after the transfusion procedure.
  • Technical failure of the equipment.

If the decoding of the hemogram does not correspond to the patient’s complaints and the results of the physical examination performed by the doctor, then an extended study is prescribed.

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