Herbal preparation based on hexane extract of Serenoa repens for patients with lower urinary tract symptoms

Serenoa palm (Saw Palmetto) is a dietary supplement obtained from the fruits of one of the varieties of palm plants, namely creeping Serenoa , which grows in countries with subtropical and tropical climates, mainly in South America and South-East Asia. The amazing healing properties of Saw Palmetto were already known to the indigenous people of these countries. The Indians ate the core of the palm tree trunk and honey from its flowers, but especially valued the berries of the Saw Palmetto . From ancient times to this day, these fruits have been used for the manufacture of medicinal potions with a wide spectrum of action. You can learn more about exactly what the benefits of this exotic herbal remedy are from our material.

Serenoa Palm (Saw Palmetto): composition

The composition of the fruits of the Serenoa Palm has not yet been fully studied, but it is reliably known that it contains the following active substances:

  • minerals – phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium;
  • carotene (precursor of vitamin A;
  • fatty acids (linoleic acid, linolenic acid);
  • phytosterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, etc.);
  • tannin;
  • enzymes (including lipase);
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids.

Fruit composition

It is the berries of the sabal palm that have a pronounced healing effect. To prepare medicines, brown or dark red drupes containing the largest amount of valuable substances are collected. They are dried in special installations or laid out directly in the sun in one layer. Store in paper bags or cardboard boxes for no longer than 3 years.

This is interesting. Pickers of medicinal berries take a lot of risks when procuring raw materials. Not only do the razor-sharp leaf petioles inflict deep and long-lasting wounds on people, but many rattlesnakes lurk in the thickets of the dwarf palm.

But all this risk pays off with the enormous benefits of the berries. Saw palmetto fruits contain a large amount of polysaccharides and rare organic acids (myristicic, lauric, oleic).

Other useful compounds found in drupes include:

  • plant sterols;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • tanning compounds;
  • enzymes.

The berries contain a small amount of vitamins and microelements, steroid components, resin and tannins.

But the main value of dwarf palm berries is given by phytosterols: beta-sitosterol 3-O-β-glycoside, fagasterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, and cycloartane.

Serenoa palm (Saw Palmetto): properties

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, Saw Palmetto has a wide range of beneficial properties, namely:

  1. tones and strengthens the body after illnesses;
  2. helps to increase the physical and mental activity of a person susceptible to depression, fatigue and general asthenia;
  3. is a strong aphrodisiac (as well as ginger and Acai berries);
  4. lipase, which is part of Saw Palmetto , helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, including Omega-3;
  5. contained in Saw Palmetto has a beneficial effect on vision and prevents the occurrence of many eye diseases;
  6. has a pronounced cosmetic effect in the treatment of acne and age spots;
  7. has a beneficial effect on the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, promoting its rejuvenation;
  8. is one of the most effective herbal remedies for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system;
  9. helps improve the nutrition of ovarian and mammary gland tissues in women with their functional atony, and also normalizes the functioning of the female endocrine system.

At the moment, research into the properties of Saw Palmetto continues. Scientists suggest that the fruits of this plant have the ability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto): Applications

The extensive list of beneficial properties of the Serenoa Palm allows the use of its fruits and preparations made from them in various areas of alternative medicine. In particular, Saw Palmetto has proven itself in the treatment of the following ailments:

  1. prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  2. decreased production of active sperm cells;
  3. impotence;
  4. inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  5. increased urge to urinate;
  6. urinary incontinence or difficulty emptying the bladder;
  7. prevention of prostate diseases for men over 40 years of age;
  8. weak lactation in lactating women;
  9. polycystic ovary syndrome;
  10. inflammation of the uterus;
  11. baldness;
  12. excess hair growth in women.

Saw Palmetto fruit extract is also successfully used in cosmetology to treat acne and skin aging. Additionally, the Saw Palmetto's to absorb ultraviolet radiation allows its fruit extract to be used as a natural sunscreen. By the way, coconut oil and Shea butter have a similar effect.

A popular dietary supplement made from dwarf palm fruit extract, recommended by vitamin manufacturers as a prophylactic for the prevention of prostatitis, is no more effective than a placebo, physiologists from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have found. The results of their research are published by the Journal of the American Medical Association


Large-scale independent testing of the therapeutic effect of dwarf palm ( Serenoa repens

), organized in 11 US clinics, showed that standard doses of the extract, sold without a prescription, either alone or as part of vitamin complexes, did not improve specific symptoms in men with an enlarged prostate.

“Surprisingly, we did not find any significant effects, either negative or positive, from using even increased doses of the extract,” says Dr. Rohrbom, one of the co-authors of the paper. “The effect of the extract did not differ from the placebo effect,” states the doctor.

An enlarged prostate, often seen in older men, reduces the opening of the urethra, making it difficult to urinate, which increases the risk of urinary infections and inflammation. Enlarged prostate syndrome affects half of the US male population aged 50 years, and 75% of men aged 80 years.

Symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate can be treated with medications, minimally invasive procedures, or surgery. However, plant extracts have been used for decades as a preventive, anti-inflammatory and anti-hormonal agent in the USA and Europe. Extract from the fruits of dwarf palm is the most popular of these remedies. The annual sales of this extract are estimated at $700 million.

An independent study of the therapeutic effect of this extract was conducted over two years and included 379 men aged 45 years and older. It showed that a 72-week course of increasing doses of the extract did not eliminate symptoms specific to an enlarged prostate. In addition, such qualitative parameters as night urination, sexual activity, sleep and problems associated with urinary incontinence were monitored.

“None of them, when compared with the effect of placebo, were practically unchanged,” this extract costs about $30, but that’s money thrown away,” they summarize.

Note that the purpose of the study was to find out the effectiveness of the extract in cases of already

enlarged prostate. Whether the extract helps prevent or reduce age-related prostate enlargement is not yet known.

Serenoa Palm (Saw Palmetto): for men

Saw palmetto , like yohimbe, is intended primarily for men. And this is not surprising, because the fruits of Saw Palmetto have an unsurpassed healing effect on the male body, in particular:

  1. stimulate the functioning of the male hormonal system, normalizing the ratio of sex hormones;
  2. have a positive effect on testosterone production;
  3. help in solving problems with erection;
  4. improve the quantitative and qualitative composition of seminal fluid.

But the berries of the Serenoa Palm play a special role in the treatment of such delicate ailments as prostatitis and prostate adenoma, from which, according to statistics, every fifth man over 50 years old suffers.

Description of saw palmetto, properties and contraindications

What it is

Serenoa repens. Serenoa repens.

This palm grows wild in the southeastern United States. Its stems often spread along the ground or turn into rhizomes, dying at one end while simultaneously taking root and growing at the other, so that the plant actually “creeps.” Living up to 700 years, this palm endures harsh conditions, including droughts, forest fires and pest attacks. The blue-black berries, collected in August - September, are used for medicinal purposes. Collecting them is a dangerous task: you can be injured by the serrated edges of the leaves or die from the bite of the Texas rattlesnake, a snake that often lives in the dense thickets of this palm tree.

Beneficial properties of saw palmetto

Saw palmetto has long been used in folk medicine. The Indians used it to treat urinary disorders. The first European colonists gave its berries to “frail” people as a general tonic. They were also used for persistent coughs and poor digestion. Now saw palmetto is considered primarily a medicine for the prostate gland: its beneficial effect on this organ has been proven by numerous studies.

Main benefit

Dried saw palmetto and preparations based on them are a good medicine for the prostate gland.

In Italy, Germany, France and a number of other countries, doctors prescribe saw palmetto for benign (non-cancerous) hyperplasia (hypertrophy) of the prostate gland (prostate). This disease, more often called simply adenoma, affects more than half of men over 50 years of age. The fact is that the prostate gland, the size of a walnut, is located under the bladder, and the urethra passes through it. In old age, non-cancerous growth (hyperplasia) often occurs, and this canal becomes compressed. As a result, urination becomes difficult and may become painful; It is not possible to completely empty the bladder, which leads to frequent urges, especially at night. Scientists believe that saw palmetto relieves these symptoms in several ways. First of all, it reduces the level of hormones that stimulate the proliferation of prostate cells and, in addition, reduces inflammation and swelling.

Research shows that saw palmetto works faster than the commonly prescribed drug finasteride (Proscar) and does not weaken libido like it. The result becomes noticeable within a month. When using Proscar, you have to wait at least six months for it.

Additional benefit

If in the case of prostate adenoma the benefits of saw palmetto have been clearly proven, its other healing properties still require final confirmation. It has been successfully used to treat inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). In laboratory conditions, it stimulates the bactericidal activity of the immune system, i.e., it may help against urinary tract infections and the same prostate. It is possible that it is also important for the prevention of cancer of this gland, since it reduces the level of sex hormones that promote malignant growth.

Last news
In an international study of 1,000 men with moderate BPH, six months of taking both Proscar and saw palmetto extract helped two-thirds of the patients. Saw palmetto had fewer side effects, including decreased libido and impotence. However, Proscar significantly reduced the volume of the prostate, especially a very large one. The authors of the work conclude that saw palmetto is most beneficial when the enlargement of this gland is relatively small.


If there is difficulty urinating or blood appears in the urine, the diagnosis must first be clarified. These symptoms also occur with prostate cancer.

Saw palmetto affects hormone levels, so if you have prostate cancer or are on hormone therapy, you should only take this product with your doctor's permission.

If you are being treated with medications, take any medications only with your doctor's permission.

Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto): for prostatitis

The benefits of the fruits of the Serenoa Palm for the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system were known to the indigenous inhabitants of South American countries. Nowadays, interest in the ability of Saw Palmetto to influence prostate health is constantly growing. Studies conducted by European scientists confirm the fact that Palma Serenoa provides complete cure for an enlarged prostate in 90% of cases. Neither traditional drugs nor even the surgical method can boast such impressive results. The positive effect of fruits on the condition of the prostate is ensured by the following factors:

  1. the active substances that make up Saw Palmetto inhibit the formation of the hormone dihydrotestosterone and the aromatase enzyme, which provoke the proliferation of prostate tissue;
  2. relieve inflammation and swelling accompanying hyperplasia;
  3. have a tonic effect on the reproductive function of men;
  4. facilitate the process of urination and reduce the frequency of urges;
  5. reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins that regulate the tone and peristalsis of the lower urinary tract.

The combination of these mechanisms of action of Serenoa Palm makes it possible to quickly improve the condition of patients suffering from prostatitis and prostate adenoma, and optimize their urodynamics. That is why Saw Palmetto , along with horse chestnut, St. John's wort and pumpkin seed oil, is included in many dietary supplements that normalize prostate function.

Dwarf palm extract - application features

Today, the extract of the fruits of the creeping palm tree is used to make all kinds of dietary supplements and medications. In Russia, the product is sold under the trade names Prostamol or Permixon. The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor, since the drugs are considered full-fledged medicines.

In the USA, dry saw palmetto extract is used as a food additive and included in various dietary supplements. Sometimes the product is found in the form of a dry powder or alcohol tincture.

Attention. Those who use sabal palm fruits for hair should remember that preparations based on them do not stimulate the growth of new curls, but only slow down the loss of existing ones.

Dwarf palm - benefits for men

Dry statistics say that more than half of men over 45 years old experience the first symptoms of an inflammatory lesion or prostate adenoma, and by the age of 60, most of the stronger sex have a diagnosed disease. Serrata palm extract will help prevent or slow down the development of pathology.

The mechanism of action of the healing substance is based on reducing the level of DHT directly in the prostate gland, without affecting its total content in the body.

Reducing the concentration of dihydrotestosterone slows down tumor growth, eliminates the inflammatory process and swelling, resulting in a gradual restoration of urogenital functions.

The effect of creeping palm extract depends on the stage of the disease at which therapy was started. Treatment will be more effective at the very beginning of the development of pathology.

Long-term practice has proven another beneficial quality of sabal palm for men - sexual rejuvenation. Regular use of the product restores potency, increases libido and improves reproductive function.

Benefits of dwarf palm for women

A woman’s appearance largely depends on the state of her hormonal levels, and if there are any problems with it, then no amount of cosmetic procedures, expensive creams or a healthy lifestyle will help you look good.

Elevated DHT creates a lot of problems and leads to excessive hair loss, oily skin, acne, a boyish figure, and irregular menstruation.

Palmetto berry extract is considered a strong antiandrogen. It harmonizes the endocrine system without disturbing the concentrations of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Due to this property, the drug is widely used for the following diseases in women:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • hirsutism;
  • androgenetic alopecia;
  • stretch marks and stretch marks;

An additional and very pleasant bonus is the fact that Serenoa repens extract, with long-term use, enlarges the breasts and rejuvenates the skin.

The German company BASF has developed and introduced to the market many cosmetic products containing saw palmetto extract. Studies have shown that saw palmetto extract accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin in damaged fibers and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

Attention. Unlike most similar products, dwarf palm concentrate is quite effective on old stretch marks.

Serenoa Palm (Saw Palmetto): for women

Despite the fact that Saw Palmetto are traditionally considered a men's nutritional supplement, their benefits for women are also very impressive. The beneficial effect of Saw Palmetto on the female body is associated, first of all, with the high content of carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A, and as is known, this vitamin plays a significant role in the synthesis of the female sex hormone progesterone. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the need for vitamin A increases significantly, and its deficiency provokes the occurrence of most symptoms of premenstrual tension. Consumption of Saw Palmetto can significantly reduce the manifestations of so-called PMS in women of childbearing age, as well as reduce the symptoms of menopause in women over 45-50 years of age.

The ability of phytosterols contained in saw palmetto berries to normalize hormonal balance in the body allows them to be used to prevent the occurrence of hormone-dependent tumors, such as fibroids, breast and ovarian cancer. In addition, consumption of Saw Palmetto leads to blocking the excess production of the hormone prolactin, thereby preventing the development of mastopathy.

Speaking about the benefits of Serenoa Palm for the fair sex, one cannot fail to note its effectiveness in solving the problem of excess hair growth. Preparations based on this herbal supplement help cope with excessive testosterone production, which provokes unwanted hair on the face and body.

Saw Palmetto to help with hirsutism and PCOS

The dwarf saw palmetto is known by many names: saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), saw palmetto (Saw Palmetto), sawtooth palmetto, etc. Its homeland is the coniferous forests of the eastern coast of North America, where palm fruits were first consumed into food by the Indians, having discovered its medicinal properties. It is used for diseases of the bladder, urethra and prostate in men, and for androgen-stimulated defects in women (underdeveloped breasts, excess body hair growth, painful menstruation), as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, restorative (adaptogen), expectorant and diuretic. The plant looks like this:

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens).

The effect of Serona repens on human hormones

Modern medicine recognized the medicinal properties of the plant at the beginning of the 20th century. The main purpose of drugs based on saw palmetto is the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, the growth of which is caused by the action of the most active androgen - dihydrotestosterone, formed from free testosterone under the influence of the enzyme 5α-reductase in the prostate gland. In addition, the extract has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces vascular permeability and swelling of glandular tissue [Wilt].

Dihydrotestosterone is responsible for hair loss on the scalp and the growth of unwanted body hair in women. The difference is due to the type of 5α-reductase enzyme: thus, prostatic hyperplasia and scalp hair loss in men are often caused by excessive activity of the 5ap type 2 enzyme, while body hair growth in women is usually associated with the activity of 5ap type 1. The activity of certain enzymes in the body of different people is different, but the dwarf palm has shown that it can reduce the activity of both isoenzymes [Suzuki].

It is believed that the activity of dwarf palm is due to the presence of lauric and linoleic acid, which inhibit both isoenzymes of 5α-reductase, oleic acid, active against type 1 5α-reductase, and myristic acid, active against type 2 5α-reductase .

Dried ripe fruits of Serona repens (photo Quasarphoto/iStock/Getty Images)

Impact on the female body

Due to the decrease in the activity of the 5α-reductase enzyme, serona is used as an adjuvant for polycystic ovary syndrome internally and externally to reduce androgen-dependent conditions (acne, scalp hair loss and body hair growth) [Dobrev, Goodman].

However, before using serone internally, keep the following in mind:

  • β-sitosterol contained in serone, being a natural blocker of α-adrenergic receptors, inhibits not only testosterone receptors, but also progesterone receptors.
  • The Indians used the plant to enhance lactation, but I did not find any scientific articles on the quantitative change in prolactin when taking serona.

It must be assumed that it is not advisable for women with hyperprolactinemia and low estrogen to take serona.

Dosage forms and composition

Saw palmetto preparations are sold in the form of extracts and powdered berries. The type of extraction affects the composition of the resulting drug: when extracting with liquid carbon dioxide, the result contains fatty acids and their ethyl and methyl esters, β-sitosterol, β-sitosterol 3-O-β-glycoside, campesterol, stigmasterol, lupeol, cycloartenol, 24- methylene cycloartenol, carotenoids; flavonoids, isoquercetin, kaempferol 3-O-glycoside, apigenin 7-O-rhamnoglycoside were found in the alcohol extract; in aqueous extract - polysaccharide fractions (galactose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, rhamnose, glucose and glucuronic acid) with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

Options for dietary supplements and pharmaceutical drugs

Many prescription drugs have been created based on serona, registered in Europe and Russia.
But in the USA, the FDA does not classify serona as a drug, so its sale is permitted in the form of dietary supplements. I purchased serona from the American electronic pharmacy iherb, and took it for quite a long time (6 months with two-week breaks + several more courses of 2 weeks each) + prescribed it for my father. In Russia it was twice as expensive: for example, the minimum dose of 320 mg/day when purchased from iherb will now cost 12 rubles, and in Russia - 20-25 rubles.

It is believed that liquid extracts are best used as they contain more fatty acids and phytosterols; in total [Penugonda] examined dietary supplements from 20 different manufacturers; if you want to read the report, please refer to the source, below are several options:

  • Extracts: Doctor's Best (320 mg, 180 gelatin capsules), Nature's Answer (liquid extract, 2000 mg per 2 ml, 30 ml total)
  • Ground Berries: Now Foods (550 mg, 250 capsules), Nature's Way (585 mg, 180 capsules), Nature's Bounty (450 mg, 250 capsules)
  • Extracts + Berries: Nature's Answer (640 mg extract + 50 mg berries, 120 gelatin capsules), Solgar (300 mg extract + 220 mg berries, 100 capsules)
  • Extracts + alternative plant antiandrogens + vitamins: Now Foods (320 mg, 90 gelatin capsules // with added pumpkin seed oil), Doctor's Best (640 mg, 120 capsules // with various additives)
  • Seronoya as part of drugs sold in Russia: Prostamol Uno (320 mg, 30 or 60 capsules), Prostaplant (320 mg, 10 or 20 capsules), Prostagut (160 mg, 60 or 120 capsules), Permixon or Serpens (160 mg, 30 capsules).

Dosage and treatment regimen

The initial dosage of extracts is 320 mg/day for 3-6 weeks. If a positive effect is observed, maintain the dose, otherwise adjust it (for example, take 2 capsules per day). The initial dosage of crushed berries is 1500-1700 mg/day. If there is no effect after 2 months, stop using.

As a rule, herbal preparations cannot be taken without interruptions, otherwise addiction will occur and the effect of taking them will decrease. Therefore, after a month of taking it, you need to take a break, switching for two weeks to some other antiandrogen: nettle roots, vitamin B6/zinc, pumpkin seed oil, mint, for example.

Seronaya extract can be used externally [Dobrev, Goodman], rubbing into the scalp (against hair loss) and body (against growth). In this case, an aqueous (Nature's Answer) or oil extract of Seronoe is suitable.

Side effects and precautions

No side effects were found at initial dosages. If the recommended dosage is exceeded and taken on an empty stomach, headaches and dizziness, nausea, heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, and constipation are possible.

Use with caution for the following diseases:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcer
  • liver disease (seronoia has a slight hepatotoxic effect - no more than other drugs, but people with liver disease need to be on alert).
  • heart disease and low blood viscosity (taking serona reduces blood viscosity and clotting, so it is not advisable to combine it with anticoagulants and drugs that lower blood viscosity, for example, aspirin, which is often prescribed for heart disease).
  • endocrine diseases (see above about the effect of serona on prolactin and estrogens).
  • anemia (the plant interferes with the absorption of iron; long-term use is associated with the risk of developing anemia).
  • upcoming operations (medications should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before any medical interventions associated with blood loss due to decreased blood clotting).

The plant is not recommended for use until the benign nature of prostate hyperplasia has been established, because this technique blurs the results of tumor markers.

The plant should not be taken by children and pregnant women, women with benign and malignant formations in the pelvic organs and breasts.

Seronaya reduces the effect of oral contraceptives (due to inhibition of estrogen and androgen receptors), increasing the risk of unplanned pregnancy.

Individual intolerance to serona is possible.

  1. Saw palmetto in the University of Maryland Medical Center article and links in this article.
  2. Wilt TJ, Ishani A, Stark G, MacDonald R, Lau J, Mulrow C. Saw Palmetto Extracts for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review. JAMA.
    1998;280(18):1604-1609. doi:10.1001/jama.280.18.1604.
  3. Suzuki, M. et al. Pharmacological effects of saw palmetto extract in the lower urinary tract / Mayumi Suzuki, Yoshihiko Ito, Tomomi Fujino, Masayuki Abe, Keizo Umegaki, Satomi Onoue, Hiroshi Noguchi and Shizuo Yamada // Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2009) 30: 271–281; doi: 10.1038/aps.2009.1
  4. Dobrev, H. (2007), Clinical and instrumental study of the efficacy of a new sebum control cream. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 6: 113–118. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2007.00306.x
  5. Goodman, D. Topical preparation for treating acne and hirsutism (Patent US20030147977 A1).
  6. Penugonda K et al. Fatty Acid and Phytosterol Content of Commercial Saw Palmetto Supplements / Kavitha Penugonda and Brian L. Lindshield // Nutrients. 2013 Sep; 5(9): 3617–3633.

Other on the topic:

  • Nutrition for hirsutzyma: diet and supplements
  • Drug-induced (iatrogenic) hirsutism and hypertrichosis
  • Green Mama post-depilation gel surprises with its natural composition

Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto): for hair

Serenoa palm has proven itself well as a remedy for hair and especially for preventing hair loss. Along with Aloe Vera, ginseng and other herbal remedies Saw Palmetto is an excellent alternative to synthetic drugs, since it has a gentle effect on the scalp and hair, and therefore has virtually no contraindications for use. Saw Palmetto extract is included in many anti-baldness products for both external (in shampoos and lotions) and internal use. The effectiveness of these drugs is due to the fact that the active components of Saw Palmetto act in two directions at once:

  • inhibit the production of androgens (in particular the hormone dihydrotestosterone - the main culprit of baldness), which destroy hair follicles;
  • reduce the susceptibility of follicles to the toxic effects of these hormones.

Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto): Dietary Supplements

Confirmation by scientists of the ability of Serenoa Palm to influence the condition of the prostate has led to the emergence of a huge number of dietary supplements, many of which are really worthy of attention.

1). One such supplement is Comprehensive Prostate Formula herbal capsules from Doctor's Best (120 pcs).

The scientifically proven formula of this product provides comprehensive support for prostate health. the Serenoa Palm extract itself, this drug contains a whole range of effective components, the action of which is aimed at maintaining the health and functionality of the prostate gland, namely:

  • vitamin D3,
  • vitamin B6,
  • zinc,
  • lycopene,
  • selenium,
  • copper,
  • nettle root extract,
  • African plum bark extract.

Directions for use: Take 4 capsules daily with meals or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.

2). Another drug “Prostate Support” from Now Foods (180 pcs.) The effectiveness of these capsules is due to the effective combination of standardized herbal ingredients - Saw Palmetto and stinging nettle. The positive effect of these extracts on the functional state of the prostate has been proven by numerous European studies, and the additional content of such nutritional components as lycopene, vitamin B6, zinc and pumpkin seed oil makes the drug even more effective.

Recommendations for use: take 2 capsules 1-2 times a day with meals.

Methods of using saw palmetto, side effects

Indications for the use of saw palmetto

• Frequent night urination and other symptoms of prostate adenoma.

• Prostatitis.

• Weakened immunity, urinary tract infections.

Mode of application

• Doses

Typically 160 mg twice daily is recommended. Higher daily doses have not been studied and are best avoided. Choose extracts containing 85-95% fatty acids and sterols - active substances with which the therapeutic effect of berries is associated.

• Dosage regimen

Since prostate enlargement can be the result of prostate cancer and prostatitis, before being treated for adenoma, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis. If the tincture seems too bitter, dilute it with water. You can take saw palmetto with or without food. Some herbalists recommend a dry infusion, but the concentration of active substances in it is low, and the therapeutic effect is usually weak.

Release form

• Capsules

• Pills

• Tincture

• Dry collection/infusion

Your choice
When choosing a dietary supplement for the prostate, carefully study the composition of the drugs. They usually contain saw palmetto extract, but the concentration may be too low to have a therapeutic effect. In addition, some ingredients in such mixtures may be contraindicated for you.

Saw Palmetto Palm: Solgar

Dietary supplements based on Saw Palmetto are produced by many manufacturers. However, it is best to give preference to products from manufacturers whose reputation has been tested by time. One such company is Solgar , which has been specializing in the production of herbal medicines since 1947. Solgar experts have created Saw Palmetto Berry Extract capsules (60 pcs.). For their production, the purest and highest quality Saw Palmetto extract , obtained in a special way to preserve all the beneficial properties of Saw Palmetto .

Directions for use: Take 1-3 capsules daily with meals or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto): Extract

Typically, preparations and cosmetics based on Saw Palmetto are made using an extract of this plant, which can be:

  • dry - is a powder made from dried and crushed Serenoa berries ;
  • liquid - in the form of a brown oily substance with a weak specific aroma, obtained by extracting fruits under high pressure. To produce 1 kg of such extract, about 8 kg of berries are required.

Serenoa Palm (Saw Palmetto): in the pharmacy

Preparations based on Saw Palmetto cannot be found in every pharmacy, and their price in regular pharmacies is quite high. Like other exotic medicines such as Ashwagandha or Gotu Kola, Saw Palmetto is much more convenient and profitable to purchase from a trusted online store. Here you can find a huge selection of all kinds of high-quality dietary supplements from world-famous manufacturers.

Serenoa palm (Saw Palmetto): instructions for use

When using any herbal preparations, including Saw Palmetto , you should definitely follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for use. Saw Palmetto is available in various forms: tablets, tinctures, capsules, and depending on the concentration of the active substance, the dosage of the drugs can vary significantly.

Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto): How to Take

It has been scientifically proven that the effective dose of Saw Palmetto is between 160 and 320 mg per day. This is equivalent to 3-4 g of dried berries or 2-4 ml of tincture. As for the method of administration, as a rule, manufacturers advise taking the recommended daily dose of Saw Palmetto in 1 or 2 doses, preferably with meals.

Saw palmetto: instructions for use and contraindications

The effect of taking the extract increases gradually, so it is recommended to use it for at least 4–6 months. Then, after a break of 30–60 days, administration can be resumed. If no adverse reactions occur during treatment, there is no need to do an interval between courses.

The recommended dosage of the drug in capsules is 160 mg twice a day. The extract tincture should be consumed 1 tsp. in a day. You need to start taking it with a minimum portion, gradually increasing the dosage to the recommended one.

Palma repens goes well with licorice root and nettle, which are also used to alleviate the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

However, despite the unique therapeutic qualities, the fruits of the dwarf palm tree will not be useful to everyone. Their use is prohibited in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • while taking birth control pills.

In case of overdose, the drug can cause digestive upset, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, insomnia, and allergies.

Palma Serenoa (Saw Palmetto): contraindications

The lack of toxicity and side effects of Saw Palmetto makes it one of the few medicines that have virtually no contraindications. However, some people should still refrain from using it. These include:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with intolerance to this product;

You should use Saw Palmetto and medications based on them with caution if you have stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Palma Serenoa (Saw Palmetto): reviews

Palma Serenoa on the Internet and most of them are positive. The lion's share of praise belongs to men who have personally experienced the ability of the herbal supplement Saw Palmetto to restore male strength and eliminate problems associated with the health of the genitourinary system. Many men say that this herbal supplement turned out to be much more effective than the synthetic drugs for prostatitis that they took previously.

Dwarf palm - botanical description

The dwarf palm or saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) grows in the southeast of America, mainly along sea coasts or in pine forests. Single trees are found in the Antilles archipelago and the Yucatan Peninsula. The scientific name of the palm is Sabal serrulatum, under which the plant is used medicinally. Locals call the tree co-palmetto, which means saw palm, because of the leaves with sharp, cutting edges.

This is interesting. The genus Serenoa got its name in honor of the American scientist Serenoa Watson. The specific name (creeping) characterizes the appearance of the tree.

A low plant with a horizontal, grassy trunk topped with a cap of fan-shaped leaves with jagged edges. Fragrant, white-yellow flowers are collected in dense panicles-inflorescences up to 50 cm long. The fruit is a single-seeded drupe, which, as it ripens, changes color from green to bluish-black. Inside the berry is a hard seed.

The indigenous population of America used saw palmetto fruit to treat disorders of the genitourinary system and prostate, from which they prepared a tonic drink rich in nutrients, which was given to patients with tuberculosis and bronchitis. Women believed that the fruits of Serenoa repens stimulated breast growth and eliminated black body hair.

Serenoa palm (Saw Palmetto): buy, price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers of Saw Palmetto :

Buy capsules, liquid extract of Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto)!

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Photo source: iHerb.com

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