Which laxative to choose during pregnancy in the first, second and third trimester

Can pregnant women take laxatives?

When carrying a child, you must be especially careful when taking medications that can harm both mother and baby. Laxatives during pregnancy are prescribed only by a gynecologist or attending physician.

The wrong medicine can cause bleeding, miscarriage and premature birth. It is better to prevent constipation than to treat it.

What laxatives can you take during pregnancy?

To relieve constipation, laxatives are prescribed to promote bowel movements. While carrying a child, your attending physician or gynecologist will provide a list of medications and what laxatives you can use during pregnancy in a particular trimester.

  • Osmotic laxatives
    . Medicines increase salt levels in the esophagus and retain water there. The process dilutes the excrement and allows it to be removed from the body. The list of such drugs includes Forlax, Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Sulfate, Laxomag, Karlavy Vary and Morshyn salt.
  • Prebiotics
    . The category of laxatives is not absorbed in the thin part of the esophagus, moves to the intestines in the same form and pushes feces. Prebiotics normalize the functioning of the digestive system due to the appearance of lactic acid bacteria and activation of their growth. These are Lactovit, Lactulose, Inulin, Duphalac, Normaze.
  • Medicines for softening stool
    . This group consists of oils that improve the sliding of processed food and remove it from the body. These are sunflower, olive, castor, corn and almond oil. Medicines can be found in everyone's home.
  • Means for irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus
    . Their components act on organ receptors and stimulate the process of peristalsis. These are Kafiol, Regulax, Picolax, Guttalax, senna leaves, buckthorn bark.
  • Contact laxatives
    . They have a local effect and are presented in the form of suppositories and enemas. Medicines act on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, provoking rapid and gentle excretion of feces. These are Bisacodyl, Norgalax, suppositories with glycerin or castor oil.
  • Drugs to increase the volume of feces
    . You can take them with water; with this combination, they swell, dilate the intestines, and thanks to this, feces are easier to excrete. These are flaxseeds, Laminaride, Angiopax, wheat bran, Fiberlex, Mucofalk.

Before choosing which laxative is suitable for pregnant women, it is worth considering the presence of concomitant ailments.

Attention! Osmotic laxatives have an antitoxic effect, ridding a person of waste and toxins that are formed due to poor metabolism.

Acne on the face





21881 02 December


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Acne on the face: causes of appearance, what diseases cause it, diagnosis and treatment methods.


The sebaceous glands in human skin are located at the base of the hair follicle. They produce sebum, which moisturizes the skin and protects against the negative effects of the environment, bacteria and fungi. Hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands provokes the formation of pimples (acne, blackheads). On the face, they are most often localized in the locations of large sebaceous glands (on the forehead, temples, cheeks, nose and chin).

Types of acne on the face

In its most general form, acne falls into one of two types:

Non-inflammatory elements

(comedones) - look like small tubercles or dots of different colors. Comedones can be open or closed.

  • Open comedones look like dense surface-type rashes, usually gray or black in color, which gives them the oxidative reaction of their contents with oxygen.
  • Closed comedones, subcutaneous pimples (milia) look like white bumps or dots that look like small grains of millet. Accumulated sebum has no way out, which leads to painful inflammation. Closed comedones often turn into classic red pimples.

Inflammatory elements
are immediately noticeable due to their size. The skin around them becomes thinner and redder, and the purulent contents of the pimple are visible through it. When palpated, painful or uncomfortable sensations usually occur. There are several types of inflammatory rashes:

  • Papules (red pimples) are inflamed comedones without obvious purulent content. They look like small red or pink balls protruding above the surface of the skin; there is no white head. If a papule has formed at the site of an open comedone, then a dark plug can often be seen through the skin.
  • Pustules are infected papules or, more simply, pimples with purulent contents and a white head, surrounded by inflamed skin.
    They appear when, in addition to sebum and bacteria, dead skin cells get into the pores. Pustules are cone-shaped, flat or spherical in shape. Their color can vary from white to yellow or green. Green color means the addition of a secondary infection, and if you squeeze it out on your own, there is a high probability of its penetration into the blood.
  • Nodules (nodules) are deep, hard subcutaneous papules of bright red, bluish or purple color, ranging in size from 1 to 3 cm, protruding to the surface of the skin, often accompanied by purulent discharge. After recovery, pigment spots and scars are left behind.
  • Cystic acne is a sign of damage to the deep layers of the skin, indicating the presence of inflammation with the formation of pus. Cysts located at a short distance from each other tend to merge, forming a whole chain connected by fistulas.

Cystic acne is difficult to treat and always leaves noticeable marks on the skin.

Possible causes of acne on the face
So, acne appears as a result of excess sebum production, which clogs the skin pores. If the pore is partially closed and there is air access into it, acne begins to form. At first they look like blackheads surrounded by inflamed skin - the so-called blackheads. In a completely clogged pore, like in a container, anaerobic bacteria ( Propionibacterium acnes or Malassezia

), provoking the inflammatory process and suppuration.

But what makes the sebaceous glands work so actively? It is believed that one of the reasons lies in the high level of androgens (male sex hormones), which stimulate the production of sebum. The development of hyperandrogenism can be facilitated by digestive problems, stress, diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, endocrine and reproductive systems.

It is important to mention that rashes on the face that look like pimples can be a symptom and manifestation of other, sometimes very serious, dermatological diseases (acneiform dermatoses), which are in no way related to the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Acne on the face can be a symptom of a number of diseases (dysfunction of internal organs, hormonal dysfunction, lack of vitamins, decreased immunity), as well as poor environmental conditions and improper skin care. We list the main diseases, conditions and factors that result in skin rashes.

  • Physiological changes in hormonal status: puberty, second phase of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation, menopause.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system: polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, tumors of the endocrine glands.
  • Thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis (hyperkeratosis), when dead cells of the epidermis are not exfoliated, but remain on the skin, clogging the sebaceous glands.
  • Liver diseases and intoxication caused by them.
  • Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency:
  • The predominance of fast carbohydrates (fast food, baked goods, fried, fatty foods) in the diet provokes an increase in blood glucose levels and a sharp release of insulin, which, in turn, affects the increase in testosterone levels.
  • Excess omega-6 fatty acids can aggravate inflammatory processes in the skin (such phenomena can be observed when consuming large amounts of fish and poultry raised on animal feed).
  • Abuse of dairy products, sunflower, peanut, soybean oils and margarine often causes hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  • Deficiency of zinc, vitamins A and E, Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired intestinal motility and peristalsis, frequent constipation contribute to intoxication and the appearance of acne.
  • Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections provoke the formation of acne.
  • Acute respiratory diseases are often accompanied by purulent rashes on the skin.
  • Genetic characteristics of hormonal levels, the tendency of the skin to produce excess sebum or excessive sensitivity to testosterone are often inherited.
  • Stress leads to increased production of the hormone cortisol, which provokes the development of hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands and, accordingly, increased production of sebum.
  • Incorrectly selected facial skin care products.
  • Ultraviolet radiation reduces local skin immunity and increases the risk of comedones.
  • A spontaneous rash may be the result of an allergic reaction, including after taking certain medications, for example, immunomodulators, photosensitizers, antiepileptic drugs, barbiturates, anti-tuberculosis drugs, lithium preparations, B vitamins, anabolic steroids.
  • Subcutaneous demodex mites ( Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis
    ) also play a certain role in the formation of acne and, if not their direct cause, then certainly complicate treatment.
  • Which doctors should you contact if acne appears on your face?
    If you have skin rashes, you should consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. However, treatment often requires an integrated approach, which involves treating the disease of which acne is a symptom. In this case, consultations with a neuropsychiatrist are necessary.

    Diagnostics and examinations for the appearance of acne

    Pimples and their localization are a kind of messenger that transmits information about disruptions in the functioning of organs or systems. Most often, acne occurs in the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) - here the sebaceous glands are most active and the pores are enlarged. But acne is often found on the cheeks and cheekbones (U-zone). This is due to various reasons and the state of the body. A special guide map “Types of acne and what they mean” has been compiled. Thus, the middle part of the forehead corresponds to the lower part of the digestive tract, the small intestine and the bladder, the area near the ears - to the kidneys, the eyelids and the area around the eyes - to the liver, the temporal region - to the gallbladder, the middle third of the face, cheekbones - to the lungs, chin - to the stomach, the pelvic organs, the nose - the pancreas and heart, and the lower part of the cheeks and lower jaw - the lower gastrointestinal tract.

    Diagnosis begins with a thorough examination of the skin, collecting anamnesis (information about past illnesses, operations, chronic diseases, heredity) and establishing a connection between the rashes and lifestyle, nutrition, and habits.

    If the nature of the disease is not obvious, laboratory tests are prescribed.

    • Clinical blood test.

    Laxative during early pregnancy

    The first trimester is the most dangerous time of pregnancy, because many people experience increased uterine tone. At the initial stage, gentle medications for constipation are prescribed.

    1. Duphalac
      . A laxative for pregnant women in the early stages solves the problem thanks to lactulose, which is part of the medicine. The substance is an artificial analogue of lactose present in breast milk.
    2. Export
      . The powdered medication is similar to the previous drug in its operating principle and is used in the first trimester. The active substance is lactitol.
    3. Microlax
      . Microclysters quickly soften stool. Used as an emergency aid, not prescribed for chronic constipation.
    4. Mucofalk.
      A dietary supplement obtained from plantain seed, presented as a powder. The granules must be dissolved in liquid. Do not take in the third trimester of pregnancy. An analogue of the product is Fibralax.
    5. Phytomucil.
      A dietary supplement that dissolves in water, yogurt or kefir. It has no contraindications when carrying a child.
    6. Glycerin suppositories
      . Suppositories can be used during early pregnancy, but not on an ongoing basis. Decreased esophageal tone leads to chronic constipation.

    It is worth noting that when using the above medications in the 1st trimester, flatulence may occur in the first 2 days of taking them.

    Not according to the rules

    And yet, in the first 6 months, constipation in infants is not excluded. They can call him:

    • microflora transmitted from mother;
    • insufficient fluid volume;
    • stress.

    Let's say a woman has too many bacteria in her stomach and intestines that produce methane, which causes constipation. They grow rather slowly, ferment, releasing carbon dioxide, which promotes flatulence and bloating. The woman lives with this deviation, has adapted and learned to solve the problem with the intestines in one way or another. Noticing the same thing in the child, she decides that the baby has inherited her characteristics and “saves” him using the same means, making a mistake. Babies should not be given laxatives, especially those containing senna. The baby’s body gets used to such drugs too quickly and can no longer cleanse the intestines without them.

    Constipation in a baby under 6 months is also caused by a lack of fluid and hormonal changes. At 6 months, the baby should receive a lot of moisture - approximately 140 ml per kilogram of weight per day. A breastfed baby gains this amount from mother's milk and does not need additional sources of fluid (but only if there is no predisposition to constipation). Little artificial babies are given extra food from the moment they switch to formula.

    If a woman is tense or nervous, her level of the stress hormone cortisol increases. The substance enters the baby's body through breast milk, saliva or sweat and also causes constipation.

    Even if the mother does not breastfeed, microorganisms that cause constipation sooner or later reach the baby’s gastrointestinal system and produce negative changes in it.

    Laxatives during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

    In the middle of the term, the absence of stool is treated comprehensively. If there is no result when changing your diet and physical activity, then drug therapy is prescribed.

    1. Candles.
      Not all suppositories are safe while pregnant. During this period, it is allowed to use sea buckthorn and glycerin suppositories. The second type is not used in the presence of cracks or hemorrhoids.
    2. Microclysters.
      Only in exceptional cases is an enema performed, which often causes uterine contractions. It is better to use a microenema with a ready-made solution.
    3. Medicines.
      When the 2nd trimester of pregnancy begins, it is allowed to take Duphalac, Tranzipeg, Defenorm for difficult bowel movements.

    All of the above methods are effective, but before using them, mandatory consultation with a specialist is required. Some of them may be contraindicated based on the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of concomitant diseases.

    Laxative for late pregnancy

    The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by excessive swelling, so experts try not to prescribe laxatives that retain fluid in the torso. During such an important period, medications are used that do not harm the mother, baby and do not provoke premature birth. For the 3rd trimester the following are most often prescribed:

    • medications with bifidobacteria;
    • suppositories;
    • microenemas;
    • products with lactulose.

    These are the safest medications. In some situations, pregnant women, despite the late date, are prescribed other methods to combat constipation, but this depends on the condition of the expectant mother.

    What is constipation?

    Experts diagnose constipation if the baby does “big” things:

    • regularly and without problems, but at the same time dry and hard feces are released;
    • with difficulty - the child has to push, feces do not come out on the first try;
    • less than 5 times a day.

    In the first six months of life, constipation is a rather rare occurrence; rather, on the contrary, in the period from 0 to 6 months, 6–10 bowel movements per day is considered the norm. In breastfed children, defecation occurs more often, in bottle-fed children - less often.

    List of all approved drugs

    Regardless of the trimester, only a few laxatives for pregnant women can be used during pregnancy:

    • Duphalac;
    • Phytomucil;
    • Senade;
    • Microlax;
    • Glycerin suppositories.

    Other medications are selected only by the attending physician, based on the condition of the woman, the fetus, the presence of contraindications and concomitant diseases. Here is the main list of drugs, laxatives:

    • Lactovit;
    • Lactulose;
    • Inulin;
    • Dufalak;
    • Normaze;
    • Forlax;
    • Magnesium sulfate;
    • Exportal;
    • Sodium sulfate;
    • Laxomag;
    • Carlsbad salt;
    • Morshyn salt;
    • Kafiol;
    • Regulax;
    • Picolax;
    • Guttalax;
    • Bisacodyl;
    • Defenorm;
    • Norgalax;
    • Laminaride;
    • Angiopax;
    • Fiberlex;
    • Transipeg;
    • Mucofalk.

    Anti-constipation pills allow you to get rid of feces before intoxication begins. There is no need to save money and buy an inexpensive, cheap laxative.

    Natural laxatives for pregnant women

    Constipation during pregnancy causes inconvenience, but not every laxative is reliable in this situation. During pregnancy, a hormonal imbalance occurs, the muscular structure of the esophagus weakens and cannot cope with the load. The laxative used should not irritate the digestive tract, so it is not recommended to drink synthetic products. It is especially dangerous to self-medicate, because some medications provoke uterine hypertonicity.

    A woman should take a closer look at natural products that have a mild effect. You can use against constipation:

    • whole grain porridge, bran;
    • apples, figs, dried apricots, prunes;
    • fresh vegetables;
    • nuts;
    • grapefruit.

    At home, you can prepare your own natural laxative for pregnant women. Grinded steamed dried apricots are mixed with crushed carrot cake in a blender. If carrots are unavailable, they are replaced with pumpkin. The effect of eating the above foods will help strengthen the correct drinking regime. You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

    For a natural laxative to work, you must adhere to proper nutrition:

    • five meals a day;
    • a balanced diet consisting of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
    • small portions;
    • protein foods in the morning, and plant and dairy products in the evening;
    • exclude walnuts, strong tea, rice and boiled eggs, which provoke the appearance of pathology;
    • Every day you need to eat borscht, soups, broths;
    • 2 hours before bedtime should be the last meal;
    • fiber and plant fibers are added.

    If a woman has suffered from constipation before, but her diet changes in the early stages of pregnancy.

    Laxatives prohibited during pregnancy

    Dangerous substances are divided into three categories:

    1. Annoying
      . Laxatives during pregnancy sometimes cause reflex contractions. These are Bisacodyl, Carlsbad salt, castor oil, senna products. Medicines are toxic, mutagenic and lead to severe abnormalities of the enteric nervous system.
    2. Detergents.
      This category consists of mineral oils that are deposited in the spleen, liver, and intestines. The drug interferes with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and causes an inflammatory process.
    3. Bulk laxatives
      . The composition of such products includes hydrophilic colloids and dietary fiber. When taking them, you will need to drink a large amount of liquid, which causes severe swelling when carrying a child.

    It is also prohibited to take medications based on seaweed, cellulose, agar-agar, or flax. These components help slow down the excretion of fluid in the female body. The most dangerous laxatives are considered to be saline laxatives, which have a laxative effect and disrupt the water-salt balance.

    Uncontrolled use of such drugs leads to increased constipation. All of the above medications are prohibited for use during pregnancy.

    Pros and cons of taking laxatives during pregnancy

    Constipation is a disease characterized by the accumulation of stool in the esophagus. The pathology causes such unpleasant consequences as the development of hemorrhoids, increased uterine tone, and intoxication of the mother and child. To avoid complications, it is necessary to dispose of feces, but this does not mean that it is permissible to take all medications for constipation during pregnancy.

    Some of these laxatives cannot be taken while carrying a child, while others are addictive and cannot be taken on an ongoing basis, and others dehydrate the body, removing the necessary salts for constipation.

    Medications have one main advantage - they quickly combat the absence of bowel movements, preventing the development of intoxication of the body. Only in rare situations, when carrying a child, do they resort to this method of relieving constipation. But there are certain remedies that are allowed to be used throughout pregnancy without threatening the life of the fetus and mother.

    The main disadvantage of laxatives is a quick solution to difficult bowel movements without eliminating the problem itself that caused constipation. In this case, pathology will occur regularly. Medicines cannot be used frequently; the intestines get used to artificial stimulation and after a while stop working on their own. During pregnancy, it is better to avoid such drugs and prefer natural products.

    Problems with defecation are very common in pregnant women, the reason for this is hormonal changes, compression of internal organs, and unbalanced nutrition. Pathology poses a threat to women and children. At the first signs of constipation, you should inform your doctor, who will prescribe the optimal type of treatment. When carrying a baby, you need to listen to your body.

    Constipation is rare before 6 months

    Usually, parents of babies in the first months of life are concerned about the opposite of constipation - too frequent bowel movements. But in a baby, regardless of whether he is fed breast milk or formula, the intestines should work exactly like this - in a mode that is considered diarrhea for older children and adults.

    There should be no other option, at least until complementary feeding is introduced at 4–6 months. After all, the baby receives mostly liquid food, the waste of which has the same consistency and leaves the intestines without encountering any obstacles on the way - the baby has not yet learned to control the sphincter, which restrains the release of feces.

    The baby’s intestines have just begun to “get acquainted” with microorganisms that come from the mother’s milk, from her skin (the baby licks the nipple), and from the environment. Not all new “partners” are accepted: there are some who are rejected, who don’t take root, and so on. Inspection and rejection are accompanied by loose, unstable stools.

    Too frequent bowel cleansing does not need correction or treatment if the child is gaining weight and developing correctly. Normal appetite and sleep, gas, absence of fever and other signs of illness indicate that parents have nothing to worry about. If the baby’s mother, tired of changing diapers 10 times in one day, wants to change the situation and asks the doctor to prescribe strengthening medications for the baby, then, without wanting to, she will doom her baby to chronic constipation.

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