Vitamins Multi-tabs Multi-tabs Baby for children under 1 year


The Multi-Tabs Baby multivitamin contains the following active ingredients: vitamin A (retinol palmitate), vitamin D (colecalciferol), vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
The inactive components of this drug contain: sucrose, polyethoxylated hydrogenated castor oil, sodium carbonate, citric acid monohydrate, sodium hydroxide, ethyl alcohol, dL-alpha tocopherol, water.

Vitamins Baby Multi-tabs for children - reviews


The syrup contains the most useful multivitamins that a child needs from birth. My pediatrician recommended them to me. At first I doubted whether to give it or not, but then I decided. I was prescribed to take 1 drop after meals once a day. The baby didn't spit, he really liked it. One bottle lasted us for 1 month, so it’s very economical.


Despite the composition, which is not so ideal, I believe that Multi Tabs Baby vitamins for children under one year of age are a wonderful drug. Because he helped us during the period of neurology treatment.

They were prescribed to us when our daughter was not yet three months old. At the first appointment with a neurologist, immediately after discharge from the neonatal pathology department, we were prescribed a second nootropic and these Multi Tabs Baby vitamins in the complex. The drug contains three main vitamins - A, C and D, which are necessary for the immune system, bones and general tone of the body.

The bottle is small, 30 milliliters in total, in dark glass. It is recommended to store them in the refrigerator, so I always diluted them a little with warm water in a spoon, otherwise giving ice-cold medicine is not at all ice-breaking. The liquid is oily, tastes tart and slightly sweet. The child drank normally (although at this age a child generally drinks everything that is put in his mouth). There is a 1 ml pipette in the stopper, so an accidental overdose is excluded, because this is a single dose for the child.

If I'm not mistaken, Multi Tabs Baby is generally the only multivitamin preparation that can be given to infants from the first days of life. I can’t talk about obvious benefits, since my daughter was too young to draw conclusions. But there was no harm, this time. And we got our baby out safely and got her on her feet, that’s two.

So I'm inclined to believe that they are useful. And I recommend it if your doctor prescribes them for you.


Inexpensive multivitamins of very good quality. We took them from 6 months to a year. Although we have vitamin D intolerance, neither my therapist nor I found any adverse reactions. The syrup promotes the growth of the baby and protects the body from harmful factors. The kit comes with a very convenient dispenser, with which you can calculate the dose down to the drop.


The best vitamins for children


The product contains all the necessary vitamins for a child.

Pleasant taste.

Affordable price.


You should consult a doctor as they may cause an allergic reaction.


I started buying vitamins a long time ago, since I have a weak immune system, and when my child appeared, I started giving them to him without even thinking about it, in order to prevent him from getting sick. A family friend advised taking Multi Tabs for the baby, since they are best suited for the child’s body and contain all the necessary vitamins.

After my son started taking this remedy, his health noticeably improved; if before he got sick at least three or four times a year, now he got sick at most once. I also noticed that he began to sleep better, does not wake up at night, and sleeps a full 9-10 hours, which is very important. Therefore, I am completely satisfied with the product, I decided to try it several times, when I ran out of mine, I liked the taste, it’s perfect for children.

Anastasia Sh.

I bought it on the recommendation of a doctor for my daughter. During the first year of her life, she managed to get sick with colds several times, and after six months she began to gain weight poorly. We started taking Multi-Tabs Baby at 9 months. My daughter had almost no visible hair and only 2 teeth erupted. Taken once a day along with meals for a month. The result was impressive. During this month, my daughter never got sick, her hair began to grow better and 4 teeth erupted at once. Then we extended the use of Multi-Tabs Baby for up to a year. My daughter's health has become much better. Now, when there is a wave of colds in our city, I give the baby “Multi-Tabs Baby”. Haven't gotten sick yet.



vitamins A, C, D3


There is not

My child was not gaining weight well. He had no appetite, and if he had an appetite, he ate little. I asked our pediatrician to prescribe us appetite drops or some vitamins. The pediatrician said that vitamins for this age are not sold. When my husband went to the pharmacy, I don’t remember what he wanted to buy there. I asked him to consult a pharmacist about vitamins. My husband was advised to buy Multi-Tabs Baby for up to one year. The kid drank them for about a month. I gave him vitamins after meals, they were tasty, so the child did not resist when I gave them to him, but rather opened his mouth to give him more. After taking the Multi-Tabs Baby vitamins, the child developed an appetite and also received vitamins A, C, and D3. The opened bottle should be stored in the refrigerator.


When I ran out of Aqua Detrim vitamins, on the advice of a friend, I decided to purchase Multitabs Baby vitamins, consulted with our pediatrician, who, by the way, also gave a very positive review of these vitamins. After all, it’s spring, I think that I should take only D, even if I also take A and C. It won’t be any worse. We started taking half a pipette, and the child “bloomed.” Well, we’ve already eliminated everything we could from the diet, we don’t know what to think, who would have thought that it was for vitamins? I found out by chance, just a week after I started taking vitamins, we went for a routine examination to an orthopedist, she asked if we were taking vitamin D3 and how much. Since I am not good at all these dosages of drugs and measures for measuring them, I said that we take Multitabs Baby, half a pipette. And she immediately asked the question: “Did she accidentally sprinkle it on you?” It finally dawned on me why our child is covered in red spots. The orthopedist explained that children very often have such a reaction to it. We stopped taking Multitabs and everything returned to normal. And again we returned to Aqua Detrim. And for comparison: 1. the cost of Aqua Detrim and Multitabs Baby is approximately the same, but Aqua Detrim was enough for us to take for seven months, taking into account the fact that we periodically dripped it past (this happens with us, since the child cannot wait forever when this is where this drop will fly out of the bottle), and Multitabs is designed to take half a pipette for 60 days, and a whole pipette for 30 days. 2. Yes, we must pay tribute to the manufacturer Mutitabs, since the pipette is convenient, easy to dose and give to a child, I didn’t find any other advantages for us. Aqua Detrim periodically flies past, but that’s okay, because it will still last a long time.


Our baby was born premature, so weak, the doctors immediately warned us that in addition to medications, we needed strong, good vitamins, since the boy was very weak. The doctor himself trained for 8 years in America in the children's department, then returned to his homeland. We asked him to recommend the best vitamins, so that we can buy the best for our baby. He told us that it is better to give weakened children Multi-tabs. Such vitamins have been proven to really strengthen the baby’s immunity, reducing the risk of flu and colds. Taking vitamins, our baby recovered faster. They do not contain dyes ,,preservatives. With such vitamins, the baby develops and grows better. We, parents, must do everything to ensure that our baby is healthy and cheerful!



convenient bottle with measuring pipette


storage in the refrigerator, shelf life of an open bottle is no more than 2 months


We tried these vitamins for the first time when for two months we could not overcome a cold, one smoothly flowed into another, the immune system was undermined by antibiotics and the pediatrician advised taking a course of Vitamin Multitabs Baby for children under one year old. Both my daughter and I liked them: a syrup with a pleasant taste (since at the time of use we only had two teeth, we did not consider chewing options), a convenient bottle with a measuring pipette, you definitely can’t go wrong with the dosage, it contains vitamin D, which It is prescribed for all children during the cold season, so there is no need to use it separately. The bottle lasted us for a month and a half of daily use, we drank it in the morning after breakfast. As a result, my daughter stopped getting sick, her teeth and hair began to grow just as rapidly, by the end of the appointment we already had six teeth, and our nails also became stronger. We took a month break and now started taking them again for prevention.

pharmachologic effect

Multi-Tabs Baby is a vitamin complex product. Its composition is optimal for children of the first year of life. Its influence is determined by the components that make up this product.

Vitamin A contributes to the development immunity , as well as his physiological growth. The vitamin can accumulate and be stored in liver tissue. It also activates the differentiation of epithelial tissue, participates in the formation of immunity, increases the body's resistance, and has a beneficial effect on vision. This vitamin also provides significant antioxidant protection.

Vitamin C is involved in the active processes of development of a child’s teeth, bone tissue, skin, immune system, and capillary endothelium. It stimulates the absorption processes of non-heme iron and a number of other microelements from the gastrointestinal tract. Participates in the process of collagen formation, increases resistance to infections.

Vitamin D is directly involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. It has a positive effect on the condition of bones, intestines, and kidneys. Prevents the manifestation of rickets in a child. The vitamin is absorbed only when fat is consumed.

Multi-tabs Baby, drops 30ml (Zentiva a.s., Türkiye)

Composition and release form.

Vitamin A (retinol palmitate)300 mcg
(corresponds to approximately 1000 IU)
vitamin D (colecalciferol)10 mcg
(corresponds to approximately 400 IU)
vitamin C (ascorbic acid)35 mg
sucrose; macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate; sodium bicarbonate; sodium hydroxide; citric acid monohydrate; alpha tocopherol; ethanol 96%; hydrochloric acid; water
inactive ingredients included in the active substances:
triglycerides; alpha tocopherol

in 30 ml brown glass bottles (with pipette); 1 bottle in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form.

Transparent liquid from colorless to yellow with a brownish tint.


A combined preparation containing a complex of vitamins necessary for children of the first year of life.
Pharmachologic effect. Replenishes the deficiency of vitamins A, D, C.


The action is determined by the properties of the vitamins included in the drug.

Vitamin A (retinol)

promotes proper growth and development of the child’s body. Plays an important role in the formation of the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various infections. Provides normal visual function. It is an essential component of the body's antioxidant defense.

Vitamin D (colecalciferol)

necessary for the normal formation of bones and teeth in a growing body. Maintains the level of inorganic phosphorus and calcium in plasma and increases calcium absorption in the small intestine, preventing the development of rickets and osteomalacia.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

plays an important role in the formation of a protein called collagen, which makes up a significant part of the material of connective tissues, bones, cartilage, teeth and skin. It is vital for immunocompetent blood cells and helps increase the body's resistance to various infections. Promotes the absorption of inorganic iron from the digestive tract. Has antioxidant properties.


For children from the first days of life to 1 year:

● prevention of deficiency of vitamins A, D3 and C;

● prevention of rickets in children;

● as a means to increase the body's resistance to infections.


● individual intolerance to the components of the drug;

● hypercalcemia (due to the presence of colecalciferol).

Side effects.

Possible relaxing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. If you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug, allergic reactions in the form of itching or urticaria are possible.

Method of administration and dose.


, simultaneously with a meal or immediately after it. For children under 1 year of age, it is recommended to take 0.5–1 ml per day in seasonal courses.

Special instructions.

While taking Multi-Tabs® Baby, it is not recommended to take other multivitamin preparations to avoid overdose. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The ethanol content in the bottle is no more than 7.68 vol.%.

, Denmark.


If the dosage of vitamin A is exceeded for a long time, the child may develop gastrointestinal disorders, bone pain, skin reactions, fatigue, and increased intracranial pressure .

Exceeding the dosage of vitamin C can lead to the development of diarrhea and other dyspeptic symptoms.

If the dose of vitamin D has been exceeded for a long time, the child may experience loss of appetite, slowed growth, dyspeptic disorders, and an increase in serum calcium levels.

If the above or other side effects are observed, treatment should be suspended. Symptomatic therapy is provided.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

There are drugs with a similar effect that are produced by other manufacturers and contain multivitamins.

These drugs are: Jungle Baby , Hexavit , Combilipen Tabs , Neuromultivit , Pentovit , Polivit Baby , Undevit , etc. You must consult a pediatrician before choosing the optimal remedy for children.

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