How much does it cost to lose weight on Reduxin: an honest review

What is Reduxin

Reduxin is a combined drug used in the treatment of certain degrees of obesity, which affects receptors and certain areas of the central nervous system and brain, causing a feeling of satiety. As a result, there is a decrease in food cravings.

The active ingredients also reduce blood glucose levels, which helps suppress appetite, reducing the risk of overeating.

Composition of Reduxin

There are several varieties of Reduxin: blue capsules have a low concentration of the active substance, blue capsules have a high concentration. Their composition:

Sibutramine10 mg159 mg
Microcrystalline cellulose15 mg154 mg
Excipients – calcium stearate1.5 mg
Shell composition: titanium dioxide (dye), azorubine (dye) and blue gelatin.2% 0,004% 0,045% 97-98%

Potential buyers should be aware that a doctor's prescription is required to purchase the drug.

Release form

The capsules are packaged in blisters of 30 pieces - these tablets are just enough for one month of treatment. They are also divided according to the concentration of the active substance - 10 or 15 mg. An important point: the manufacturer produces the product only in cardboard boxes; capsules in plastic jars are fake! The price of the drug varies from 900-1000 rubles to 3-4 thousand, it all depends on the number of capsules in the package: 10, 20 or 30.

pharmachologic effect

Sibutramine is the main active ingredient in weight loss capsules. Due to this, the drug has an effect on the central nervous system through primary and secondary amines or metabolites that reuptake the hormones serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. This increases the activity of neurotransmitters located in synapses, which are responsible for the feeling of fullness, satiety, and a decrease in the need for food.

Microcrystalline cellulose acts as an enterosorbent - a substance that, when it enters the stomach or intestines, absorbs various toxic wastes and poisons, and then exits through the organs of the excretory system through defecation.

Mistake #5. Ignore Omega-3

Why take Omega-3

polyunsaturated acid? It preserves visual acuity, beauty and protects the vascular endothelium from damage. The brain is 30% composed of Omega-3 fatty acids. The substance is not synthesized in the body independently. Unfortunately, even adherents of the Mediterranean diet do not always get enough Omega-3. The fatty acid is found in fatty fish, flaxseed, sea buckthorn and mustard oils.

Adults should take 2 grams of Omega-3 daily—or more. The exact dosage can be selected after an analysis called the Omega-3 index


The advantage of Omega-3 capsules over the same red fish is the good purification of fatty acids from harmful impurities that we can receive along with fish caught in a pond.

How to take Reduxin correctly to lose weight

Regardless of the concentration of the active ingredient, Reduxin is prescribed by a doctor and taken one capsule once a day. But you should know that the maximum allowed amount is 15 mg per day, and the general course of treatment is 3 months. To date, no serious cases of overdose have been identified, but judging by the reviews of patients on thematic forums, taking drugs at the prescribed rate often causes side effects!

When is it better to use: morning or evening? There are no clear recommendations on this matter, so it is better for everyone to choose the most convenient time for themselves with the help of a doctor. The capsule should be taken with a sufficient amount of water. It is advisable not to eat for at least 30-40 minutes after taking it.

Instructions for use

Reduxin should be taken only in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Usually, Reduxin is started with a small dose of about 5-10 mg.

Pros and cons of use

The positive effect is explained by the effect on the body of the active substance – sibutramine, which:

  • Helps reduce hunger, suppress appetite, reduce cravings for “forbidden” foods (fatty, flour, smoked, highly salty and sweet).
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Reduces weight, reduces waist and hips.
  • Removes impurities, toxins, excess liquid.
  • Reduces the amount of fat, prevents the formation of deposits around internal organs.

Does Reduxin really help you lose weight? Despite the fact that the active substance itself is effective, all the positive aspects of taking capsules are overshadowed by the huge lists of contraindications and side effects discussed below.

Course duration

The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor, usually it is three months. If, after four weeks from the start of treatment, weight loss to at least two kilograms has not been achieved, then the daily dosage is usually increased to 15 mg. The drug should also not be resumed if the weight has returned after discontinuation of the capsules.

Between three-month courses it is necessary to take a break of at least 14 days, and the total duration of use should not exceed one year, since there is no laboratory research data confirming or refuting the safety and effectiveness of the drug in this case.

Reviews from those losing weight and patients

Maria, 38 years old, Vladivostok: “When it became clear that I couldn’t cope with my appetite and excess weight on my own, the nutritionist prescribed Reduxin. I took the medicine for 3 months. My appetite decreased greatly, thanks to which I managed to accustom myself to a moderate diet and lose weight from size 52 to 46. The drug is excellent, it works effectively, I didn’t feel any side effects, but the price is too high.”

Alena, 36 years old, Samara: “I was treated with Reduxin for more than 3 months. The first 2 weeks I felt nauseous and slightly dizzy. The dose had to be reduced to 5 mg. Then the condition returned to normal, and the doctor increased the dose to 10 mg. I was treated exactly according to the instructions. Appetite has decreased. I started playing sports: first I walked in the evenings, then I started running. The only side effect was thirst. But this was beneficial, because before I hardly drank water. A year has passed since the end of treatment, but the weight has not returned. True, my lifestyle is completely different now.”

Ekaterina, 40 years old, Kemerovo “Treatment with Reduxin did not help at all: I took 10 mg and 15 mg, but it had no effect on my appetite (or weight). A month later I stopped treatment and gave the remaining capsules to my sister, who weighs more than me. But the drug had the desired effect on her: her appetite disappeared, and she began to lose weight.”

Both drugs are based on the same active ingredients, and their effect on the human body is almost the same.

Indications for use

A course of Reduxin is prescribed by a doctor based on an examination of the patient, collecting an anamnesis and studying tests. Capsules can be recommended by a specialist in the following cases:

in case of alimentary or primary obesity associated with diseases of the metabolism or endocrine system, hormonal imbalances, provided that the patient’s body mass index exceeds 30 (the norm for a healthy person is on average 20-26);

with the alimentary type of obesity, if the body mass index exceeds 27 and there are concomitant diseases caused by excess body weight - type 2 diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders, etc.

Reduxin is often recommended by a doctor if obesity is pathological and caused by metabolic disorders. In this case, standard weight loss methods do not produce results - but such cases are extremely rare. Usually the reasons why weight has stopped or does not decrease at all are quite prosaic - incorrect calorie counting, constant overeating and breakdowns, lack of physical activity. And in this case, no miracle drugs or capsules will help; the main weapon in the fight against excess weight should be proper nutrition in combination with psychotherapy of eating habits. You need to understand what led to the gain of extra pounds, learn to deal with difficulties, and love your own body.

Mistake #3. Don't know what vitamin D to take


- an inactive form of vitamin D, it is what is needed to correct its deficiency so that all body systems work properly and you feel good.
The drug cholecalciferol is safe - the likelihood of overdose is low. But there is another, active form of vitamin D - calcitriol
. It can only be taken under the supervision of a physician and for medical reasons.

Mistake #4. Taking vitamin D does not always mean normalizing its levels

Vitamin D is poorly absorbed in the following situations:

  1. Problems with the gallbladder (or rather, with bile outflow) - vitamin D is fat soluble, and bile is necessary for the absorption of fats.
  2. Inflammatory bowel diseases and microflora disorders.
  3. Excess weight
    - D-hormone is deposited in adipose tissue, so obese patients need to take vitamin D in larger doses.
  4. Genetic abnormalities - there are no receptors sensitive to vitamin D.


List of contraindications for the use of Reduxin:

  • individual intolerance, sensitivity or allergy to the components included in the composition - sibutramine, microcrystalline cellulose;
  • the presence of organic causes of excess weight - congenital or acquired diseases that cause metabolic disorders, changes in hormonal levels;
  • eating disorders caused by psychological factors - anorexia or bulimia;
  • simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors - drugs used to treat alcoholism, depression and some other mental illnesses and disorders;
  • use of drugs that affect the central nervous system (neuroleptics, antidepressants), as well as drugs to normalize sleep;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • schizophrenia, organic psychoses;
  • adrenal tumor;
  • excess production of thyroid hormones;
  • glaucoma;
  • diseases of the heart, congenital and acquired, blood vessels, veins;
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension;
  • Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (generalized tics);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • age under 18 and over 60.

Often, people do not even suspect that they have diseases, since many develop without pronounced symptoms, so it is strictly not recommended to use Reduxin without consulting a weight loss specialist.

Mistake #1. Not monitoring vitamin D levels

Vitamin D

has a positive effect on insulin resistance and metabolism, the body’s ability to resist acute respiratory viral infections and oxidative stress, and reduces the risk of developing cancer and abnormalities in fetal development during pregnancy. Moreover, “sunshine” vitamin D helps not to feel depressed and reduces pain during childbirth.

In regions with low levels of insolation (including St. Petersburg), vitamin D deficiency is extremely common. However, you should not take it for preventive purposes, since vitamin D is still a steroid hormone. Only after a special laboratory blood test for D-hormone can you find out its level in the body, and then correct the deficiency.

Side effects

Taking the drug without a doctor's prescription can cause serious harm to the body and lead to side effects, which include:

  • From the central nervous system: headaches, anxiety and irritability, dry mouth accompanied by loss or change of tastes, burning or tingling sensation in the extremities - paresthesia.
  • From the cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate (pulse), tachycardia.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract: the appearance of constipation, nausea and heartburn after eating, loss of appetite.
  • In isolated, individual cases, itching or rashes on the skin, cramps, pain in the abdomen and lower back may occur.

Most often, side effects occur in the first month of taking the drug. During this time, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor your well-being: measure your blood pressure and pulse, consume a sufficient amount of fiber and plant fibers to prevent constipation, and do not forget to drink water - at least 1.5-2 liters daily.

Mistake #2. Taking calcium without normalizing vitamin D and magnesium


- an important mineral that maintains the good condition of bones and teeth, is responsible for blood clotting and growth, and maintains muscle tone and nervous system. Sufficient calcium intake is necessary for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, as well as arterial hypertension.

But calcium is not absorbed if the body is deficient in vitamin D and magnesium. Taking calcium in this case is simply pointless.

Reduxin's analogs

Reduxin has several analogues - drugs that are similar in pharmacological properties, but differ in price, active ingredients and their dosage. Let’s take a closer look at the most common ones, but don’t forget that analogues should also be prescribed by a doctor.

NamePriceActive substanceNote
Goldline plus1000 rubles per packagesibutramineDomestic capsules that are used in conjunction with physical activity and nutrition to ensure sustainable weight loss.
Sibutramine1700 rubles for 60 tablets - per courseSibutramineA high concentration of the active substance can increase the symptoms of side effects; capsules should be taken only after consultation with a specialist.
Reduxin Met1600 rubles per packageSibutramine, metforminIt is most often used for weight loss in patients with diabetes, since the metformin component helps stabilize blood glucose levels.
Lindaxa1300 rubles per packageSibutramine 10 and 15 mgThe drug is anorexic, which blocks the reuptake of serotonin and regulates body weight.
Simia900 rubles per packageSibutramine 15 mgThe capsules came from India, differ little from Reduxin, but are less expensive.
Xenical1900 rubles per packageOrlistatIt has a huge list of contraindications, even more than Reduxin, so before use, mandatory consultation with a specialist is required.

When choosing capsules, experts pay attention to the concentration of the active substance and try to choose an analogue that is similar in effect.

Mistake #6. Do not distinguish between Omega-3 and Omega-6


are healthy and important unsaturated fatty acids for the body. However, there is no additional need to take Omega-6 - we get this component in sufficient quantities from food - vegetable oils, poultry, oatmeal, etc. Excess Omega-6 can play into the hands of inflammatory processes in the body.

Instructions for use of Reduxin

The instructions for use are the same for each type of drug - one tablet daily. Let's take a closer look at the three main types of capsules for weight loss Reduxin.

How to take Reduxin 10 mg

10 mg is the standard dose for the drug Reduxin. It is prescribed from the very beginning, but adjusted as necessary, reduced or increased.

Reduxin 10 mg has the following similarities with other varieties:

  • - identical pharmacological properties, indications for use, contraindications, side effects;
  • - effectively reduce appetite, help in the fight against food addiction;
  • - help normalize glucose levels and remove “bad” cholesterol.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which concentration is better: it all depends on individual indications.

How to take Reduxin 15 mg

Reduxin 15 mg is distinguished by a high, maximum possible concentration of active ingredients, which is used if smaller ones do not give the desired result.

But it should be understood that such a concentration can be fatal to the body:

  • — since 2010, the use of sibutramine in the countries of the European Community has been suspended;
  • - according to current legislation, since January 2004 in the Russian Federation sibutramine has been recognized as potent and hazardous to health;
  • — the sale of sibutramine-containing drugs is permitted only in pharmacies with a special prescription, which is subject to special registration;
  • — sibutramine is also included in the list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (2010), where it is classified as a substance prohibited during competitions.

Before you start taking any “diet pills,” you need to think about whether getting an ideal figure is worth the side effects? Moreover, modern weight loss specialists are ready to offer their patients individually developed methods that are completely safe for the body.

How to take Reduxin Light

Reduxin Light belongs to the category of biologically active additives - dietary supplements, so you can purchase capsules at any pharmacy, without special prescription from a specialist. They contain conjugated linoleic acid - the main active component, belonging to the group of essential amino acids that the body is not able to synthesize on its own, but receives from protein foods - meat, dairy products, beans.

  • Stimulate the functioning of the immune system.
  • They have a powerful antioxidant effect, rejuvenating the body.
  • Improves metabolic processes.
  • Slow down the processes of fat deposition in subcutaneous fat.
  • Promotes muscle growth during intense strength training.
  • Act as a measure to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

There will be no great harm or side effects from such a biological additive, but you shouldn’t expect huge benefits either. Reduxin Light acts as a vitamin-mineral complex, nothing more. It is better, again, to entrust the choice and prescription of this dietary supplement to a doctor.

Obesity is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. WHO estimates that 400 million people are obese worldwide and approximately 1.6 billion are overweight. According to WHO forecasts [1], by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese. The catastrophic increase in the prevalence of obesity and associated diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), arterial hypertension (AH), coronary artery disease, etc., has made it possible to recognize obesity as an epidemic of the 21st century [2].

In the progression of exogenous constitutional obesity (ECO), a special role is played by the orexigenic effects of peptides and monoamines, so treatment should be aimed at restoring the balance between the catabolic and anabolic pathways of energy homeostasis, which ultimately should help reduce the amount of fat in the body and improve metabolic parameters.

Serotonin and norepinephrine play an important role in regulating appetite. Serotonin regulates eating behavior (hunger and satiety) and suppresses the desire to consume carbohydrates and fats. Insufficient concentration of serotonin in the central nervous system contributes to the development of obesity. Norepinephrine affects food intake in two ways, depending on its effect on different types of receptors. Stimulation of α1- and β2-receptors of the paraventricular nucleus and lateral hypothalamus reduces appetite, while stimulation of α2-receptors of the paraventricular nucleus increases it. Norepinephrine modulates food intake by influencing the production of neuropeptide Y and leptin. Stimulation of dopamine receptors is accompanied not only by a decrease in the volume and number of meals, but also by an effect on energy expenditure. Available data indicate complex mechanisms for regulating food intake, violations of which may be genetically determined [3, 4].

It is known that energy balance depends on food consumption with energy accumulation in adipose tissue and its expenditure on basal metabolism, thermogenesis and physical activity. Adipocytes, which play an important role in thermogenesis, have adrenergic innervation and corresponding adrenergic receptors (β3). Stimulation of β3-adrenergic receptors by norepinephrine enhances lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation [5]. IVF is characterized by energy imbalance associated with decreased energy expenditure and increased food intake. Decreased physical activity is a risk factor for obesity. With IVF, an increase in appetite is noted, leading to excessive food consumption, which, against the background of weakening physical activity, increases energy imbalance [3, 6-8]. The synthesis, secretion, metabolism and interaction of biologically active substances determine the characteristics of eating behavior, the speed of metabolic processes, the body's energy expenditure, and the stability of body weight.

To effectively manage body weight, it is necessary to know the main links of the energy exchange regulation system and to have means that can influence the disturbed links of this system. The main goals of IVF treatment are to reduce body weight by more than 5% from the original, correct fat and carbohydrate metabolism and optimize blood pressure (BP).

Non-drug drugs are mainly used to treat obesity. However, in most cases, it is difficult to achieve the desired result with diet therapy, and then there is a need for drug therapy, which must be combined with diet therapy and dosed physical activity. It is very important that a drug used to treat obesity is not only effective, but also safe.

Currently, a drug with a dual mechanism of action of meridium (sibutramine) is presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market for the treatment of obesity. On the one hand, it has a central mechanism of action and selectively inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine at CNS synapses, accelerates and prolongs the feeling of satiety, leading to a decrease in food consumption; on the other hand, it increases energy consumption by stimulating thermogenesis, which leads to a negative energy balance and promotes weight loss. Sibutramine enhances and prolongs the feeling of satiety, allowing you to reduce the amount of food you eat and avoid numerous “snacks”, and reduces the feeling of hunger during times of emotional stress. Sibutramine makes it easier for patients to follow medical recommendations on nutrition. The drug allows not only to reduce body weight in obese individuals, but also to maintain it at the achieved level for a long time [2, 9—13].

There are few works in the literature devoted to the study of body composition in patients with IVF against the background of drug therapy for this pathology.

The purpose of this study was to study the effect of gradual weight loss and the effect of sibutramine on metabolic parameters and body composition in IVF patients.

Material and methods

The study included 36 people (24 women and 12 men; average age 37.56±0.9 years) with a verified diagnosis of IVF, according to the 1997 WHO recommendations. The average duration of the disease was 10.5±0.5 years. Android type obesity was observed in 17 (70.8%) women and 5 (41.6%) men. The average body mass index (BMI) was 38.78±1.55 kg/m2.

The criteria for inclusion of patients in the study were BMI ≥30 kg/m2, progressive weight gain over 1 year of more than 5 kg, disease duration of 5 years or more, exclusion criteria - endocrine genesis of obesity, comorbidity: diabetes, established diagnosis of hypertension, replacement therapy with thyroid drugs, glucocorticosteroids and hormone therapy during menopause.

During the study, height, body weight, waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC) and BMI were determined. The content of adipose tissue and basal metabolism were determined using a fat mass analyzer BC-532 (TANITA, Japan). The determination is based on the bioimpedance method (BIA), measurements of tissue electrical resistance, plasma glucose and total cholesterol levels were recorded kinetically on a Conelab biochemical analyzer (Finland).

Patients were examined before treatment and after 3 months. The following values ​​of the studied parameters were considered normal: total cholesterol <5.0 mmol/l, plasma glucose <6.1 mmol/l. In addition, blood pressure was monitored monthly and electrocardiography was performed.

Taking into account the instructions for the use of sibutramine, patients whose blood pressure exceeded 145/90 mmHg twice during repeated measurements were not treated with the drug.

All patients were prescribed a hypocaloric diet. Calculation of the individual calorie content of the daily diet was carried out using a special formula, taking into account gender, age and level of physical activity; on average it was 1200-1800 kcal/day. The diet involved consuming 25-30% of the daily calorie intake from fat, limiting the intake of quickly digestible carbohydrates, and increasing the content of high-fiber foods in the diet. They also recommended increasing physical activity (walking for 30-45 minutes 4-5 times a week).

Sibutramine was prescribed at an initial daily dose of 10 mg/day. In cases where after the 1st month of treatment the loss of body weight was less than 2 kg, the dose of the drug was increased to 15 mg/day. The total duration of treatment was 12 weeks. All patients underwent individual training in proper nutrition and development of motivation to change eating behavior and lifestyle and long-term maintenance of the achieved results.

Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using the Statistica SPSS 12.0 software package for Windows. The χ2 method was used to assess the significance of differences in prevalence between groups. When testing hypotheses, the critical level of significance p is 0.05. To assess the degree of relationship between quantitative characteristics, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used.

Results and discussion

During therapy with sibutramine, all patients experienced a decrease in body weight (a decrease of more than 5% of the initial weight was achieved in 25% of patients). After 3 months, body weight decreased by an average of 6.45±0.72 kg (6.2%). In 5 (13.8%) patients, during the 1st month of treatment, the loss of body weight did not exceed 2 kg, and therefore the dose of the drug was increased to 15 mg/day.

The decrease in body weight was accompanied by a decrease in WC and TB. However, if WC decreased by an average of 6.5±0.55 cm (p<0.05), then TB decreased by only 4.5±0.38 cm (p<0.05). The change in these indicators was accompanied by a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the WC/TB index (see table).

The criterion for abdominal obesity is an increase in WC of more than 88 cm in women and more than 102 cm in men. WC has been shown to be a better indicator of cardiovascular and metabolic risk than BMI. The greatest importance is measuring WC in patients with a BMI from 25.0 to 34.9 kg/m2, since the presence of abdominal obesity allows such patients to be transferred to a higher risk group, and this may serve as a basis for initiating drug therapy [14].

Along with the improvement in anthropometric parameters, positive changes in metabolic parameters were noted. A 12-week course of sibutramine therapy had a positive effect on blood lipids. Under the influence of drug therapy, the level of total cholesterol decreased (p<0.05). Losing body weight also had a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Fasting glucose levels decreased within normal limits (p<0.05).

During drug treatment of obesity, the level of systolic blood pressure decreased (p<0.05). There were no crisis-like hypertensive reactions to emotional and physical stress. Heart rate (HR) did not change. There is evidence of a “clonidine-like” sympatholytic effect of sibutramine, possibly mediated by stimulation of central presynaptic α2-adrenergic receptors and a decrease in blood pressure [7].

After 3 months of taking sibutramine, a significant change in body composition was observed: the proportion of total fat decreased from 43.72±1.4 to 41.3±1.65% (p<0.05), visceral fat from 12.0±0, 82 to 10.5±0.67% (p<0.05), the water content in the body increased from 41.5±0.99 to 43.57±1.26% (p<0.05). The amount of muscle mass did not change and was 56.77±1.96 before treatment and 56.7±2.3% after it (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Dynamics of body composition during treatment with sibutramine.

It should be noted that the basal metabolic rate in all patients, both before and after treatment, was higher than normal. There was a 1.8-fold decrease in basal metabolism after a course of sibutramine therapy - from 13,235.75±3854.42 to 6985.08±180.35 kJ (p<0.05) (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Dynamics of basal metabolism during treatment with sibutramine.

Increased attention to the problem of obesity is due to the high risk of developing T2DM and cardiovascular diseases in this category of patients. The vast majority of individuals included in the study were diagnosed with abdominal obesity, which plays a significant role in the development of metabolic disorders and can cause multiple complications. The use of sibutramine at a dose of 10 or 15 mg/day for 3 months led to effective weight loss and improvement of metabolic and hemodynamic parameters.

The data obtained are consistent with the results of 12-24-week multicenter placebo-controlled studies of the effectiveness of sibutramine, which found a positive effect of the drug on the dynamics of anthropometric and metabolic parameters in obese patients [15, 16].

Thus, the use of sibutramine is accompanied by a significant decrease in WC (by 10.5 cm), triglyceride levels (by 20%), VLDL (by 16%) and an increase in HDL (by 21%), which significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A meta-analysis of 5 clinical studies on the effectiveness and safety of long-term treatment with sibutramine in obese and overweight patients showed that signs of metabolic syndrome disappeared in 58% of patients receiving this drug for 1 year [6].

In case of obesity in combination with arterial hypertension (AH), sibutramine can help lower blood pressure, which is associated with an effective reduction in body weight and the central clonidine-like effect of the drug. A slight increase in heart rate during treatment with sibutramine in the absence of an increase in blood pressure has no clinical significance. A meta-analysis of many studies [17] (including the large international, randomized SCOUT trial), which included 3 thousand obese patients treated with sibutramine, showed that the risk of developing coronary artery disease in these patients is reduced by 10%.

The results obtained convincingly indicate the presence of changes in energy metabolism in patients with IVF. The reason for this may be a dysregulation of the pituitary-adrenal system, manifested by its hyperreactivity and hypersensitization. In patients with fat deposition in the abdominal area, it is possible to increase the sensitivity of corticotropin hormone receptors to a number of external influences, realized through the action of the sympathetic nervous system and the central nervous system. As a result, the secretion of corticoliberin and ACTH increases, which leads to hypercortisolemia, in which the binding of cortisol to glucocorticoid receptors is stimulated, the antilipolytic effect of insulin is suppressed and lipoprotein lipase is activated [18, 19].

R. Harris et al. [20] argue that in humans, body weight is regulated by the hypothalamus. G. Kennedy [14] in 1953 suggested that signals proportional to body fat stores act on the brain and suppress food intake. Thus, when weight loss caused by energy deficiency reduces the level of these inhibitory signals, food intake increases until the energy deficiency is corrected. This model, however, does not explain how energy intake is controlled during individual meals. J. Gibbs and G. Smith [21] postulated 20 years later that signals produced during food intake ("satiety factors"), including peptides of the gastrointestinal tract, provide information to the brain, which suppresses appetite and guides the completion of meals .

A predictor of successful long-term reduction and retention of body weight is a loss of more than 2 kg in the first month of treatment or more than 5% of initial body weight in 3 months of therapy. Women lose weight more successfully than men, especially at a young age. The higher the initial BMI, the more intense weight loss can be expected.

Thus, rational pharmacotherapy with sibutramine in combination with behavior modification contributes to effective IVF treatment if carried out taking into account indications and contraindications under constant medical supervision. Pharmacotherapy helps an obese patient restore proper eating habits: reduce the usual amount of food consumed, eliminate unplanned “snacks” and night meals.


1. The use of sibutramine in the complex treatment of obesity in patients with IVF promotes weight loss and is accompanied by an improvement in body composition.

2. Sibutramine helps reduce the amount of adipose tissue mainly due to the visceral depot.

3. Sibutramine therapy helps reduce basal metabolism.

4. Sibutramine has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, blood lipids and blood pressure in patients with IVF.

Author contributions:

Concept and design of the study: Yu.Yu. Vlasova.

Collection and processing of material: Yu.Yu. Vlasova.

Statistical data processing: Yu.Yu. Vlasova.

Text writing: Yu.Yu. Vlasova.

Editing: A.S. Ametov.

Real reviews about reduxin for weight loss

Olga, 26 years old: After the birth of my second child, my weight began to rapidly gain until I reached 87 kg with a height of 165 cm. As a young mother, I could not find time for myself, prepare a menu according to a diet plan, go to training regularly - all this is not for me. And I wanted to lose weight. Having seen enough promising “before and after” photos, I ran to the pharmacists at the nearest pharmacy. They didn’t sell me the drug, but they offered it a lighter version - Light. I took exactly the course and paid almost five thousand for it. What's the result? No. Wasted time, that’s why I give Reduksin the lowest score, I won’t recommend him.

Oleg, 45 years old: All my life I had a tendency to be overweight, over time the extra pounds kept adding and adding. The result is the second stage of obesity, accompanied by type 2 diabetes. It was not easy to go through the rehabilitation course on my own; I was constantly drawn to products from the “strictly prohibited” list. On one of the thematic forums, I found an interesting discussion about Reduxin, where they praised its positive aspects, and most importantly - complete control over appetite! I got it and tried it. During the first month, I really didn’t want to eat, but this was due to strong side effects. I was shivering, severe tachycardia developed, and shortness of breath appeared. I had to stop taking the capsules. And the kilograms lost during the month of torment came back with interest.

Katerina, 56 years old: due to age-related changes, I became the unfortunate owner of several extra pounds, which brought with it problems with blood pressure and heart. Doctors were unanimous: it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary volumes, because they are the main cause of illnesses. Having decided to fight the problem quickly and decisively, I purchased Reduxin capsules. In the first weeks of treatment, there was a huge surge of strength - it was nervous excitement, I went outside to walk more and spend energy. In the evenings I couldn’t sleep for a long time. Tension, as if the brain would explode, sometimes there was anxiety. Over time, such symptoms began to scare me, I had to turn to specialists, who recommended stopping taking the drug in order to undergo a comprehensive clinical examination, restore the body, and the energy spent.

Mistake #9. Sports dietary supplements - trust and not test

Some athletes take proteins to accelerate muscle growth and “drying”. One of the most popular today is casein.

, which is made from ordinary cow's milk.
Casein protein is cheap to produce, but it is not suitable for everyone. Why is casein harmful? Once in the body, it turns into casomorphin
, which is addictive and can provoke inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, autoimmune diseases, swelling and lethargy.

Casein protein should not be taken by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as individual intolerance to lactose and casein.

Mistake #10. Not only collagen and hyaluronic acid are beneficial for the skin

After 35-40 years, the skin ages. Many women experience a lack of collagen peptides and hyaluronic acid: in this case, injection cosmetology and capsules come to the rescue as an auxiliary method of combating signs of age-related changes.

However, other components are also beneficial for the skin:

  • Sex hormones;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Sulfur;
  • Silicon;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc.

Expert opinion

The drug is very difficult. By the way, it has long been prohibited in enlightened Europe, and this is not a good argument against (in terms of life safety, we will not be equal to third world countries, where street dealers can give back drugs). A number of studies have proven the presence of serious risks when using Reduxin: its work can undermine not only the heart, but also the brain, and even deaths have been noted more than once...

Yes, Reduxin has many contraindications. Those that are known at the moment are listed in the instructions. But this, again, is information not for you, but for your doctor. In the world of medicine and drugs, it is not for you to decide what is possible and what is not. Unless you're suicidal, of course.

Well, as for its importance for losing weight - how can I tell you more precisely... losing weight and getting healthier are not the same thing. Diseases not only make you fat, they can also make you dry out. Do you need to lose pounds at any cost - or just get healthy and get back to normal? This is fundamentally a choice, and not the same thing. Just because you've lost weight doesn't mean you've become healthier. Very often it's just the opposite. So you don’t have to strive to lose weight, you have to strive for health!

You can look at the question from this point of view: natural, natural is always better than artificial, “chemicalized”. Won't you argue? Have you read about modern ecology and all that? Now just compare: what do you think is more natural, more reliable, more healing - a common human habit that a psychotherapist will form for you with simple conversations without any medications, or chemistry, which will artificially and unregulatedly suppress your appetite, affecting the delicate nerve centers in some way? then poisons with a list of side effects that is still unknown?

Mistake #7. Ignore iron (ferritin)

Iron deficiency leads to anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, dry skin, and hair loss. Women are at risk for iron loss due to menstruation; vegetarians and vegetarians do not receive the required amount of this microelement.

Mistake #8. Taking Iron Blindly

In terms of absorption, iron is a particularly capricious microelement. It should be taken with particular caution. The point is not even that the drug in drops stains tooth enamel. Excess iron is deposited in internal organs (liver, pancreas, thyroid gland), leading to serious disorders: hemochromatosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, melasma (dusty bronze skin color).

Iron is poorly absorbed with dairy products and coffee.

On the contrary, vitamin C, B12, and folic acid contribute to the favorable absorption of iron.

If iron is poorly absorbed, the doctor prescribes special complexes


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