Cheap analogues of Vitaprost: review of medicines

  • October 6, 2018
  • Prostate
  • Natalie M

Experts recommend taking the drug “Vitaprost” to patients whose prostate gland is enlarged or inflamed. This medication is also used to prevent diseases of organs related to the genitourinary system. The active components included in the drug have a beneficial effect on the entire male body. Well, if for some reason a man is not able to use the indicated medications to treat the disease, then Vitaprost can be replaced with analogues that have a similar effect. In this article we will take a closer look at similar medicinal specimens, as well as the features of their use. However, before proceeding with Vitaprost analogues, you should consider the features of the drug.


1 suppository of the drug contains 50 mg of prostate extract . Additional substances: solid fat until a candle weighing 1.25 grams is obtained.
1 tablet of the drug includes 100 mg of prostate extract .

Additional substances: calcium stearate monohydrate, lactose monohydrate, crospovidone, sucrose, microcrystalline cellulose .

Shell components: triethyl citrate, acrylic, talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, titanium dioxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium bicarbonate, indigo carmine .

Indications for use

The medication is prescribed by specialists for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  1. BPH.
  2. Disturbance in the functioning of the genitourinary organs.
  3. Chronic prostatitis.
  4. Malignant tumors localized in the prostate gland.

If we compare Vitaprost and Likoprofit, the first one is the safest for the male body. The fact is that “Likoprofit” has a large number of contraindications, as well as side effects. This medicine should not be used in therapy in the presence of the following pathologies and diseases:

  1. Severe atherosclerosis.
  2. Heart rhythm disturbance.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.
  5. Nervous excitability.
  6. Insomnia of any origin.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all the medications described above are not suitable for self-medication. These medications must be prescribed by a specialist.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The drug has an organotropic effect and is active against the prostate gland. Reduces the degree of edema, infiltration of prostate leukocytes, normalizes the secretory function of epithelial cells, increases the number of lecithin grains in the acini secretion, and increases the muscle tone of the bladder walls. Reduces thrombus formation, enhances microcirculation in the tissues of the prostate gland, has antiplatelet activity, and inhibits the appearance of venule thrombosis in the prostate.

Research results show that these suppositories for prostatitis moderately reduce the volume of prostate tissue, the severity of irritative symptoms and obstruction in benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The use of this drug reduces the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis and does not change blood and urine test results.

The drug normalizes the characteristics of the ejaculate and prostate gland. Reduces the severity of pain and discomfort caused by chronic prostatitis , eliminates dysuria , and stimulates copulative function.


There is no data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug.

"Prostamol Uno"

There is still debate as to which medication is better: Vitaprost or Prostamol Uno? Many experts believe that both drugs are worthy in the fight against prostate diseases. Other than that, there are very few differences between them. Prostamol Uno contains herbal substances that help quickly cope with the signs of prostate adenoma.

Most patients prefer to use those medications that are produced by domestic manufacturers, because their cost is an order of magnitude lower than that of imported ones.

Instructions for use of Vitaprost (Method and dosage)

The instructions for the tablets require taking them orally, one twice a day. The duration of therapy for benign prostate hyperplasia is at least a month; for chronic inflammation of the prostate gland - at least two weeks.

To prevent exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), 1 tablet is prescribed twice a day for a period of 30 days. It is necessary to carry out 1-2 such courses of treatment per year.

Vitaprost suppositories instructions for use allow the use of one suppository once a day after bowel movements or an enema. After inserting the suppository, the patient is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for up to 40 minutes.

The duration of treatment with suppositories should not be less than 10 days.

Indications for use

Experts prescribe Uroprost to their patients if they have the following diagnoses:

  1. Prostatitis in a chronic form of abacterial type.
  2. Complications arising after surgery.
  3. Organ hyperplasia.

Under no circumstances should Uroprost be used for treatment by men who are prone to an allergic reaction to the components that make up the medicine. As for the effectiveness of Vitaprost and Uroprost, studies have shown that these medications are interchangeable. The main difference is the cost. Uroprost suppositories can be purchased at a pharmacy for about 850 rubles.

special instructions

The drug can be recommended as a component of polytherapy for chronic prostatitis in people of all ages (including when combined with benign prostatic hyperplasia ) and for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered acute prostatitis .

Therapy for chronic prostatitis and pre- and postoperative preparation for interventions on the prostate should be comprehensive and, along with the use of tablets with prostate extract, include other groups of pharmaceuticals and non-drug therapies.

Studies of the effect of the drug on spermatogenesis in patients with infertility arising from chronic inflammation of the prostate gland made it possible to document the positive effect of this drug on this process. Suppositories can be recommended for patients with secretory-toxic infertility that appears against the background of chronic prostatitis .

Indications for use

In addition, “Prostatilen” is also available in powder form. The main component of the described medication is prostatilen. The medicine is recommended for use by those men who have the following problems:

  1. Chronic prostatitis.
  2. Benign hyperplasia.
  3. Complications after surgery on the genitourinary system.
  4. Interoceptive dysfunction.

Quite often, this analogue is used by those men who want to prevent the development of a disease such as prostatitis, which is associated with age-related changes in the prostate gland. However, experts do not advise taking this remedy to those patients who have hypersensitivity to the components that make up the medicine. Also, taking Prostatilen is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age.

In general, it is difficult to answer the question of which drug will be the best in the fight against prostatitis, as well as other diseases of the prostate gland. The reason for this is the absolutely identical effect of the drugs, as well as a similar composition. As for the cost, the analogue of Vitaprost Forte is cheaper. You can buy Prostatilen at the pharmacy for 700 rubles.

Vitaprost's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:


Lingonberry leaves




Bearberry leaves

Testis compositum

Birch buds






Canephron N

Vitaprost Forte

Vitaprost Plus


Speman Forte


Analogs of suppositories and tablets containing prostate extract: Vitaprost Plus, Gentos, Vitaprost Forte, Canephron N, Lespefril, Tribestan, Urokran, Cysto-Aurin .

Reviews of Vitaprost

Reviews of Vitaprost suppositories, as well as reviews of Vitaprost tablets left by patients suffering from chronic prostatitis , create a positive impression of the drug. Reports of side effects are extremely rare.

Vitaprost and Vitaprost Plus

Vitaprost Plus, unlike Vitaprost, contains the antibiotic Lomefloxacin; this composition is more suitable for the treatment of bacterial chronic prostatitis . The last of these drugs is intended for the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis .

Vitaprost and Vitaprost Forte

Vitaprost Forte contains twice as much active substance as Vitaprost. It may be recommended by the attending physician if, in his opinion, the effect of the latter is not enough.

Release form

The described medication is marketed in several forms. "Vitaprost" can be produced in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of suppositories, which are intended for rectal administration. Which form of release of the drug is most suitable for the patient is decided by his attending physician. The choice will depend on the current condition of the patient, the specific type of disease, as well as the degree of its development.

On sale you can find the drug "Vitaprost Forte", an analogue of which will be described below, as well as "Vitaprost Plus". These suppositories have some differences between themselves, which consist in quantitative and qualitative composition. Therefore, under no circumstances should you take drugs for the same medication. It is most correct to consider these forms as analogues. Now let’s take a closer look at the analogues of Vitaprost.

Vitaprost price, where to buy

In Russia, the price of Vitaprost No. 20 tablets is approximately 775-880 rubles, and the price of Vitaprost No. 10 suppositories is 625-781 rubles. In Ukraine, these tablets and suppositories cost 204 and 315 hryvnia, respectively.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Vitaprost plus rectal suppositories No. 10Nizhpharm JSC

    RUB 1,765 order

  • Vitaprost rectal suppositories No. 10Nizhpharm JSC

    RUB 1,155 order

  • Vitaprost forte rectal suppositories No. 10Nizhpharm JSC

    RUB 1,496 order

  • Vitaprost rectal suppositories No. 10Nizhpharm JSC

    RUB 1,097 order

  • Vitaprost forte rectal suppositories No. 10Nizhpharm JSC

    RUB 1,397 order

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  • Vitaprost forte N10 candles AT "Nizhpharm", Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
    504 UAH. order


  • Vitaprost forte suppository Supp. vitaprost forte No. 10 Russia, Nizhpharm

    534 UAH. order

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Indications for use

Experts recommend using “Prostamol Uno” in the following cases:

  1. Benign prostate adenoma.
  2. An inflammatory process in the prostate that occurs in a chronic form.
  3. Functional disorders of the urination process.
  4. Nocturnal pollakiuria (frequent urge to go to the toilet).

Sometimes after taking this medication, a man experiences pain in the stomach, as well as slight nausea. Many Vitaprost analogues have such side effects. Before starting treatment, you need to test your body for sensitivity to the components that make up the medication. In this way, the possible development of an allergic reaction can be avoided.

The cost in pharmacies of Prostamol Uno is about 700 rubles.

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