Dental treatment under sedation The dosage of Dormikum is selected individually for the patient. In some cases it is enough
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Normal Jaundice occurs due to disruption of bilirubin metabolism, its excretion and accumulation. Bilirubin
Reviews from doctors about the drug Ovesol Doctors often prescribe Ovesol to patients who have problems
Tobrex eye drops are used to treat bacterial infections of the outer part of the eye - conjunctivitis, stye,
On July 16, Elena Bogolyubova was detained by employees of the Federal Customs Service at the exit from the post office.
Community-acquired pneumonia is an infectious disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the lungs. The disease is most often
Laryngitis (from Latin larynx - larynx and suffix -itis - inflammation) - inflammatory process
Description of the drug Ketofril is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, analgesic, produced on the basis of pyrrolizine carboxylic acid.
Isoprinosine An immunostimulating agent with a nonspecific antiviral effect. It is a complex containing inosine and salt