Diprospan, 7 mg/ml (2 mg+5 mg/ml), suspension for injection, 1 ml, 1 pc.

Belgian glucocorticoid Diprospan

The drug Diprospan is a simple corticosteroid for systemic use.
It is used in various fields of medicine as part of monotherapy and complex hormone replacement therapy, and has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is most widely used to treat joints.
Inflammation, trauma, degenerative processes, age-related changes in cartilage and muscle tissue, accompanied by limited mobility, respond well to GCS therapy. The drug is used to treat moderate and severe forms of allergies.

Composition, pharmacodynamics and dosage forms

Betamethasone sodium phosphate is an active participant in hydrolysis. Once in the body, the compound is instantly absorbed from the injection site, triggers the therapeutic mechanism and is eliminated very quickly.

Betamethasone dipropionate has an indirect effect, due to which a long-lasting and lasting therapeutic effect is achieved.

The kidneys are involved in the elimination of betamethasone compounds.

Ukrainian pharmacies sell Diprospan ampoules. The package contains 5 sealed glass containers with injection suspension, 1 ml each. It is possible to sell ampoules individually. Dispensed by prescription.

When is Diprospan prescribed?

Glucocorticosteroid therapy can be primary or additional for a wide range of conditions:

dermatology of any etiology (psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc.);

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissue (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, epicondylitis, torticollis, fasciitis, etc.);
  • allergies (seasonal rhinitis, bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, hay fever, reactions to insect bites, urticaria, etc.);
  • hemoblastoses in adults and children;
  • in combination with mineralocorticosteroid therapy for adrenal insufficiency;
  • pathological changes in blood composition;
  • nephritis and nephrotic syndrome;
  • states of shock.

Contraindications for use

Injections are not given if the patient is hypersensitive to betamethasone.

Intra-articular administration is not indicated if there are foci of infection (internal and external) in the joint area. Treatment is not carried out if the patient is diagnosed with joint instability or has undergone arthroplasty. The drug is not injected into the intervertebral space. Also a contraindication for intra-articular injections is poor blood clotting.

Intradermal injections are not given if the patient has dermatitis, dermatoses, infectious or fungal skin lesions, or inflamed acne in the area of ​​intended injection.

Use with caution for the following pathologies:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • diverticulitis;
  • peptic ulcer in acute and chronic forms;
  • gastritis;
  • eye diseases caused by herpesvirus;
  • glaucoma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • and etc.

Therapy is prescribed with caution to elderly patients. This is due to sensitivity to glucocorticoids.

The medicine is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. During pregnancy, the doctor carefully weighs the expected benefits for the mother's health and the risk for the intrauterine development of the fetus. Diprospan is taken under medical supervision.

The active components of the drug easily penetrate the placenta and affect the unformed fetus. Animal experiments have demonstrated that taking corticosteroids increases the risk of developmental defects, including child growth retardation.

In newborns whose mothers took corticosteroids, myocardial hypertrophy and gastroesophageal reflux were diagnosed.

If the drug is prescribed to a woman while breastfeeding, stop feeding.

Blockades according to Vishnevsky

The basics of blockades in medicine were developed and proposed by Vishnevsky. The main goal was to interrupt impulses in situations of pleuropulmonary shock, which appears due to wounds in the thoracic region. Thus, the author of the blockade came to some conclusions, on the basis of which various categories of blockades were developed:

  • Inflammatory processes that differ in their etiology obey the same laws, especially at the developmental stage;
  • the formation of inflammations can be slowed down or stopped if they are located in a state of serous impregnation of nerve tissue;
  • abscess types of inflammation begin to fester, and hidden types begin to appear;
  • restoration of the vascular wall occurs if its physiology has been disrupted as a result of a pathological process associated with impaired tone, and, in addition, the permeability of small vessels.

According to Vishnevsky, varieties of blockades were developed, thanks to the use of which medicine has made significant strides forward. It is important to note that the procedure should be performed only by highly qualified doctors, since if mistakes are made, complications may arise in patients. It is important to note that there is not only a blockade for the back. Injections of drugs are also given to other areas of the body.

  • Cervical blockade - indications for this type of blockade include injuries to the chest and head. It is used for pleuropulmonary shock. As part of the complications, it is reported that in one case out of a hundred, in situations of doctor incompetence or due to the peculiarities of the procedure, the needle may enter the carotid artery;
  • Short blockade - indications for this blockade are the presence of processes of inflammation of the tissue or skin in the initial stages. Examples include the appearance of carbuncles, boils and mastitis. This type of blockade does not cause any complications;
  • Perinephric blockade - it is done for intestinal obstruction in the acute stages, as well as for infiltration, intestinal paresis, shock and renal colic. The main complications are punctures of the kidneys or intestines;
  • Presacral blockade - this blockade is performed as part of surgical interventions performed on the intestine. It is also performed in the presence of inflammation in the pelvic area, as well as in cases of pinched hemorrhoids. This type of blockade does not cause any complications;
  • Case blockade - it is caused by the presence of inflammatory processes along with snake bites, frostbite or burns of the extremities. This blockade does not cause complications;
  • Intrapelvic blockade - it is performed in the presence of fractures or damage to the pelvic bone. If the procedure is carried out correctly, it does not cause any complications;
  • Intercostal blockade - the intercostal type of blockade is most often used in neurology or traumatology. In addition, it is suitable for neuralgia, rib fractures or thoracotomy. As part of possible complications, injury to the arteries, as well as punctures of the pleura, cannot be excluded;
  • Local intravenous blockade - it is used for arthrosis, tendovaginitis, a purulent disease that spreads to the limbs. This blockade does not cause complications;
  • Paravertebral blockade - it is used in the presence of chest injuries, and also in case of rib fractures. This blockade also does not cause complications.

So, now let’s find out which drugs in medicine are considered the most popular in the implementation of the blockade. What exactly should I use?

Side effects

As a rule, they appear only with long-term therapy. Most often they are aimed at the nervous system: depression, anxiety, overexcitation, insomnia, and headaches are possible. Possible negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract - in the form of eating disorders and disorders.

Also possible:

  • osteoporosis;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • growth retardation in children and adolescents;
  • the course of infectious diseases in more severe forms;
  • deterioration of health in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • weight gain;
  • corticoadrenal suppression.

If unpleasant symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What is a blockade in medicine?

One of the most important nuances of the blockade is that the fight against damage to a part of the body should be done as quickly as possible with a minimum number of possible negative consequences. In addition, it is important that during the blockade there is no unnecessary waste of time. So, the blockade is an event that works as efficiently as possible. It is not surprising that modern medicine uses this particular method of treatment. Blockades are used in traumatology, surgery, orthopedics, neurology, urology, gynecology, obstetrics, and so on. Now we will find out what types of blockades in medicine are divided into. There are several of them. The bundle of His is the part of the heart muscle that consists of atypical muscle fibers. It has a trunk and two legs - left and right. The function of these structures is the following: transmission of electrical impulses arising in the right atrium to the ventricular myocardium. This causes them to contract in a rhythm that matches the rhythm of the atria. When impulse conduction is disrupted, bundle branch block partially or completely develops. It can be complete or incomplete, permanent, intermittent, transient or alternating. Patients with such a block in the absence of an underlying disease do not need therapy.

How to use Diprospan?

For intramuscular injections, 1–2 ml of suspension is administered.

The recommended dose for intradermal administration is 0.2 ml per cm2. For long-term therapy, the limit is no more than 1 ml per week.

For periarticular and intra-articular injections, the dosage varies from 0.25 to 2 ml. The amount of active substance is determined depending on the size of the joint and the degree of damage.

Periarticular and joint injections are performed by medical staff. It is undesirable to inject directly into the tendon, since such an injection may cause microtears in the tissue. During and after treatment, the patient should avoid physical activity.

Typically, patients tolerate the Diprospan injection well, but if necessary, it can be combined with painkillers: lidocaine or procaine. Medicines are mixed in one syringe.

An overdose does not have life-threatening consequences, but is undesirable due to the effect on the natural synthesis of hormones.

Types of blockade in medicine

  • local ones are performed directly at the site of the lesion. They are also produced around affected areas or under them. Local blockades are divided into the periarticular type, in which the impact is on the periarticular tissues, as well as on the perineural ones. The last subtype involves performing a blockade in the channels through which the nerves pass;
  • segmental blockades have an indirect effect through crossed nerve tissues. Why do they blockade? More on this later.

Popular questions about Diprospan

What is Diprospan used for?

Diprospan is a hormonal drug with a broad spectrum of action. Indicated for joint diseases, allergies, hepatitis, adrenal insufficiency, etc. Used only as prescribed by the attending physician. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

How to inject Diprospan?

The injection method depends on the diagnosis. Intramuscular, intradermal, periarticular and intraarticular administration are practiced. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

How often can Diprospan be injected?

The decision on the number of injections is made by the attending physician. The specialist focuses on the clinical picture. Unauthorized uncontrolled injections can lead to serious disruption of the hormonal system.


The description of the drug Diprospan on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Medical blockades. Principle of use

Based on the principle of application, blockades in medicine are divided into therapeutic and diagnostic. What is the difference?

  • therapeutic blockade is a safe technique that is necessary for the treatment of syndromes and pathologies that are accompanied by severe pain associated with neurological, rheumatoid and postoperative problems;
  • Diagnostic blockades give the doctor the opportunity to quickly and accurately identify certain causes of pain in order to make a diagnosis. In some situations, painful sensations may be the result of some kind of inflammation or irritation of structures with pain receptors. After introducing the medicine into the pain generator, all unpleasant sensations disappear for a while, which gives doctors the opportunity to determine a more accurate diagnosis. The effectiveness, as well as the course of treatment, directly depends on proper diagnosis. Not everyone knows what a blockade is in medicine.
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