Polygynax 12 pcs. vaginal capsules

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Polygynax is a local combined medicinal product with antifungal and antibacterial effectiveness and is used in gynecology. The drug capsules are characterized by bactericidal activity against various microorganisms.

The central action of the active ingredients of this drug from the group of antibiotics - polymyxin B and neomycin - is aimed at suppressing the activity of many bacterial microorganisms, both gram-positive and gram-negative. Anaerobic bacteria and streptococci are not sensitive to the effects of these drugs .

The third antibacterial active ingredient of nystatin is distinguished by its fungicidal effect against fungal strains of the genus Candida, and therefore the drug Polygynax is highly effective against thrush . The drug has a beneficial effect on the trophic processes occurring in the vaginal mucosa and has a fairly broad spectrum of action, ranging from thrush to other fungal infections of the vagina.

When used intravaginally, all three active ingredients of the capsules are evenly distributed over the entire mucous surface of the vagina, where their local fungicidal and bactericidal effects are manifested. The absorption of the active ingredients of the drug from the vaginal mucosa into the systemic circulation is practically zero.

Features of the composition and action of Polygynax

The instructions indicate that each medication suppository contains:

  • nystatin;
  • neomycin and polymyxin B sulfate;
  • hydrogenated soybean oil;
  • tephosis 63;
  • hydrophobic polymer;
  • glycerol;
  • gelatin.

The drug is available in suppositories, each package contains 6-12 suppositories. The drug is used in gynecology to solve the problem of fungal and bacterial infectious diseases. The active components of Polygynax are evenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa, are practically not absorbed and do not enter the systemic bloodstream.

Indications for use

It is used as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory painful conditions caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active ingredients of the drug. Polygynax is prescribed for:

  • nonspecific vaginitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • fungal vaginitis;
  • cervicovaginitis;
  • mixed vaginitis.

Also, the medicine is used to prevent possible infectious complications. Capsules of the drug are indicated for use:

  • before the onset of labor;
  • on the eve of gynecological surgical interventions;
  • before performing intrauterine diagnostic procedures;
  • before and after diathermocoagulation of the uterine cervix .

Nuances of interaction and instructions for use

To avoid reducing the effectiveness of the drug, it is not recommended to use it simultaneously with spermicides.

Before starting treatment procedures, the patient must undergo a laboratory diagnostic examination with a smear and bacteriological analysis. The study will identify the causative agent of the pathology and determine its sensitivity to the main ingredients of the capsules.

Treatment is carried out until the symptoms disappear; use of the drug for longer than recommended by the doctor or the instructions is prohibited. If the problem is ignored, resistance of the vaginal microflora to the drug may develop. When performing manipulations, you should not use barrier-type contraceptives made of latex - special caps or condoms.

During menstruation, therapeutic procedures are not interrupted. Polygynax does not affect the speed of reactions and coordination of movements; during treatment, you can drive a car or work with complex moving mechanisms.

Side effects

When carrying out local treatment using Polygynax capsules, the following were occasionally observed: allergic manifestations , irritation in the vagina, as well as itching and burning of the vaginal mucous membranes. In some cases, the formation of allergic contact eczema . With prolonged therapy, the possibility of systemic manifestation of negative side effects characteristic of aminoglycosides .

If any of the above negative side effects are detected or their aggravation, as well as if other negative phenomena not described in the instructions are detected, the patient must inform her gynecologist about this.

Adverse reactions

The instructions note that when carrying out local therapeutic procedures, women sometimes experienced:

  • allergies;
  • irritation on the mucous membranes of the vagina;
  • burning and itching sensation.

In exceptional cases, the formation of contact eczema of allergic etiology was recorded. Long-term treatment can provoke the formation of side effects that occur during therapy with aminoglycosides.

If any unusual reactions occur, you must visit a gynecologist and describe the symptoms in detail. If there is severe intolerance to the drug, the doctor will change the therapeutic regimen and select more suitable vaginal suppositories.

Instructions for use of Polygynax (Method and dosage)

The instructions for use recommend using Polygynax vaginal suppositories exclusively topically - intravaginally (inside the vagina). The optimal way to use the drug is with the patient lying on her back, with the capsule inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible. The use of 1 capsule is indicated every 24 hours, preferably in the evening (before bedtime).

The preventive therapeutic course is usually limited to 6 days. The course of treatment usually takes 12 days.

If it is necessary to skip daily administration of capsules for one or several days, resumption of therapy does not require an increase in the recommended dosage, but continues at the usual daily dose (1 capsule).

Features of therapy

The abstract specifies that Polygynax is intended for intravaginal administration. The patient should take the most comfortable treatment position and insert the capsule as deep as possible into the vagina. The daily dosage is equal to one suppository, the drug is used before bedtime.

Therapeutic procedures take 12 days, preventive treatment takes 6 days. If you accidentally miss taking a capsule, the dose is not increased, treatment continues in the standard mode, one suppository at a time.

The annotation does not indicate reported cases of overdose. There is a possibility that if the recommended volume of Polygynax is exceeded, the above side effects or a deterioration in the general condition with increased symptoms of the ongoing disease may occur.

special instructions

Before prescribing therapy using Polygynax capsules, it is necessary to refer the patient to a procedure for taking a smear from the vaginal mucosa with further bacteriological analysis in order to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to the effects of the active ingredients of the drug.

The duration of treatment should be limited to the time necessary for complete recovery (do not use the drug for longer than necessary). This recommendation is intended to prevent the possible emergence of drug resistance in pathological microorganisms and reduce the risk of reinfection.

At the entire stage of therapy, the patient is not recommended to use latex barrier contraceptives ( condoms, caps).

A woman undergoing treatment with Polygynax capsules should not interrupt the therapeutic course during menstruation.

The attending physician must warn the patient about the need to convey to him all the information regarding the first manifestation or worsening of any side effects described in the instructions, or the detection of other negative phenomena observed during the treatment process.

The effects of the capsules do not have such a negative impact on the patient’s body that could interfere with her ability to operate machinery or drive vehicles.

Polygynax 12 pcs. vaginal capsules

pharmachologic effect

Antibacterial, antifungal local.

Composition and release form Polygynax 12 pcs. vaginal capsules

Vaginal capsules - 1 capsule:

  • active ingredients: neomycin sulfate - 35,000 IU; polymyxin B sulfate - 35,000 IU; nystatin - 100,000 IU;
  • excipients: Tefoz 63® - 125 mg; hydrogenated soybean oil - 30 mg; dimethicone 1000 - up to 2500 mg;
  • capsule shell: gelatin - 381.2 mg; glycerol - 191.5 mg; dimethicone 1000 - 86.9 mg.

Vaginal capsules. 6 caps. in PVC/PVDC aluminum blisters. 1 or 2 bl. in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form

Soft capsules are light yellow to beige in color, oval in shape, containing a semi-liquid homogeneous mass. The contents of the capsules may vary in color from yellow to brown.

Directions for use and doses

Intravaginally. Lying on your back, 1 capsule. inserted deep into the vagina in the evening before bed. The course of treatment is 12 days. Preventive course - 6 days.

If you miss 1 or more capsules, you should resume taking the drug at the usual dose.


A combined drug whose effect is determined by its constituent components. Has antibacterial, bactericidal and antifungal effects.

Neomycin and polymyxin B are active against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Streptococcus spp. and anaerobic bacteria are insensitive to these antibiotics.

Nystatin has a fungicidal effect against fungi of the genus Candida.

Improves trophic processes in the vaginal mucosa.


It is evenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa, providing a local bactericidal and fungicidal effect. It is practically not absorbed from the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use Polygynax 12 pcs. vaginal capsules

  • treatment of nonspecific, fungal, mixed vaginitis, vulvovaginitis and cervicovaginitis;
  • preoperative prevention of infectious complications during gynecological interventions; before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix; before intrauterine diagnostic procedures; before childbirth.


  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • I trimester of pregnancy.

Application of Polygynax 12 pcs. vaginal capsules during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy (in the second and third trimesters) is possible only as prescribed by a doctor in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

The lactation period is a contraindication; If it is necessary to use the drug during this period, stop breastfeeding.

special instructions

Before using the drug, it is necessary to first take a smear and conduct a bacteriological analysis.

The duration of use of the drug should be limited in order to prevent the development of resistance to it in certain pathogens and the risk of reinfection.

During treatment, it is not recommended to use latex caps and condoms.

You should not interrupt the course of treatment during menstruation.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms. There is no data on the negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.


No data.

Side effects of Polygynax 12 pcs. vaginal capsules

Allergic reactions, burning, itching, irritation in the vagina. Allergic contact eczema. With long-term use, systemic manifestations of side effects of aminoglycosides are possible.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions worsen, or the patient notices any other side effects not listed in the instructions, the doctor should be informed.

Drug interactions

It is not recommended to use in combination with spermicides, because a decrease in the activity of the drug is possible.

Polygynax's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:




Polygynax Virgo

Analogues of Polygynax suppositories (capsules) are represented by drugs of different groups and with different active ingredients used for local intravaginal use (suppositories, capsules, creams, tablets), having the same indications and similar therapeutic effects. Such drugs include:

  • Dalatsin
  • Clindamycin
  • Natamycin
  • Vagitsin
  • Nystatin
  • Clindacin
  • Pimafucin
  • Sintomycin
  • Clindes
  • Milagin
  • Primafungin
  • Ecofucin
  • Neotrizol
  • Cervugid
  • Meratin Combi
  • Terzhinan

The price of Polygynax analogues varies widely and depends on the manufacturer, on the dosage form used in production (vaginal tablets, pessaries, capsules, suppositories, etc.), on the number of treatment units in the package, on the active ingredients and much more. Sintomycin suppositories can be purchased for 70-100 rubles, Clindamycin No. 16 capsules for 140-170 rubles, Terzhinan 6 tablets for 400-500 rubles, Pimafucin No. 6 suppositories for 450-550 rubles.

Which is better - Polygynax or Terzhinan?

Although both of these medicinal drugs are used in gynecology for the treatment of similar bacterial and fungal lesions, they have a number of significant differences, both in the composition of the active antibacterial ingredients ( neomycin , nystatin , polymyxin - for the first and neomycin , nystatin , ternidazole and prednisolone - for the second) , and by dosage form (vaginal capsules - for the first and vaginal tablets - for the second).

The method of administration of the drugs is almost identical, the safety profile is approximately at the same level, and the spectrum of action against fungi and bacteria sensitive to neomycin is approximately the same and in both cases is quite wide. However, Polygynax capsules cope better with microorganisms resistant to the effects of neomycin, and Terzhinan are more effective in the fight against gardnerella and trichomonas , as well as in the prevention of postoperative complications.

The best criterion for choosing between these analogue drugs is the definitive identification of the pathological pathogen, the painful condition observed in the patient, as well as the experience of the doctor prescribing antibacterial and/or antifungal therapy.


The occurrence of non-standard reactions to the medication requires replacing the capsules with more suitable ones. Your doctor may recommend the use of creams, tablets, or suppositories with similar therapeutic effects. The list of the main analogues of Polygynax is presented:

  • Vagitsin;
  • Dalatsin;
  • Clindamycin;
  • Clindacin;
  • Klindes;
  • Meratin Combi;
  • Milagin;
  • Natamycin;
  • Neotrizol;
  • Nystatin;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Primafungin;
  • Syntomycin;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Cervugide;
  • Ecofucin.

It is prohibited to independently select a replacement for a medicine prescribed by a doctor. The specialist makes the choice based on the diagnostic results. Not all suppositories offered at the pharmacy will be equally effective.

With alcohol

Doctors who actively use this drug in their practice have not reached a consensus on its compatibility with alcohol. Some of them are convinced that the combination of any antibacterial drugs with alcoholic beverages, at best, neutralizes the effects of treatment, and at worst, can lead to the formation of various negative complications. Others, based on the actual absence of the active ingredients of the drug in the systemic circulation, do not see in this combination any negative effect of alcohol on the therapy.

It is worth noting that both agree on the adverse effects of alcohol on the human body in principle and do not recommend taking such drinks for any pathological conditions, especially in large quantities.

Polygynax during pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that the official instructions for the drug do not recommend the use of Polygynax suppositories during pregnancy in the 1st trimester and allow their use with extreme caution in the 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester, some doctors still practice therapy using these vaginal capsules , referring to the virtually zero content of the active ingredients of the drug in the systemic circulation.

Reviews from pregnant patients who have ever been treated with this drug in later stages are mostly positive and indicate the effectiveness of Polygynax against various vaginal infections and the safety of its use for the fetus.

However, on the Internet you can also find absolutely negative opinions of women who used such local drugs during pregnancy and subsequently encountered developmental disorders in their own child. These women attribute the occurrence of the observed pathologies in the baby to the influence of such medications and warn expectant mothers against their use.

breastfeeding still remains open , since the penetration of the active ingredients of the drug into the milk of a nursing mother and their possible effect on the infant has not been clarified for certain. For this reason, doctors recommend that nursing women refrain from using Polygynax and similar medications or stop breastfeeding.

Reviews about Polygynax

Reviews on forums left by women who have ever used this drug, if it is prescribed against pathogenic microorganisms sensitive to its active ingredients, are almost all positive. In gynecology, the drug Polygynax, when used strictly according to indications, has proven itself to be the best and is characterized by doctors as a high-quality, fast-acting and harmless remedy.

A slightly different picture of the safety profile of this drug can be observed by tracking reviews of Polygynax suppositories during pregnancy, where the opinions of both doctors and patients about the advisability of their use are often opposite and ambiguous. If it is necessary to treat bacterial or fungal vaginal infections during pregnancy, this issue should be approached with extreme caution and responsibility.

Polygynax price, where to buy

The price of Polygynax suppositories depends on their quantity in the package (6 or 12 pieces) and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain selling this drug. The average price of 6 candles in Russia is 300 rubles, and the cost of 12 capsules varies within 550 rubles.

You can buy Polygynax in Ukraine, for example, in Kharkov, for the same amount as it costs in Kyiv or other regions. In this case, the average cost of 6 capsules of the drug is 250 hryvnia, and 12 suppositories – 300 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Polygynax vaginal capsules.
    12 pcs Swiss Caps AG./Innotera Shuzi 660 RUR order
  • Polygynax Virgo capsules for intravaginal use. introduction emulsion 6 pcs. Catalent France Beinheim S.A./Innotera Shuzi

    RUB 447 order

  • Polygynax vaginal capsules. 6 pcs. Catalent France Beinheim S.A./Innotera Shuzi

    425 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Polygynax (caps. vag. No. 12) Innotera Chouzy

    RUR 672 order

  • Polygynax (caps. vag. No. 6) Innotera Chouzy

    407 rub. order

  • Polygynax Virgo (cap. No. 6) Innotera Chouzy

    RUR 444 order

show more


  • Polygynax No. 12 capsules Innotera Shuzi, France
    192 UAH. order
  • Polygynax No. 6 capsules Innotera Shuzi, France

    116 UAH order

  • Polygynax Virgo No. 6 candles Innotera Shuzi, France

    185 UAH order


  • Polygynax Virgo capsule Polygynax Virgo capsule. vag. No. 6 France, Innotera Chouzi

    184 UAH order

  • Polygynax capsule Polygynax caps. vag. No. 12 France, Innothera Chouzi

    219 UAH. order

  • Polygynax capsule Polygynax caps. vag. No. 6 France, Innotera Chouzi

    127 UAH order

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