Eye diseases in humans: list, symptoms

What diseases are most dangerous for women?

1. Breast cancer

. Just 20 years ago, breast cancer was diagnosed in women 50–60 years old, but now the disease occurs in young women 30–40 years old. The exact reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been identified, but doctors and scientists suggest that this is due to the large amount of stress in a woman’s life, environmental deterioration and refusal to breastfeed. The main risk factor is genetics. If your relatives have a history of breast cancer, then you need to be examined by a gynecologist and mammologist once a year after 25 years. Even if a tumor process begins, timely examination will allow it to be quickly identified and treatment can begin.

2. Cervical cancer

. A disease that claims hundreds of thousands of lives every year. The culprit in the development of this disease is the human papillomavirus. Prevention of this disease is to vaccinate boys and girls in adolescence before sexual activity against dangerous strains of the virus.

If we are talking about an adult woman, then there are several rules of prevention:

  • Protected contact (barrier contraception)
  • Examination by a gynecologist every six months
  • Taking a smear test for HPV strains
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle

3. Ovarian cyst

. Functional ovarian cysts are common and are considered not life-threatening because they shrink within a few months without intervention. They pose a threat if the cyst ruptures - in this case, the woman is urgently taken by ambulance to the intensive care unit for surgery. In some cases, the remnants of the cyst are removed along with the ovary.

In addition to functional cysts, there are more dangerous types that require surgical removal. For timely detection of cysts, gynecologists recommend that patients undergo periodic ultrasound examinations.

4. Sexually transmitted diseases

. Any disease of this type poses a threat to a woman’s reproductive health. Some of them are asymptomatic and make themselves felt only 3-4 months after the pathogen enters the body.

Is it possible to prevent infection? - Yes.

  • Avoid unprotected contact with unverified partners
  • Get tested for sexually transmitted infections every six months
  • Visit a gynecologist every six months for a preventive examination
  • Maintain sexual hygiene

5. Uterine fibroids

. Benign tumor in the uterine cavity. The disease most often develops after 30 years of age and can be asymptomatic. The danger of fibroids is that they can disrupt the functioning of nearby organs - cause constipation, bladder problems, and cause infertility.

If the fibroid grows rapidly and interferes with the patient’s normal life, it is surgically removed. But in any case, the supervision of a specialist is required - a gynecologist. It is impossible to cure fibroids with herbs, spells or exercises. Such an approach can lead to serious consequences that will be irreversible.

6. Endometriosis

. A severe gynecological disease that develops as a result of the growth of endometrial cells outside the inner layer of the uterus. This causes inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pelvic organs, which leads to constant pain and problems with the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis often causes infertility.

The disease is treated both medically and surgically, depending on the location of the foci of endometriosis.

7. Adnexitis, or inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes

. The disease develops against the background of hypothermia, concomitant inflammatory processes in the body, as a result of abortion or insufficient sexual hygiene. Adnexitis manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum and lower back, and the appearance of unpleasant discharge.

Lack of treatment can lead to chronic disease and complications: infertility, ectopic pregnancy as a result of the formation of adhesions and problems with the patency of the fallopian tubes.

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dated December 1, 2004 No. 715


On approval of the list of socially significant diseases and the list of diseases that pose a danger to others

(As amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2012 No. 710, dated January 31, 2020 No. 66)

The Government of the Russian Federation decides: (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2012 No. 710)
Approve the attached:

list of socially significant diseases;

list of diseases that pose a danger to others.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M. Fradkov

APPROVED by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 715

LIST of socially significant diseases

Disease code according to ICD-10*

Name of diseases

1. A 15 - A 19 tuberculosis
2. A 50 - A 64 infections transmitted predominantly


3. At 16; At 18.0; At 18.1 Hepatitis B
4. B 17.1; At 18.2 hepatitis C
5. At 20 - At 24 disease caused by immunodeficiency virus

human (HIV)

6. From 00 - From 97 malignant neoplasms
7. E 10 - E 14 diabetes
8. F 00 - F 99 mental disorders and disorders


9. I 10 - I 13.9 diseases characterized by increased

blood pressure


*International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (10th revision).


APPROVED by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 715

LIST of diseases that pose a danger to others

(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2020 No. 66)

Disease code according to ICD-10*

Name of diseases

1.At 20 - At 24 disease caused by immunodeficiency virus

human (HIV)

2.A 90 - A 99 viral fevers transmitted

arthropods, and viral hemorrhagic


3.B 65 - B 83 helminthiasis
4.At 16; At 18.0; At 18.1 Hepatitis B
5.B 17.1; At 18.2 hepatitis C
6.A 36 diphtheria
7.A 50 - A 64 infections transmitted predominantly


8.A 30 leprosy
9.B 50 - B 54 malaria
10.B 85 - B 89 pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations
11.A 24 glanders and melioidosis
12.A 22 anthrax
13.A 15 - A 19 tuberculosis
14.A 00 cholera
15.A 20 plague
16.B 34.2coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV)
(Added by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2020 No. 66)


*International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (10th revision).


Main symptoms of gynecological diseases

What symptoms should you pay attention to:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen of any nature (pulling, aching, periodic)
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle (absence of menstruation, change in general condition during menstruation, irregular cycle)
  • Problems conceiving a child
  • Burning, redness and itching in the groin area
  • Unusual discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Problems with urination
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Severe decrease in libido
  • It is also worth paying attention to chest pain or the appearance of lumps in the mammary glands.

Any of the symptoms listed above is a reason to urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist and undergo an examination. Fortunately, dozens of methods for detecting diseases are available today, from blood tests to computed tomography. Do not prescribe tests and procedures for yourself; this should be done by a doctor based on the collected medical history and examination.

Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases

A dermatologist diagnoses and treats skin diseases. In dermatology there are narrower specializations: dermatovenerologist, dermatocosmetologist and trichologist. If symptoms of skin diseases appear, you can first contact a therapist; he will tell you which specialist to contact in a particular case. To make an accurate diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests are often required, these may include: blood, urine and stool tests, serological culture, scraping, smear, biopsy.

In Volgograd, Volzhsky and Mikhailovka with symptoms of skin diseases, you can contact the DIALINE clinics. Experienced dermatologists using the latest diagnostic methods await you. To make an appointment, use your personal account on our website, where you can make an appointment at any of our clinics at a time convenient for you.

Prevention of female diseases

There is no magic pill. No one will ever give you a guarantee that you will be able to avoid this or that disease, but you can still reduce the risks of their development.

  • Stop smoking. Smoking is a serious provocateur of the development of various diseases.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Stable activity helps avoid the development of congestion in the pelvis, significantly reduces the risk of obesity and helps improve overall tone.
  • Maintain healthy sexual activity. Avoid contact without barrier contraception with untested partners.
  • Don't forget about a healthy diet and drinking regime. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish and seafood support not only reproductive health, but also overall health.
  • Get preventive examinations every six months. This does not require much time and effort, but in this way you can reduce the risks of developing severe pathologies.
  • Sign up for a preventive examination with a gynecologist at a medical clinic in Moscow. With us you can take all the necessary tests and get maximum information about your health. You can read reviews about gynecologists at our medical centers on our website.

Take care of yourself!

Chronic diseases: why it is important to go to follow-up appointments

What is a chronic disease?

A chronic disease is one that lasts a long time, and its symptoms may increase or decrease over time. If treatment is effective, symptoms may go away. As a rule, chronic diseases do not go away - if they exist, they accompany a person throughout his life. Periods of exacerbations and remissions, compensation and decompensation are possible. (Compensation is a mechanism aimed at adapting the body to risk factors and diseases, operating up to a certain point. Decompensation is a disruption of the functioning of an organ due to its exhausted capabilities for compensation. - Ed.). With proper treatment, compensation can be quite long.

Such diagnoses can be made by specialists, but often a family doctor or therapist can constantly monitor the patient.

Examination in a hospital with comfort Read more

Top 5 chronic diseases with which people come to Scandinavia

  • Hypertonic disease;
  • chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • dorsopathy;
  • chronic gastroduodenitis;
  • chronic tonsillitis.

Hypertonic disease

Hypertension is a diagnosis related to diseases of the heart and blood vessels associated with high blood pressure over a long period of time.

What should patients with hypertension do?

Hypertension is a chronic disease that requires constant monitoring. The risks of complications from it are quite high and also dangerous - heart attack and stroke. You need to come at least twice a year, even if nothing bothers you.

If there is no headache, this does not mean that the disease is not progressing. The risks of heart attack and stroke may increase, and therapy adjustments may be necessary.

What awaits a patient with hypertension during follow-up appointments?

At the follow-up visit, the condition and risk factors are assessed, and the achievement of target blood pressure values ​​is assessed. If necessary, the doctor adjusts the therapy. The doctor must draw up a plan for future observation and the frequency of subsequent appointments.

What is the prevention of hypertension?

There is a strong association between the presence of the disease and modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable are gender, age. Modifiable - smoking, obesity, alcohol, excess consumption of table salt, low physical activity.

As a rule, it is difficult for the patient to follow all preventive instructions. Depending on what is happening in his life, the course of the disease may change. We explain that if the patient limits salt and foods containing hidden salt (for example, sausages) in the diet, this will reduce the pressure to a certain level. With a decrease in body weight of one kilogram, blood pressure decreases by 2 mm. With proper motivation, you can stop taking tablets in the future if your blood pressure has returned to normal.

But only 3% of patients usually comply with all recommendations for lifestyle changes, and only they may no longer need constant treatment in the future. Even if the symptoms have passed, the need for observation remains, because the diagnosis has not gone away, the risks remain and the symptoms may return.

Chronic lung diseases: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic bronchitis is inflammation or irritation of the airways, accompanied by a cough producing mucus/phlegm. Chronic bronchitis lasts from three months or longer.

Asthma is a lung disease in which the airways literally swell and narrow. Symptoms: a feeling of tightness in the chest, wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease that most often combines the symptoms of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

What should patients with chronic lung diseases do?

One of the strong factors in the development of chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is smoking. If you give it up, the symptoms of chronic bronchitis will practically go away. COPD, in turn, will steadily develop further, but to a much lesser extent than if you continue to smoke. By the way, the situation with quitting smoking against the background of all five chronic diseases is much better than with the fight against other factors. One in ten stops smoking, according to my observations.

You need to visit a doctor two to three times a year. During these repeated appointments, the condition is monitored and therapy is adjusted. Pulmonary function testing may be needed using spirometry (measuring air flow and lung function). If the disease progresses due to a risk factor, then spirometry objectively shows a decrease in lung volumes in numbers. A person breathes into a special device connected to a computer. He performs special maneuvers, and then his performance is compared with normal, average values. A phonendoscope is not enough for such diseases: it cannot objectively assess lung function against the background of COPD.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a computed tomography or fluorography.


Dorsopathy is a group of syndromes that are somehow associated with pain in different parts of the back.

How often should you go to the doctor if your back hurts?

First you need to achieve that there is no pain. When a chronic disease worsens, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy. The latter is called early activation.

Then you can sign up for rehabilitation treatment with physical therapy specialists and a neurologist, massage and other comprehensive treatment.

Many people experience back and neck pain. Nowadays, people often develop “tablet posture,” when, due to prolonged work at the computer, deformation occurs in the cervical spine. This is a real scourge.

If your back hurts, you should also go to your family doctor twice a year for a medical check-up. The doctor can assess the situation: monitor, for example, whether the patient has gained excess weight or whether his lifestyle has changed. A person may have a job that involves physical exertion, such as bending or squatting incorrectly.

What happens during follow-up appointments for dorsopathy?

The most important thing is the examination; there is no need to repeat the x-ray examination without indications. An examination is necessary before planned restorative treatment. In most cases, it is needed twice a year, because no one really does physical therapy at home. When it hurts, people do exercises, and when the pain goes away, they stop. A follow-up visit is also needed to adjust the therapy: some conditions may be a contraindication to certain types of treatment.

Chronic gastroduodenitis

Chronic gastroduodenitis is a combination of long-term inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

Why is this diagnosis included in the top five?

It is observed in almost everyone due to errors in nutrition, which, again, almost everyone has. You also need to go to an appointment twice a year.

What is the diagnosis?

Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), ultrasound of the abdominal organs (as problems may be due to problems of the biliary tract), clinical blood test and some biochemical indicators, stool examination. If the gastric mucosa is modified, it is advisable to do a biopsy.

Chronic tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, caused in most cases by a viral and sometimes bacterial infection. Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by several signs: constant sore throat, bad breath, tonsillitis (yellowish lumps in the tonsils), enlarged and sensitive lymph nodes in the neck.

What should patients with chronic tonsillitis do?

If you have chronic tonsillitis, you need to see a doctor twice a year to assess your overall health. The fact is that a person may have health problems if he has tonsillogenic intoxication. He can walk and be treated by other specialists, but the source of the infection is actually in his tonsils.

Diagnosis of tonsillitis is an examination, bacteriological examination and blood test.

Treatment and patient responsibility

What to do if a patient resorts to parascientific treatment methods?

There are strange things that people learn about from friends: they drink hydrogen peroxide, buy a nebulizer and breathe propolis, mineral waters, put mustard in their socks. These methods are not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

How do you explain to patients that they shouldn’t do this?

It is necessary to explain that this is an unproven method: at a minimum, it will be ineffective, and at a maximum, it will lead to other pathological conditions. It is worth telling the person that there is a proven treatment.

The main thing is to talk through all the problems and mistakes with the patient, explain in clear words why he needs one treatment and does not need another.

is the line when a family doctor transfers a patient to a specialized doctor and vice versa?
It's hard to feel it! We should go to doctors not only because of chronic diseases. You need to find your family doctor so that he can perceive you as a whole, with all possible problems and diagnoses, and take into account all factors. Typically, a person with hypertension may have back pain.

I am in no way belittling the role of specialists. But often we have the following situation when a person is prescribed several medications first by a neurologist, then by a cardiologist, and then by a gastroenterologist. A man comes out with a dozen pills and doesn’t understand what to do next. And here a general practitioner can help him: he prioritizes treatment so that the drugs do not interact with each other. You need to understand what is paramount so that treatment does not cause harm.

How can a person work in a team with a doctor? How to share responsibility for treatment?

There are two facts. One is legislative, the other is human. First: Federal Law No. 323 directly states that a person is responsible for his own health. He must take care of him! Second: health is the peak to which everyone must climb themselves. I saw this phrase during surgical practice on a poster in the surgeon’s office. The poster showed a ballerina standing on one leg while floating in the air.

The patient’s health, its maintenance and preservation is his personal responsibility. The most valuable things we have are health and time. The doctor’s responsibility is observation, correct prescriptions, correct diagnosis, accessible, complete, understandable explanation. You can even draw pictures. So you understand why give up salt? It seems like we understand everything, but we can’t say right away. Or you can draw the patient a blood vessel, the endothelium that lines it, tell him about how small vessels create general resistance so that the blood pressure in the body is adequate. If the endothelium is swollen due to salt and it is more difficult for blood to flow through the vessels, then the load on the heart increases and the pressure becomes stronger. This is how blood pressure rises. And if you exclude salt, it will be much easier. And such explanations, drawings, and handouts work well.

Treatment in a hospital with comfort
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