Indications for use

"Gumivit": The best enterosorbent!

To achieve the desired effect during consumption, drink at least 2 liters. more water than usual. Good health is affordable not only for well-off people. You can maintain it in proper condition using inexpensive, but no less effective means. Among the most popular is the treatment and prophylactic complex “Gumivit Active”.

"Gumivit Active" is called a new generation enterosorbent . This is the fruit of many years of research into the effects of humic acids on the human body. They are effective natural detoxifiers and adaptogens found in nature. Humic acids have the unique property of selectively binding toxins synthesized in the body and penetrating from the outside. This allows you to use Gumivit to cope with infectious diseases, parasitic infestations, allergic manifestations and a wide range of other pathologies.

Indications for use

First of all, the Gumivit biocomplex stimulates the body’s own defense systems to fight pathogenic microflora, viruses and parasites. Its components normalize and accelerate protein metabolism in cells and enhance membrane activity. Humic acids are able to bind free radicals and act as a donor (or acceptor) when interacting with them, protecting cells from degeneration.

At the moment, “Humivit” is the only product based on humic acids used by official medicine for therapeutic purposes. It is recommended to take it for:

  • Development of severe infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, tetanus, rubella).
  • Penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body (dysentery, bacterial enteritis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, enterocolitis, intestinal infections).
  • Parasitic infestation (helminthiasis, giardiasis).
  • Viral infections (ARVI, influenza, herpes, enteroviral infections, HIV).
  • Consequences of immunodeficiency and allergic reactions (asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dyshidrosis, acute urticaria, alopecia areata, hay fever, eczema, dermatitis).
  • Vascular pathologies and blood diseases (atherosclerotic changes, arterial hypertension, leukopenia, anemia).
  • Acute intoxication (alcohol, drug and chemical poisoning, accumulation of heavy metal salts in the body).
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux disease).
  • Damage to the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis of all types in acute and chronic form, cirrhosis, cholecystitis).

The ability of humic acids to bind toxins is used to alleviate the condition of pregnant women with severe toxicosis. "Gumivit Active" is prescribed to cancer patients for use during recovery periods after courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

Gumivit Active 500 ml

"Gumivit Active": The best enterosorbent!

Attention! To achieve the desired effect during consumption, drink at least 2 liters. more water than usual.

Good health is affordable not only for well-off people. You can maintain it in proper condition using inexpensive, but no less effective means. Among the most popular is the treatment and prophylactic complex “Gumivit Active”.

"Gumivit Active" is called a new generation enterosorbent . This is the fruit of many years of research into the effects of humic acids on the human body. They are effective natural detoxifiers and adaptogens found in nature. Humic acids have the unique property of selectively binding toxins synthesized in the body and penetrating from the outside. This allows you to use Gumivit to cope with infectious diseases, parasitic infestations, allergic manifestations and a wide range of other pathologies.

Indications for use

First of all, the biocomplex “Gumivit Active” stimulates the body’s own defense systems to fight pathogenic microflora, viruses and parasites. Its components normalize and accelerate protein metabolism in cells and enhance membrane activity. Humic acids are able to bind free radicals and act as a donor (or acceptor) when interacting with them, protecting cells from degeneration.

At the moment, “Humivit” is the only product based on humic acids used by official medicine for therapeutic purposes. It is recommended to take it for:

  • Development of severe infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, malaria, tetanus, rubella).
  • Penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body (dysentery, bacterial enteritis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, enterocolitis, intestinal infections).
  • Parasitic infestation (helminthiasis, giardiasis).
  • Viral infections (ARVI, influenza, herpes, enteroviral infections, HIV).
  • Consequences of immunodeficiency and allergic reactions (asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, dyshidrosis, acute urticaria, alopecia areata, hay fever, eczema, dermatitis).
  • Vascular pathologies and blood diseases (atherosclerotic changes, arterial hypertension, leukopenia, anemia).
  • Acute intoxication (alcohol, drug and chemical poisoning, accumulation of heavy metal salts in the body).
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux disease).
  • Damage to the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis of all types in acute and chronic form, cirrhosis, cholecystitis).

The ability of humic acids to bind toxins is used to alleviate the condition of pregnant women with severe toxicosis. "Gumivit Active" is prescribed to cancer patients for use during recovery periods after courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

Beneficial features

The therapeutic complex "Gumivit Active" is fast-acting and highly effective. At the same time, it is absolutely harmless, since it contains only natural ingredients.

Among the wide range of beneficial properties of enterosorbent, the following should be highlighted:

  • Removing toxins and waste products from the body . Thanks to the selective binding potential, the active substances of humic acids neutralize and remove metal salts, radionuclides, synthetic and organic toxic compounds.
  • Fighting allergens . Significantly reduces the threshold of sensitivity of the immune system to various types of irritants.
  • Restores the natural intestinal microflora . Envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines with a film of active components, eliminating signs of dyspepsia and dysbacteriosis.
  • Free radical binding . Prevents pathological cell degeneration that causes cancer and premature aging.
  • Antibacterial and antiviral action . Strengthens the body's defense systems in the fight against harmful viruses and bacteria. In particular, it neutralizes about 94 percent of E. coli.
  • Improving the condition of blood vessels . Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and accelerates the process of treating atherosclerosis.
  • Immunomodulatory and restorative effect . Allows you to quickly strengthen your immune system even after a protracted illness or destructive treatment procedures (irradiation, chemotherapy).


“Humivit Active” is a one percent aqueous solution of sodium humate. It contains:

  • Humic acids are an effective selective enterosorbent.
  • Amino acids are the nutritional basis for cells.
  • Fulvic acid is a regulator of metabolic processes.
  • Natural antibiotics are active agents in the fight against infections.
  • Antioxidants are free radical neutralizers.
  • Cytokines are hormone-like proteins responsible for the state of the immune system.
  • Natural fungicides are antifungal compounds.
  • Vitamins, microelements and enzymes.

Mode of application

The frequency of doses, duration and dosage depend on the individual characteristics and type of disease. On average, the dosage is selected based on:

  • For adults:
  1. prevention – a quarter glass twice a day between meals for 2 weeks,
  2. treatment - the dosage is the same, increase the course of administration until the result is achieved,
  3. for poisoning - take 100 ml of solution up to 4 times a day.
  • For children and teenagers:
  1. 1-5 years – 8 ml twice a day after meals (after 1-1.5 hours),
  2. 5-12 years – 25 ml twice a day after meals,
  3. Over 12 years old – 50 ml twice a day after meals.

During consumption, drink at least 2 liters of water more than usual.

Beneficial features

The therapeutic complex "Gumivit Active" is fast-acting and highly effective. At the same time, it is absolutely harmless, since it contains only natural ingredients.

Among the wide range of beneficial properties of enterosorbent, the following should be highlighted:

  • Removing toxins and waste products from the body . Thanks to the selective binding potential, the active substances of humic acids neutralize and remove metal salts, radionuclides, synthetic and organic toxic compounds.
  • Fighting allergens . Significantly reduces the threshold of sensitivity of the immune system to various types of irritants.
  • Restores the natural intestinal microflora . Envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines with a film of active components, eliminating signs of dyspepsia and dysbacteriosis.
  • Free radical binding . Prevents pathological cell degeneration that causes cancer and premature aging.
  • Antibacterial and antiviral action . Strengthens the body's defense systems in the fight against harmful viruses and bacteria. In particular, it neutralizes about 94 percent of E. coli.
  • Improving the condition of blood vessels . Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and accelerates the process of treating atherosclerosis.
  • Immunomodulatory and restorative effect . Allows you to quickly strengthen your immune system even after a protracted illness or destructive treatment procedures (irradiation, chemotherapy).

Component Properties

A complex of highly purified humic substances obtained using a unique technology, contained in the Humivit product, acts on the body as:

  • antioxidant: is a powerful free radical scavenger;
  • soft enterosorbent: removes toxins and pathogenic bacteria without affecting beneficial microflora and without disturbing the balance of microelements; binds and removes allergens and heavy metals from the body, as well as excess cholesterol;
  • antimycotic and bactericidal agent: effective against Candida albicans, Proteus Vulgaris, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Salmonella Typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis and pyogenic streptococci ( Streptococcus pyogenes);
  • catalyst for cellular respiration: promotes oxygen saturation of red blood cells;
  • hepatoprotector: restores liver function;
  • antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent: active against colds and infectious diseases, including for the prevention of the influenza virus;
  • restorer of a weakened immune system: regulates the ratio of T and B lymphocytes.

Humivit also inhibits the action of stress hormones and activates regeneration processes in the dermis and mucous membranes.


“Humivit Active” is a one percent aqueous solution of sodium humate. It contains:

  • Humic acids are an effective selective enterosorbent.
  • Amino acids are the nutritional basis for cells.
  • Fulvic acid is a regulator of metabolic processes.
  • Natural antibiotics are active agents in the fight against infections.
  • Antioxidants are free radical neutralizers.
  • Cytokines are hormone-like proteins responsible for the state of the immune system.
  • Natural fungicides are antifungal compounds.
  • Vitamins, microelements and enzymes.

Release form and composition

  • powder (0.5 g in sachets, 10 sachets in a cardboard box);
  • tablets weighing 0.5 ± 0.01 g (10 or 20 pieces in bottles);
  • solution (from 100 to 1000 ml in bottles).

Powder composition: highly purified humic compound, prepared from special oxidized brown coals, with a high content of humic acids.

Composition of 1 tablet:

  • active substance: sodium humate – 250 mg;
  • auxiliary ingredients: polyvinylpyrrolidone, lactose, calcium stearate, aerosil.

Solution composition:

  • active substance: 1% sodium humate solution containing natural humic substances and nutrients (humic and fulvic acids, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, natural fungicides and antibiotics, trace elements, cytokines);
  • auxiliary ingredient: corrected water.

The energy value of the solution is 86 kcal.

Instructions for use Gumivit Active (liquid)

The frequency of doses, duration and dosage depend on the individual characteristics and type of disease. On average, the dosage is selected based on:

  • For adults:
      prevention – a quarter glass twice a day between meals for 2 weeks,
  • treatment - the dosage is the same, increase the course of administration until the result is achieved,
  • for poisoning - take 100 ml of solution up to 4 times a day.
  • For children and teenagers:
      1-5 years – 8 ml twice a day after meals (after 1-1.5 hours),
  • 5-12 years – 25 ml twice a day after meals,
  • Over 12 years old – 50 ml twice a day after meals.

Reviews Gumivit

Reviews after using Gumivit

Natalya St. Petersburg November 2018

Good afternoon I want to share my experience of treatment with Gumivit. I am 63 years old, I suffered from itching in several parts of the body. I bought 12 bottles of Gumivit, within a month the itching only partially went away. Then I bought tablets and began to drink 3 pieces a day, but there was no final relief. And only when I started drinking two tablets 4-5 times a day did relief come. I would like to note a significant improvement in the skin: the skin became elastic and velvety. I will continue to drink, maybe I will make another discovery for myself. Thanks to the Russian Spirit Company!!!

Flyura Otroda (Ekaterinburg)


In the fall of 2014, I came to the point where I was experiencing a lot of health problems. I contacted a group of specialists and underwent the necessary examination. I cleansed my body and took a course of humivitis. The color and taste are of course not for everyone. But the benefits this drug has provided me are great! The gastrointestinal tract has completely returned to normal (although the nutrition must also be adequate), the skin has cleared up (I was simply tormented by rashes on my chin and neck, I tried everything!) The headaches, which were simply tormenting, went away. The whole body seemed to be renewed, it became easy to get up in the morning, fatigue and weakness had disappeared somewhere! But I want to note that I led a healthy lifestyle. Now I drink seasonally, when I feel lethargic and tired, usually in spring and autumn. Good product – 9 out of 10, color and taste are not the most attractive (but tolerable)!

Mayorova Tatyana Petrovna - head of the Alliance group of companies, Yekaterinburg.

I took humivitis during chemotherapy.

To be honest, I didn’t think that Tatyana would agree to talk on camera about her illness and Gumivit. You need to have great courage to tell the whole world about your disease. Thanks to her, a low bow and wishes for good health!

Bek Eduard Petrovich - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

About the drug Gumivit: I take it myself + my wife (now for prevention). But a little over five months ago, my wife had an allergic attack, she cleansed her body with Gumivit, and it helped.

Review of the use of Gumivit.

I've known about this drink for a long time. For at least 5 years. There was no need to drink it. But, as sometimes happens, health fails. Allergies, runny nose, bronchitis and everything was increasing, it was almost impossible to breathe. I’m an athlete, I need clean lungs, but here it is. Based on the recommendations of friends, I bought Gumivit (), I was lucky, I started with the original. When I finished the bottle I bought another one. I was horrified by the difference in taste and began to figure it out. The second bottle turned out to have a disgusting taste, as if I had drunk something unsuitable for humans. I “went” to the Internet and found out that there is a fake with the same name, which is surprising. Those who produce counterfeits freely advertise their goods in the media and sell them at a higher price than the original. All this seemed strange to me, I called the original manufacturers and found out the whole situation with this issue. Therefore, I advise everyone to be vigilant and attentive. Well, about the results: It helped! Got rid of allergies. Of course not forever. You have to drink the course from time to time. Now I recommend it to friends and acquaintances. I just recommend carefully looking at what you are buying. Health and good luck to everyone!

Victoria D. 48 years old.

Good afternoon. I would like to thank you for the wonderful remedy “Gumivit”. Using the drink for dermatitis, within five days a visible result appeared on the face, which I am very happy about, because I suffered for seven months. Accordingly, I will continue taking it. The drink does not taste unpleasant; even a child can drink it. Previously, I bought Gumivit, manufactured by Kovo LLC. I took the dry concentrate, but couldn’t drink it because... there was a taste of tar that caused vomiting. Therefore, it did not bring any benefit. Therefore, I will buy a drink from your company. Svetlana M.


Advantages: Convenient form of the drug, effective, affordable.

Disadvantages: Doesn't taste very good :))

Hello everyone who reads my review! I want to talk about such a drug as “Gumivit”, since for some reason no one has yet left a review about it, but it’s worth it. My husband was prescribed this drug because he started having some health problems and the doctor first decided to relieve intoxication, which was probably causing this. We “safely” forgot about this drug, which was initially sold in powder. But, after about a year, I felt very bad, because I was poisoned by kefir and did not know what to do: I had a stomach ache, a headache, nausea and generally felt very bad. I called the pharmacy and they advised me on various enterosorbents. Since I’m breastfeeding, I can’t do practically anything, and then I remembered about this “miracle powder” :)) And I decided to drink it at my own peril and risk. I diluted it in a glass of water, drank it, and literally after 10 minutes I got up and felt much better, and soon I completely forgot about feeling bad. Since this is a drug, you need to consult a doctor before using it, but it has almost no contraindications. Now this drug is produced in tablets, which is much more convenient than powder. It was made in my hometown of Vladivostok, so there is trust in the specialists who developed it.

Link to this review

Where can I buy

Natural immunomodulating enterosorbent “Gumivit Active” can be purchased in the “Russian Roots” online store. After confirmation of the order, the products are sent to the buyer by mail. A courier delivery service is available for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. You can purchase the product yourself at one of the Russian Roots herbal pharmacies.

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