Ursofalk, 100 pcs., 250 mg, capsules

Main characteristics of Ursofalk capsules

The drug belongs to the category of hepatoprotectors. It helps dissolve cholesterol stones in bile, thereby reducing blood cholesterol levels. Ursofalk also acts as an immunomodulatory drug.

Available in 2 forms:

  1. Gelatin capsules containing powder or granules (10 pieces in one package).
  2. Suspension with lemon scent. Produced in 250 ml bottles. They come with a 5 ml measuring spoon.

The active ingredient of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid. Also contains: flavor, water, citric acid, sodium citrate and other auxiliary components.

Ursofalk can be purchased at a pharmacy in any form only with a prescription. Storage conditions are standard: room temperature up to 25 degrees and moderate humidity. The shelf life of capsules is 5 years, suspensions are 4 years from the date of production. After opening the bottle of suspension, it can be stored for up to 4 months.

Ursofalk, 100 pcs., 250 mg, capsules


Children and adults weighing less than 34 kg are recommended to use Ursofalk in the form of a suspension.

Dissolution of cholesterol gallstones.

The recommended dose is 10 mg/kg/day, which corresponds to:

Body weight, kgNumber of capsules, pcs.
up to 602
Over 1005

when taking oral suspension

Body weight, kgNumber of measuring spoonsCorresponding quantity, ml
13–183/4 (= 1/4 + 1/2)3,75
Over 100525,0

The drug must be taken daily in the evening, before bed (the capsules are not chewed), with a small amount of liquid.

Duration of treatment is 6–12 months. To prevent recurrent cholelithiasis, it is recommended to take the drug for several months after the stones have dissolved.

Treatment of biliary reflux gastritis

1 caps. (1 measuring cup) Ursofalk daily in the evening, before bedtime (the capsules are not chewed), washed down with a small amount of water.

The course of treatment is from 10–14 days to 6 months, if necessary – up to 2 years.

Symptomatic treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis.

The daily dose depends on body weight and ranges from 3 to 7 caps. or 2–7 measuring cups (from approximately 14 ± 2 mg/kg ursodeoxycholic acid).

In the first 3 months of treatment, the use of the drug Ursofalk (capsules, 250 mg) should be divided into several doses throughout the day. After improvement of liver parameters, the daily dose of the drug can be taken 1 time in the evening.

The following mode of application is recommended:

250 mg capsules

Body weight, kgDaily dose (capsules, pcs.)In the morningDuring the dayIn the evening
Over 1107223

when taking oral suspension

Body weight, kgDaily doseIn the morning, measuring spoonsAfternoon, measuring spoonsIn the evening, measuring spoons
number of measuring spoonscorresponding amount, ml
Over 100 kg630,0222

Capsules should be taken regularly, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid.

The use of Ursofalk for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis can be continued indefinitely.

In patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, in rare cases, clinical symptoms may worsen at the beginning of treatment, for example, itching may become more frequent. In this case, treatment should be continued, taking 1 capsule. daily, then gradually increase the dosage (increasing the daily dose weekly by 1 capsule) until the recommended dosage regimen is achieved again.

Symptomatic treatment of chronic hepatitis of various origins.

Daily dose: 10–15 mg/kg in 2–3 doses. Duration of treatment is 6–12 months or more.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Daily dose - 12–15 mg/kg; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 20–30 mg/kg in 2–3 doses. The duration of therapy ranges from 6 months to several years.

Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis).

Daily dose 12–15 mg/kg; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 20–30 mg/kg in 2–3 doses. The duration of therapy ranges from 6 months to several years.

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

The average daily dose is 10–15 mg/kg in 2–3 doses. The duration of therapy ranges from 6–12 months or more.

Alcoholic liver disease.

The average daily dose is 10–15 mg/kg in 2–3 doses. The duration of therapy is 6–12 months or more.

Biliary dyskinesia.

The average daily dose is 10 mg/kg in 2 divided doses for 2 weeks to 2 months. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment.

Indications for use of the drug

"Ursofalk" is prescribed by a doctor in the presence of pathologies of the liver and bile ducts:

  • cirrhosis;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • liver damage due to alcohol and other poisonings;
  • primary cholangitis;
  • bile duct atresia;
  • hepatitis of various types with complications (cholestasis);
  • cholesterol stones in the gall bladder;
  • bile stagnation;
  • prevention of colon cancer, especially in patients at risk.

Contraindications and side effects

"Ursofalk" can only be used in consultation with a doctor. In some cases, the medicine cannot be used:

  • cirrhosis occurring at the stage of decompensation;
  • acute inflammations that are associated with the ducts and gallbladder;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • gallbladder dysfunction;
  • gallstones with a large proportion of calcium;
  • any stage of pregnancy, as well as the lactation period.

With a long course of therapy, various side effects may occur:

  • loose stools, digestive disorders;
  • the progression of cirrhosis at the stage of decompensation is rarely recorded;
  • hives.

If your general health worsens, or if there is no therapeutic effect, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. No cases of drug overdose have been identified; in extreme cases, symptomatic treatment is indicated.

Ursofalk capsules: instructions for use

The dosage, course duration and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor depending on the age, body weight and condition of the patient:

  1. If your weight is less than 60 kg, you can take 2 capsules per day.
  2. With a weight ranging from 61 to 80 kg, you can take 3 pieces.
  3. If the weight is from 81 to 100 kg - 4 pcs.
  4. For body weight over 100 kg – 5 pcs.

The tablets are taken once a day, an hour before bedtime, and the capsules must be swallowed whole, without chewing. They are washed down with a small amount of water. The total duration of therapy ranges from 6 months to 1 year. To prevent the secondary development of cholelithiasis, it is necessary to take the medication for 3-4 months after the complete dissolution of cholesterol stones is confirmed.

Admission rules also depend on the diagnosis:

  1. For the treatment of reflux gastritis (biliary type), take 1 capsule in the evening, the course lasts up to 6 months.
  2. In the presence of chronic hepatitis, take the number of capsules that corresponds to the ratio: 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The course can last up to 12 months.
  3. Cholangitis, cystic fibrosis - up to 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  4. Dyskinesia of the bile ducts – 10 mg per 1 kg, duration up to 2 months.
  5. For the treatment of biliary cirrhosis, take 2-7 capsules per day, the course lasts up to several months.


Children and adults weighing less than 47 kg are recommended to use Ursofalk in suspension.

Dissolution of cholesterol gallstones

The recommended dose is 10 mg of ursodeoxycholic acid per 1 kg of body weight per day, which corresponds to:

Body mass Capsules
Up to 60 kg 2
61 – 80 kg 3
81 – 100 kg 4
Over 100 kg 5

The drug must be taken daily in the evening, before bed (the capsules are not chewed), with a small amount of liquid.

Duration of treatment is 6-12 months. To prevent recurrent cholelithiasis, it is recommended to take the drug for several months after the stones have dissolved.

Treatment of biliary reflux gastritis

1 capsule of Ursofalk daily in the evening before bed, without chewing and with a small amount of water.

The course of treatment is from 10-14 days to 6 months, if necessary - up to 2 years.

Treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis

The daily dose depends on body weight and ranges from 3 to 7 capsules (approximately 14 ± 2 mg ursodeoxycholic acid per 1 kg of body weight).

In the first 3 months of treatment, taking Ursofalk 250 mg capsules should be divided into several doses throughout the day. After improvement of liver parameters, the daily dose of the drug can be taken once in the evening.

The following mode of application is recommended:

250 mg capsules

Body mass Ursofalk capsules 250 mg
First 3 months of treatment Subsequently
Morning Day Evening Evening

(1 per day)

47 - 62 kg 1 1 1 3
63 – 78 kg 1 1 2 4
79 – 93 kg 1 2 2 5
94 - 109 kg 2 2 2 6
Over 110 kg 2 2 3 7

Capsules should be taken regularly, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid.

The use of Ursofalk for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis can be continued indefinitely.

In patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, in rare cases, clinical symptoms may worsen at the beginning of treatment, for example, itching may become more frequent. In this case, treatment should be continued, taking one capsule daily, then the dosage should be gradually increased, increasing the daily dose by one capsule weekly, until the recommended dosage regimen is achieved again.

Symptomatic treatment of chronic hepatitis of various origins -

daily dose 10-15 mg/kg in 2-3 doses. Duration of treatment is 6-12 months or more.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

— daily dose 12-15 mg/kg; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 20-30 mg/kg in 2-3 doses. The duration of therapy ranges from 6 months to several years (see section: “Special instructions”).

Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) -

daily dose 20 mg/kg/day in 2-3 divided doses, with a further increase to 30 mg/kg/day if necessary.

Body weight
Daily dose (mg/kg body weight) Ursofalk capsules 250 mg
Morning Day Evening
20-29 17-25 1 1
30-39 19-25 1 1 1
40-49 20-25 1 1 2
50-59 21-25 1 2 2
60-69 22-25 2 2 2
70-79 22-25 2 2 3
80-89 22-25 2 3 3
90-99 23-25 3 3 3
100-109 23-25 3 3 4
>110 3 4 4

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis -

the average daily dose is 10-15 mg/kg in 2-3 doses. The duration of therapy ranges from 6-12 months or more.

Alcoholic liver disease -

the average daily dose is 10-15 mg/kg in 2-3 doses. The duration of therapy ranges from 6-12 months or more.

Biliary dyskinesia -

the average daily dose is 10 mg/kg in 2 divided doses for 2 weeks to 2 months. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment.

Suspension "Ursofalk": instructions for use

The suspension is prescribed to patients weighing up to 47 kg - these can be both children and adults. The amount depends on body weight (general formula: 10 mg of product per kilogram of body weight). In the case of children, the following rules apply:

  1. Weight 5-7 kg: quarter scoop.
  2. Weight 8-12 kg: half.
  3. From 13 to 18 kg: three quarters.
  4. From 19 to 25 kg – 1 spoon.
  5. From 26 to 35 kg – 1.5.
  6. From 36 to 50 kg – 2.
  7. From 51 to 65 kg – 2.5.
  8. From 66 to 80 kg – 3.
  9. From 81 kg and more – 4.


Due to the rapid development of pharmaceutical science, there are fewer and fewer time-tested “old-time” brands left on the global pharmaceutical market, which are being replaced by new modern drugs in orderly rows. The active component of the drug Ursofalk - ursodeoxycholic acid - was extracted from brown bear bile at the beginning of the last century, and synthesized under artificial conditions also quite a long time ago - more than 60 years ago. The original drug based on this substance was called “Urso” and began to be produced by the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, but over time it could not withstand competition with numerous generics. The German drug Ursofalk is one of these generics, which, along with the Czech Ursosan, has staked its claim to leadership in the “quality and safety” category. Its main, but significant, disadvantage is its high price, which is why many consumers in Russia prefer cheaper Indian generics (by the way, there are no domestic generic drugs of ursodeoxycholic acid being produced at the moment).

Ursofalk is, first of all, a hepatoprotector that protects hepatocytes from the harmful effects of various negative factors in the internal environment of the body. The drug has a choleretic effect, reduces the production of cholesterol in the liver, its absorption in the intestines and content in bile, promotes the dissolution of cholesterol in the gallbladder and ducts, stimulates the production and passage of bile.

At the same time, the lithogenicity of the latter decreases (the tendency to form stones), and the content of bile acids in it increases. The secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice increases, and lipase activity increases. Ursofalk partially or completely dissolves cholesterol stones, clears bile of cholesterol and “pulls” it out of existing gallstones. Another positive aspect associated with the use of Ursofalk is its immunomodulatory effect, manifested in its influence on immune reactions occurring in the liver: the drug reduces the expression of a number of antigens on the surface of liver cells, regulates the number of T-lymphocytes and the production of interleukin-2, and reduces the number of eosinophils.

Ursofalk is available in two dosage forms, both of which are oral: capsules and suspension. The dose of the drug depends on body weight (the instructions for use of Ursofalk even provide special tables from which you can determine the recommended dose). But it is strictly not recommended to determine your own dose and regimen, because Ursofalk is a prescription drug, and, therefore, it is not intended for self-medication under any circumstances. For pediatric patients and adults of slight build (body weight up to 47 kg), the preferred dosage form is a suspension.

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