Clomiphene citrate

Description and effect on the body

The drug affects the body by stimulating the secretory activity of gonadotropins. It provokes an increase in the activity of the sex glands and promotes the production of hormones in the pituitary gland. Clomiphene also affects other body functions:

  • Stimulates milk secretion.
  • Optimizes the process of egg maturation.
  • Causes the formation of corpus luteum in the ovaries.

All these processes contribute to the maturation of the egg, ready for the process of conception. As a result of using the drug, the ovulation process is stabilized. If the body contains a small amount of endogenous estrogens, the drug increases their amount, bringing the total number to the norm necessary for effective fertilization. When estrogen levels rise, Clomiphene citrate has a blocking effect, preventing estrogen from circulating. This property of the drug helps improve the dynamics of gonadotropins. Important in the use of the drug is the fact that it does not have an androgenic or gestagenic effect.

How does Clomiphene citrate work?

Clomiphene citrate is a substance that interferes with the formation of female hormones or their action. The drug binds to receptors located in the hypothalamus and ovaries. These receptors interact with female sex hormones. Entering the body in small doses, Clomiphene citrate enhances the release of hormones synthesized by the pituitary gland (gonadotropins, prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone), which stimulate the activity of the gonads, milk production, the process of egg maturation, and the formation of the corpus luteum. When the female body produces insufficient female sex hormones, Clomiphene citrate has an estrogenic effect, and when the production of estrogen in the woman’s body is increased, it has an antiestrogenic effect. By reducing estrogen levels, the drug stimulates the production of gonadotropins. When using large doses of the drug, the secretion of gonadotropins is inhibited. The drug does not have androgenic and progestogenic activity.


Due to its pharmacological action, Clomiphene citrate is recommended as an effective ovulation stimulator. The drug turns out to be relevant not only for those who are faced with a diagnosis of infertility, but also for dysfunctional uterine bleeding, impaired ovarian functionality, absence of the menstrual cycle, as well as for other pathological diseases that are provoked by incorrect functioning of the ovaries and other causes of hormonal imbalance.

Clomiphene citrate is often prescribed as a diagnostic tool to determine dysfunction of the pituitary gland, which affects the stimulation and dynamics of the glands of the genital organs (gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland).

When to use Clomiphene citrate

Clomiphene citrate is used in certain doses to treat the following disorders:

  • to stimulate ovulation
  • in case of impaired egg maturation (anovulatory ovarian dysfunction)
  • for the treatment of infertility caused by ovarian dysfunction
  • in the absence of menstruation (ovarian dysfunction)
  • with uterine bleeding (ovarian dysfunction)
  • for ovulation disorders caused by endocrine disorders
  • with reduced function of the male gonads
  • oligospermia
  • with delayed sexual development and physical development in boys
  • as a diagnostic tool for disorders of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland
  • for breast cancer

Combination with other drugs

Clomiphene citrate can be used with other drugs that affect the amount of gonadotropic hormones in the body. In this way, the most effective distribution of the medication throughout the body can be ensured. The drug is gradually eliminated from the woman’s body, but the period, which in medicine is usually called the half-life, is about 5 days! At this time, the drug exhibits maximum effect. The use of Clomiphene citrate in combination with other drugs is recommended for diagnosing neoplasms in the mammary glands and for the early detection of cancer.

Drugs to stimulate ovulation

One of the reasons for infertility in women is the lack of ovulation, when a mature egg does not leave the follicle, which, in fact, should be fertilized by sperm. This condition is called anovulation.

Treatment of anovulation is carried out by stimulating ovulation, for which drugs are used aimed at activating ovarian function, the most popular of which are Clomid, clomiphene citrate, pregnyl and clostilbegit.


Clomid was originally developed to treat such a serious disease as breast cancer. However, the drug has not found widespread use in this area of ​​treatment, since it did not live up to high expectations. Later, it began to be used as a medicine that helps stimulate ovulation in women who have problems with conception due to disruption of the ovulatory cycle. Clomid is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if the development of anovulation occurred due to the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
  • for infertility of unknown origin: if, from a medical point of view, a woman has no obstacles to conception, but pregnancy does not occur. It is recommended to supplement the use of Clomid with metformin, which helps increase insulin levels and stimulate ovulation;
  • for additional guarantees when stimulating ovulation before in vitro fertilization (Clomid increases the chances of a successful pregnancy).

The optimal course of use of this drug should be six months, unless, of course, pregnancy occurs earlier than this, which happens in 30% of cases.

Clomid has minor side effects; while taking it, you may experience pain in the lower abdomen, sleep disturbances, and weight gain. In extremely rare cases, taking Clomid can lead to the development of an ovarian cyst or tumor.


Pregnil is a drug based on human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Its use is prescribed to women of any age, however, depending on various factors, Clomid has different effects. The purpose of its use as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of infertility is to stimulate the activity of the ovaries as part of an artificial insemination program.

The highest concentration of hCG in a woman’s body is observed 20 hours after the first dose of the drug. Excess medication is eliminated from the body on its own after a few days.

Clomiphene citrate

Clomiphene citrate is not very popular among medical professionals due to its notoriety associated with the side effects of the drug. While taking clomiphene citrate, the size of the ovaries may increase, urination may become more frequent, visual function may be impaired, and vasomotor symptoms may often appear. However, clomiphene citrate is indispensable in cases where folliculometry is not possible. Clomiphene citrate has contraindications: it cannot be used for ovarian cysts.


Clostilbegit is rightfully considered one of the most popular drugs that help stimulate ovulation. Its effectiveness especially increases when taking other drugs that have a similar effect. Clostilbegit increases the level of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) in the female body, subject to the simultaneous use of medications that help reduce prolactin levels in the process of stimulating ovulation, which ensures its effectiveness.

The dosage of clostilbegit should be calculated by the doctor in accordance with the medical indicators of the patient and the individual characteristics of her body. The absence of ovulation after several courses of taking the drug may indicate the presence of certain pathologies of the reproductive system. A side effect of clostilbegitis may be thickening of the cervical mucus, which interferes with the movement of sperm.

At the IVF Center clinic in Petrozavodsk, specializing in the treatment of infertility, a complex of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures is carried out in preparation for in vitro fertilization. One of them is stimulation of ovulation.

An individual approach to each patient, taking into account the results of diagnostic measures carried out using modern medical equipment, allows the clinic’s specialists to select the most effective procedure for carrying out a procedure that promotes the onset of ovulation.

You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone or on the clinic’s website by filling out the application form.

Indications for use

Clomiphene citrate can be used without reference to meals. The first course of treatment involves a dosage of 50 mg/day (1 tablet). The start of use should coincide with the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. The first course of treatment lasts for five days, after which the use of the drug is stopped. On the 11th day of the cycle (less often the 15th) ovulation should occur. If this does not happen, doctors recommend a second course of treatment. The dosage is doubled (100 mg per day) and the patient takes the drug for 6 days. If ovulation has not occurred, you need to take a three-month break, and then start the third course. In 85% of cases, these methods help to achieve the desired result, but otherwise, the doctor, based on the test results, draws conclusions about the effectiveness of the drug and suggests new treatment methods.

There is another treatment option that is offered when breast cancer is diagnosed. Women who are faced with disseminated cancer, which characterizes the spread of affected cells to other organs and tissues, are prescribed an annual course of treatment, which involves taking Clomiphene citrate for 12 months. The dosage is 200 mg/day (4 tablets of 50 mg). At this time, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the ovaries and undergo regular examinations with your doctor. If malfunctions occur in the functioning of the ovaries, the course is suspended and treatment is continued after the resumption of functioning.

Therapy using Clomiphene citrate is also relevant for male diseases. Representatives of the stronger sex are prescribed a course of treatment with a dosage of 50-100 mg/day (depending on weight and age). The course of treatment is accompanied by strict monitoring of the qualitative composition of sperm and the results of the necessary studies. The drug is used for six weeks.


Clomiphene citrate is contraindicated in pregnant women, as well as in patients diagnosed with malignant and benign neoplasms. In addition, the use of the medication is prohibited if:

  • Presence of concomitant diseases.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Liver or kidney failure.
  • Tendency to form blood clots.

The use of the drug is not recommended for people whose professional activities are associated with stress and serious psycho-emotional stress.

Specialists at our IVF Center clinic in Yekaterinburg provide full consultation on the action of Clomiphene citrate and possible reactions of the body, which depend on individual predispositions.

Here you can undergo examinations, find out test results and receive medical prescriptions relevant to your situation.

When treating infertility, as well as tumors and other diseases, the main factor for successful treatment is timely diagnosis! Paying attention to your own well-being, as well as contacting a specialized doctor, will help you obtain objective information about the disease and restore your health, avoiding unpleasant consequences.

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