"Bi-Luron": patient reviews, instructions for use and analogues

What is chondroitin for?

This substance is the main component of cartilage tissue. In a healthy person, it is fully synthesized by the body independently, and only when any abnormalities occur does chondroitin need to be supplied from outside. Chondroitin sulfate is somewhat of a liquid magnet. It binds incoming water and creates a jelly-like compound that moisturizes joint tissue.

In this way, the joints function normally without touching each other and causing friction. Thanks to this liquid, waste and toxins are also removed from the cartilage. A lack of chondroitin leads to the fact that the shock-absorbing function is disrupted, and the limbs begin to become inflamed and painful.

How the joint works

To prevent the ends of the bones (epiphyses) from rubbing against each other, they are covered with cartilage tissue, which consists of 20-25% dry matter and 75-80% water. The joint itself is enclosed in a joint capsule made of dense fibers. It not only performs a protective function, but also ensures the sliding of articulating bones.

The inner cavity of the joint contains the synovial membrane. Its cells produce a special lubricant, most of which is hyaluronic acid. Chondroitin and glucosamine are responsible for the quality of synovial fluid.

In healthy joints, cartilage tissue is well saturated. As the load increases, there is more lubrication, which makes it possible for the articular surfaces to slide. If the quantity and quality of synovial fluid is reduced, the joints will wear out and the cartilage will be destroyed.

Beneficial properties of hyaluronic acid

This substance is also synthesized by the body. It is found in almost every organ. The acid has extremely high moisture-absorbing properties. Scientists claim that one gram of this substance can absorb up to six liters of liquid. With age, its properties noticeably deteriorate. After forty years, the body can produce only fifty percent of this substance. And at sixty, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases to ten percent of the required mass.

Its deficiency can be recognized by a person’s appearance. Early formation of wrinkles on the face, sagging skin turgor and joint problems indicate a lack of this substance.


Ingredient nameQuantity per 1 capsule% RUSP
Chondroitin sulfate, mg300*
Hyaluronic acid, mg150*
Vitamin E (dl-Alpha-tocopheryl acetate), mg15100%

Auxiliary components: invert sugar, potassium sorbate, water.
% RUSP - recommended daily intake level not determined

When to use

The use of "Bi-Luron" is required for the following diseases:

  • For degenerative changes in articular cartilage caused by inflammation, trauma, fractures or dislocations. In addition, arthrosis often appears as a result of a chronic lack of hyaluronic acid caused by age-related changes. This disease requires complex treatment, which necessarily includes taking the chondroitin complex.
  • Bi-Luron is also prescribed for osteochondropathy in children and adolescents. This disease is a malnutrition of bone tissue, resulting in a degenerative-dystrophic process that affects the spine, hips and heel bones. This product has very good patient reviews.
  • "Bi-Luron" is also part of the complex treatment of gout. With this disease, purine metabolism is disrupted, and urea is deposited in the joints. As a result, the patient suffers from acute pain, which usually occurs at night or in the morning. In order to reduce the symptoms of gouty arthritis, the patient is prescribed medications containing the hyaluron-chondroitin complex.
  • For diseases of the spine such as protrusion and subsidence of the wall of the intervertebral disc, it is also recommended to use the drug “Bi-Luron”.
  • Reviews from patients often recommend this product to athletes. It can be taken during periods of heavy physical exertion before important competitions.
  • Obese people also have to regularly maintain healthy joints. Due to the large weight, there is a load that negatively affects the intercartilaginous fluid.
  • Congenital or acquired curvature of the legs also creates problems and requires regular support.


Everyone knows such a simple truth that movement is life. It is constant movement that gives us energy and gives us the joy of freedom of movement. Going to the shower in the morning or doing a warm-up, pouring yourself morning tea or looking for your favorite shirt in the closet, walking through a sunny forest or giving a presentation to your partners - every day we make thousands of movements. It is impossible to fully master this world and conquer it, set new goals and achieve them, enjoy every moment of this life without constant movement.

Every second of human life, our 230 joints make thousands of movements. For example, over the course of his entire life, a person bends his fingers approximately 25 million times, and takes even more steps – 220 million.

That's why healthy joints are so important in our lives. They are designed to distribute the load over their entire surface. And their mobility directly depends on the quantity and quality of joint fluid, which improves the gliding and nutrition of cartilage.

Our joints are designed to perform flawlessly for a long time. What is the reason? Why do joints need help?

Throughout our lives, we put stress on our joints and seemingly the most mundane daily situations are dangerous and destructive.

Your profession involves constantly standing on your feet (salesperson, surgeon, hairdresser, cook, etc.).

You spend most of the day on your feet, thereby loading your knees and ankles.

Your working day is spent at an office desk or you work as a driver/machinist.

When sitting for long periods of time, your spine and cervical spine experience increased stress.

Children are also at risk: in the stage of intensive skeletal growth (12-14 years), bone growth outstrips joint growth. And also sports, microtraumas of the joints, which are often consequences of sports, physical activity...

Everyday situations: regular wearing of high-heeled shoes, heavy lifting, excess weight, large or one-sided loads - all this puts increased stress on the joints and increases the degree of wear and tear.

It is a well-known fact that with age a person loses height. Why? After all, our bones cannot shrink?!

This fact is due to the fact that during life the intervertebral discs of our skeleton dry out (sag) and a person’s height decreases.

But besides the visual effect, there are more serious consequences: nerve endings are injured, pain and radiculitis appear, the supply of nerves to organs and tissues is disrupted, and their connection with the central nervous system (CNS) deteriorates.

Age. According to the World Health Organization, after 40 years of age, 50 percent or more of people experience changes in their joints. These are pain, dryness, creaking, limited mobility, stiffness in the morning.

80% of people aged 50-60 already have chronic joint damage.

At the age of 60 or more, this number increases to 85-87%.

Arthrosis is one of the most common joint diseases. According to WHO, currently about 10% of the world's population suffers from arthrosis (i.e., every tenth person!). Thus, in people under 45 years of age, it occurs in 2% of the population; between the ages of 45 and 65 years, 30-40% are affected, and after 65 years, 60-80%. Arthrosis has long been considered a disease of older people, but today its age is getting younger.

Unfortunately, trying to bring maximum comfort into our lives, we pay for it with our health. Poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, stress, etc. adversely affect the condition of the joints. Often we don’t think about our health until it fails and pain appears….

Let's see what a healthy joint looks like.

Any of our joints consists of: – articular surfaces of bones covered with cartilage tissue; – joint capsule, or connective tissue capsule; – synovial membrane, or membrane, lining the capsule from the inside and producing synovial fluid.

The joint capsule is covered on the inside with a special substance called synovial membrane, or membrane. This inner lining provides nutrition to the joint and produces "joint juice" - synovial fluid (joint fluid), which reduces friction in the joint and thus protects them from abrasion.

When the load decreases, the cartilage becomes saturated with articular fluid, like a sponge, and when the load increases, the cartilage releases this fluid depending on the degree of load. Synovial fluid both insulates the joint surfaces from each other and forms a slippery surface, thus allowing a healthy joint to “lubricate” itself. The joint capsule is quite elastic; it stretches when we move, this ensures the mobility of the joints and the full range of movement.

The bone endings (epiphyses) are protected by hyaline cartilage 3-5 mm high, which is a “protective cushion”: the cartilage absorbs heavy impacts and sudden movements. Articular cartilage is not connected to the circulatory system, so it does not receive nutrients from the blood. Their source is joint fluid.

Joint fluid (synovial fluid) consists of glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and water. It is from this that cartilage cells receive the nutrients they need and release metabolic products.

And it is on the qualitative composition of the joint fluid that nutrition, and therefore the health and mobility of the joints, will depend.

Due to microtraumas, age-related changes in the body, increased stress (excess weight, heavy lifting, physical inactivity, prolonged walking in heels and other reasons), the process of production of hyaluronic acid (the main nutrient for the joint) by the joint capsule worsens and, as a result, the nutrition of the cartilage is disrupted, cartilaginous surfaces become thinner.

The joint capsule becomes inelastic, the joint becomes inactive.

A healthy and young body produces hyaluronic acid itself.

But with age, its synthesis in the body slows down, and when this happens, joint problems begin, and we also notice those very unwanted wrinkles - the first signs of premature aging.

At the age of 40, the formation of your own hyaluronic acid decreases by 50%. At age 60 and beyond, the body produces only 10% of its required amount.

Hyaluronic acid is more than just “articular fluid”

Hyaluronic acid is found in many tissues of the human body: cartilage, bones, vitreous body, heart valves, skin, synovial fluid. It stretches the skin and skin ligaments, elastically supports cartilage and lubricates our joints, and is the main component of synovial (or joint) fluid. Without this fluid our joints would not work.

According to its chemical structure, hyaluronic acid belongs to glycosaminoglycans, or mucopolysaccharides, as it can bind large amounts of water, as a result of which the intercellular substance acquires the character of a jelly-like matrix that can “support” cells.

Hyaluronic acid is capable of binding and retaining up to six liters of water per gram. Water cannot be compressed. Hyaluronic acid imparts this property to the joints. It is responsible for the consistency of fluid in tissues and changes its viscosity depending on the action of mechanical forces: the fluid becomes more fluid under high loads, but remains viscous enough not to disappear from the joints in the form of water.

Chondroitin - “elastic miracle”

Chondroitin is an important component of cartilage. We partly consume chondroitin with food, and partly it is synthesized in the body itself. Its bioactive form is chondroitin sulfate, since it is used in the body only after combining with a sulfuric acid salt. Chondroitin sulfate is a liquid magnet. By electrically charging the chemical bond, it holds large amounts of water in the connective tissue and creates a jelly in which the chondrocytes reside. This ensures the elasticity and shock-absorbing functions of articular cartilage.

A big problem with cartilage regeneration is the lack of necessary building materials due to disease or other factors, which were mentioned earlier. After all, as we have already found out, cartilage tissue does not receive nutrients from the circulatory system. It receives joint fluid, which also helps remove waste from cartilage cells. If the body does not have enough nutrients, cartilage cells dry out and gradually die. Degenerated cartilage is no longer able to perform its shock-absorbing function and ensure joint mobility.

Hyaluron-chondroitin complex (HCC) – life without joint pain

Hyaluronic acid and chondroitin work together to protect joints much better. If these substances are taken simultaneously, they act synergistically, that is, they complement each other in protecting and nourishing cartilage tissue and act incomparably more effectively than each individually.

But what if complications have already occurred and your joints need support?

Replenishment and activation of the production of your own hyaluronic acid is possible with the help of “Bi-Luron”!

“Bi-Luron” is a classic orthomolecular drug that restores and preserves health by changing the concentration of substances that are normally present in the human body and are responsible for its health. High-quality natural nutrition, real help for our joints. Hyaluronic acid in the form of bioavailability for our body. Activates the process of producing its own synovial fluid, providing nutrition and restoration of cartilage tissue.

As a result of many years of testing, observations and experiments, the developers were able to combine into a unique synergistic combination the two main building materials for restoring the functioning of cartilage - chondroitin and hyaluronic acid.

And from the moment of the initial intake of “Bi-Luron”, positive processes are activated in the body: – the process of accumulation of hyaluronic acid in the body begins, its concentration in tissues increases; – hyaluronic acid from “Bi-Luron” activates the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid; – there is a positive effect on all tissues of the human body (cartilage, bones, vitreous body, heart valves, skin, synovial fluid) in which it is located; – as an additional and very pleasant effect – general rejuvenation and healing of the body.

Treatment result

After some time, you can notice the lightness and mobility of the joints. The patient's feeling of aches and fatigue disappears. In addition, gout reduces pain that usually occurs in the morning or at night. Over the course of two months, there is an active increase in the patient’s own cartilage fluid. Thus, the body starts producing hyaluron. The drug has a cumulative effect, which makes itself felt for a long time.

Women in reviews of Bi-Luron notice an amazing hydration of the skin and an increase in its elasticity. Moreover, a similar effect of the drug can be noticed on all problem areas, including heels, elbows and the area around the eyes.

Contraindications and side effects

This remedy has no age restrictions and can be used by both young and elderly patients. However, according to the instructions for use, Bi-Luron contains a number of contraindications. For example, women during all three trimesters of pregnancy are not recommended to use any dietary supplements containing hyaluronic acid with chondroitin. In addition, due to the sugar, this remedy cannot be taken by patients with diabetes. In some cases, your doctor may allow you to take this medication by adjusting your diet.

And also if a woman regularly takes injections with hyaluronic acid in a beauty salon, then it is better to take Bi-Luron in the intervals between corrections, after waiting a few days. Usually this drug is well tolerated by the body, and only in some cases individual intolerance to the components included in this complex may occur.

Chondroitin and its functions

Chondroitin is one of the elements of cartilage tissue. Its molecules have a large mass, which allows it to retain moisture. It is also part of the synovial fluid, providing it with viscosity. Chondroitin performs a number of functions:

  • maintains the elasticity of cartilage;
  • destroys enzymes that destroy articular surfaces;
  • makes tendons stronger;
  • prevents degeneration of cartilage tissue;
  • responsible for the quality of synovial fluid.

Cartilage tissue must have a slimy molecular structure. When the joint fluid dries out, it means that problems with salt deposition have begun. As a result, clicks, squeaks, and stiffness appear when moving.

If there is enough chondroitin in the body when a joint is damaged, the regeneration process starts. But if there is a deficiency, cartilage tissue continues to deteriorate. The body is able to produce chondroitin on its own, but with age its synthesis decreases.

Advantages of the drug

It has a pleasant sweet taste and is very easy to consume. In a word, this treatment brings pleasure to some extent. As has been proven by scientists, only in a complex combination of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin is a complete restoration of cartilage fluid obtained. We took this fact into account, and therefore the product turned out to be quite effective and efficient. After completing a course of treatment, as a rule, all compounds are restored simultaneously.

This product has a rather convenient method of administration, since the package with the drug includes a measuring cup with a volume of thirty milliliters. This is the amount that should be consumed daily for one month. Usually, improvement occurs after fourteen days, and after another six days a fairly lasting effect occurs. Moreover, the effect of the drug continues after the end of its use. Sometimes you have to repeat the course for a more lasting result. In short, the duration of treatment will depend on the nature of the disease and the stage of joint damage.

Features of "Bi-Luron"

Doctors and patients point out some features that distinguish this remedy from the rest. For example, the ability of Bi-Luron to affect all joints at the same time is one of the advantages of this drug. In addition, it contains virtually no contraindications or side effects. It can be used for five months, which is also quite a long period for such products.

This complex not only treats the disease, but also forces the human body to produce its own interarticular fluid. It goes well with any anti-inflammatory drugs, which are often prescribed for acute and chronic arthrosis, gout and other similar diseases. No wonder the reviews about “Bi-Luron” are mostly positive.

Buy B-Luron at a discount

The author of the unique product, Nils Duschek, explains why Biluron (B-luron, Biluron) is unique.

Distinctive properties of Bi-Luron

• The product's action is aimed at the root cause of the problem; • Orthomolecular complex corrects imbalances at the molecular level, optimizing biochemical processes in the body; • Affects all joints; • Can be combined with physiotherapy and any medications; • Prolonged action (1 course of administration every 3–5 months); • No side effects; • Convenient form of release and use;

Recommendations for use

• Arthrosis. • Age wear. • Prolonged excessive and/or one-sided load on the joints during work (including excess weight). • Heavy sports loads before and after competitions. • Pathologies of intervertebral discs (protrusion, protrusion, subsidence). • The rehabilitation period after joint surgery (arthroscopic sanitation). • Congenital X- and O-shaped curvature of the legs. • Osteochondropathies in adolescents. • Gout (in complex therapy).

How to take the drug most effectively?

The drug is a pleasant-tasting syrup. It is taken daily for 1 month, 30 ml. It is better to do this in the morning on an empty stomach with water.

Analogues of the drug

Today in pharmacies you can find many products with a similar effect. All chondroprotectors are conventionally divided into four generations, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages. First generation drugs include Alflutop and Rumalon. The second generation includes the quite popular hyaluronic acid, which is injected into the articular cartilage, and the Chondroitin complex. Third generation drugs include Glucosamine hydrochloride and various drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Alflutop is usually produced in the form of a solution for injections. In addition to the active component obtained from sea fish, its composition includes amino acids, chondroitin sulfate and some trace elements. It is used exclusively intramuscularly and no more than once a day. The course of treatment is twenty-one days.
  • The drug "Rumalon" is also available in the form of a solution. It contains cartilage extract obtained from cattle. Typically, the course of treatment consists of twenty-five injections. In total, it is recommended to take at least two courses throughout the year.
  • The fairly popular drug “Chondroitin Complex” is available in the form of white capsules, which contain a yellow substance inside. You can consume up to three pieces per day. It is not recommended to use this remedy in the presence of blood clots, diabetes mellitus and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are in the acute stage. The course of treatment lasts up to three months, depending on the nature of the joint damage. Side effects sometimes include dizziness and weakness.

You can also use such analogues of Bi-Luron as capsules Piaskledin 300, Zinaxin and Traumeel gel cream. All of them have proven themselves well among patients.


Take 30 ml once daily after meals. Can be taken at any time of the day, but preferably at the same time for a month. Keep refrigerated. Shake before use. After taking Vi-Luron, it is already in the lymph within 15 minutes, in the joints after 24 hours, and in all tissues for 3-5 months.

A formula for calculating a safe dose in relation to body weight is only necessary for people weighing more than 100 kg. People weighing less than 100 kg can take the product without risk to health. Large amounts of hyaluronic acid are absorbed not only by the joints, but also by other organs such as the eyes, hair, skin and gums.

Noticeable symptoms of improvement will not appear immediately, but after reaching a certain concentration of hyaluronic acid in the joint by the end of 2-3 weeks. It depends on the degree of damage to the joint and how severe the deficiency of chondroitin and hyaluronic acid is. Accordingly, the less damage to the joint, the faster relief and recovery will occur. In especially severe cases, it is advisable to repeat the course to achieve results.

In order for the product to be delivered to all problem areas in good quality, it is necessary that our lymph is clean. This is why it is recommended to cleanse your body before using Bi-Luron. Go through a comprehensive antiviral / antibacterial / antiparasitic program, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and, finally, the lymph. Lymph is our sewer system, which collects all the waste that our cells release as a result of the activities of life.

But if joint problems are unbearable, then you can drink Vi-Luron immediately, and the results will be in any case. In parallel with Bi-Luron, it is strongly recommended to drink it during the Coral-Detox program, as this will make the orthomolecular complex even more effective.

For an individual consultation, we advise you to contact us.

You will find more detailed information about the product on the official Bi-Luron website .

Bi-Luron: joint health for a life on the move

Olga and Vladimir Podkhomutnikov: Bi-Luron

German doctor Nils Duschek is the developer of Bi-Luron

Result of cerebral palsy

How to buy Bi-Luron?

Products can be purchased using a special discount card.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors, as a rule, speak well of Bi-Luron. According to them, this German drug has proven itself well among patients and has shown its effectiveness. According to doctors, starting from the age of twenty-five, the natural production of hyaluronic acid noticeably decreases. This substance is especially necessary for those people who play sports. The drug is on the same level of effectiveness as injections that are injected in case of impaired joint mobility. However, the cost of one injection very often starts from three hundred dollars and ends at almost a thousand. While Bi-Luron allows you to save money without resorting to the help of a medical institution.

This remedy has proven itself especially well among cosmetologists. Reviews from doctors about Bi-Luron indicate the high effectiveness of the drug. For example, after using this dietary supplement, women's skin condition noticeably improves. It not only restores cartilage, but also completely rejuvenates the body. For example, improvements in vision have been observed in patients since the eye muscle also contains hyaluronic acid.

Patient reviews

On the Internet you can find many reviews about “Bi-Luron”. And for the most part they are positive. Many buyers agree that the product actually works. Among the complaints most often noted is the rather high price. In some people, after a month's course, the swelling in their knees subsides, and the joints become noticeably more mobile. After years of using ointments and painkillers, patients finally feel real relief. Their pain and swelling practically go away. Thus, all ointments and compresses become unnecessary.

Some users prefer to take dietary supplements at intervals of one week. That is, as soon as they feel any deterioration in their health, they immediately begin a course of treatment and drink syrup for seven days. A break follows, and treatment continues again. This method is suitable for those who do not have an obvious disease, but simply occasionally experience fatigue due to heavy physical exertion.

However, you can find negative results and reviews on the Internet. “Bi-Luron” does not suit some people. Many patients are confused by the inflated price of the drug. Users especially do not like the fact that manufacturers recommend taking it for a long time. Considering the price of this dietary supplement, doing this is very problematic.

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