Redecil for wrinkles. Reviews from cosmetologists on how to use around the eyes

Every woman wants to preserve her beauty by taking care of her skin every day. This desire is especially intensified during age-related changes, when the epidermis loses its healthy, radiant shine, and the first wrinkles appear around the eyes. In this case, proper care is necessary using well-chosen procedures. But cosmetics or manipulations are not always available due to their high cost. Inexpensive pharmaceutical ointment Redecil can come to the rescue. Reviews of Redecil for wrinkles demonstrate its effectiveness, since it contains active substances that act on skin rejuvenation.

General characteristics of the ointment

Redecil for wrinkles (reviews about the price of the cream are important for buyers, since only prolonged use gives a visible and lasting positive result) is a Russian drug. You can buy it without a prescription at a pharmacy or in an online store, the cost in the latter is lower than in the retail chain.

The cream is available in 35 g tubes and costs from 290 to 340 rubles. A small package with daily use is enough for several months. After three months, it is recommended to take a break, and after a month return to applying the cream around the eyes, especially if the skin requires strong UV protection.

Initially, the drug entered the market for the treatment of skin diseases. Later it was noted that in addition to the healing effect, Redecil stimulates skin regeneration and has a positive effect on the fight against expression wrinkles around the eyes.

The first signs of non-static changes in facial skin become noticeable after 25 years. Deterioration is associated not only with the active work of facial muscle groups. Living in unfavorable climatic conditions and working in non-stop mode require external help for the body, including correctly selected means.

Cosmetologists are unanimous - retinol is an essential component of skin care products aimed at maintaining healthy skin.

Its action is associated with increased division of epithelial cells, as well as the presence of specific retinol-binding receptors on the epidermis.

Release form, ointment composition and brief description of components

Redecil is available in small volumes (10-20-35 g) in a tube.

And although the packaging design leaves much to be desired, the main thing is the composition of the cream:

  • Retinol. Customer reviews of Redecil report that the product effectively helps fight wrinkles. In the global community, retinol is accepted as an effective means of combating the first signs of skin aging. Many people know another name for retinol - vitamin A. This is the first preparation of the vitamin group, which was discovered more than 100 years ago in the USA by several groups of scientists simultaneously. Vitamin A is necessary for the growth of new cells, for immunity and slowing down the aging process. Research has shown that retinol is essential for the maintenance and repair of epithelial tissues. It stimulates collagen production and improves the quality of the resulting tissue. The mechanism of action of retinol has been studied in detail, described, and today cosmetology uses this active substance in creams, serums, and masks.

  • Methyluracil. A domestic group of drugs, the creation of which began in the middle of the 20th century. For 20 years, Soviet scientists searched for substances that stimulate the regeneration of human tissue and found it. Methyluracil is a group of drugs that activates the synthesis of nucleic acids. In 2021, Russian scientists published studies in the journal that prove that methyluracil accelerates cell growth and reproduction and improves tissue regeneration.
  • Emulsion wax. The substance is added to decorative cosmetics and cosmetics. Thanks to its structure, emulsion wax gives creams the required consistency and heat stability. Expensive vegetable waxes are rarely used in domestic cosmetology. Synthetic waxes are not held in high esteem, as they tend to cause allergic reactions. Russian manufacturers use animal wax (beeswax, lanolin).
  • Vaseline oil. Oil is added to skin care products as it helps other components bind and absorb into the skin. It heals wounds and has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Glycerol. The simplest organic alcohols. When added to cosmetic preparations, they retain their properties and increase the viscosity and consistency of creams. Non-toxic.
  • Purified water. Water that has been purified from contaminants using one of the following methods: ionization, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet oxidation. The instructions do not indicate how to purify the water, but in any case, it is water that is safe for health.

Redecil for wrinkles (reviews from buyers who study the composition before purchasing are positive) in its structure has only the necessary components that have a beneficial effect on skin rejuvenation.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Redecil for wrinkles

Elena Stepanova, cosmetologist, Moscow

It has long been known that cheap pharmaceutical products based on retinol are successfully used for rejuvenation. Redecil was no exception. It contains retinol palmitate or a derivative of vitamin A. This is a component that perfectly stimulates metabolic processes and skin regeneration. It has been experimentally verified that it is advisable to use the product on normal and oily skin, since Redecil normalizes acid-base metabolism and exfoliates the stratum corneum. At the same time, I recommend not to abuse the drug and use it several times a week in courses of 14 days. This way you can avoid addiction and other undesirable consequences.

Dmitry Novikov, dermatologist-cosmetologist, St. Petersburg

Redecil ointment based on retinol is a product that you need to know how to use. After all, retinol is a rather specific ingredient, which, if used incorrectly, can cause irritation and only worsen the situation. I recommend this ointment for the correction of wrinkles and nutrition for older ladies whose skin needs additional saturation with vitamin A. After all, this vitamin is a building element for maintaining its firmness and elasticity.

Beneficial features

Based on the results of domestic research on retinol, we can talk about the persistent anti-aging effect of Redecil.

Retinol works on the skin in several ways:

  • softens wrinkles and creases;
  • regenerates cells;
  • improves skin elasticity;
  • moisturizes;
  • activates the production of proteinoids;

  • lightens pigmentation.

Pure retinol is not used in cosmetology, because when it comes into contact with oxygen it oxidizes and loses its properties. If the cream contains only retinol, you should not be tempted to buy it. Retinol-containing preparations require additives that help maintain the properties of the substance.

Indications for use

It is recommended that after 30 years of age, add creams with vitamin A to the list of care products. The cosmetic line with retinol starts from the age of 35+ to 60+. At each stage, vitamin A solves different problems, depending on the concentration of the substance in the product.

AgeRetinol concentration in %Tasks
35+0,1Reduction of fine expression wrinkles, deep hydration.
45+0,4-1Reducing wrinkles, smoothing skin texture
55+ and above1-2Cell regeneration, collagen binding, improved blood circulation.

Basic rules for use around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is thin and requires special care. General facial products are not suitable for her. Creams for the area around the eyes should be specially selected depending on age.

A few rules for caring for the area around the eyes:

  1. Check the expiration date of the cream.
  2. Conduct a test sample.
  3. Remove makeup from your face and wash your hands.
  4. Apply a pea of ​​cream to your finger.
  5. Moving from the temple to the bridge of the nose, apply the cream with light movements under the eyes.

  6. Perform a micro massage.

Instructions for use

According to cosmetologists, Redecil gives a lasting positive effect in the fight against wrinkles if the instructions for use are followed:

  • After 3 months of use, a break is required.
  • It is not recommended to mix the cream with other drugs.
  • The visible effect appears after 2 weeks of regular use.
  • The cream should not be rubbed into the skin of the face; a light touch is sufficient.
  • A large amount of the substance will not enhance the result. The skin will take what it needs, the excess will not be absorbed.


Redecil is no exception among other drugs for a number of contraindications. Therefore, they must be taken into account before starting to fight wrinkles. Main contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy – 1st trimester;
  • lactation period;
  • vitamin A hypervitaminosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it is not recommended to apply Redecil to large areas of skin.


Skin change is a continuous process that lasts from birth. After 25 years, it becomes noticeable how the skin changes in appearance and function. However, for some, external changes are visually stronger, while for others, they are less pronounced. Are there general trends affecting the state of appearance? Of course there is.

Redecil ointment for wrinkles gives an amazing effect

This process is determined by genetic factors, as well as the state of the environment, nutrition, habits, work, and quality of sleep. The skin is constantly exposed to stress, and ultraviolet radiation leads to a slowdown in metabolism. As a result, skin regeneration and repair decreases. An early sign of skin aging is dryness, flaking, age-related pigmentation, and neoplasms.

Redecil for wrinkles, reviews from clinicians about which can be found in scientific works since the 60s of the 20th century, confirm that retinol has pronounced biological activity and effectively fights the first signs of aging. Studies have shown that the cream reduces skin dryness by 30%, puffiness by 35% and smoothes expression lines by 50%.

Domestic research in recent decades has proven that the only protective substances in the fight against physiological changes are retinoids.

Their uniqueness lies in their ability to suppress the destruction of collagen fibers, which preserve the structure of the tissue, ensure its turgor, and also create conditions for interaction between cells. Vitamin A-based preparations have been included in cosmetology since 1984.

Possible side effects

The popularity of Redecil as a remedy for wrinkles is largely due to the combination of effectiveness with low side effects. The main side effects are expressed in individual intolerance to the components. Most often this manifests itself in the form of:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • local irritation;
  • rash;
  • other allergic reactions.

Mostly side effects appear in the places where the ointment was applied. Peeling is also possible with dry or normal skin, since the drug has a drying property. In the absence of contraindications, other side effects are excluded.

Compatibility with other medications

As mentioned above, retinol and vitamin A are equivalent concepts. To avoid allergic reactions, do not use the cream with other creams of a similar composition, or with drugs containing tetracycline antibiotics. It is important to dwell on the latter in more detail.

The main task of antibiotics is to inhibit the growth of living cells and microorganisms. In the 21st century, thanks to biological research and technological capabilities, cosmetic creams for external use with antibiotics began to appear to combat skin problems.

Such creams cope well with acne and skin infections, but they are not compatible with Redecil. You must be careful when using creams as a duo.

Reviews of Redecil anti-wrinkle cream can be found in the domestic medical literature. Available sources confirm that today this is a new combination drug that helps people successfully combat physiological age-related changes in the skin.

Does Redecil help against wrinkles?

Skin aging is characterized by the fact that cellular processes in it slow down and renewal occurs much more slowly. This activates the thickening of the non-living stratum corneum. Because of this, the skin becomes duller and drier, small cracks appear on it, and sensitivity increases. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the growth of living cells, the surface tissues become less elastic, which over time leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

Cheap pharmaceutical products have been successfully solving issues of anti-aging therapy for a long time. If you compare super-expensive advertised anti-wrinkle products and inexpensive pharmaceutical ointments, you will notice that they consist of the same components. The main differences lie only in the pricing policy. That is why many women prefer to pay much less for the same quality. Redecil ointment was no exception in this matter. This is a Russian-made medicine that is available without a prescription. The basis of Redecil is a derivative of retinol, a component responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and preserving youth.

Important! Many clinical studies have been carried out confirming the effectiveness and safety of retinol, which is part of Redecil.

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