Antioxycaps with IRON capsules No. 10x3


Ascorbic acid , beta-carotene , alpha-tocopherol acetate , beeswax , purified lecithin , refined sunflower oil, gelatin, glycerin , titanium dioxide , nipazole , purified water, as well as a preparation with the addition of ferrous sulfate , selenium , zinc or iodine .

Antioxicaps capsules No. 10x3


Antioxycaps caps. in container pack No. 10x3


Soft gelatin capsules, oblong in shape with a seam, elastic, red.

Main active ingredient


Release form



30 pcs

Indications for use

How is the multivitamin antioxidant drug Antioxicaps indicated?

  • for the prevention and treatment of vitamin (C, E and A) deficiency;
  • to increase the body's resistance to colds;
  • with increased physical and mental stress;
  • during the recovery period after long-term and/or severe diseases, including infectious ones;
  • with an unbalanced diet.
Directions for use and doses

Antioxycaps is taken after meals with water. For preventive purposes, the drug is recommended for children over 14 years of age and adults, 1 capsule once a day for 1-3 months. It is recommended to repeat the preventive course several times a year. For therapeutic purposes, the dose of Antioxicaps is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the pathology, as well as taking into account the body’s need for vitamins A, C and E.

Interaction with other drugs

Corticosteroid drugs, tetracycline antibiotics, as well as ethanol and ethanol-containing drugs, when used together, reduce the therapeutic effect of provitamin A. Tocopherol can increase the effectiveness of anticonvulsants in patients with epilepsy who have been found to have elevated levels of lipid peroxidation products in the blood. Do not take simultaneously with other multivitamin preparations to avoid overdose.


A contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components.


one capsule contains: beta-carotene in the form of a 30% suspension in oil - 6 mg, alpha-tocopheryl acetate - 15 mg, ascorbic acid - 75 mg. Excipients: refined sunflower oil, beeswax, lecithin. Composition of the capsule shell: gelatin, glycerin, purified water, methyl parahydroxybenzoate E-218, propyl parahydroxybenzoate E-216, titanium dioxide E-171, dye: charming red E-129.


If the dosage instructions are followed, even with long-term use of the drug, overdose phenomena are not observed. If the daily norm is exceeded after taking Antioxycaps, nonspecific side effects are possible in the form of nausea, diarrhea, redness of the skin and other symptoms that disappear when the drug is discontinued.

Side effect

When using the drug in recommended doses, no side effects are observed. With prolonged use of high doses, allergic reactions are possible.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of 15°C to 25°C. Store out of the reach of children.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The effect of the drug is complex and is determined by the properties of the active substances included in its composition.

Vitamin C - participates in redox reactions, collagen , iron and folic acid , production of catecholamines and steroid hormones cholesterol metabolism and tissue regeneration, increases blood clotting, activates carbohydrate and protein metabolism, enhances the body's immunity and adaptive capabilities.

Tocopherol acetate ( vitamin E ) is a natural antioxidant, optimizes the function and structure of red blood cell , activates tissue respiration and cell proliferation, inhibits fat oxidation, participates in the formation of intercellular substance, spermatogenesis , biosynthesis of collagen and elastic fibers.

Beta-carotene - has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Binds active oxygen and inactivates free radicals, protecting cell structures from destruction when pathological processes occur in the body and adverse effects of environmental factors.

Currently, a complex of vitamins is produced with the addition of iron ( Antioxycaps with iron ), zinc ( Antioxycaps with zinc ), selenium ( Antioxycaps with selenium ), iodine ( Antioxycaps with iodine ).

Iodine - affects metabolism, participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and is necessary to maintain the morphofunctional normal state of the thyroid gland.

Iron - binds oxygen, participates in the formation of hemoglobin , cytochrome oxidase , peroxidase and catalase . Takes part in oxidation and reduction reactions, stimulates the work of hematopoietic organs, and takes part in erythropoiesis .

Selenium - slows down the aging process, increases enzyme activity, regulates tissue elasticity, strengthens the immune system, and protects against the adverse effects of free oxygen radicals.

Zinc - participates in the formation of nucleic acids and hormones, in the formation of bones, stabilizes blood sugar levels, participates in the synthesis of insulin , and has a pronounced antiviral effect.


Data not provided.


The pharmacological activity of the drug Antioxicaps is due to the complex action of the vitamins it contains: betacarotene, alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid.


has pronounced antioxidant properties and protects cells from damage by active oxygen and free radicals (fixing active oxygen, interrupts chain free radical reactions and protects macromolecules and cell biomembranes from damage, thereby increasing the body's resistance to various pathogenic influences). Participates in the process of normal renewal of epithelial tissues. Protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, has an antixerophthalmic effect, has a normalizing effect on the formation and function of epithelial tissues and increases their resistance to infections, increases the body's antitumor resistance. It is partially converted in the body into retinol, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the retina (it ensures the transition of opsin to rhodopsin, a pigment that provides night vision).

Alpha tocopherol

is a fat-soluble vitamin whose function remains unclear. As an antioxidant, it inhibits the development of free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cellular and subcellular membranes, which is important for the development of the body, the normal function of the nervous and muscular systems. Together with selenium, it inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (a component of the microsomal electron transfer system) and prevents hemolysis of red blood cells. It is a cofactor of some enzyme systems.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

is not formed in the human body, but comes only with food.

Pharmacological effects: in quantities significantly exceeding the daily requirement (90 mg), it has almost no effect, with the exception of the rapid elimination of symptoms of hypo- and vitamin deficiency (scurvy).

Physiological functions: is a cofactor in some hydroxylation and amidation reactions - transfers electrons to enzymes, providing them with a reducing equivalent. Participates in the reactions of hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues of procollagen with the formation of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine (post-translational modification of collagen), oxidation of lysine side chains in proteins with the formation of hydroxytrimethyllysine (in the process of cartinitis synthesis), oxidation of folic acid to folinic acid, metabolism of drugs in liver microsomes and hydroxylation of dopamine to form norepinephrine. Increases the activity of amidating enzymes involved in the processing of oxytocin, ADH and cholecystokinin.

Participates in steroidogenesis in the adrenal glands.

Restores iron (III) to iron (II) in the intestines, promoting its absorption.

The main role in tissues is participation in the synthesis of collagen, proteoglycans and other organic components of the intercellular substance of teeth, bones and capillary endothelium.
In low doses (150-250 mg/day orally) it improves the complexing function of deferoxamine in chronic intoxication with Fe preparations, which leads to increased excretion of the latter.

Indications for use

  • prevention of hypovitaminosis ;
  • in the treatment of inflammatory and erosive-ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the skin, liver, eyes, burns, frostbite, sluggishly healing wounds, convalescent ;
  • for acute respiratory diseases;
  • to increase general immunity;
  • reducing the negative impact of environmental factors, adaptation to stress, high physical and mental stress;
  • in the treatment of menopausal vegetative disorders and neurasthenic syndrome .

Antioxycaps with iodine – elimination of iodine deficiency and prevention of the development of endemic goiter , in the complex treatment of goiter with thyroid hormones.

Antioxicaps with iron - prevention of iron deficiency anemia in adolescents during puberty, in old age, during lactation, with chronic blood loss, with reduced iron absorption syndrome and lack of iron in food.

Antioxicaps with selenium – replenishment of selenium deficiency in the body, treatment of menopausal syndrome, strengthening of nonspecific defense factors of the body.

Antioxicaps with zinc – treatment of nicotine addiction and alcohol withdrawal syndrome, asthenic conditions, unbalanced nutrition.

Antioxycaps with IRON capsules No. 10x3


Antioxycaps with Iron caps. in container pack No. 10x2


Soft gelatin capsules, oblong in shape with a seam, elastic, red.

Main active ingredient


Release form



20 pcs

Indications for use

As a multivitamin antioxidant drug Antioxicaps with iron is indicated:

  • for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia (including in women of childbearing age, in adolescents during periods of intensive growth, in the elderly, with insufficient intake of iron into the body from food, with an increased need for iron in the body, with chronic blood loss, reduced absorption syndrome gland);
  • for the prevention and treatment of vitamin (C, E and A) deficiency;
  • to increase the body's resistance to colds;
  • with increased physical and mental stress, stressful conditions;
  • during the recovery period after long-term and/or severe illnesses, including infectious ones; —
  • for asthenic conditions of various etiologies;
  • with unbalanced and inadequate nutrition.
Directions for use and doses

Antioxycaps with iron is taken half an hour before meals or 1-2 hours after meals for better tolerance, washed down with water or clarified (without pulp) juices. It is not recommended to drink milk, kefir and other milk-based drinks due to their high calcium content. For preventive purposes, the drug is recommended to be prescribed to children over 14 years of age and adults, 1 capsule 3 times a day for 1-3 months until the iron depot in the body is completely saturated. It is recommended to repeat the preventive course several times a year. For therapeutic purposes, the drug can be prescribed to children over 14 years of age and adults according to the above indications. The dose of Antioxicaps with iron is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the pathology, as well as taking into account the body’s need for vitamins A, C, E and iron.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Antioxicaps with iron is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

When using the drug simultaneously with antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium, iron absorption worsens. When tetracycline antibiotics, D-penicillamine and Antioxicaps are used together with iron, the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract is reduced due to the formation of chelates. Organic acids, calcium and phosphorus salts, and cholestyramine interfere with the absorption of iron due to the formation of insoluble complexes. Substances such as ascorbic and citric acids, amino acids and sugars enhance iron resorption. - Pancreatic enzyme medications may reduce iron absorption. Corticosteroid drugs, antibiotics of the tetracycline group, as well as ethanol and ethanol-containing drugs, when present together, reduce the therapeutic effect of provitamin A. Tocopherol can increase the effectiveness of anticonvulsants in patients with epilepsy who have an increased level of lipid peroxidation products in the blood.


Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • diseases accompanied by the accumulation of iron in the body (thalassemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis);
  • disorders of iron absorption (sideroachrestic anemia, lead anemia, pernicious anemia / vitamin B-i2 deficiency);
  • anemia not associated with iron deficiency (aplastic, megaloblastic, hemolytic anemia);
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • leukemia;
  • narrowing of the esophagus and/or obstructive changes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to its components!

one capsule contains: beta - carotene in the form of a 30% suspension in oil - 2 mg, a - tocopheryl acetate - 5 mg, ascorbic acid - 25 mg, iron in the form of iron (II) sulfate monohydrate - 20 mg. Excipients: refined sunflower oil, beeswax, lecithin. Composition of the capsule shell: gelatin, glycerin, purified water, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, titanium dioxide, dye: charming red E-129.

Side effect

From the digestive system: rarely - a feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the stomach; when using the drug in high doses, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and epigastric pain are possible (which disappear when the dose is reduced or the drug is discontinued). From the side of the central nervous system: in some cases - sleep disturbance, agitation, depression. loosening of the stool, which is caused by the excretion of unabsorbed iron and has no clinical significance, but can mask hidden bleeding. When using Antioxycaps with iron, it is possible to obtain a false positive result from a benzidine test. Caution should be exercised in case of gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, and enteritis. Antioxicaps with iron is effective only for iron deficiency anemia and is not effective for anemia of other etiologies. The drug should be kept out of the reach of children to avoid accidental iron poisoning.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of 15°C to 25°C. Store out of the reach of children.

Side effects

Local allergic reactions.

When taking Antioxicaps with iodine, are possible: headache , vomiting , diarrhea , metallic taste, iodine dermatitis , rhinitis , stomach discomfort, constipation , nausea , epigastric pain.


Cases of overdose of Antioxicaps without microelements have not been reported. Overdose of the drug Antioxicaps with iron: nausea , vomiting , diarrhea , pain in the stomach, cyanosis , pale skin, sometimes drowsiness .

Antioxycaps with iodine - rhinitis , bronchitis , brown discoloration of the oral mucosa, swelling of the vocal cords, gastroenteritis , anuria .


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