Green pharmacy Ginseng + Eleutherococcus tablets 0.5g No. 30

How do drugs work?

The main goal of pharmacology is to create easy-to-take medications with maximum effectiveness and minimal side effects. The ideal option is a medicine that acts locally and does not affect the rest of the body. To achieve this, different forms of drug release are needed in different cases.

To determine the correct functioning of a drug in pharmacology, there are two concepts: bioavailability and half-life.

Bioavailability is the amount of a substance that reaches its intended purpose. This process is hampered by the body's protective barriers. The selection of the dose for treatment and the method of administration depend on bioavailability.

The half-life is the time after which the level of the drug is reduced to half its original level and ceases to have an active effect on the body. It is this period that determines how many times a day you need to take the medicine.

Green pharmacy Ginseng + Eleutherococcus tablets 0.5g No. 30

The action of the dietary supplement Ginseng + Eleutherococcus is based on the combination of properties of the extracts included in its composition: they stimulate the functioning of the central nervous system; increase resistance to stress; helps cope with physical and mental fatigue; improves protein, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism; increases the value of cardiovascular system indicators; used in the complex treatment of neurasthenia, asthenia, nervousness, arterial hypotension, diabetes, impotence, atherosclerosis, radiation sickness. Both ginseng and Eleutherococcus (otherwise known as 'Siberian ginseng') have similar adaptogenic and tonic effects on the body. Therefore, the combination of extracts of these plants in the dietary supplement 'Ginseng + Eleuthrococcus' creates natural synergism and enhances the effect of both components. There were even legends about the healing properties of ginseng root. The root of this plant not only cures diseases, but can also put a person who is dying on their feet. Ginseng root contains alkaloids, resins, vitamin C, sulfur and phosphorus, tannins, as well as micro- and macroelements. Ginseng has a calming effect on neuroses and stress. The plant is used for mental and physical stress, depression and hypotension. Eleutherococcus has a tonic, stimulating, adaptogenic and gonadotropic effect, increases mental and physical performance, stimulates appetite, strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to adverse environmental factors. Recommended as an additional source of eleutherosides and panaxazides; to maintain the functional activity of the body. Directions for use: adults take 1 tablet orally in the first half of the day before meals with a sufficient amount of liquid. The course of admission is 30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after 13 months. Composition: one tablet contains: Eleutherococcus extract 100 mg, ginseng extract 80 mg. Excipients: lactose monohydrate, anti-caking agents: microcrystalline cellulose, talc, calcium stearate. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the product, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, severe atherosclerosis, acute infectious diseases, children under 18 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Why are the shapes different?

Initially, there were only two ways to deliver medicine to the body: swallowed or applied; other options were not available to doctors of the past.

But with the development of medicine, it has become clear that these options do not always work. When swallowed, the drug has a long journey to travel. Before getting to the right place, the tablet passes through the aggressive environment of the stomach. And after absorption, the substances enter the liver through the bloodstream, where toxins are neutralized and the medicine can become inactive before reaching the target organ.

Also, some drugs can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cause nausea, vomiting or simply not work if the stomach or intestines are not in order and absorption is impaired.

“A classic example is when we changed a patient’s drug,” says GMS Clinic therapist Andrey Besedin, “during exacerbations of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, or after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is better to choose intramuscular or intravenous administration."

There are situations when it is necessary to administer medications intravenously. Most often this is due to urgency, but there are drugs that are destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, some antibiotics are available only in the form of injections, and in this case injections cannot be avoided.

“Any intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous injection is a small operation,” explains Andrey Besedin, “during which we violate the integrity of the body, skin, muscles, depending on what we do. Therefore, if possible, it is better to use tablets and capsules.”

There are medications that have serious effects on the entire body when taken in the form of tablets or injections. For such cases, local forms were invented. Thus, hormones in creams and nasal spray are useful for skin manifestations and allergic rhinitis, but the same hormones in large doses can cause serious consequences with long-term use of tablets or intravenous injections.

For children, medications are available in the form of chewable tablets, drops, or reduced-size tablets, so as not to turn every dose of medication into a battle or cause the association between treatment and pain. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially in children's hospitals.

“There are no unambiguous dogmas in medicine,” says Andrey Besedin, “in each situation we choose the type of drug administration individually, depending on what goals we want to achieve with a particular patient.”

Eleutherococcus extract liquid 50ml

Dosage form

extract for oral administration [liquid]


To prepare 1000 ml of the drug you need:

Active substance:

Eleutherococcus senticosus rhizomes and roots – 1000 g


Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 40% – until 1 liter of extract is obtained.


The liquid is dark brown in color, transparent in a thin layer, has a peculiar, specific smell. During storage, sediment may form.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

General tonic of plant origin.

ATX code:


Pharmacological properties

It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, a tonic and general strengthening effect on the body, increases the general nonspecific resistance of the body, helps improve appetite, and increase physical and mental performance.

Indications for use

Mental and physical fatigue, asthenic conditions of various etiologies, arterial hypotension (low blood pressure), during the recovery period after infectious diseases and the postoperative period.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disturbances, increased excitability, epilepsy, convulsive conditions, insomnia, acute infectious diseases, chronic liver diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age.


Alcoholism, traumatic brain injury, brain diseases.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally before meals in the first half of the day. Adults are prescribed 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. For children over 12 years old - a dose of 1 drop per 1 year of life. The course of treatment is 25-30 days. If necessary, repeat courses are carried out with two-week breaks (or without them) after consultation with a doctor.

Shake before use.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, insomnia, hypoglycemia, headache, tachycardia are possible.


When using the drug in doses higher than recommended, dose-dependent side effects may increase.


: symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

Enhances the effect of stimulants of the central nervous system, is an antagonist of drugs that depress the central nervous system (including antipsychotics, barbiturates, anxiolytics, antiepileptic drugs). When used simultaneously with digoxin, the plasma concentration of the latter may increase; with hypoglycemic drugs (including insulin) and anticoagulants, the effect may be enhanced.

special instructions

The drug should not be taken in the afternoon to avoid sleep disturbances.

If hypoglycemia occurs, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug, take it after meals, or discontinue the drug.

The maximum single dose of the drug contains 0.43 g of absolute alcohol, the maximum daily dose of the drug is 1.4 g of absolute alcohol.

During the period of taking the drug, care should be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).

Release form

Extract for oral administration [liquid].

25, 50 ml in orange glass bottles with a screw neck, sealed with polyethylene stoppers and screw-on plastic caps.

Each bottle with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard pack.

It is allowed to pack bottles with an equal number of instructions for use in a group package.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

4 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

What does the choice depend on?

The doctor determines the form of administration, relying not only on those drugs that are available. He pays attention to the patient’s age, gender, financial capabilities, and even his mood and attitude towards treatment. Children require special attention.

“Choosing the form of a drug is partly a creative process,” says Ekaterina Bokova, a therapist at the 120 to 80 clinic. “There are no ready-made solutions here. But most often we focus on age. If this is a very young baby, then we choose liquid or rectal forms to prevent spitting and choking. This way, the child will receive his dose of the active substance with a greater guarantee. Sometimes you even have to make a choice in favor of an injectable drug. In any case, a child should not be prescribed “adult” pills and divided into parts.”

The wishes of the patient or relatives also matter when choosing the form of the medicine. For older people, it is important to take fewer pills per day, otherwise you can get confused, especially if there are a lot of medications. In such cases, tablet holders or planners help.

“Unfortunately, older people usually insist on prescribing the most affordable drug,” says Ekaterina Bokova, “here, if possible, we will meet them halfway.”

How to choose the right form

Even medications with the same dosage form may differ from each other. For example, capsules and tablets.

“Capsules are more expensive due to the difference in technology,” explains Andrey Besedin. — They hide the unpleasant smell and taste of medications, unlike tablets. The capsules enter the body: the stomach, intestines and, when dissolved, release powder, which is absorbed much more quickly. But there is a factor that many of my patients do not like. The tablets can often be split in half or into quarters and sometimes half the dose is sufficient in an emergency. In the case of a capsule, this will not work, so the choice is made in favor of tablets.”

There are patients who are confident that injections and droppers are much healthier than tablets and specifically insist on this form of treatment. It is believed that in this case the medicine goes directly into the blood and will definitely work. Although this method of administration is more difficult, more painful and most often there is no difference in the result if the same medicine is in the form of tablets or ampoules.

“For example, patients ask for intramuscular or intravenous painkillers for headaches,” says Andrey Besedin. — This type of administration has no advantages compared to oral forms: powders, capsules, tablets, if the patient can take medications by mouth. As a rule, injections are effective if a person has a large loss of fluid or for some reason cannot drink on his own.”

Intravenous and intramuscular delivery methods are more useful in emergency cases of stomach or intestinal disease or in situations where a drug is broken down in the digestive tract, such as heparin or insulin.

Eleutherococcus syrup dr. vistong (bottle 150ml)

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.


150 ml bottle Eleutherococcus extract, rose hip extract, vitamin C. Auxiliary components: sugar, water, sodium benzoate (preservative), citric acid (preservative).

pharmachologic effect

Systematically experienced stress at work, depletion of the physiological and psychological resources of the body under the influence of external environmental factors, lead to the accumulation of negative symptoms and, consequently, to the loss of health and the ability to work productively. To combat stress, nervousness, fatigue and weak immunity, doctors recommend using preparations based on natural ingredients. Medicines based on medicinal herbs have fewer side effects than synthetic drugs and have a stable positive effect. With regular use of natural medicines, metabolic processes in the body are stabilized and normalized. This has a positive effect on the overall well-being of a person, on his performance and resistance to stress. The special tonic properties of the plant, which is called Eleutherococcus senticosus, are known not only to supporters of traditional medicine, but also to doctors who use traditional methods of treatment. This plant is popularly called wild pepper. This plant is a very affordable alternative to ginseng. It is even called “Siberian ginseng.” The root of this plant is used for medicinal purposes because it is the richest in vitamins and minerals. The Eleutherococcus senticosus shrub is cultivated for medical purposes in China, Japan, as well as in Russia, Primorye, Amur Region and Southern Sakhalin. Eleutherococcus syrup is widely used in medicine. Here is a short list of ailments for which doctors recommend starting to use this drug: - low blood pressure, headaches, fatigue during physical and mental stress; - chronic fatigue syndrome, regular overwork and asthenia; - loss of strength in the postoperative period, during the rehabilitation period after chemotherapy, restoration of the body after serious illnesses; - increased sensitivity of the body to seasonal diseases, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, influenza viruses; - immunodeficiency caused by chronic pulmonary diseases. The effectiveness of the syrup has been clinically proven. This drug has a positive effect on people suffering from occupational diseases and is a potent adaptagen. After regular use of the drug, a noticeable improvement in hearing is possible, especially if the occurrence of hearing loss is associated with professional activities. Women who regularly take this natural medicine note a normalization of the menstrual cycle and an improvement in their overall well-being. Eleutherococcus tincture is used to combat seborrhea of ​​the scalp, baldness and brittle hair, as well as for the prevention and treatment of stomatitis. It is noted that this plant has a positive effect on vision and also reduces the risk of cancer to zero. The main advantage of this drug is that it has a complex effect on the body, improving metabolic processes. The positive effect of its use is observed in the treatment of a wide range of vibration diseases. This herbal medicine is often included in complex preoperative therapy to increase the body’s resistance and speed up the healing process. This drug will help cope with such a common ailment as inflammation of the mucous membrane and gall bladder, and will ease the period of menopause. It is used both for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases, so it is always worth having this wonderful syrup on hand. Among other things, it has a pleasant taste, which makes treatment comfortable and enjoyable. Eleutherococcus is a very strong stimulant, so you should not take it with high blood pressure, acute infectious diseases, high nervous excitability and sleep disorders, otherwise the consequences may be rather harmful to body, why they are useful. In all other cases, side effects from using this medicine are extremely rare. The tonic effect of taking the syrup occurs within an hour after taking it and lasts all day. When taking it, you must follow the instructions, because an overdose can cause increased irritability, hypotension and have a negative impact on the general condition of the body. Another undoubted advantage of this herbal preparation is its low price. Similar preparations based on the well-known ginseng are much more expensive, but they have very similar effects on the human body. It is useful to have Eleutherococcus in your home medicine cabinet for regular use or emergency cases. “Eleutherococcus Syrup” from the “Dr. Vistong" is a herbal complex, the components of which help restore overall tone and performance. The composition includes a soft natural adaptogen - Eleutherococcus, the effect of which is enhanced by the biologically active substances of rose hips and vitamin C.

Mode of application

Adults: 2 tablespoons (30 ml) 1 time in the morning with meals. Duration of treatment: 2-3 weeks. Repeated doses are possible 3-4 times a year. Store the opened bottle in the refrigerator.


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, severe atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia.

special instructions

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

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