Carnosine - properties and instructions for use

What is carnosine

L-carnosine (lat. L-carnosine, β-alanyl-L-histidine, (2S)-2-(3-aninopropanoyl amine)-3-(1H-imidazol-5-yl) propanoic acid) is a substance consisting of two amino acid residues (alanine and histidine) connected by peptide bonds.

The natural nutrient was first obtained in 1900 from minced meat extracts by V. Gulevich and S. Amirandzhibi. At that time, it was unknown what kind of substance carnosine was and what functions it performed in the body. Almost half a century later, S. Severin described the buffering properties of the compound: in the skeletal muscles, in the presence of carnosine, a huge amount of lactic acid can accumulate, that is, conditions are created for long-term muscle work without rest.

Now Foods, L-Carnosine, 500 mg, 50 Vegetarian Capsules


RUB 1,472

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Then the chelating ability of the dipeptide was discovered: by binding to cations of copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, iron, carnosine regulates their concentration in the body. In 1964, studies began on the effect of the substance on a number of enzymes and cellular organelles, during which scientists established its antioxidant as well as immunomodulatory effects.

In 1995, works were published with data on the angio- and neuroprotective effects of carnosine under conditions of hyperglycemia and aging of the body. Information has also appeared about the possible positive effect of the dipeptide on the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological pathologies.

Today, L-carnosine is not yet widely used in official medicine. It is used in ophthalmology in the form of drops for diseases of the cornea, and also as a dietary supplement for bodybuilders and other athletes, who often use a carnosine analogue, β-alanine.

How to choose a supplement

To buy a well-formulated supplement, check out the recommendations in this section.

Necessity of admission

The substance has the unofficial name “pill of eternal youth”, so the range of its indications is very wide. Carnosine is useful for people over 35 to maintain health and prevent cardiovascular and nervous diseases. The supplement can also be taken at a young age: according to research by scientists in the USA and Japan, the aging process of the body begins at 25-30 years of age. Women need the nutrient to maintain healthy skin.

Carnosine-based supplements are prescribed in the complex treatment of a number of diseases:

  • eye lesions – retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, arterial hypertension;
  • neurological disorders - Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, chronic cerebral hypoxia;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • psycho-emotional disorders - depression, loss of memory and concentration, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • diabetes.

Attention! Carnosine is prescribed to athletes to increase endurance and reduce muscle pain after active training.

For more information about the effect of the dipeptide on the appearance and condition of the skin, watch the video:

Glycation: Don't voluntarily age yourself. You need carnosine and alpha lipoic acid

Release forms

There are several forms for oral administration:

  1. Tablets and capsules. These drugs are used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. The capsules have an additional outer shell that protects carnosine from premature destruction by hydrochloric acid in the stomach. They are well absorbed.
  2. Powder. It is used mainly by bodybuilders and bodybuilders as one of the options for sports nutrition. The powder is convenient to dose using a measuring spoon and can be added to protein shakes.

Previously, eye drops with carnosine were on sale, which were used for ophthalmic diseases. Now in Russia this form is not produced.

Features of the composition

The preparations contain only natural L-carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine). It may also contain additional components, but among them there should be no artificial preservatives, flavors or allergens. Capsule preparations are available in 2 versions: gelatin and with a cellulose shell. The latter are suitable for vegetarians.

Attention! Synthetic amino acid substitutes are not effective.

Selection of packaging volume

The optimal dosage of drugs for adults is from 1500 to 2000 mg per day. Children can be given 800-1000 mg of carnosine.

Long-term use of dietary supplements is required for the clinical effect to appear. The average therapeutic course is 1-2 months. Therefore, the package must contain at least 30 daily servings. Only a doctor can extend the appointment.

Drug prices

When comparing dietary supplements, it is more convenient to use the cost of a single serving - you need to divide the price per package by the number of daily doses contained in it. According to this indicator, the winners are imported supplements that are distinguished by high concentrations of the active substance. It is not recommended to buy inexpensive pharmacy analogues, since they contain little amino acid in 1 serving.

The best manufacturers

Among all the companies producing carnosine, the leading American manufacturers are Source Naturals, Jarrow Formulas, Now Foods, and Doctor's Best. Russian pharmaceutical companies, Protein.Company, have good products.

Benefits for the body

Antioxidant and rejuvenating effect

Carnosine acts on lipid peroxidation products, oxygen anions and other free radicals. It reduces their number to the level necessary for the full functioning of signaling systems.

Protects the dipeptide and neurons, as well as connective and other types of tissue cells. It is assumed that carnosine also has rejuvenating properties: it inhibits the aging process, fights reversible degenerative changes in organs and tissues, and helps in the treatment of diseases that arise in old age.

Cleansing the body of toxins and heavy metals

Carnosine can form complexes with divalent metal ions. This property is used by the body to regulate the activity of certain enzymes inhibited by cations of copper, zinc, cobalt, etc. When there is an excess intake of heavy metals from food, water or air, the dipeptide binds them and then removes them, protecting a person from the toxic effects of hazardous substances.

Stabilization of blood sugar levels

Using carnosine for diabetes, you can not only improve glycemic indicators, but also prevent complications of the disease: the amino acid compound inhibits the process of protein glycation, which is a key mechanism of tissue damage with high blood sugar levels. At the initial stage of the disease, the development of angio- and neuropathies can be delayed, and in case of already formed disorders, their progression can be slowed down and protected from complications.

Normalization of blood circulation

Carnosine improves blood supply to the brain during ischemia and prevents circulatory disorders after a stroke. This substance also helps cells recover faster from short-term hypoxia or hypothermia. And it also increases the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen starvation.

Now Foods, L-Carnosine, 500 mg, 100 Vegetarian Capsules


RUB 2,638

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Strengthening the nervous system

L-carnosine reduces the effects of stress and psychological stress, helps stabilize mental processes. It also enhances the effects of sedatives, as well as antidepressants, and is therefore used in the complex treatment of neuroses, nervous conditions, and depression.

Improves the dipeptide and cognitive functions in older people - memory, attention, learning, stabilizes the emotional-volitional sphere. Research is also being conducted looking at the possibility of using carnosine as a means to reduce the severity of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.

Increased vitality

Doctors recommend carnosine-based nutritional supplements for people to take:

  • those experiencing increased psychological stress;
  • working under constant stress;
  • for nervous exhaustion or chronic fatigue and other conditions accompanied by depressed mood and decreased physical endurance.

Carnosine also helps prolong youth, slow down the process of muscle aging, and increases the body's performance.

Strengthening the immune system

The nutrient affects the functioning of the entire body, including the functioning of the immune system. It stimulates defenses in the fight against diseases. By taking dietary supplements based on carnosine, you can reduce the incidence of ARVI, complications and shorten the duration of the disease.

Jarrow Formulas, L-Carnosine, Beta-Alanyl-L-Histidine, 500 mg, 90 Capsules


RUB 2,831

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Protection of the gastrointestinal tract from the aggressive effects of drugs

Many patients have to drink ulcerogenic drugs - drugs that can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system, causing erosions and ulcers. These include medications:

  • anti-inflammatory: aspirin, paracetamol, diclofenac, nimesulide, glucocorticoids;
  • minerals: iron, potassium;
  • antibiotics;
  • reserpine;
  • colchicine;
  • caffeine.

Some people need to take one or more of these medications regularly. Such patients just need to protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from the harmful effects of drugs.

Carnosine has good wound healing and regenerative properties. It is this substance that helps maintain the integrity of the mucous membrane, eliminate microdamage, and does not allow ulcers to grow.

Anti-cancer properties

Research into the antitumor effects of carnosine is still being conducted, but we can already speak with confidence about the benefits it brings. The substance produces the following effects:

  • protects the genetic material of cells from damage;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • in the presence of atypical cells, inhibits their division and spread;
  • enhances the effect of some chemotherapy drugs.

Attention! If precancerous conditions or existing tumors are detected, the use of any nutritional supplements should be discussed with an oncologist.

Pharmacological properties

Carnosine is a powerful antioxidant known for its anti-aging effects. It stimulates cells to rejuvenate, prolongs youth, and ensures natural longevity. Thanks to it, aging slows down.

Attention! The substance helps rejuvenate all cells, as well as prolong life by at least 5 years.

Other beneficial properties of the drug Carnosine from Evalar:

  • restores the body after physical activity;
  • improves performance;
  • stimulates the functioning of the heart and brain, prevents the development of age-related changes;
  • protects against free radicals, prevents cell destruction;
  • stops protein degradation;
  • has general strengthening and tonic properties;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair, prevents premature gray hair, sagging skin, and the appearance of wrinkles.

The natural dipeptide accumulates in muscle and nervous tissue and has high bioavailability. This is the switch that starts the rejuvenation process.

Thanks to research by scientists, it was discovered that the antioxidant improves the physical condition of athletes and reduces muscle fatigue.

Natural springs

There are no tables with exact data on how much dipeptide is contained in various products. The meat of cattle is richest in carnosine. It should also be taken into account that the compound can be synthesized in the body from the amino acids: alanine and histidine. Therefore, foods rich in these substances can also increase the concentration of carnosine in the body.

Table - Content of alanine and histidine in 100 g of food

ProductAlanin, gHistidine, g
Beef liver0,940,43
Cottage cheese0,330,30
Chicken egg0,210,29

To increase the concentration of carnosine in muscles, it is recommended to consume foods that are sources of alanine and nutritional supplements based on this substance.

Sources of carnosine

Although this substance is found in small quantities in red meat, it is difficult to compensate for its deficiency through food alone. That is why carnosine is often included in products intended to maintain health. Today this substance is one of the world trends among ingredients for healing and rejuvenation.

Laura collagen drink, 10 sachets, Evalar

1 150 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Indications for use

Carnosine supplements are mainly popular among bodybuilders and other athletes. The substance is used to increase muscle endurance, as well as facilitate the recovery period after physical activity.

In medicine, the dipeptide is used for the following indications:

  • trophic ulcers associated with venous insufficiency;
  • extensive wounds, burns, bedsores;
  • prevention and treatment of stroke consequences;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • diabetes;
  • gastropathy that occurs after taking medications;
  • encephalopathy;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • frequent colds;
  • ulcerative keratitis, keratopathy, metabolic diseases of the cornea.

Release forms

There are different forms of carnosine release. Therefore, the drug can be selected depending on preference, need and purpose. In addition, the products differ in their methods of use and properties.


The solid form is compressed powdery components. Usually contains excipients: cellulose, calcium, stearate, silicon dioxide. In the stomach, the tablet swells, dissolves and mixes with food masses. Active substances are absorbed in the small intestine.

There are also antacids with carnosine - chewable tablets to reduce acidity with different flavors.


  • tablets are easy to use;
  • do not require special storage conditions.


  • low bioavailability.


The powder is placed in a gelatin or cellulose shell, which protects the active components from destruction by gastric juice. If you have problems swallowing whole capsules, you can open them and consume the contents with water.


  • capsules are convenient to take;
  • contain a minimum of auxiliary components;
  • no dyes, flavors, or flavoring additives.


  • large pill size.


Pre-workout complexes are produced in powder form and contain not pure carnosine, but β-alanine, which increases the concentration of the dipeptide in the muscles. In addition, the composition includes vitamins, minerals, and other amino acids necessary to increase the effectiveness of training.

The powder is recommended to be dissolved in any drink and consumed before strength training or during the day.


  • multicomponent composition;
  • various tastes.


  • the need for breeding;
  • there are flavoring additives.

TOP 3 carnosine tablets

Tablet supplements are sorted based on the price per serving of carnosine.

No. 3 Tolonen – Carnosine forte

from 2700 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 72 rubles.

  • Country of origin: Finland;
  • package volume – 75 tablets;
  • concentration – 400 mg.

Complex antioxidant composition based on carnosine. The preparation also contains 10 mg of vitamin E, which completely covers the daily requirement for an adult, and 4 mg of zinc.


  • the additive undergoes strict laboratory control;
  • reduces soreness after training;
  • rejuvenates the skin.


  • difficult to find in Russia.

No. 2 KAL – L-carnosine

KAL, L-carnosine, 500 mg, 30 tablets

RUB 1,488

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Packaging cost – from 1009 ₽

Price for 1 serving – 33.7 rubles

  • Country: USA;
  • package volume – 30 tablets;
  • concentration – 500 mg.

The supplement contains a prophylactic dose of natural carnosine. The tablets are made using ActivTab technology, which ensures rapid absorption of the nutrient in the gastrointestinal tract.


  • the drug gives vigor and energy;
  • increases performance.


  • No

#1 Source Naturals – L-Carnosine

Source Naturals, L-Carnosine, 500 mg, 60 Tablets


RUB 1,813

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Package price – from 1785 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 29 rubles. 80 kop.

  • Country of origin: USA;
  • package volume – 60 tablets;
  • concentration – 500 mg.

The supplement consists of the amino acid carnosine and calcium. The mineral is added to enhance the pharmacological properties of the drug and increase muscle strength.


  • Dietary supplements reduce the intensity of tissue damage in diabetes mellitus;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome.


  • large tablets.

Dosage and regimen

Supplements in capsule or tablet form typically contain 500 mg of active ingredient in each serving. They should be taken 1-3 times a day with food or between meals. The course is 1 month. In some cases, the treatment period can be extended, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. You can repeat the course after a 4-week break.

Powdered carnosine supplements are mainly used by athletes to improve physical endurance. On training days, they are recommended to take dietary supplements before exercise; on non-training days, they should divide the daily dosage into 2-3 doses and consume them with food throughout the day.

Precise recommendations on how to take carnosine should be given by a doctor, so it is recommended to consult with him first.

general information

Evalarsky Carnosine is a dietary supplement based on L-carnosine. It is a natural, powerful antioxidant that is synthesized by the body.

Note! The uniqueness of the supplement is that it is the only one of all those presented on the domestic pharmaceutical market that is developed only on the basis of carnosine. That is, it is a single drug with a high concentration of the active ingredient.

Table 1 - General information

Active substanceL-carnosine
ManufacturerEvalar, JSC
Country of OriginRussia

Application in cosmetology

L-carnosine is used in cosmetology. It is added to moisturizing tonics, creams and masks. Products containing dipeptide:

  • rejuvenate cells;
  • slow down aging;
  • eliminate wrinkles;
  • increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  • heal minor wounds;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • smooth out small scars;
  • protect the skin from harmful environmental influences.

Since the dipeptide penetrates deep into the epidermis with difficulty, it is better to combine cosmetics with oral medications to obtain results.

Side effects and allergies

The scientific literature does not describe any side effects from taking carnosine. It does not develop addiction or dependence. The only reaction that can occur after taking a dietary supplement is an allergy to the components of the drug. Its signs: skin rash, Quincke's edema, eyelids, lips, face.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Source Naturals, Gastrointestinal Soothing, 37.5 mg, 30 Capsules


579 rub.

More details

Price and where to buy

The drug is difficult to find on the open market; more often it is offered in pharmacies on order. The online store offers products from reliable suppliers.

You can follow the link to buy dietary supplements on the Zdravcity website:

Evalar Carnosine ANTI-AGE geroprotector capsules 500 mg 60 pcs.

from 2688 ₽

More details

Table 3 - Price range

Pharmacy nameprice, rub.

Reviews about the application

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Average rating: Number of reviews: 0

Most buyers of dietary supplements are satisfied with the results obtained from the use of carnosine. Many people, leaving positive reviews, write that thanks to taking the drug:

  • increases physical endurance and mental performance;
  • skin condition improves;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is stabilized.

But there are also negative reviews. In them, buyers complain that some drugs are expensive or cause headaches, tachycardia, diarrhea, and increase blood pressure (the connection with dietary supplements has not been proven).

Carnosine powder

It is rare on sale, but powder forms of carnosine are found, so only 1 drug was included in our rating.

Protein.Company – Carnosine

from 899 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 18 rubles.

  • Country Russia;
  • weight – 25 g.

The supplement contains pure carnosine. Packaged in foil bags with a reusable zipper. Designed for athletes, but can be used for preventive purposes.


  • Dietary supplement increases muscle strength;
  • improves the condition of the skin and nails;
  • relieves stress.


  • small packaging volume.

Alcohol compatibility

Carnosine alleviates the condition after drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and neutralizes the effect on the body of acetaldehyde, a substance that is the main cause of hangover. But there is no single scheme for treating or preventing a hangover using a supplement yet. However, carnosine, also taken on the eve of the intended feast or after it, can minimize intoxication and stress on the liver.

Attention! Most pre-workout supplements should not be taken at the same time as alcohol, as stated on the label by the manufacturer.

Carnosine has anti-aging, antioxidant and buffering properties. It increases endurance, stabilizes the psyche, and stimulates the immune system. But, despite the benefits of dietary supplements, before you start taking carnosine, you should visit a doctor and discuss the expected results with him, as well as draw up an individual dosage regimen.

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