Infertility is not a death sentence, or how to stimulate egg maturation.

Let's start with the fact that such a diagnosis under no circumstances can be based on the results of a single examination. Such doctor’s conclusions are fraught with an absolutely useless course of treatment, and prescribed drugs to stimulate ovulation can cause enormous harm to the female body if taken unnecessarily. Remember that before you think about treatment, you need to conduct an ultrasound examination during at least three cycles, and only then think about methods to combat so-called anovulation.

When it comes to the ovaries, where full-fledged eggs ready for fertilization do not mature, any doctor first thinks about the rationale for using hormonal drugs. The list of drugs used to stimulate ovulation is huge, so suitable treatment is prescribed on an individual basis. However, there are a number of the most common drugs that we will now consider.

Composition of the drug Ovariamin

Ovariamine is a complex of nucleic acids and peptides that were obtained from the ovaries of pigs and cattle. The additional elements are:

  • sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • enteric coating;
  • propylene glycol.

Once in the body, Ovariamin selectively affects a woman’s ovaries, normalizing the functioning of the hormone-producing system. Thanks to this, reproductive function is restored.

In addition, studies conducted with the participation of 180 women showed that during the postmenopausal period, the emotional state of women normalizes. Regardless of what caused the onset of menopause (surgical removal of the uterus or natural age-related changes), Ovariamin helped restore the functioning of internal organs, reducing the frequency of hot flashes and other negative symptoms caused by postmenopause

Ovariamin can restore the functioning of the ovaries when they are depleted, which normalizes the menstrual cycle and establishes stable production of sex hormones naturally.

Drugs to stimulate ovulation

However, clostilbegit is far from the only drug used to stimulate ovulation. Among the most popular in use, it is also worth highlighting the following tools:

  • Puregon is a gonadotropic drug that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce several important sex hormones. Puregon is universal in use, as it is suitable for both further natural and in vitro fertilization of the egg.
  • Menagon is a drug from the same gonadotropic family, producing the same hormones and increasing the concentration of female hormones - estrogens. Menagon is considered the most effective drug for stimulating follicle growth.
  • Duphaston is a progestin tablet that helps the endometrium attach to an already fertilized egg. Typically used to consolidate the results obtained when using the drugs to stimulate ovulation mentioned above.

We must not forget about the hCG injection, which is given after the completed course of taking gonadotropins, and is the last step towards stimulating ovulation, provided that the preliminary treatment with drugs was successful. As a rule, ovulation occurs within a day after the injection.


Ovariamine is available in tablets. It is recommended to adhere to the established dosage regimen:

  • 1 tablet every 7-12 hours for ovarian dysfunction associated with the postmenopausal period;
  • 2-3 tablets in three doses to restore normal ovarian function before a planned pregnancy.

In preparation for conception, both partners can take a course of taking the drug. For men, there is a separate line that allows you to restore vascular patency and testicular function.

The modern rhythm of life makes its own negative adjustments to the functioning of the reproductive system of both women and men. Stress, air pollution, daily psycho-emotional and physical stress interfere with the normal production of hormones. They, in turn, control the functioning of all body systems, including the reproductive one. The ovaries cannot grow healthy follicles, which are the basis for the future fertilized egg. Disruption of the ovulation process prevents fertilization. To normalize the ripening of the follicle, it is necessary to take Ovariamine for two weeks continuously, and if necessary, the course can be repeated with a minimum interval of 3 months.

Stimulation of ovulation using folk remedies

Often, even the most experienced doctors cannot determine the causes of prolonged female infertility, which means that hopes for prescribing an optimal course of treatment are also thrown into the trash. In such cases, desperate women often resort to “grandmother’s” advice, and, as it turns out, for good reason. Some folk remedies for stimulating ovulation have confirmed their effectiveness after a number of successful pregnancies of women practicing certain methods, therefore, we will not ignore them either.

It should be taken into account that herbal medicine cannot under any circumstances be combined with the use of conventional hormonal drugs. Otherwise, a woman’s hormonal levels risk being disrupted, and further drug treatment for infertility will not bring any results. Moreover, before using folk remedies to stimulate ovulation, a woman should carefully study the compatibility of herbs and infusions with her body, and prevent incompatibility of herbal remedies with factors of her own body. For example, if you have polycystic ovary syndrome, the use of sage is strictly prohibited, etc. It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor before planning your own course of treatment.

Returning to sage, it is impossible not to mention that it is considered the most effective folk remedy for stimulating ovulation, since it contains a large amount of estrogen-like substances, and, therefore, works on the same principle as a drug, just in a slower mode. The healing decoction consists of 1 tbsp. l. sage, poured with hot water, after which it needs to brew for about half an hour. This decoction is taken for ten days, starting from the fifth day of the first phase of the menstrual cycle. The course is most effective if repeated over three months.

Rose petals, surprisingly, are used not only as an aphrodisiac extract, but also as a means to stimulate ovulation. They contain a large amount of vitamin E, which, in turn, is necessary for the normal functioning of the ovaries. So, 1 tbsp. petals, poured into a glass of hot water, boiled in a water bath for several minutes, infused for about an hour, filtered, and consumed for several months in a small sip every night.

A common method of stimulating ovulation is also a diet in which it is advised to add foods containing phytoestrogens to the diet. These include carrots, beets, apples, full-fat milk, pineapples, spinach, sesame seeds and dates.

Benefits of Ovariamin

The physiological value of the drug increases due to the additional content of a special vitamin complex in each tablet. It helps support the entire body by saturating the cells with nutrition. The skin takes on a healthy appearance, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and microelements are more easily absorbed.

Scientific studies have shown that the drug fully complies with safety requirements and does not threaten human health. At the same time, the effectiveness remains at a high level, since each Ovariamin protein, each of its acids is perceived by the body tissues as something natural, necessary for functioning.

Amino acids are essential elements, without which no system of the human body can function fully. The organs of the human body are not capable of synthesizing them, which is why it is so important to obtain amino acids from the diet, from the outside. An imbalance in the daily diet and constant stress can cause serious problems. Therefore, Ovariamin can be called a real salvation for those whose reproductive system has failed. It replenishes the lack of the most important substances, proteins and nucleic acids, giving vitality to the female body, which begins to work like a clock.

Reviews about ovulation stimulation

As mentioned above, the initial result of ovulation stimulation varies depending on the individual hormonal background of the woman. So, based on reviews about ovulation stimulation found on the forums of expectant mothers, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • After each cycle of stimulation, the cysts increase significantly in size, and the last cycle, after which pregnancy occurs, is usually the third.
  • Clostilbegit really helps only in isolated cases, and, as a rule, after its use it will be necessary to resort to additional drugs to enhance or consolidate the effect. There will be no benefit from its constant use, therefore, if after the second cycle there are no visible changes, you should switch to another drug, or to another method of stimulating ovulation.

Many reviews say that cheap drugs, which is not surprising, do not bring any effect at all.

Pregnancy after stimulation of ovulation proceeds easily, without any special toxicosis. The only caveat is constant medical supervision.

Indications for use of Ovariamine

Ovariamine is taken primarily for problems with conception. They can manifest as cycle disturbances, making it impossible to track ovulation. In other situations, pregnancy may occur, but it cannot be carried to term due to improper attachment of the fertilized egg, insufficient thickness of the endometrium, or lack of hormones responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

Ovariamine can be prescribed after a frozen pregnancy, after a stillbirth or forced termination associated with fetal pathologies. Even several missed pregnancies in a row are replaced by a healthy course of the gestation period if a course of the drug has been completed.

The inability to get pregnant is also an indication for using the product. By restoring her cycle with the help of Ovariamine, a woman is able to accurately calculate the days for successful conception. Thanks to its natural composition, the drug does not cause any toxic reactions and does not increase the risk of developing cancer, unlike synthetic hormonal drugs.

Another important indication for the use of Ovariamine is planning pregnancy after 30 years. Many women at a young age do not decide to have a child due to financial instability or, on the contrary, due to rapid career growth. Taking the drug helps set up the reproductive system for conception when the woman is psychologically ready for this. If you follow the recommendations of your doctor and regularly visit the antenatal clinic, the chances of bearing a healthy baby are close to 100%.

Ovulation after stimulation

Every woman’s body reacts differently to different external influences. Thus, successful ovulation after stimulation occurs the first time in only 20% of women, the second - in 5%, and the third - in 3%. In the intervals between stimulations, 6% of women manage to become pregnant, and another 6% falls on women who have had more than three stimulations, which, by the way, is not particularly recommended. In 60% of women, pregnancy does not occur even after intense stimulation of ovulation.

In the case of a successful pregnancy after ovulation stimulation, the woman needs to be under close medical supervision during the first few months, since at this time the risk of miscarriage is significantly increased. Moreover, in order to avoid fetal hypoxia, the woman will have to periodically undergo blood tests to determine the level of hormones in her blood. A full medical examination should also become part of the routine of the expectant mother - after ovulation is stimulated, the factors that negatively affect the course of pregnancy become much greater than during a natural pregnancy.


Ovariamine is sold in packs of 40 tablets each. You can buy one package for 550-600 rubles. Due to the fact that the drug affects only the ovaries, without affecting the condition and functioning of other internal organs, patients believe that the price is completely justified. It is important to pay attention to the presence of a hologram located on the packaging, which indicates the high quality of the product. Cheap counterfeits do not have it, pose a danger to women's health and exclude possible recovery.

Clinical trial results

Bioregulator Ovariamin and pregnancy. The conducted studies prove that the course use of Ovariamine regulates the cellular metabolism of the ovaries, supports the process of formation and maturation of follicles, and also participates in the correction of menstrual and reproductive functions.

Women with low functional ovarian reserve in 58% of cases noted a regular menstrual cycle, as well as a decrease in asthenovegetative and asthenoneurotic manifestations of the disease after using Ovariamine.

A laboratory and instrumental study was carried out, which revealed an increase in the size of the ovaries and an increase in their hormone production function, as well as a decrease in the gonadotropic function of the adenohypophysis.

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