House dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus IgE (D1, ImmunoCAP) in Moscow

Some insects can cause an allergic reaction. One of them is dermatophagoides pteronyssinus or farinae. This is a dust mite. This is one of the most common parasites on the planet. Allergies are the result of substances that parasites secrete. The microorganism lives in a human home. The creature is also capable of triggering asthma. Ticks lead to the development of many other diseases. The insect feeds on dead particles of the skin. For a long time, a person cannot determine the cause of an allergic reaction. Examinations are required.

Dust mites live in every home

Who is dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and what is the history of discovery

Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus is one of the subspecies of dust mites. Being around such a parasite can be dangerous. The insect increases the likelihood of developing diseases, including those of the respiratory system.

Dust mites were discovered in the 60s of the last century. This was done by scientists from Holland and Japan. Experts have tested how parasites affect patients.

Scientists have found that patients with a tendency to allergies have a reaction to mites. After this, a large-scale study of parasites was begun in order to be able to get rid of microorganisms.

In the apartment

In modern apartments, the distribution of ticks is uneven. Most of them can be found in the bedroom, namely in the bed. Optimal conditions for their life are created here - a temperature of about 25 degrees and a humidity of 75%.

The number of ticks may vary depending on the apartment, the location in it, and also changes at different times of the year. The largest number of mites that was recorded by experts in Moscow apartments is 13,000 individuals per gram of dust.

What are the general characteristics

This mite is the most common parasite. It is found everywhere and is not picky about external conditions. The pest is an insect that grows up to 0.5 mm in length. Each individual lives up to 3 months. During this time, the female lays up to 70 eggs.

Mites live in dust

In total, there are 100 subspecies of parasites. Representatives live in large groups. Insects do not exist alone. There can be 20-1000 individuals per 1 gram of dust. The numbers may vary, especially if good breeding conditions are present.

The greatest number of pests is recorded in autumn and late summer. The presence of a parasite in the house leads to an exacerbation of asthma.

Comfortable temperature for parasites is 18-26 degrees. Parasites leave behind the products of their vital activity. It is also an allergen. Ticks live in: pillows; mattresses; upholstered furniture; carpets; soft toys.

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Purpose of Reftamide and methods of its use

Parasites occupy everything where particles of human skin can be found. Humidity for parasites to reproduce must be 60%. Children and people with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to allergic reactions.

Ticks do not penetrate the skin and do not parasitize humans. If you look closely, you can see the pest, but it's not that easy. The insect has a translucent body. Over the course of its life, the creature produces about 2,000 fecal particles.

Mites can cause allergies, especially in children


To treat dermatophagoidosis, patients are prescribed antihistamines:

  • "Suprastin";
  • "Fenistil";
  • "Claritin";
  • "Cetrin";
  • Zyrtec.

These medications relieve allergy symptoms. However, after their cancellation, all signs of dermatophagoidosis return again. Such drugs can only be used as symptomatic therapy.

The use of desensitizing agents is considered more effective. This treatment helps to get rid of hypersensitivity to the allergen. For this purpose, the drug "Lace Dermatophagoides" is prescribed. It is available in the form of sublingual tablets.

The drug contains neutralized mite allergens. After a course of treatment, the body gradually adapts to the effects of dust parasite enzymes, and allergies occur much less frequently. This therapy is similar in principle to vaccination against infectious diseases.

What are the reasons for the appearance

It is believed that the parasites originally appeared in the nests of migratory birds. Over time, the parasite spread to chickens and geese. It is for this reason that ticks often enter a human home along with feather pillows.

The insect enters human housing along with clothing and furniture, as well as bedding. A person can bring parasites on himself after visiting hotels, kindergartens, beauty salons and various public places.

The causes of parasites also include:

  • keeping pets;
  • irregular ventilation of clothes;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

The appearance of the parasite often goes unnoticed.

Where do they live?

The described dust mites are distributed throughout the planet. They are located by scientists in all corners of the globe. And in all countries there are people who have a hypersensitivity reaction to mite allergens. Doctors call such people sensitized.

According to one hypothesis, pyroglyphid mites appeared in people's homes from bird nests. At first they populated the nests of birds, and then, together with the feather, they found their way into human homes. It's no wonder that mites are found in pillows these days.

People themselves contribute to the spread of ticks. They bring them on shoes and clothes, with used furniture, soft toys.

Ticks are found not only in homes, but also in childcare centers, hotels, hairdressers, laundries, sanatoriums, on buses (in soft seats), trains (in mattresses).

What are the symptoms of an allergy to parasites?

Most often, dermatophagoides pteronyssinus or farinae leads to allergies. This is the most common complication. It can occur in different forms of severity, each of which is described in the table.

LightweightThere are minor rashes on the skin. Itching appears periodically. Worried about weakness and loss. Symptoms are often present at the site of contact with the allergen. Other parts of the body are not affected. Signs may become more intense after just a few minutes. Ignoring the current state is strictly prohibited.
AverageThe itching becomes widespread and affects all parts of the body. Breathing is impaired.
HeavySymptoms of severe form include: • widespread itching throughout the body; • spontaneous and severe swelling of the body; • painful sensation in the abdomen; • colic in the abdomen; • gagging; • bowel dysfunction; • dizziness; • loss of consciousness.

One form of gravity can instantly be replaced by another. Treatment and consultation with a doctor should be immediate.

If you have any alarming symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor immediately

What are the varieties?

There are 3 categories of dust mites. The first group lives, feeds and breeds in the dust. Insects feed on skin scales, as well as microflora particles. Some of the individuals consume mold and human products. It is these representatives that often cause allergic reactions in agricultural workers.

The number of such ticks began to increase rapidly since the 90s of the last century. This is due to the storage of products in unsuitable premises.

The second category of insects is predators. The basis of nutrition is parasites of the first group.

There is also a 3rd category of mites that fall into dust randomly. Reproduction is impossible. They do not cause an allergic reaction, and they do not settle in bed linen. They pose no danger.

What is the danger to humans?

Ticks pose a serious danger to humans. The insect produces large amounts of protein and other substances that are allergens. Upon contact with the waste products of the parasite, there is a possibility of developing:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

In rare cases, angioedema may occur. After contact with the parasite, the human body begins to produce antibodies. Additionally, conjunctivitis occurs. There is lacrimation and fear of light.

Ticks can cause asthma

In the morning and evening, symptoms similar to bronchial asthma appear. The patient is bothered by a severe cough and difficulty breathing.


How to diagnose dermatophagoidosis? To do this, you need to be tested for antibodies to the allergens Dermatophagoides Farinae. Blood is taken from patients for testing. Using the chemiluminescence immunoassay method, the amount of class E immunoglobulins in the biomaterial is determined. Increased production of these proteins is observed in cases of allergies to dust mite waste products.

How to fight

First of all, it is recommended to regularly wet clean the house. The struggle will bring a positive result if:

  • furniture made of fabric will be replaced with analogues made of leatherette;
  • All carpeting will be removed from the house;
  • things are regularly washed and dried outside;
  • the indoor microclimate will be normalized;
  • All shoes are cleaned regularly;
  • Feather pillows are periodically replaced;
  • all soft toys will be removed from the house;
  • a vacuum cleaner with a water filter is used.

Be sure to ventilate the room.

How dust allergies occur due to mites, see this video:


You can find many positive reviews about the use of the desensitizing agent “Lace Dermatophagoides”. After a course of therapy, patients experience complete recovery. Patients note that after treatment they can remain calm even in very dusty rooms. No signs of allergy appeared.

Patients attribute only the high price of the drug "Lace Dermatophagoides" to the disadvantages of desensitizing therapy. The cost of this medicine ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles.

However, some allergy sufferers are wary of this remedy. After all, it contains dust mite enzymes. Yet such fears are unfounded. Allergens included in the drug are subject to special treatment. As a result, they lose their dangerous properties and cannot cause harm to the body.

Patient reviews do not report any side effects of Lays Dermatophagoides tablets. Today, this drug is practically the only remedy that can permanently relieve a patient from an allergy to dust mites.

What kind of prevention

For prevention it is recommended:

  • throw away all old and unnecessary things;
  • wash the floor frequently;
  • take out everything that collects dust;
  • ventilate the room;
  • replace all feather sleep products with those consisting of synthetic materials;
  • monitor the humidity level;
  • bathe pets periodically.

Parasites can appear in any home. For this reason, it is important to adhere to prevention to reduce the likelihood of ticks.

Do dust mites bite?

Mites living in house dust, contrary to a fairly strong belief, do not bite:

  • Firstly, the mouthparts of arthropods are not designed to bite through human skin.
  • Secondly, they do not feed on blood and do not parasitize under the skin.

Those who claim to have seen dust mite bites on their bodies are actually talking about redness that appears in places where the skin has been exposed to digestive enzymes contained in the parasites' feces and causing the destruction of epidermal cells.

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