Losterine cream to reduce itching/irritation/dryness/flaking 75ml

Composition of Losterine

Cream composition:

  • naftalan (resinless form);
  • urea;
  • water;
  • almond oil;
  • phenochem;
  • isoparaffin;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • ceteareth-6, 25;
  • propylene glycol;
  • castor oil (hydrogenated);
  • Japanese sophora extract.

Shampoo composition:

  • naftalan;
  • natural oils (linseed, sunflower, almond);
  • Japanese sophora extract;
  • burdock root.

Composition and release form

Losterin is a drug developed by domestic pharmacologists. It is a thick snow-white cream with a pleasant smell of cosmetic almond oil. The product is well absorbed, quickly exhibits healing properties, and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. Losterin cream is packaged in 75 ml tubes. The packaging also comes with detailed instructions for use.

Contents of the Losterin cream package

The drug contains ingredients, each of which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The active composition is represented by the following active ingredients:

  • naphthalan in deresined form;
  • urea;
  • almond oil;
  • salicylic acid;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • Japanese sophora extract.

To form the cream base, the manufacturer used phenochem, isoparaffin, propylene glycol, water, and stearyl alcohol. Active and auxiliary components complement each other, mutually enhancing their beneficial properties.

Sophora japonica is a plant whose extract has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and blood vessels

Losterin contains no hormonal ingredients, dyes, or synthetic flavors. It can even be used on large areas of the skin. After completion of treatment, “withdrawal syndrome” does not occur, since the drug is not addictive.

Pharmacological properties

Almost all components of naphthalan cream exhibit multifunctional activity. Therefore, its use provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of dermatological diseases. At the initial stage of therapy, the detected damage is eliminated. And then the processes of tissue restoration, saturating them with moisture, oxygen, and nutrients are launched.

Losterine cream has the following pharmacological properties:

  • naftalan stops inflammatory processes, stimulates the resorption of edema, eliminates specific signs of allergies;
  • urea retains water in cells and prevents its evaporation from the dermis and epidermis;
  • almond oil forms a thin film on the surface of the skin, protecting it from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • salicylic acid exfoliates keratinized scales, suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria and fungi;
  • dexpanthenol restores damaged skin, increases its immunity to external and internal factors;
  • Sophora phytoextract improves the condition of blood vessels and normalizes the permeability of their walls.

The drug eliminates all discomfort associated with increased skin sensitivity. It relieves irritation, itching, and dryness. It is characterized by a pronounced antioxidant effect. Losterine cream prevents cell damage from free radicals and prevents their premature aging. After completion of treatment, local immunity is significantly strengthened.

pharmachologic effect

Losterin is a line of specialized products that were developed with the participation of dermatologists for the complex treatment of chronic skin diseases and daily care. The line's products contain a balanced combination of active ingredients that exhibit a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of various skin diseases.

Deresined naphthalan is a natural form purified from resinous compounds. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, desensitizing and vasodilating effect. The active component improves skin trophism, accelerates metabolic processes, and improves microcirculation .

Salicylic acid - isolated from willow bark. Characterized by antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, keratolytic and wound-healing effects.

Urea actively moisturizes the skin. Due to its ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, it acts as a conductor for other active ingredients of the drug. It has bacteriostatic, wound healing, antiproliferative and exfoliating effects.

Dexpanthenol is provitamin B5 and has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of mucous membranes and skin, increases the density of collagen fibers, accelerates the processes of cell mitosis, and normalizes metabolism in cells. Characterized by anti-inflammatory effect. Dexpanthenol increases the barrier, protective and reparative functions of the skin.

Japanese Sophora extract contains flavonoids and alkaloids , which can reduce the fragility of blood vessels, tighten vascular walls, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the active components skin peeling and the proliferation of keratinocytes . The extract has a positive effect on the condition of the skin in purulent-inflammatory pathologies ( trophic ulcers , burns, wound lesions), psoriasis , seborrhea , skin fungi , furunculosis , lupus , eczema .

Almond oil is rich in vitamins, fatty acids (the main one is oleic). It has anti-inflammatory, nourishing, softening, antipruritic, analgesic, cleansing effects. Activates regenerative processes, regulates water and lipid balance of the skin.

Losterin cream increases the barrier and regenerative functions of the skin, helps restore damaged skin, prevents the feeling of irritation and dryness, and has a pronounced antimicrobial, exfoliating, anti-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory effect. Main characteristics of the cream:

  • “withdrawal syndrome” is not typical;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • has no restrictions on the frequency of application and area of ​​skin treatment;
  • is not addictive;
  • does not contain dyes, hormones and fragrances.

Losterine cream 75ml

Indications for use

Indications for use of the cream:

  • excessive dry skin, irritation, disruption of the skin barrier;
  • daily skin care;
  • complex therapy for various dermatoses and dermatitis ( lichen planus , eczema, atopic dermatitis , xerosis , ichthyosis , seborrheic dermatitis );
  • prevention of exacerbations in persons suffering from chronic dermatoses in order to prolong the period of remission.

Losterin shampoo is prescribed for damage to the scalp:

  • furunculosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • fungal infections;
  • psoriasis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • dandruff.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Losterin cream, you can use it as prescribed by a doctor. Single and daily doses, duration of treatment are determined by a dermatologist. It takes into account the type of disease, the intensity of the inflammatory process, and the severity of symptoms.

How to use the drug correctly:

  • clean the face or affected area of ​​the body with warm water and soap or other hygiene product and dry;
  • remove the required amount of cream from the tube and spread it in a thin layer on the skin;
  • To speed up the absorption of the cream, it is advisable to lightly rub it in with circular massage movements.

For excessively dry facial skin, Losterin is used after each wash, which provokes a feeling of “tightness.” And for severe damage, dermatologists recommend using the cream as a paste. It is distributed in a thick layer on the skin of the legs and arms and left until completely absorbed.

Frequency of use - up to 3 times a day, depending on the type of pathology. The full therapeutic course lasts 1 month. For severe dermatoses, it is recommended to repeat it after a 10-day break. It is necessary for the body to adapt to the action of the cream ingredients.

The feeling of dry skin disappears after the first application of the drug. And it copes with inflammation, irritation, and swelling in 2-3 days. But it is necessary to use Losterin for the period determined by the doctor. Otherwise, there is a high probability of re-exacerbation of dermatitis or ichthyosis.

The cream is used as a softening and restorative agent for excessive dry skin.


In clinical practice, there have been no cases of overdose of Losterin when used externally.

Side effects

The development of a local allergic reaction is extremely rare. Its leading symptoms are rash, itching, pain, swelling and irritation of the skin. The cream must be washed off and then consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment. A mild, quickly disappearing burning sensation does not require discontinuation of the moisturizer.

special instructions

For daily care, it is recommended to use the drug in the morning and evening before bed. It is during these hours that restoration processes are especially active in the dermis. For preventive purposes, the cream is used constantly, also 2 times a day. But in this case, after each month of treatment, you need to take a 7-10-day break. Applying the cream after bathing is especially useful.

The product is used as prescribed by a doctor, several times a day, including after washing or showering.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of the product for dry skin is 2 years. It should be stored at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Young children's access to Losterine should be limited. If the cream separates, changes color or smell, it is prohibited to use it for therapy.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

When purchasing a medicine, you do not need to show the pharmacy employee a prescription from a dermatologist.

Drug interactions

In dermatological practice, there have been no cases of interaction of the cream with the ingredients of local products. But doctors recommend maintaining a 20-minute interval between applications of the drugs.

Instructions for use of Losterin (Method and dosage)

Products in this line are intended for external use only.

Instructions for shampoo

The manufacturer stated that a lasting positive result is observed after 1-1.5 weeks of regular use. The shampoo can be used daily. A small amount of shampoo is applied to damp hair, distributed with gentle massaging movements along the entire length of the hair, massaging the scalp. The shampoo must be washed off with warm water. Apply again and wait 2-3 minutes, then rinse your hair under water.

Losterin cream, instructions for use

Apply a thin layer of cream to the affected area using gentle movements. Redness – 2-3 times a day. The cream does not leave marks on the skin and is absorbed fairly quickly. The course of treatment is designed for 15-30 days, depending on the severity of the process, the duration of the disease, the frequency of exacerbations, and individual tolerance. Taking into account the tendency to exacerbations/relapses, the degree of normalization of the condition of the skin, the duration of the break between courses of treatment is determined. The main restorative effect is recorded on days 7-10, despite the rapidity of palpable relief (reduction in the severity of the inflammatory process, skin itching). The result is consolidated by course therapy.

Losterine cream to reduce itching/irritation/dryness/flaking 75ml

Release form



75 ml

pharmachologic effect

Losterin is a line of specialized products developed by dermatologists for daily skin care in the complex therapy of chronic skin diseases. Preparations of the Losterin line contain a balanced combination of active ingredients (resin-free naphthalan, urea, salicylic acid, medicinal herbal extracts, natural oils), specially selected for the most effective therapeutic effect on the skin for various skin diseases.

The complex therapeutic effect of the cream “Losterin” is due to its constituent components:

Deresined naphthalan is natural naphthalan purified from resinous compounds, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilating, desensitizing and antibacterial effect, improves microcirculation, increases the intensity of metabolic processes and stimulates the trophic functions of the skin.

Urea (carbamide/Urea) is an effective skin moisturizer. Easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and serves as a conductor for other active components of the drug. It has keratolytic (exfoliating), antiproliferative, wound healing and bacteriostatic effects.

Salicylic acid is the active component of willow bark. Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing and keratolytic (exfoliating) effects;

Dexpanthenol (provitamin B5) stimulates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates mitosis and increases the strength of collagen fibers. Increases the reparative and barrier functions of the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sophora japonica extract contains a complex of alkaloids and flavonoids, including rutin, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to tighten the walls of blood vessels and reduce their fragility. Sophora alkaloids are able to suppress the proliferation of keratinocytes, reducing skin peeling. Sophora preparations are used for purulent inflammatory processes (wounds, burns, trophic ulcers), as well as for seborrhea, psoriasis, inflammatory and fungal skin diseases, eczema, burns, lupus, boils and trophic skin ulcers.

Almond oil contains vitamins E and F, a complex of fatty acids, the main of which is oleic. Regulates the lipid and water balance of the skin, activates the process of cell regeneration, has anti-inflammatory, cleansing, softening, nourishing properties, and has a mild analgesic and antipruritic effect.

The components that make up the Losterin cream have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, exfoliating and antimicrobial effect, help restore damaged skin, increase the regenerative and barrier functions of the skin, and prevent the feeling of dryness and irritation.

Cream "Losterin":

  • does not contain hormones, dyes or fragrances;
  • does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms;
  • has no restrictions on area and frequency of application;
  • has no restrictions on the duration of use; suitable for any skin type;
  • absorbs quickly and does not stain clothes.


  • Designed for daily skin care;
  • recommended in complex therapy: people suffering from various forms of dermatitis/dermatoses with severe dry skin: psoriasis eczema atopic dermatitis seborrheic dermatitis contact dermatitis lichen planus ichthyosis, xerosis;
  • for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic dermatoses, prolongation of remission;
  • in case of disruption of the skin barrier, dryness and irritation of the skin.


Hypersensitivity to individual components of the cream.

Active components

Deresined naphthalan has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic, desensitizing, antipruritic and antibacterial effect.

Urea effectively moisturizes the skin, has exfoliating, wound-healing and bacteriostatic effects.

Salicylic acid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and exfoliating effect.

D-Panthenol (provitamin B5) stimulates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates mitosis and increases the strength of collagen fibers.

Sophora japonica extract contains a complex of alkaloids and flavonoids (including rutin), which has a strong anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, exfoliating, antifungal and bacteriostatic effect, compacts the walls of blood vessels and increases their strength.

Almond oil regulates the lipid and water balance of the skin, activates the process of cell regeneration, and has cleansing, softening, and nourishing properties.


Losterin cream has a complex effect on all the main symptoms of skin diseases. “Losterin” can be used both during periods of exacerbations in combination with hormonal agents, and in monotherapy for daily skin care. Regular use of Losterin cream prolongs the period of remission of chronic skin diseases, helps normalize functions and strengthen the skin barrier.

Mode of application

Apply a thin layer of cream with gentle movements to problem areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

special instructions

For external use.

Not a medicine.


Losterin cream contains a complex of active ingredients that relieve inflammation, itching and flaking of the skin, effectively moisturize the skin, help restore damaged skin, and have an antibacterial effect.


The cream contains:

Active ingredients: water, urea, almond oil, naphthalan, deresined, ceteareth-25, ceteareth-6, stearyl alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, d-panthenol, polyacrylamide, C13-14 isoparaffin, C9-11 pareth-6, stearic acid, DS 200/350, CO2 Japanese sophora extract, phenochem, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil and propylene glycol, salicylic acid, TEA.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, for adults and children from 3 months of age (under medical supervision). The cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. The cream is well compatible with the skin, absorbs quickly, leaving no marks on the skin or clothes. Depending on the severity and duration of the pathological process, the frequency of exacerbations and their severity, as well as individual characteristics, it is recommended to use the cream for 15 to 30 days. The break between courses depends on the degree of normalization of the skin condition and the tendency to relapse of the disease. Despite the rapid effect (reducing itching and relieving inflammation), the main restorative effect appears no earlier than after 7-10 days of use and is consolidated only with a course of use.

Side effects

In rare cases, a slight burning sensation may occur at the site of application of the cream.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures from + 5 °C to + 25 °C out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years.

Losterin analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Akriderm SK


Akriderm GK

Akriderm Genta

Elokom S




Kanizon Plus




Analogs of cream according to pharmacological action:

  • Elokom;
  • Lokoid;
  • Kanizon;
  • Kremgen;
  • Elteans;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • Soderm;
  • Protopic.

Shampoo analogues:

  • Friderm;
  • Sebozol;
  • Nizoral.

Reviews about Losterin

Reviews about Losterin cream

Patients leave positive reviews about the cream for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and other skin lesions. The medication can be used not only as part of complex therapy for the underlying disease, but also in monotherapy. For atopic dermatitis, the cream quickly reduces unpleasant itching , redness, and reduces the severity of the inflammatory process.

Reviews of Losterin shampoo

For fungal infections of the scalp, seborrhea, psoriasis, regular, daily use of the medication can successfully combat problems and diseases of the scalp. Losterin naftalan shampoo has proven its effectiveness in the fight against diseases affecting the scalp. Reviews about the “Losterin” line are positive.


The only limitation to the use of the combined product is individual intolerance to the ingredients. Since there are quite a lot of them in Losterin, preliminary testing is recommended. A small amount of cream (about the size of a pea) is rubbed into the skin of the hand and left for about an hour. If during this time it does not turn red or swell, then there is no hypersensitivity to the components.

In pediatrics, the use of the drug is permitted from 3 months. To treat a small child, the doctor calculates the dose taking into account his age and weight. The manufacturer has not provided data on the safety of Losterin during pregnancy and lactation. It is theoretically possible for its ingredients to penetrate the systemic circulation. Therefore, these categories of patients should use the cream only as prescribed by a doctor.

The cream is used to treat children's skin diseases of various types.

Losterin price, where to buy

The cost of products in this series depends on the release form, bottle volume, and region of sale. The average price of Losterin naftalan cream 75 ml is 550 rubles. The lowest price for ointment in online pharmacies is 500 rubles. The price of Losterin shampoo is 650 rubles in Moscow. Shower gel costs about 600 rubles. You can buy the gel in St. Petersburg for 550 rubles in specialized pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia



Irina, 37 years old, Volgograd

I use Losterin for daily care and am not overjoyed with the results achieved. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, eliminates small pimples. Only with the help of this drug did I finally get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of skin tightness. I always leave positive reviews about Losterin cream on thematic websites and forums.

Olga, 42 years old, Astrakhan

The doctor prescribed Losterin to me for the complex treatment of atopic dermatitis. I liked it so much that now I use it for daily care. Surprisingly, since then I have not had a single relapse of the disease.

Losterine cream (review) from 300 rub.


  • Efficiency
  • Safety
  • Availability


  • Not hormonal
  • Easily absorbed
  • No smell
  • Availability
  • Efficiency


  • Price
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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