Top 10 foods that contribute to the formation of kidney stones

March 18, 2021 One of the possible causes of the formation of kidney stones is poor nutrition, in particular the consumption of certain foods. This explains why treatment necessarily includes following a certain diet. She takes into account which foods contribute to the formation of kidney stones and advises limiting them or completely eliminating them from the diet.


Foods that cause kidney stones include coffee and caffeinated drinks. It provokes the removal of calcium from the bones, which then settles in the bladder and ureter. This relationship has been confirmed by clinical studies. When drinking more than 3 cups of coffee per day, the concentration of calcium compounds in the excreted urine increases sharply within a few days. It also contains citrates, magnesium and other substances involved in the formation of stones. If after drinking coffee there is pain in the lumbar region, this may indicate that the process of stone formation has already begun.

Birch buds: medicinal properties

Birch buds are used for medicinal purposes in both official (evidence-based) and traditional (healing) medicine. They are valued as a medicine not only in Russia, but also in European and Oriental medicine.

How are birch buds useful for the human body?

Due to the large amount of nutrients (ascorbic acid - vitamin C, fatty acids, sugar, selenium, resinous substances, flavonoids, essential oils and much more), birch buds are unique for the purpose of using them against various types of diseases, as they have the following positive effects on the dynamics healing:

  • carefully relieve disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, improve its functioning and facilitate the digestion process;
  • relieve inflammation of the liver and biliary tract, help remove bile from the body;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas;
  • accelerate the metabolic process, which has a beneficial effect on eliminating excess weight;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys, have a mild diuretic and decongestant effect.

Properties of birch buds when used during colds


  • have antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial properties, therefore they are effective in the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and colds;
  • have a thinning and phlegm-removing, antitussive effect, which significantly facilitates and improves respiratory processes in cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and asthma;
  • enhance the process of sweating, which has a positive effect in the treatment of colds;
  • are a mild antipyretic, which improves the general condition of the human body during illness.

How and when to collect medicinal birch buds

There are several ways to collect birch buds.

The first is to immediately tear them off the branches and then dry them.

The second is to cut branches with swollen buds, tie them into bunches, and then dry them for 3-4 weeks. A well-ventilated, cool room is suitable for this - or you can place the branches under a canopy. Later, the buds are threshed or picked by hand. It turns out that usually already in April the buds are ready, and you can start processing them.

If harvesting occurs in winter, then you need to choose a fairly sunny day and leave the branches to warm up - this is necessary for the buds to swell. The raw materials can be stored for another couple of years.

Birch buds.

Birch buds, beneficial properties and contraindications for women

Due to their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and general strengthening properties, preparations based on birch buds are recommended to be taken for a speedy recovery after childbirth. They also improve metabolism and promote weight loss.

Such drugs are often prescribed for hormonal disorders during menopause and for irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

But it is worth remembering that during pregnancy, birch buds can only be used under the close supervision of a doctor. This is caused by a possible increase in protein in the urine.

Useful recipes from birch buds

Tincture of birch buds for rheumatism

50 g of birch buds are infused with 500 g of vodka for ten days. The tincture should be taken half a teaspoon with water three times a day (20 minutes before meals). It is also recommended to use birch bud ointment for rheumatism. In order to prepare it, you will need the birch buds themselves and butter. The latter should be placed in a pan in layers of 1-2 cm, a layer of birch buds of the same thickness should be placed on top - and so on. Then the dishes need to be closed, covered with dough for complete sealing and put in a warm place for a day (for example, in a cool oven). After a day, cool, squeeze through cheesecloth, add 5-10 g of camphor and mix. The resulting composition should be rubbed into the joints once a day, before bed, as needed. The course lasts a month - after this you need to take a break for 10 days and resume treatment if necessary.

Alcohol tincture

For swelling caused by inflammation of the kidneys, alcohol tincture at the rate of 30 g of kidneys per liter of 70o alcohol helps well. It should be taken three times a day, 16-20 drops per spoon of water. The same composition will be useful for stomach ulcers and various disorders. For acute diseases, take it until you notice improvement, and for chronic diseases, take it for about 2-3 months.

Decoction of birch buds (basic recipe)

Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry kidneys with 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes. Then leave and filter the resulting composition.

The benefits of birch buds

  • They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland in men, relieving inflammatory processes, and improve the functioning of the male reproductive system.
  • They normalize hormonal levels in women, stabilize the menstrual cycle, and relieve painful cramps during menstruation.
  • Eases pain and relieves inflammation in joints due to rheumatoid arthritis (in the form of lotions).
  • They help in getting rid of parasites (ascaris, lamblia, pinworms) and harmful microorganisms.
  • They prevent the occurrence of cancer and also have a preventive effect.
  • Help restore the integrity of the skin, healing burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, relieve skin inflammation and acne.
  • Eliminate inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat (by rinsing with infusion).

Nevertheless, it should be understood that you can get rid of the disease if you consult a specialist doctor and follow all his recommendations, including the need to take birch buds, their dosage and duration of treatment.

Birch buds: contraindications

A popular proverb says: “Everything is good in moderation.” Therefore, you need to understand that only with the approval of a medical specialist, taking into account individual diseases and the doctor determining the dosage for taking birch buds, can the expected positive result be achieved.

You should also not forget that any plant can have not only positive, but also negative effects on the human body.

It has not yet been established that birch buds cause harm to the body when used, but care and caution will not hurt for such indications as:

  • pregnancy,
  • childhood,
  • individual intolerance and hypersensitivity,
  • lactation,
  • renal failure,
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Birch buds benefits for children

Any medicines prepared on their basis should not be taken by children under 12 years of age. In exceptional cases, only a doctor can prescribe such treatment for a small child based on certain indications.

These may be diseases of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract, the need for a mild anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. In addition, it is worth remembering that these infusions and decoctions have a very unpleasant taste and can lead to refusal of their use.

Main characteristics

Birch is one of the most common trees not only in our country. In total, there are about 65 species of this plant in nature and each has a huge supply of useful substances, but if you conduct a comparative analysis, then it is the buds of silver birch that have the most pronounced medicinal properties, and this, of course, depends on the composition.

Alkaloids, flavonoids, various resins, aromatic oils that are rich in palmitic acid and betulol. They contain almost all vitamins, as well as a large number of micro and macroelements, such as zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium.

Collection of birch buds

Birch buds can be purchased without any problems at any pharmacy, but it is safer to collect them yourself. It is recommended to do this from mid-March to the end of April. This significant variation depends on location. You need to choose buds that have swollen, but have not yet blossomed. It is during this period of time that they are maximally filled with useful substances. If leaves have already appeared on them, then you should not use them.

It is also better not to collect birch buds during or immediately after rain, near highways and industrial factories.

You can collect them in two ways:

  1. Pick buds directly from the branch. This is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process;
  2. Cut young branches, dry them, and then thresh them. This method is much faster, but it destroys the branches of the plant, and this is undesirable.

It is better to dry birch buds in a dark, warm room; it is under these conditions that all medicinal properties are preserved to the maximum.

They can be stored for a year in a glass jar or in bags made of thick fabric.

Use of birch buds in cosmetology

Birch buds also play a significant role in cosmetic recipes. It is believed that a decoction of birch buds helps with oily seborrhea - they are advised to wash their hair 2-3 times a week, carrying out treatment in courses of 15 procedures.

Birch buds

Another remedy is an alcohol tincture of birch buds, which must be rubbed into the scalp during a course of 20 procedures. But this method has a significant drawback - the hair can become too dry. To avoid this, you need to reduce the concentration of the tincture by diluting it with water. Also, various decoctions and infusions of birch buds help solve the problem of oily and acne-prone skin.

Even if you weren’t able to stock up on such a useful remedy this year, don’t worry - medicinal birch buds can be bought in dried form in many pharmacies.

In addition to the buds, birch leaves, sap and bark are also used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. They are used to make infusions, decoctions, masks and other remedies. Often these products contain several birch components at once.

Nourishing ointment for dry skin

Mix pre-melted lanolin with alcohol tincture of birch buds in a 1:2 ratio. After the lanolin has cooled, drain off the excess liquid. The ointment can also be used for skin irritation and inflammation.

Tincture for oily skin

Pour a tablespoon of birch buds, ground into powder, with five tablespoons of 45% alcohol or vodka. Infuse for a week in a well-closed container, then strain. With the same composition you can make lotions and compresses on irritated and inflamed skin, and also use it to treat abrasions.

Birch juice

Infusion for sensitive skin

Dip a teaspoon of birch buds in ½ cup of boiling water and leave for an hour. Wipe your face with the infusion. It also promotes the healing of minor scratches, cracks and cuts.

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