Nasal spray Delufen - reviews

Pharmacological properties of the drug Delufen

Due to its complex anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, reparative and protective effect on the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses, Delufen spray effectively treats rhinitis regardless of the cause (viral, bacterial, vasomotor or allergic). Quickly eliminates inflammation and swelling without causing irritation or a feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity. Frees the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses from mucus, quickly restores nasal breathing and sense of smell. Reduces the risk of developing purulent complications of acute catarrhal rhinosinusitis. At the same time, the drug has a pronounced antiallergic effect: it eliminates itching, swelling, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea of ​​allergic origin, including hay fever and hay fever. The drug reduces the sensitivity of mucous membranes to various irritants (odors, tobacco smoke, changes in ambient temperature, physical activity) and allergens (pollen, household dust, wool, etc.). Does not cause addiction or weakening of the therapeutic effect even with prolonged use. In patients with manifestations of chronic atrophic rhinitis (dry nose, crusts, increased sensitivity and bleeding of the mucous membrane), the drug restores the function of goblet cells, nutrition and structure of the mucous membrane. Moisturizes the mucous membrane, reduces its dryness and reduces the formation of crusts, accelerates the healing process of the nasal mucosa, restores its protective function, normalizes nasal breathing and sense of smell. The drug has a direct antimicrobial effect, strengthens local immunity and restores the normal biocenosis of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Nasal spray Delufen - reviews

Yulia Bykhovskaya


  • Expensive

A friend of mine, an ENT doctor, introduced us to Delufen when my child was suffering very seriously with his nose - severe congestion, it was difficult to clear the nose, no matter how much it was washed. We tried Aqua-Maris and other medications with sea water - all the little things, we suffered terribly, the only treatment and help we received were antibiotics in the nose. The ENT specialist at the clinic didn’t pay much attention to us, they didn’t take pictures of the nose, we were treated according to a template and that’s it. Then I decided to find my ENT specialist, paid money for an examination and since then I only go to her when I have problems. For the first time, she took a picture of her son’s nose and prescribed Delufen.

Having previously used antibiotics for my son for several years, the effect of Delufen surprised me very pleasantly. Its effectiveness is visible quickly - congestion goes away quickly and does not appear again soon. The only thing that really worries me is the mercury in the composition. I try to use this product no more than twice a year. I also tried Delufen myself and was very pleased with the result. The only thing is that I would not recommend it for children under 5 years old because of the mercury, but for adults it is an excellent medicine! It's a pity that it contains mercury.

My son was 6 years old when he first took Delufen, I was 34



  • there are good results
  • treating a runny nose rather than suppressing symptoms
  • does not dry out the nasal mucosa

I have always suffered from nasal congestion for as long as I can remember. The doctor said that for now it is possible to be treated with drugs, without surgical measures, and prescribed Delufen in combination with tablets (I don’t remember the name anymore).

I was skeptical about the next nasal drops, since I had tried countless of them. But imagine my surprise when, after completing a course of treatment a month or two later, my rhinitis disappeared completely! I stopped using any drops and now began to breathe calmly.

The price is really quite high, but compared to how much money was wasted on ineffective drugs over the several years of my torment, the money was worth it.

Most importantly, it does not eliminate the symptoms of nasal congestion and does not constrict blood vessels, but rather TREATS.

For about a year I breathed calmly through my nose and stopped dripping it, but then I started developing allergies with the first warming weather. I read in previous reviews that Delufen was also used to combat allergies. So I was thinking, maybe it’s worth a try...

Ok Ko

Nasal spray Delufen - A wonderful homeopathic remedy for a runny nose


  • Ease of use
  • herbal composition
  • speed of treatment


  • Short shelf life after opening

Good day! In my review, I want to share my experience of using and discovering a homeopathic remedy for the common cold called Delufen. This is a wonderful tool in the full sense of the word. I repeatedly used it for my child and cured a runny nose in a short period of time, about 2-3 days. The application algorithm is as follows: first, aquamaris spray or, according to Dr. Komarovsky, saline solution, then delufen. Now I will briefly list the main advantages of this drug, namely the advantages, since in my opinion it has one disadvantage - the shelf life after opening is only 2 months. pros

obvious - firstly, it is completely of plant origin, which plays an important role when used in children, as well as pregnant women, it is easy to use, there are no side effects, and is not addictive. Yes, the price is high but it's worth it in my opinion.


Nasal spray Delufen - A good product when used correctly!


Before using medications, consult with


  • really heals without causing harm


  • expiration date after opening
  • price

I got acquainted with this drug about 5 years ago and was recommended by a pediatrician for my daughter aged 1.5 years. They explained to us the principle of proper use: when the first symptoms of a runny nose begin, you should immediately instill delufen; if your nose is already stuffy, then first you need to clean the nasal passages and possibly use vasoconstrictor drugs, and only after that this medicine can be applied to the prepared mucous membrane! and that's really how it works! There is no point in using it in a clogged nose, since it simply cannot act on the mucous membrane! rinse your nose with water-salt solutions and use homeapathic delufen and you will be happy)) good health to everyone!

Olga L.

And Delufen helped me a lot when I was pregnant and got rhinitis. It is known that the range of drugs that are safe during pregnancy is narrowed to the bare minimum. Moreover, you should not take vasoconstrictor drugs, so as not to harm the child. I felt the result immediately. There was no burning or discomfort in the nose, as has happened to me before when using other drugs. The drug perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane and cleanses the nasal passages well. It can also be used safely by nursing mothers.



  • helps quickly
  • safe


  • price
  • shelf life

I became acquainted with Delufen spray quite recently. My eldest daughter’s adenoids are enlarged and with any illness they provoke a long runny nose. At the next appointment with our ENT doctor, I complained that sometimes we can walk around with snot for a month. Then he advised using Delufen spray for a prolonged runny nose. After looking at the price at the pharmacy, I changed my mind about buying it. I decided that if there is a need, then I will buy it.

But then the youngest fell ill. Her runny nose is not so simple either. Usually her snot is very thick, she cannot blow her nose, and the child cannot cope with a runny nose for a long time. The local pediatrician recommended Delufen spray. Well, I decided, if everyone is recommending it, I should take it.

I liked both the composition and the effect of the medicine. The composition is completely herbal, and the effect is such a wide spectrum that it helps with viral diseases, bacterial diseases, and even allergies.

I didn’t expect a big effect, but already on the 4th day my daughter felt better, but usually the runny nose lasted for 10 days. Moreover, after the first day the snot became less thick and she could already blow it out.

Delufen spray is recommended for children from birth; no adverse reactions have been identified so far. True, it is only good for 2 months after opening. But if all medications had such an effect, I would be ready to overpay for them.

Health to you and your children!



  • Compound
  • effective
  • convenient use


  • Storage after opening the bottle does not exceed 2 months
  • price

I would like to write a little about the complex nomoeopathic drug Delufen.

One day my son (he was about 2 years old at the time) developed a terrible runny nose. The runny nose was so profuse that within 15 minutes a large man's handkerchief became wet through and through. I came to the pharmacy and asked what the pharmacist could advise us. And she pointed us to these droplets. After studying the instructions, I decided to buy them. I was attracted by their composition, the manufacturer is known to all of us (Richard Bittner), the description also turned out to be quite good.

Now in more detail about the drug. The spray is transparent, odorless. The 20 ml bottle has a very convenient sprayer, with a cap on top. It fits comfortably in your hand. The box itself (in addition to the instructions) contains enough information. It does not cause dry mucous membranes and can be used for various types of rhinitis (allergic, viral, bacterial).

The drug is not addictive.

Another very important point is that at the first signs of the disease, Delufen should be used for 2 days every half hour or hour. Then the effect will be “in your face”.

For me, an even bigger advantage was that the child does not need to be laid down to put drops in his nose. Delufen is sprayed in a vertical position.

That same time, the drug helped us in one day. Naturally, the runny nose did not go away completely, but it did not cause the child much discomfort.

Of the minuses:

  • After opening the bottle, store for only 2 months.
  • The price today is very “biting” (((


Delufen nasal spray is homeopathy. It has a very wide spectrum of action: it fights viruses, bacteria, and helps with allergies. Prevents the development of itching of the nasal mucosa, dryness and improves the sense of smell. It has antimicrobial activity, thereby accelerating the healing process. Plus that it is not a vasoconstrictor, you can use it for up to 8 weeks. It is easy to use, does not burn, and does not irritate the nasal mucosa at all. The only negative is that after the first use the drug is stored for only 2 months. An excellent spray, although at a not quite affordable price.


Delufen is an excellent drug. The main thing is to start treatment at the first signs of the disease, use the drug for another 3 days after the snot has stopped flowing. It does not dry out the nasopharynx (this was one of the main qualities for me), and on the second day it began to relieve congestion much more effectively.

Use of the drug Delufen

Adults and children over 12 years of age : 2 sprays into each nasal passage 4 times a day. Children from birth to 12 years: 1 injection into each nasal passage 4 times a day. At the beginning of treatment, during the first 2 days, in order to speed up recovery, it is recommended to use the drug every half hour to hour: adults and children over 12 years old - 2 injections, children from birth to 12 years old - 1 injection in each nasal passage up to 8 times a day , then apply 4 times a day. Duration of treatment:

  • acute catarrhal rhinitis - 1 week;
  • acute purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, eustacheitis - 2–4 weeks;
  • chronic rhinitis - 4–8 weeks;
  • allergic rhinitis, hay fever, hay fever - 1–4 weeks, depending on the duration of action of the provoking factor (contact with the allergen).

If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. The drug in the bottle is not under pressure, so there is no need to take special safety precautions when using it. Mode of application . 1. Remove the protective cap. 2. Before using the drug for the first time, you must press the sprayer several times until the spray appears. 3. Insert the spray into each nostril one by one and inject. 4. Wipe the sprayer and close it every time after use.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Delufen

At the beginning of treatment, a short-term slight increase in secretion in the form of serous-mucosal discharge from the nose is possible, which indicates the effect of the drug, effective drainage of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity and their release from accumulated mucus. If these manifestations appear, there is no need to discontinue or adjust the dose of the drug. Unlike products in aerosol cans, the dosage form of the drug Delufen (spray in a bottle without gas), when used, ensures uniform application to the mucous membrane without any risk of increasing pressure in the respiratory tract, and therefore Delufen is recommended for use even in newborns. Use during pregnancy and lactation. Information regarding any risk to the fetus and child as a result of taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation has not been registered. The drug has an exclusively local effect, so it can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The ability to influence reaction speed when driving vehicles and other mechanisms. The drug does not have a sedative effect and does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate other mechanisms. Use in children. The drug can be used in children according to the instructions, starting from the neonatal period.


Description of the drug Delufen nasal spray. fl. 20ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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