Complivit Trimester 2 30 pcs. tablets in Chelyabinsk

What vitamins do pregnant women need?

One of the most common questions that pregnant women ask their doctor is what vitamins should they take during pregnancy? Let’s say right away whether expectant mothers need to take pharmaceutical vitamins or not - there is no definite answer to this question. Some doctors believe that the necessary nutrients should be obtained from natural products. Others are proponents of taking pharmaceutical multivitamins. The only thing we can say for sure is that vitamins and microelements must be supplied to the body of a pregnant woman. We'll tell you which of them are most important for the expectant mother.

Scientists advise pregnant women to take folic acid and vitamin D and eat a well-balanced diet. From the very beginning of pregnancy (and even better, 2-3 months before the expected conception), you need to take folic acid. This vitamin is considered one of the most essential for the unborn child. In the first weeks of pregnancy, when most women do not yet know that conception has occurred, the neural tube of the fetus is formed. It forms the child’s brain, spinal cord, and central nervous system. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, as well as in the first months, it is important to take a vitamin and mineral complex that contains at least 800–1000 mcg of folic acid.

It should be noted that despite the fairly common use of vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC) during pregnancy, at present the frequency of deficiency of some micronutrients continues to remain quite high. Indicative in this regard are data obtained from the observation of 563 pregnant women who were on a balanced diet and regularly took IUDs. The results obtained showed the presence of a number of hypervitaminoses - in folate, biotin, pantothenate and riboflavin in all three trimesters. At the same time, paradoxically, the patients had a deficiency of vitamin A, pyridoxine, niacin, thiamine and cyanocobalamin.

Perhaps the most common is folic acid, also known as vitamin B9. It is responsible for the development of new cells and the formation of the placenta. But, you need to remember about the danger of overdose, so it is recommended to take no more than 400 milligrams per day.

Vitamins B6 and B12. B12 helps absorb folic acid. B6 is involved in cell structure and brain development. Prevents such unpleasant conditions as toxicosis, vomiting, mood changes, nausea.

Vitamin E. Prevents cramps of the lower extremities, which so often torment pregnant women, and promotes a stronger attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus. That is why it is so important, especially in the early stages.

Vitamin A. Affects the development of the retina and mucous membranes. If there is a deficiency, there is a risk of having a low-weight baby.

Please note that the need for certain groups of vitamins depends on the timing of pregnancy and even on the age of the woman. Preparations of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) and vitamin B12 are not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The use of vitamin A preparations is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy; in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, vitamin A preparations should not exceed a dose of 2700 IU/day (even intake from food is taken into account). The administration of vitamin D to pregnant women over 35 years of age is contraindicated; its use is limited in the summer.


Just last month I took a course of Alphabet “Mom’s Health” vitamins.
But from the second trimester I decided to purchase a complex version and, of course, bought Complivit Second Trimester. It’s a pity that there is no Elevit 2nd trimester, for example.

By the way, during my first pregnancy (now I’m on my second), I also drank Complivit in trimesters, then it was in a different design, from the very beginning of pregnancy I was “hesitant” and did such a stupid thing. I felt incredibly nauseous, but I referred to ordinary toxicosis, this was my first time, I decided that this was how it should be.

Now, at the beginning of my second pregnancy, my toxicosis was moderate, maybe because I did without vitamin complexes and took only the necessary vitamins separately? I began to understand this only recently, drawing conclusions and comparing with previous experience. In general, I lived all the first three months and did not know grief, maybe just a little, so to speak, but now it began. Nausea, whatever, vomiting! So much so that it is impossible to restrain yourself. And I take the pill on a full stomach, strictly after breakfast. Thus, I do not get all the vitamins my baby and I need, but I also lose the healthy breakfast I ate before. So, here they are, my vitamins, which I don’t know what to do or what to do with them. Either put them aside for a while and buy others, or try taking them after lunch rather than breakfast. There is also a third option, you know which one. Looking at this box, you understand how important it is to take such a complex. After all, it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for this period. Another thing is, what is absorbed and what is not? After all, many vitamins are not friendly with each other and interfere with the absorption of certain types. But who will guarantee that a pregnant woman gets everything she needs with food? And how much will you have to eat a day to get everything you need? For example, I don’t want to eat carrots and apples every day, but I don’t eat foods like heart and liver at all and never have, but they are healthy. Also, aversions appeared, for example, to bananas and, once beloved, buckwheat porridge, and a lot of other things. All quantities of each vitamin and mineral are indicated both in the instructions and on the box itself. Therefore, when choosing the right complex for yourself, you can ask for this information. By the way, I compared it with other types of vitamin-mineral complexes, and so, the composition is different everywhere. That is why I chose vitamins for a certain period of my pregnancy.

This vitamin and mineral complex is produced in Bashkortostan. Which adds a plus when choosing vitamins. They are ours! The expiration date can be checked on one side of the box, right in the place where the vitamins open.

Let's take a look at this pack already. What's there? There are 30 tablets in a package. If you compare it with Alphabet vitamins, which are divided into 3 servings, then they are designed for 20 days of use. Here, the course of treatment allows you to take vitamins for a whole month. Plus, they're inexpensive. For some, this will seem like a significant plus. If you go to the instructions that come with these vitamins, you can find out all the necessary and interesting information. As you've probably already guessed, I don't blame vitamins for making me feel bad. I understand perfectly well that they simply did not suit me personally. There are so many positive reviews about them, so many expectant mothers who accept them without knowing grief. This means that I am not from that same category of those who are satisfied, but I am not one of those who complain either. The tablet is round, smooth, small, I immediately remember other vitamins that are huge in size, it is easy to swallow. What begins after taking it, about half an hour later, cannot be put into words. Those who have encountered it will understand. I planned to take Complivit Second Trimester for the entire period from 14 to 27 weeks, but now I’ll have to look for a replacement, I hope I’ll find one, because I have a day to search!

I hope that my review was useful to someone. I only managed to take three tablets from this pack, taking into account the fact that I lost one with breakfast after taking it. I read what other girls wrote and decided to write my review.

I wish all pregnant women reading my review an easy pregnancy, without toxicosis, and good luck and joy to my friends and readers!

Composition of Complivita Trimesterum

Main components: nicotinamide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, manganese, riboflavin, tocopherol acetate (alpha form), rutoside , magnesium, colecalciferol , calcium, calcium pantothenate , folic acid, thiamine hydrochloride, ascorbic acid, thioctic acid, cyanocobalamin, lutein, copper, selenium , iodine .
Additional substances: calcium stearate, citric acid, sucrose, starch, talc, low molecular weight povidone.

Film shell components: gum arabica, talc, titanium dioxide, sugar, beeswax, shellac.

pharmachologic effect

Retinol is necessary for the full formation of the visual analyzer in the fetus, the bone skeleton, for the differentiation and division of epithelial cells, and the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Tocopherol acetate (alpha form) prevents the formation of peroxide forms that damage cell membranes. Reduces the risk of developing hypertension in a woman during pregnancy , ensures normal development and growth of the fetus.

Thiamine prevents the formation of malformations in the fetus and is necessary for the synthesis of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.

Riboflavin prevents the development of fetal defects such as cleft palate, limb deformities, heart defects, hydrocephalus, hydronephrosis . Ensures the full growth and development of the child in the prenatal period.

Pyridoxine enhances the absorption of magnesium from the intestines. When taking oral contraceptives , a deficiency of pyridoxine is registered. Relieves toxicosis in pregnant women and prevents the development of vomiting and nausea. Necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.

Ascorbic acid reduces the risk of miscarriage.

Nicotinamide prevents the formation of malformations in the fetus.

Folic acid is involved in the processes of synthesizing DNA, RNA, amino acids . Reduces the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage in the first weeks of pregnancy and the risk of developing various intrauterine defects.

Calcium pantothenate accelerates regenerative processes and is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones and acetylcholine.

Cyanocobalamin is necessary for the full synthesis of DNA and ensures the full formation of the nerve myelin sheath. Prevents erythrocyte hemolysis .

Colecalciferol ensures the complete formation of the fetal bone skeleton and the functioning of the parathyroid glands.

Rutoside reduces the severity of swelling during lymphostasis and venous insufficiency. Has an angioprotective effect.

Thioctic acid regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, improves nutrition of nervous system cells, and normalizes the functioning of the liver system. It is an antioxidant and reduces cholesterol .

Lutein protects photoreceptors from the aggressive effects of oxygen radicals and ultraviolet radiation.

Iron ensures normal transport of oxygen to tissues, is part of hemoglobin , and is involved in the process of erythropoiesis. During pregnancy, it prevents the formation of anemia due to Fe deficiency.

Manganese ensures complete ossification of the fetus and intrauterine development. Protects cells from the negative effects of peroxide radicals. It is an integral part of the active centers of some enzymes.

Copper ensures complete absorption of iron and normal functioning of blood cells. If there is a deficiency in children, a pathology of the respiratory system develops.

Zinc is a participant in most biochemical reactions and is an immunomodulator . With a lack of Zn, premature babies are born with various pathologies of organs and systems.

Magnesium prevents spontaneous abortions and reduces the risk of developing uterine hypertonicity. The skeletal system and muscle tissue of the fetus are formed.

Calcium is necessary for the formation of the fetal skeleton, normal functioning of the heart and nervous system.

Selenium potentiates the effects of vitamin E and is an antioxidant.

Iodine prevents spontaneous abortion due to lack of iodine in the mother's body.

Complivit Trimester 1 (Trimester tab.p/o No. 30)

A country

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Vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, nicotinamide, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, rutoside, thioctic acid, lutein, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium , selenium, iodine.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological effect is determined by the composition of the active substances.

Indications for use

Prevention of deficiency of vitamins and minerals included in the drug: during preparation for pregnancy (preconception); during the first trimester of pregnancy (from the last menstrual period before conception to the 13th week of pregnancy).

Mode of application

Orally, 1 tablet per day


The drug contains iron and calcium, and therefore delays the absorption of antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines and fluoroquinolone derivatives in the intestine. With the simultaneous use of ascorbic acid and short-acting sulfonamide drugs, the risk of developing crystalluria increases. Antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium, and cholestyramine reduce iron absorption. With the simultaneous use of diuretics from the thiazides group, the likelihood of developing hypercalcemia increases.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting. For nausea, it is recommended to take the drug in the afternoon.


Hypersensitivity, children under 14 years of age, hypervitaminosis A, hypervitaminosis D, increased levels of calcium and iron in the body, urolithiasis, B12-deficiency anemia, sucrase/isolmaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.


Symptoms: increased side effects. Treatment: temporarily stopping the drug, gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal, symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

The simultaneous use of other multivitamin complexes is not recommended to avoid overdose. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the daily dose of retinol should not exceed 5000 IU. It is possible that urine may turn bright yellow, which is completely harmless and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the drug.

Reviews about Complivit Trimester

Reviews of Complivit Trimester 1st trimester: the medication is well tolerated and is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals when planning and carrying a pregnancy. Rarely causes negative reactions.

Reviews about Complivit Trimester 2nd trimester: women leave mostly positive reviews, noting that vitamin therapy improves overall well-being during pregnancy

Reviews about Complivit Trimester 3rd trimester: good tolerability and safety of the medication allow you to take the pills after the birth of the baby during feeding for a speedy recovery of the body after pregnancy.

2nd trimester of pregnancy

Hello. My name is Yudina Elena Yuryevna, I am an obstetrician-gynecologist. The second trimester is the period of pregnancy starting from 13 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most favorable for a pregnant woman, as the placenta begins to form and hormonal levels stabilize. The troubles of the first trimester, such as weakness, toxicosis, irritability, and mood swings, disappear. The fetus becomes most resistant to external factors, as the formation of the main systems and organs of the fetus ends.

From the 14th week, the obstetrician-gynecologist can already listen to the baby’s heart with a fetal monitor. From the 18th week of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel the baby's movements. At first it resembles the fluttering of butterflies, and then they become more distinct. In women who are expecting their first baby, movements begin a little later, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy.

Features of the second trimester are active growth in the uterus, especially from the 20th week of pregnancy, and an increase in circulating blood volume. The main complications of the second trimester are associated with these features. One of the most serious complications is cervical incompetence. In some women, due to either anatomical features or a burdened obstetric history, due to the onset of uterine growth, the cervix shortens and cervical insufficiency develops. Only timely diagnosis and treatment can save the baby. Therefore, cervicometry must be included in the examination of patients in the second trimester. Especially during the second screening. Minor tension in the uterus during this period may also be physiological. However, they should not be accompanied by pain and should not occur frequently. It is better to inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about their occurrence and sign up for an additional examination, as they may be a symptom of an incipient threat of miscarriage.

Due to the individual structure of the skin, women may develop stretch marks. This is not dangerous, but leads to cosmetic defects. In this regard, it is recommended to start using special oils from the 13th week. Also, a woman with a hereditary predisposition may begin to develop varicose veins. This is not only a cosmetic defect, it can also lead to serious thromboembolic complications. From the second trimester, the mammary gland begins to prepare for childbirth. In this regard, yellowish discharge from the nipples may appear. There is no need to be afraid of this. Due to the growing uterus, the load on the spine, joints and ligaments increases. This can cause pain in the back, lower back, pelvis, and joints. Most of these complications can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of your obstetrician-gynecologist.

One of the prerequisites for a pregnant woman is physical activity. Most pregnant women are suitable for walking in the fresh air, swimming and physical therapy. It is also necessary to follow nutritional recommendations and limit easily digestible carbohydrates. The amount of fluid consumed should be sufficient, around two liters per day. From the 20th week, it is necessary to wear a support bandage that supports the uterus in the desired position, relieves stress from the spine, does not interfere with uteroplacental blood flow, prevents varicose veins, and helps fight stretch marks. Wearing compression hosiery helps prevent varicose veins and prevent disorders of the uteroplacental blood flow. Now is the time to enroll in pregnancy school.

Routine examinations in the second trimester – 3-4 times a week. Before each test, you must take a urine test. Fetal screening ultrasound, the second, is performed from 18 to 21 weeks. During this ultrasound, the size of the fetus is measured and compared with the gestational age. You can already accurately determine the sex of the baby. Determine the location of the placenta. At 20 weeks it is necessary to take an interim blood test to exclude anemia in pregnancy. Due to the increasing load on the body, iron consumption may occur. However, a blood test cannot always determine the nature of anemia. It may also be associated with vitamin B12 deficiency and chronic inflammation. In this case, further examination will be required. In such conditions, iron supplements are contraindicated. We must not forget that during pregnancy, a decrease in hemoglobin can be a physiological process and does not require treatment. This is due to an increase in circulating blood volume. From 24 to 26 weeks, you need to take a very important glucose tolerance test for pregnant women. This allows us to exclude a very serious complication: gestational diabetes mellitus, which poses a danger not only for the mother - a complication of pregnancy, but also for the baby.

Correct behavior during pregnancy and following the recommendations of your obstetrician-gynecologist will help you not only give birth to a healthy baby, but also enjoy this period of time, which is very important for your family.

Publication date: 12/27/16


The absorption of Tetracycline and fluoroquinolone- based antibiotics is slowed down due to the presence of calcium and iron in the vitamin preparation. of crystalluria increases significantly when treated with short-acting sulfa drugs . Hypercalcemia is possible when taking thiazide diuretics. Antacid medications interfere with the absorption of trace elements. A similar effect is observed with treatment with cholestyramine .

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