Calcium chloride: instructions for use orally, intravenously, indications, contraindications of the drug

A complex drug based on calcium salt helps restore metabolism and prevent the development of many pathologies. Affordable and effective, it restores the normal level of one of the main macroelements in the body, relieving a variety of painful symptoms.

Composition and dosage form

Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is formed during the production of baking soda. The substance is used not only in medicine, but also in cooking, cosmetology, and the chemical industry. Without it, it is impossible to produce healthy calcined cottage cheese and hard cheeses.

The pharmaceutical form of calcium chloride is a water-based injection solution. Available in transparent glass ampoules of 5 or 10 ml. The cardboard packaging of the drug contains 10 such ampoules. The concentration of the medicinal compound in 1 ml of solution is 100 mg.

Side effects

When calcium chloride is taken orally, pain may appear primarily in the pancreas, but the pain can also be localized in another area. Once in the stomach, calcium chloride provokes heartburn.

Intravenous administration is accompanied by an abnormal heart rhythm. A chaotic heartbeat appears. This effect often occurs if the rate of drug administration has been exceeded.

Calcium chloride is a unique medicine. The drug helps to cope with various diseases. In order to prevent complications, you need to know how to take this medicine.

How does calcium chloride work?

The product exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, detoxifying properties, stabilizes the blood formula, helps strengthen vascular walls, and reduces their permeability. Calcium in the drug ensures normal functioning of the muscles and heart, regulates the conduction of nerve impulses, bone tissue synthesis, increases resistance to infections, participates in the absorption of vitamins and minerals, and maintains the necessary balance of electrolytes. Calcium chloride also normalizes the condition of the kidneys, somewhat increases diuresis, relieves and prevents swelling, helps restore the functioning of the adrenal glands, and promotes the release of adrenaline.

After use, about half the dose of the drug binds to blood proteins. Part of it is absorbed by the body. The transformation of calcium chloride occurs in the liver, the excess is excreted in the intestinal contents and urine. The intensity of excretion and absorption of the drug depends on age-related changes, dietary habits, the presence of calcium-containing foods in the diet, and hormonal status.

Description of the drug

Calcium is necessary for the proper functioning of the neural network, contraction and relaxation of skeletal as well as smooth muscles and myocardial activity. As a component of bone tissue, it must be maintained in proper concentration in the body. In addition, it directly affects the rate of blood clotting and the permeability of capillaries and small vessels.

Calcium chloride is a food additive E509.

Most often, calcium chloride is produced in the form of an aqueous solution in ampoules for injection, and is also sometimes found in the form of powder for the preparation of solutions. Powders for food use are also available for sale. The additive is used, among other things, to combat oily skin, using the drug as a chemical peeling.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use a 10% solution of the drug:

  • with calcium deficiency caused by malnutrition, systemic diseases, endocrine disorders, intestinal disorders;
  • when there is a need for increased doses of calcium: age-related changes, periods of active growth, postpartum complications, general physical exhaustion;
  • for bleeding of various origins;
  • with nutritional edema;
  • for hepatitis;
  • with rickets, osteomalacia;
  • for tuberculosis;
  • for kidney inflammation;
  • for allergic reactions;
  • in case of intoxication with fluorine, magnesium, oxalic acid preparations.

During childbirth, calcium chloride is necessary to prevent eclampsia and to stimulate contractile activity of the uterus.

Physical and chemical properties of the product

Calcium chloride has other names: calcium chloride, calcium chloride nitrate, E509. Molecular formula of the substance: CaCl2.


  • Physical and chemical properties of the product
  • Use of the substance in the food industry
  • Application in other areas
  • Beneficial and harmful properties of the E509 additive
  • Instead of conclusions

This food additive is presented in the form of crystal-shaped granules, often white, less often completely transparent. The substance has high moisture absorption and is highly soluble in alcoholic liquids and water. Resistant to high temperatures. The melting point of calcium chloride is seven hundred and seventy-two degrees Celsius, and it boils at a temperature of 1935 degrees Celsius. At the same time, an aqueous solution of the substance crystallizes at temperatures below twenty degrees Celsius.

This food additive is obtained during the production of soda, namely through the recovery of ammonia.

When is calcium chloride contraindicated?

The injection drug should not be used in cases of increased blood clotting, thrombosis, vascular atherosclerosis, or in conditions of hypercalcemia. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also contraindications. An exception may be an individual indication when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risks to the child.

It is necessary to refuse therapy if you have an allergic reaction. Its possible signs: increased swelling, severe skin itching following administration, bronchospasm, suffocation.

Indications and contraindications

The supplement is prescribed for a variety of diseases, usually associated with a small amount of calcium in the body. The most famous form of delivery is the so-called “hot shot”. It is called so because after the injection, a burning sensation spreads throughout the body, turning into warmth. In addition, calcium chloride can be included in a complex of therapeutic procedures, and it is also actively used in cosmetology.

For children, calcium chloride can be prescribed only for oral administration.

The benefits of regulating calcium balance in the body are undeniable, since it is involved in many physiological processes. Injections of calcium chloride intravenously are prescribed to stimulate labor, combat diseases associated with low blood clotting, as well as for a number of other reasons.

The main indications for taking calcium chloride of any kind:

  • insufficiency of parathyroid gland function;
  • tetany (involuntary painful muscle spasms);
  • spasmophilia (most often found in children with calcium deficiency - neuromuscular irritability, spasms, convulsions);
  • accelerated excretion of calcium from the body;
  • allergic diseases;
  • complications of allergic attacks associated with taking medications;
  • skin diseases, incl. psoriasis, eczema;

  • hepatitis of parenchymal type;
  • severe liver intoxication;
  • nephritis (kidney disease);
  • eclampsia (a type of late toxicosis in pregnant women, a dangerous condition that is accompanied by ultra-high blood pressure);
  • periodic paralysis caused by calcium deficiency;
  • increased vascular permeability in a number of diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalates, fluorides, and other ailments.

For cosmetic purposes, calcium chloride powder or solution is used. It is used as a chemical peel for oily skin. Most often, a ready-made 5% solution in ampoules is used. The drug quite actively destroys the top layer of keratinized cells, cleanses clogged pores well, and stops inflammatory processes.

Peeling with a CaCl2 solution can be quite aggressive; it is not used on thin and delicate skin!

In terms of treatment for allergies, the drug should be taken only as part of complex therapy in combination with antihistamines. The same can be said about skin diseases, periodic paralysis and hepatitis. And as a remedy for poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic or fluoric acid, calcium chloride can cope independently.

Contraindications to the use of calcium chloride

The main contraindication for taking calcium chloride intravenously or as a supplement is an excess of calcium in the body. The drug is also not prescribed if the patient is prone to thrombosis, has high blood clotting, or has problems with blood vessels. Severe atherosclerosis is also an obstacle to the administration of calcium chloride as a medicine.

Urolithiasis is incompatible with taking this drug.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections are not given, since this does not bring a noticeably better effect, but is accompanied by intense unpleasant sensations. Moreover, this form of administration can lead to the formation of necrotic tissue at the injection site. To take a calcium supplement, either a powder form is used as an addition to food, or injections are given intravenously.

Side effects

When an injection is administered, the following body reactions are likely:

  • burning pain along the veins;
  • redness of the skin of the face, a feeling of heat in the mouth, face, neck and throughout the body;
  • decreased heart rate, arrhythmia;
  • pain in the stomach, abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Within 20–30 minutes after the medicine enters the bloodstream, the discomfort weakens and passes. If the injection is administered too quickly, cardiac problems may occur.

Calcium gluconate in cosmetology (skin peeling)

Calcium gluconate has found wide application in cosmetology. It is used to exfoliate the skin. To cleanse the face of dead cells, the product is applied to the surface of the facial skin; the area around the eyes does not need to be treated. After the drug is distributed over the skin, you should wait until it dries. Then the procedure is carried out again and the product is removed with a damp cotton pad; dead cells will roll into balls and easily come off the skin. After the session, the face should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

Before you start peeling, you need to check for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a few drops of the medicine to your hand in the place where the skin is thinner. After a few minutes the result is checked. If an allergic reaction occurs, the peeling procedure should be stopped.

How to use calcium chloride according to instructions

In most cases, calcium chloride injections are prescribed by infusion: through droppers, at a rate of no more than 6 drops per minute. This way the drug causes fewer painful side effects. Jet injection is practiced less frequently. Intravenous injections are given slowly: administering the dose over 3–5 minutes. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of the drug are prohibited. The product does not dissolve in soft tissues, forming compactions and foci of necrosis.

The daily dose depends on the age and physical condition of the patients:

  • For adults, the drug is administered in a volume of 5–10 ml per day;
  • Children are dosed from 0.5 to 4–5 ml.

It is allowed to divide the daily dose into several parts and administer them at equal time intervals. In emergency cases, it is allowed to take calcium solution orally: consume the contents of the ampoules orally:

  • for children and adolescents, the maximum dose is about 5 ml of the drug at a concentration of 10%;
  • Adults can drink about 10–15 ml of the product per day.

The exact scheme, as well as the duration of the course of therapy, is determined individually.

Instead of conclusions

Calcium chloride is a chemical substance that has such beneficial properties that it is widely used in medicine and in food products. Products prepared using such a food emulsifier are marked with the E509 mark. In medicine, calcium chloride has proven itself remarkably as a panacea for various pathologies. In addition, its valuable qualities are successfully used in other areas of industry. However, it is worth remembering that although this substance is harmless, it must be used in strictly regulated dosages in order to avoid unnecessary unpleasant consequences.

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Calcium chloride in cosmetics

The drug solution is popular as part of masks for deep cleansing of facial skin. You can use them at home:

  • Apply the contents of the ampoule with a cotton swab to clean skin, repeat the procedure several times after each layer has dried;
  • wash your hands with solid, fragrance-free toilet soap and apply foam to your face;
  • rub the soap over the skin until characteristic pellets appear under the palms;
  • Continue massaging until the entire mass is peeled off the skin.

This “rolling” removes dead particles of the epidermis, dissolves remaining sebum, softens and eliminates various imperfections, and narrows pores. Regular use normalizes sebum secretion and eliminates inflammatory processes. The mask is especially useful for dull, oily and problematic skin.

Purpose of the drug

The main function of calcium chloride is to restore the supply of the substance in the body. This element is necessary for the successful functioning of the myocardium, it is involved in the formation of bone tissue, and also helps improve the process of blood clotting. The drug has the following positive effects on health:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and cells;
  • protects against infections;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • increases the production of epinephrine in the adrenal glands.

Calcium ions improve the conduction activity of nerve impulses, strengthen bone tissue and increase the contractility of the heart muscles.

Calcium chloride is produced in the form of a transparent liquid substance, which is packaged in ampoules. The remedy helps to cure the following:

  • allergic reaction to medications;
  • lack of calcium, causing osteoporosis, which is most pronounced during the growth period of the body;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • therapy of bronchial asthma;
  • angina;
  • insufficient activity of the parathyroid glands;
  • tuberous sclerosis;
  • hives;
  • hay fever;
  • pulmonary edema due to toxins;
  • radiation sickness;
  • serious kidney problems;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen in humans (lichen lichen, ringworm, lichen planus, etc.);
  • and other human skin diseases.

Calcium chloride has a mild diuretic effect. The medicine promotes blood clotting in the presence of bleeding. This drug is the best hemostatic agent at the moment. Using this drug you can relieve the symptoms of poisoning. The drug helps eliminate inflammatory and exudative phenomena accompanying:

  • nephritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • peritonitis;
  • pleurisy.

In gynecology, this medicine is used to combat endometritis that occurs in the acute stage. Indications for use: uterine bleeding. The drug is also prescribed to stimulate labor.

Despite the fact that the medicine is given freely, without a doctor’s prescription, you cannot use the medicine yourself at home. Otherwise, very serious consequences may arise. But as a cosmetic product - masks and treasures prepared at home, the drug is quite suitable; it can also be added to shampoos and hair conditioners. The drug is suitable for cleansing the skin of dead cells. After the procedure, it is not recommended to be in direct sunlight for a couple of days to avoid skin burns.

For children, the drug is prescribed exclusively for oral administration. For a child, the injection option of administering the medicine is not suitable.

Non-medical use

Judging by the reviews of patients, this substance is capable of: restoring the balance of microelements, strengthening the walls of cells and blood vessels, preventing inflammation, and increasing infection resistance. All this is calcium chloride. What it is in other manifestations, which not everyone knows about, is listed below:

  • anti-ice agent for road surfaces;
  • a substance used to waterproof liquid rubber;
  • one of the important components of flushing fluids for drilling wells;
  • element of cement slurry in oil wells;
  • accelerator for concrete hardening and cement hydration;
  • improves the strength and frost-resistant characteristics of sand-lime brick;
  • used in the manufacture of cellulose;
  • used as a food additive in the production of cheeses, jellies, cottage cheese, jams, and fermented milk products;
  • Car tires and rubber are made using the solution.

Calcium chloride and what it is eaten with

Calcium chloride is the calcium salt of hydrochloric acid. Chemical formula CaCl2. It is a by-product of soda production. It is used in various fields, including medicine, food industry, chemistry, oil production, metallurgy, etc. It is very actively used in construction and public utilities (as an anti-icing agent).

In construction, calcium chloride is widely used as an additive in concrete. This is one of the most powerful accelerators of setting and hardening of concrete, which, among other things, makes it possible to effectively use calcium chloride during winter concreting as an antifreeze additive.

It has a number of positive properties, which together determine the widespread use of calcium chloride in our country and abroad.

Calcium chloride as an accelerator for the setting and hardening of cement is used by builders and manufacturers of building materials all year round.

It is popular among manufacturers of piece concrete products, blocks made of cellular and lightweight concrete because it speeds up the process of turnover of finished forms and increases the volume of production. At the same time, the process of work in production does not require strict limits on the ambient temperature in the workshops. Molded products will gain their minimum required strength even at subzero temperatures.

Builders also actively use calcium chloride. By using this additive when pouring concrete, it is possible to reduce the time required to carry out this work in the summer and carry out high-quality concreting in winter conditions.

Calcium chloride as an accelerator

Calcium chloride significantly accelerates the hydration process of the main mineral components of concrete.

The use of this additive is relevant both in summer and winter

Depending on the ambient temperature, up to 40% of the concrete volume can evaporate. Therefore, in summer, concrete without accelerator additives significantly loses its quality. The remaining amount of water is not enough to completely hydrate the cement: part of the cement will work empty and will be turned off from hardening work. In this case, water evaporating from the concrete thickness migrates to the surface, forming directed through pores. If such a solution is poured outdoors, then after several winter periods of operation the concrete may completely collapse (due to the process of freezing/thawing of water in the pores). Therefore, the initial period (the first few days) is important for the hardening process, and if it is worked out correctly, you will receive high-quality concrete products that you will use for many years without problems.

Conclusion: the setting accelerator helps to build a high-quality cement frame in the first days of the mortar hardening.

It is worth noting that calcium chloride is a highly hygroscopic substance*, which makes it possible to maintain high internal humidity in concrete and does not allow it to dehydrate very quickly in the heat.

The introduction of calcium chloride additives into concrete in an amount of 1 - 2% by weight of cement allows you to speed up the initial process of strength gain up to 2 times. More accurate data on the effect of calcium chloride on the strength of concrete are given in Table 1 (test data from the Moscow Research Institute of Concrete Concrete).

*Hygroscopicity is the ability to accumulate and retain moisture.

Table 1 Effect of calcium chloride on the strength of concrete
Age of concrete, days Relative strength of concrete with the addition of calcium chloride in % of the brand strength of concrete without additives (28 days), on M-400 grade cements
On Portland cement Based on Portland slag and pozzolanic Portland cement
Without additives With the addition of calcium chloride,% Without additives With the addition of calcium chloride,%
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 15 20 23 27 8 15 17 20
2 27 40 45 50 18 24 30 37
3 40 50 55 60 25 30 40 45
5 55 65 70 80 40 50 55 60
7 70 77 85 90 50 55 60 70
14 85 95 100 105 70 80 90 95
28 100 BY 115 115 100 110 120 120

The table shows that particularly good figures are obtained using Portland slag cements.

It is worth noting that Portland slag cements take longer to harden than Portland cements, but in the future they still gain the required final strength. At the same time, Portland slag cements are much cheaper than ordinary Portland cements.

Concrete with the addition of calcium chloride reaches its brand strength up to 20% after 28 days. That is, in order to obtain a product with a given brand strength, you can save on cement by adding less of it by the same 20%.

Calcium chloride as an antifreeze additive

Hydration of cement is possible only in the presence of water. The speed of this chemical process directly depends on the temperature of the water - the higher the temperature, the faster the hydration process.

Table 2 Setting time of Portland cement grade M-400 depending on the ambient temperature

Periods Ambient temperature
+30оС +15оС +5оС 0оС
Beginning of setting, in hh:min 1:45 3:00 4:45 8:00
End of setting, in hh:min 2:45 6:10 14:40 25:35
Setting period, hh:min 1:00 3:10 9:55 17:30

The table shows that even at a temperature of +5°C, the total setting time (period) is 3 times longer than at +15°C, not to mention 0°C, where this figure is almost 6 times higher. And this is only setting; cement hardens at low temperatures for a very long time. At sub-zero temperatures, the water in concrete will simply freeze after some time, and no setting or hardening will occur at all. Moreover, if the concrete does not have time to reach its minimum, so-called critical strength*, then the water in the concrete will simply tear it into pieces separate from each other, and there will no longer be any need to talk about any solidity of the product.

*The critical strength of concrete is at least 50% of the specified brand strength.

One of the possible options for winter concreting is the use of anti-frost additives. Calcium chloride is one of the most effective antifreeze additives with very low consumption by weight of cement, and works down to -30°C.

As an antifreeze additive, calcium chloride has a double effect: in addition to accelerating the process of initial setting and hardening, it works like antifreeze - it lowers the freezing point of the solution with water. And while the water in concrete is in the liquid phase, the hydration process continues.

Table 3 Dosage of calcium chloride as a percentage of the mass of cement, depending on the ambient temperature
Ambient temperature, оС Amount of calcium chloride in% by weight of dry cement
0 … -5 1,5 – 2
-5 … -10 2 – 3,5
-10 … -15 3,5 – 5
-15 … -20 5 – 6,5
-20 … -25 6,5 — 8

In addition to the advantages of calcium chloride as a setting accelerator and antifreeze additive, the following points should be noted:

  1. Relatively low cost of calcium chloride per 1 ton of cement used.
  2. Good solubility in water, including cold water. Limit solubility of calcium chloride depending on water temperature:
  • +5оС – 590 g/l
  • +20оС – 740 g/l
  • +40оС – 1250 g/l
  1. Calcium chloride provides additional self-heating of concrete in the initial period, due to more powerful chemical hydration of cement with water.
  2. Has the ability to plasticize concrete mixtures. With the addition of 2% by weight of cement, it can reduce water consumption by 10-15% and, accordingly, further improve the performance characteristics of concrete products (strength, water permeability, frost resistance). The surface strength of finished concrete products increases and their appearance improves.
  3. Compatible with almost any other chemical additives in various concrete complexes.
  4. Calcium chloride is insensitive to the mineralogical composition of the cement used. Therefore, with a possible transition to another cement during the work, the dosage of calcium chloride and the methodology for working with it remain unchanged.
  5. Allows you to invigorate stale cements and squeeze out the maximum from their astringent properties. It works effectively with Portland slag cement, and makes it possible to use it in flow technology instead of Portland cement.
  6. Calcium chloride is harmless to humans. Non-flammable, non-toxic, non-explosive.

Disadvantages of Calcium Chloride

  1. An increased concentration of calcium chloride (more than 2% by weight of cement) can cause corrosion of steel reinforcement when moisture and oxygen access it through the thickness of concrete. This factor can be compensated as follows:
  • introduce corrosion inhibitors into the concrete (for example, sodium or calcium nitrite);
  • use water repellents;
  • carefully compact the concrete itself, avoiding voids in it;
  • cover the reinforcement with a layer of concrete of at least two centimeters.

Accordingly, in the manufacture of non-reinforced products and non-critical concrete masses, the increased concentration of calcium chloride can be neglected.

  1. When dosing calcium chloride > 3%, concrete shrinkage increases. Its value is quite small - 1.2 - 1.3 times more compared to concrete without additive.

Calcium chloride as an anti-icing reagent

Calcium chloride as an anti-icing reagent can be characterized by the following main indicators:

  • high melting capacity of ice,
  • low consumption per 1 m² of treated surface
  • high efficiency at low ambient temperatures.

The main disadvantage is the limited duration of action (no more than three hours).

The Moscow city administration has authorized the use of calcium chloride on city roads.

Table 4 Consumption of calcium chloride depending on the temperature and nature of the surface being treated
Air temperature, оС
0 … -2 -2 … -4 -4 … -5 -6 … -10 -10 … -15 -15 … -20
Ice prevention 20 25 30 40 60 90
Ice removal 1 – 5 mm 40 40 50 70 100 150
Ice removal 5 – 10 mm 60 60 80 100 130 180
At temperatures below -20°C and ice thickness more than 10 mm, it is recommended to repeat the treatment


Unipell calcium chloride (cement set accelerator)

calcium chloride Kirovo-Chepetsk (cement setting accelerator)

calcium chloride Icemelt (anti-icing agent)

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