Lymphomyosot N solution d/in. amp. 1.1ml No.5


Homeopathic drops for oral administration1 fl.
to prepare 100 g you need:
active substances:
Myosotis arvensis (myosotis arvensis) D35 g
Veronica officinalis (Veronica) (Veronica officinalis (Veronica) D35 g
Teucrium scorodonia (teucrium scorodonia) D35 g
Pinus sylvestris (Pinus silvestris) (Pinus sylvestris) D45 g
Gentiana lutea (Gentiana lutea) D55 g
Equisetum hyemale (Equisetum hiemale) D45 g
Sarsaparilla (Smilax) (sarsaparilla (smilax) D65 g
Scrophularia nodosa (scrophularia nodosa) D35 g
Juglans regia (Juglans) (Juglans regia (Juglans) D35 g
Calcium phosphoricum (calcium phosphoricum) D125 g
Natrium sulfuricum (natrium sulfuricum) D45 g
Fumaria officinalis (fumaria officinalis) D45 g
Levothyroxinum (levothyroxine) D125 g
Araneus diadematus (Aranea diadema) (Araneus diadematus (Aranea diadema) D65 g
Geranium robertianum (geranium robertianum) D410 g
Nasturtium officinale (Nasturtium aquaticum) (nasturtium officinale (nasturtium aquaticum) D410 g
Ferrum jodatum (Ferrum iodatum) (ferrum iodatum (ferrum iodatum) D1210 g
ethanolabout 35 vol.%
Homeopathic solution for intramuscular administration1 amp. (1.1 ml)
active substances:
Myosotis arvensis (myosotis arvensis) D30.55 µl
Veronica officinalis (Veronica officinalis (speedwell) D30.55 µl
Teucrium scorodonia (teucrium scorodonia) D30.55 µl
Pinus sylvestris (Pinus sylvestris) D40.55 µl
Gentiana lutea (Gentiana lutea) D50.55 µl
Equisetum hyemale (Equisetum hiemale) D40.55 µl
Sarsaparilla (Smilax) (sarsaparilla (smilax) D60.55 µl
Scrophularia nodosa (scrophularia nodosa) D30.55 µl
Juglans regia (Juglans) (Juglans regia (Juglans) D30.55 µl
Calcium phosphoricum (calcium phosphoricum) D120.55 µl
Natrium sulfuricum (natrium sulfuricum) D40.55 µl
Fumaria officinalis (fumaria officinalis) D40.55 µl
Levothyroxinum (levothyroxine) D120.55 µl
Araneus diadematus (Aranea diadema) (Araneus diadematus (Aranea diadema) D60.55 µl
Geranium robertianum (geranium robertianum) D41.1 µl
Nasturtium officinale (Nasturtium aquaticum) D41.1 µl
Ferrum jodatum (Ferrum iodatum) (ferrum iodatum (ferrum iodatum) D121.1 µl
excipients: sodium chloride to establish isotonia - about 9 mg/ml; water for injection up to 1.1 ml


Lymphomyosot is a drug of antihomotoxic therapy (one of the areas of homeopathy), used to normalize the condition of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system performs protective (lymph nodes) and cleansing (lymphatic vessels) functions, neutralizing and removing toxins and waste products from the body. The combined homeopathic remedy Lymphomyosot, which currently has no analogues on the pharmaceutical market, acts directly on the lymphatic system, exhibiting an immunostimulating and pronounced drainage effect. Immunological reactivity is a key type of protective reaction of the human body to the adverse effects of damaging exogenous factors, including pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and toxins. The most important role in this process is played by the lymphatic system, which not only neutralizes, but also removes metabolic products (both normal and harmful) from the body. Lymph nodes in this case act as filters. Their hypertrophy, pain on palpation, and signs of inflammation indicate the presence of disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. Unfortunately, modern medicine has a very meager arsenal of means to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system. Antihomotoxic therapy, one of the means of which is Lymphomyosot, is aimed at restoring the body’s natural cleansing mechanisms, autonomous regulation of homeostasis, and restoration of healthy tissues.

It is important that these goals are achieved without the excessive toxic load on the body typical of allopathic medicine. In antihomotoxic drugs, active ingredients of natural origin are contained in a special active state, but in tiny doses that are unable to have a damaging effect on organs and tissues. The area of ​​application of Lymphomyosot is complex treatment of inflammation of the palatine tonsils and lymph nodes. Frequency of use: 1-3 times a week (injections), three times a day (drops). The duration of the medication course is 1 month (injections), 8-12 days (drops). Extension of the course or its repetition is possible only in agreement with the doctor. There are no unwanted side effects, with the exception of rare cases of allergic reactions. Contraindications to use: individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Due to the lack of information about the consequences of taking the drug by pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under the age of 18, the use of Lymphomyosot in these categories of patients is undesirable. Considering the presence of active iodine in the drug, its administration to persons suffering from thyroid diseases should be carried out only after a thorough benefit/risk assessment. Lymphomyosot combines well with other medicines of both allopathic and homeopathic medicine.


For all dosage forms

increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;

pregnancy (due to insufficient clinical data);

breastfeeding (due to insufficient clinical data);

age under 18 years (due to insufficient clinical data).

With caution: diseases of the thyroid gland, due to the presence of an active component containing iodine.

Additionally for homeopathic drops for oral administration

With caution: liver disease, alcoholism, traumatic brain injury and brain diseases, due to the content of ethyl alcohol (ethanol).


Description of the drug Lymphomyosot cap. yelled fl. 30ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Directions for use and doses

Homeopathic drops for oral administration. Inside, 15–20 drops, dissolved in 100 ml of water, 3 times a day. The course of therapy is 8–12 days. Increasing the duration and carrying out a second course of treatment is possible as prescribed by the attending physician. If the drug is not effective enough, you should consult a doctor.

Solution for intramuscular administration. IM - 1.1 ml (1 amp.) 1-3 times a week for 4 weeks. Increasing the duration and repeating the course of treatment is possible as prescribed by a doctor.

Opening the ampoule. The colored dot should be at the top. The contents in the ampoule head should be shaken off by lightly tapping. After this, break off the upper part of the ampoule by pressing at the colored point.


Drops: as part of complex therapy for lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, lymphedema; postoperative and post-traumatic swelling; allergic diseases, as well as the consequences of long-term action of various toxic factors: endo- and exotoxins (physical impact factors, chemical agents, biological factors, including tonsillogenic and tuberculosis intoxication).

Solution for injections. Inflammatory and dystrophic processes of various localization (mainly in lymphatic vessels and nodes), allergic diseases.

special instructions

For all dosage forms

For diseases of the thyroid gland, the use of the drug is possible only after consultation with a doctor. When taking homeopathic medicines, a temporary exacerbation of existing symptoms (primary deterioration) is possible; in this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. Does not affect.

Additionally for homeopathic drops for oral administration

The maximum daily dose of the drug contains about 0.21 g of absolute ethyl alcohol (ethanol).

Pharmacological properties

the drug lymphomyosot in the form of drops improves the outflow of lymph from all organs and tissues, has a detoxifying, antiexudative, immunocorrective, anti-inflammatory effect, which is based on the activation of the body's defenses and the normalization of impaired body functions due to substances of plant, mineral and animal origin that are included in the composition drug. The drug in the form of an injection solution has a detoxifying, antiexudative, immunocorrective, anti-inflammatory effect, which is based on the activation of the body's defenses and the normalization of its functions.

Pharmacokinetics. Not determined for homeopathic medicines.

Release form

Homeopathic drops for oral administration. 30 ml in a dark glass bottle of hydrolytic class III with a built-in PE dropper and a tamper evident screw cap made of polypropylene. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard pack.

Homeopathic solution for intramuscular administration. 1.1 ml in ampoules of colorless glass of hydrolytic class I. Each ampoule is marked with a notch and a colored dot. 5 amp. placed in an open plastic blister pack. 1 or 20 open plastic blister packs (with 5 or 100 amps) are placed in a cardboard pack.

Side effects

Solution for injections. in isolated cases, hypersensitivity reactions (or anaphylactic reactions), as well as changes at the injection site, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, increased sweating, facial flushing, and general weakness may occur.

In very rare cases, hypersensitivity skin reactions may occur, including itching, erythema, swelling or dryness.

Drops. In very rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions are possible, including skin rash, itching, and urticaria.

Indications for use of the drug Lymphomyosot

Lymphadenopathy, mesoadenitis, chronic tonsillitis, tonsil hypertrophy and adenoid vegetations; tonsillogenic and tuberculous intoxication; immunodeficiency states; allergic, exudative and lymphatic diathesis, allergies; diabetic polyneuropathy (perineural edema); lymphatism, elephantiasis; lymphatic edema (postmastectomy, postoperative, post-traumatic); cardiac and renal edema; benign and malignant neoplasms (as part of complex therapy).

Drug interactions Lymphomyosot

Compatible with other medications. The use of the drug Lymphomyosot and Lymphomyosot N in therapeutic practice is primarily indicated for diseases of the lymphatic system and hollow (tubular) organs, abundantly supplied with lymphatic vessels and nodes (nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina). In the treatment of any chronic inflammatory, degenerative and oncological diseases, drainage therapy with Lymphomyosot can significantly improve the course of the disease and reduce the toxic effects of pharmacotherapy. In patients with lymphatic-hypoplastic syndrome, prone to enlarged lymph nodes, hypertrophy and inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids, diathesis, allergies, frequent acute respiratory viral infections and immunodeficiency conditions, the use of the drug Lymphomyosot is in the nature of constitutional therapy, allowing for an organ-saving strategy for lymphoid formations. The use of the drug Lymphomyosot and Lymphomyosot N in surgical practice is advisable for the correction of disorders of lymph outflow after any operations or injuries. In these cases, the drug helps eliminate lymphostasis in damaged tissues and normalize the reparative processes in them.

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