The use of oral magnesium preparations for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Over 80,000 clinical, biochemical, and cellular molecular studies published over the past 30 years indicate that adequate levels of magnesium in the body are a fundamental indicator of human health.

However, modern lifestyle, which usually includes high levels of stress, an unbalanced diet with the presence of large amounts of artificial foods, inevitably leads to magnesium deficiency.

In this article I will tell you how and why magnesium is needed, which dietary supplements with magnesium to choose and how to take it correctly.

    Important facts:
  1. The intracellular concentration of magnesium in the body decreases with age1.
  2. Magnesium increases the effectiveness of glucose-lowering therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus2.
  3. Magnesium is not produced by the body and can only be obtained from food or supplements3.
  4. Magnesium reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and improves memory. This is due to the fact that this mineral reduces the risk of developing amyloid plaques in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, and enhances the work of synaptic nerve endings responsible for the transmission and storage of information (short-term and long-term memory).
  5. The three leading factors contributing to the excretion of magnesium are: stress, alcohol, tobacco.

    If you have excess calcium and not enough magnesium, this can lead to the development of tissue calcification. After all, it is magnesium that converts vitamin D into its active form! Therefore, please note: if you are recommended to take large doses of vitamin D, which helps calcium to be absorbed well, taking magnesium is a must!

Symptoms that may indicate low magnesium levels:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • constant fatigue, apathy;
  • sleep disorder;
  • poor quality of nails and hair;
  • anxiety, depression;
  • indigestion (nausea, heartburn, constipation);
  • cramps and spasms in the lower extremities.

In children, deficits may manifest themselves in:

  • low concentration;
  • increased excitability;
  • decreased memory;
  • increased irritability;
  • hyperactivity.

Magnesium deficiency is dangerous due to the development of:

  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • increased blood cholesterol;
  • development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • development of insomnia.

SportExpert Liquid magnesium, 8 doses of 50 ml, Evalar

463 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Which magnesium supplement should you choose?

October 25, 2021



  • Why does the body need magnesium?
  • What does magnesium do in the body?
  • Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
  • Top 5 magnesium preparations
  • Magne Express
  • Magne B6
  • Magnerot
  • Complivit Magnesium
  • Panangin
  • What foods are high in magnesium?

Magnesium is found in all tissues of the human body, because this essential element ensures the proper functioning of cells. Today we will tell you in what processes magnesium is involved, what are the symptoms of its deficiency and how to choose a good magnesium supplement.

Supplements or food?

All the experts we interviewed were unanimous on this issue. Why take magnesium supplements at all if you are not deficient when there are so many delicious foods around that are rich in this micronutrient? Here are some examples.

  • Dark Chocolate: Approximately 64 mg of magnesium per slice (16% DV).
  • Avocado: One medium-sized fruit contains 58 mg of magnesium (15% of the daily requirement).
  • Cashews: A 28g handful of cashews provides 82mg of magnesium (20% of the daily requirement).
  • Brazil nuts: 100 g (approximately 12-15 pieces) cover the daily requirement for magnesium by 100%.
  • Beans: A cup of cooked black beans provides 120 mg of magnesium (30% of the daily requirement).
  • Banana: one piece contains 37 mg of magnesium (9% of the daily requirement).
  • Salmon: Half fillet weighing 178 g contains 53 mg of magnesium (13% daily requirement).

The benefits of normal food do not end with the fact that it is tastier and more nutritious. There are two more important points.


Dietary supplements with magnesium cannot be taken together with antibiotics (tetracyclines and quinolones), because magnesium forms poorly soluble compounds with them. Real food has no such restrictions.

Side effects.

When taking supplements, an overdose is possible, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. And this, in turn, can cause dehydration and loss of magnesium. There is no risk of overdosing on nuts, pumpkin seeds and salmon. Also because in this case a “smart” algorithm works. The body itself regulates the level of absorption: it increases from an average 30-40% to a maximum of 80% if there is little magnesium in foods, and reduces to 25% if there is too much.

What does magnesium do in the body?

  1. Magnesium is necessary to provide the cell with energy.
  2. Without magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin C cannot be synthesized (that is, without magnesium, these vitamins do not enter the body).
  3. Magnesium interacts with calcium, strengthening bones, magnesium is necessary for muscle tone, it eliminates cramps and joint pain.
  4. Magnesium makes blood vessels strong, reduces blood pressure and regulates heart contractions (necessary for normal rhythm).
  5. Magnesium reacts with insulin, helping it penetrate cells, thereby regulating glucose levels.
  6. Magnesium helps skin heal after cuts and burns.

This is not a complete list of processes involving magnesium, but it is sufficient to understand how necessary the microelement is for our body.

Magnesium helps:

  • in the prevention of headaches;
  • cope with insomnia, stress and fatigue;
  • relax the muscles;
  • cope with depression faster;
  • work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • keep bones and teeth healthy. Read also How to strengthen the immune system: top 10 vitamins for schoolchildren The best vitamins for schoolchildren. Increases physical and mental endurance, strengthens the immune system, nervous system, bones and teeth.

The best magnesium supplement. A little about manufacturers and raw materials

Almost everyone in their life has faced the dilemma of which manufacturer to choose. This is often due to differences in price. Domestic is cheaper, foreign is more expensive. This has already become a habit.

Everything about manufacturers is interesting. Form of organization (OJSC, CJSC, etc.). The location of the head office and production is valuable in that the degree of responsibility to the consumer can be assessed. The number of countries where products are presented indirectly makes it clear about the quality of the product and its compliance with various standards. Optimal: sales of products in the manufacturing country and huge exports. Availability of representative offices... And much more.

So let's take a little look at what dictates the price of drugs. We won’t go too deep; that’s not what this topic is about.

Usually the name, brand, company is blamed. Like, she is world famous, so she unreasonably raises prices. Is that just the point? Are we paying for a name?

Of course, well-known companies have the opportunity to raise the price tag, because their customers are likely to tolerate and buy a familiar drug again.

The cost of the drug also includes the cost of production, depreciation, wages and provision of working conditions (workers, doctors, medical representatives, etc.). One of the largest shares is advertising campaigns, marketing and product promotion to the market. But for us this is not important. We cannot influence this, and it does not directly affect the quality of the tablet itself.

What do we want to pay attention to? For raw materials for drugs. Very often we come across the fact that domestic manufacturers claim that their raw materials are foreign, but they only package it, which means the drug is not inferior to the original one. They show various production certificates and well-deserved awards in the market.

It would seem that everything is fine. They bought the raw materials, molded them here and got an equivalent product that will put the bourgeois pills in their belts, designed to undermine our economy, into their belts.

But let's be honest. Those who had to repeatedly use the original and the analogue. Why do the effectiveness and number of side effects often differ so dramatically? After all, the raw materials are German, the technology is English, and the workers are hardworking?

Thinking out loud: clinical trials are very expensive, and only a few companies can afford them. Most often they are carried out with original drugs. Therefore, records of the safety and effectiveness of analogues are often not supported by experience. Those who trusted them are the experimental sample.

It's all so insultingly simple. Our attention is focused on the country of origin of these raw materials. And at the same time, with the grace of an experienced magician, they avert our gaze from the quality of the raw materials.

99.99% of the cost of producing the drug is the purification of raw materials. The more thorough the cleaning, the fewer impurities of compounds similar to the desired active ingredient. In one country, you can buy an almost pure active ingredient for a tidy sum and package it in a high-quality tablet; in the same country, for cents, you can buy a kind of “broth” of chemical compounds containing the substance we need, and make an analogue.

The degree of purification of raw materials can only be calculated indirectly: by carefully studying the manufacturer, the fame of its products and reviews of experimental subjects.

In both cases, we obtain raw materials from a country that is developed in a particular area. But in the second case we save significantly.

And under the guise that the documents say that the raw materials are good, the production is good, the workers are great, any manufacturer can safely raise prices. There is nothing to complain about.

This is, in fact, what is happening in our time. Prices for analogues are often close to the prices of originals.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Here are at least 12 signs that you have a magnesium deficiency:

  1. Weakness. Since magnesium is involved in energy production, its deficiency immediately affects physical condition.
  2. Muscle twitching or spasms. Since magnesium helps muscles relax, its deficiency provokes involuntary contraction. If there were no magnesium in the body, our muscles would be constantly tense.
  3. Frequent headaches. Due to a lack of magnesium, serotonin levels decrease, hence vasospasm and a negative effect on the functioning of neurotransmitters. All this combined causes a headache.
  4. Insomnia. A lack of magnesium can cause sleep problems, especially if you are under stress. Stress hormones increase blood pressure and heart contractions.
  5. Irregular heartbeat. Due to a lack of magnesium, problems with heart rhythm are possible, and this is a fairly common occurrence. That is why doctors prescribe magnesium supplements for arrhythmia.
  6. Noise intolerance. A lack of magnesium affects the functioning of the nervous system, so sometimes a person reacts poorly to loud noise.
  7. Convulsions. Again, if there is little magnesium in the body, the nervous system suffers, this can even cause convulsions. You need to see a doctor urgently.
  8. Bones suffer from a lack of minerals. Magnesium is involved in the formation of bone tissue. If there is a lack of magnesium, calcium is poorly absorbed.
  9. Constipation. Without sufficient magnesium levels, intestinal function is disrupted. By the way, many laxatives contain magnesium.
  10. High blood pressure. Magnesium helps blood circulate properly, so its lack provokes surges in blood pressure.
  11. Diabetes mellitus type 2. Magnesium is involved in lowering blood sugar. If a person does not have enough magnesium in their diet, they may develop type 2 diabetes.
  12. Mood swings. If you feel a “swing” in your mood, be sure to donate blood to check your magnesium level.

In addition, with a lack of magnesium, loss of appetite and nausea, heartburn and acid reflux, brittle nails and skin problems are observed.

Remember that the symptoms listed may be a sign of other problems, so consulting a doctor is necessary. Do not self-medicate.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Photos from open sources

Causes and manifestations of magnesium deficiency

A severe magnesium deficiency can be caused by one or several reasons:

  1. Reduced magnesium intake or increased magnesium costs. This is provoked by poorly balanced diets, chronic alcohol abuse or certain physiological conditions (growth period or age-related decline, stressful situations, childbearing and breastfeeding, sports).
  2. Redistribution of magnesium in the body. This can occur against the background of inflammatory or necrotic processes, with a reduced level of insulin in the blood. This can also be caused by heart surgery, chronic heart failure, and diabetes mellitus.
  3. Poor absorption of magnesium in the intestine or its rapid excretion through the gastrointestinal tract. The following pathological conditions lead to this: celiac disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Whipple's disease, removal of part of the intestine, frequent use of laxatives, malignant tumors.
  4. Impaired renal tubular absorption of magnesium. This is accompanied by acquired kidney pathologies (damage to nephron tubules and impairment of their function, kidney transplantation, syndrome of impairment of all renal functions).
  5. Endocrine diseases. In case of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, Burnett's syndrome, and diabetes mellitus, magnesium deficiency is determined.
  6. Use of medications. First of all, magnesium metabolism disorders are caused by diuretic (diuretic) drugs.
  7. Magnesium deficiency is primarily indicated by disorders of the neuromuscular system and psyche. Muscle twitching, convulsions, increased reflexes, tremors, or muscle weakness are noted. Over time, the following may appear: laryngospasm, bronchospasm, vomiting, increased uterine tone. Possible addition of asthenia, mental disorders, manifested by anxiety, aggressiveness, fears.

Magne Express

This drug contains magnesium citrate and vitamin B6. This combination is very effective - these two substances enhance each other’s effects. "Magne Express" is prescribed for a slight lack of magnesium, as well as for the prevention of its deficiency. You can buy “Magnesium Express” in the form of a sachet (bags of granules for resorption). The drug is taken after meals (one sachet twice a day), there is no need to wash it down with water. The course of treatment is one month. The granules taste sweet and sour, with the aroma of tropical fruits. This magnesium citrate has high bioavailability, but is recommended to be taken as a dietary supplement. If there is a serious lack of magnesium, it is better to choose another drug (magnesium lactate), which will be prescribed by your doctor. Magne Express should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding, kidney failure or while taking medications for Parkinson's disease. One of the disadvantages of this magnesium supplement is its high cost.

Magne Express
Pontroy Vitarmonil Industry, France

Magne Express is a dietary supplement that helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system and increases stress resistance.
from 150

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Best Magnesium Citrate

The most common form of magnesium supplements on the pharmaceutical market is citrate. It is a magnesium salt of citric acid. The citrate molecule is quite large, but the substance does not contain as much magnesium as the oxide. But this form has the highest rate of absorption by the body.

Magnesol B2

Rating: 4.9

The first nominee for our review was a dietary supplement from the pharmaceutical company KRKA - Magnesol B2. In each dose it contains 300 mg of magnesium citrate and 2 mg of vitamin B2. This dietary supplement helps eliminate increased fatigue, promotes the elimination of toxic substances, normalizes sleep, improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system, and increases muscle endurance during heavy physical activity.

Magnesol B2 is sold in the form of small yellow granules in sachets, from which a drink is prepared for oral administration. When you pour the powder into a glass with 150 ml of water, it quickly dissolves, slightly hissing. The result is an unsweetened drink with a citrus aroma. Adults are recommended to take 1-2 sachets per day with meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 8 weeks.

From the reviews it follows that Magnesol B2 perfectly relieves the constant feeling of fatigue. It also significantly improves the quality of sleep. People who have taken this dietary supplement note that their endurance noticeably increases with it. Such positive results do not become obvious immediately, but develop gradually. And although the manufacturer assures that there are no dyes in the composition, this drug provokes stomach pain and heartburn for some.


  1. high magnesium content;
  2. easily digestible form;
  3. a drink that tastes good;
  4. without harmful artificial components;
  5. taken 1 time per day.


  1. the effect develops gradually;
  2. Causes heartburn and stomach pain in some.

Magnesium Diasporal 300

Rating: 4.8

The German drug Magnesium Diasporal contains 295.7 mg of magnesium in the form of citrate in each serving. Among the additional components, riboflavin stands out. This drug is recommended to be taken for increased excitability of the nervous system, for constant fatigue and lethargy, for minor sleep problems, for myalgia and other pathological conditions arising from magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium Diasporal is a granule for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. They are packaged in 5 g bags and are in cardboard boxes of 20 or 50 pieces. The contents of one sachet are dissolved in half a glass of fruit juice, tea or water. The process releases bubbles and produces a bright yellow drink with an orange aroma. Adults are recommended to take 1 sachet daily.

Many people like the process of using this German drug with magnesium and the results that can be achieved with it. They note that after only 5-7 days of use, muscle twitching disappears, they are less likely to experience headaches, irritability disappears, and their sleep becomes even and deep. Magnesium Diasporal is usually well tolerated, but some patients may experience diarrhea at the beginning of treatment, which goes away on its own over time.


  1. convenient soluble form of magnesium;
  2. 1 sachet per day;
  3. eliminates muscle twitching;
  4. improves sleep quality;
  5. eliminates irritability.


  1. may cause diarrhea at the beginning of treatment.

Magnelis B6 forte

Rating: 4.7

The Russian drug Magnelis B6 forte contains 100 mg of Mg2+ (magnesium citrate 618.43 mg) and 10 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride. This remedy has worked well for increased irritability, minor sleep problems, gastrointestinal spasms, tachycardia, chronic fatigue syndrome and muscle spasms that are provoked by magnesium deficiency. This drug is approved for use from 12 years of age.

The release form of Magnelis B6 forte is oblong tablets, convex on both sides, in a white shell. They are medium in size and swallow with virtually no problems. They are located in blister packs. For persons over 12 years of age, they are prescribed 3-4 tablets per day. They are divided into 2-3 times and consumed during meals. The minimum course of treatment is 4 weeks.

According to reviews, Magnelis B6 forte gives the first noticeable results after 1 week of use. First of all, pain and spasms in the muscles of the legs stop. The quality of your sleep gradually improves, and it becomes much easier to wake up in the morning. Various little things stop annoying you. And towards the end of the second week of using this drug, a special surge of energy appears. The only disappointment is that one package is not enough for a course of treatment.


  1. effective composition;
  2. noticeable improvements occur within a week;
  3. reduces irritability;
  4. improves sleep quality;
  5. promotes easy awakening;
  6. eliminates muscle pain.


  1. One package is not enough for a course of treatment.

Magne B6

You can buy Magne B6 in two forms: tablets and oral solution. Let's consider the second option - Magne B6 in ampoules (but they are not injected, but drunk). The magnesium ampoule needs to be shaken, broken and poured into a cup of water. This magnesium is presented in the form of lactate. You need to take three to four of these ampoules a day. This drug is suitable not only for prevention, but also for quickly replenishing magnesium deficiency in the body. Magne B6 ampoules are a brownish liquid with a subtle caramel odor. This magnesium supplement is prescribed for gastrointestinal spasms, rapid heartbeat, pain and tingling in the muscles, irritability and mood swings. If a blood test reveals a lack of magnesium, Magne B6 in ampoules will quickly solve the problem. It is this form of the drug that is prescribed for laboratory-confirmed lack of magnesium in the blood. Magne B6 is often prescribed during pregnancy when there is malnutrition. Adults take up to four ampoules of magnesium per day (the dosage for children is calculated by the pediatrician, based on the baby’s weight). Once magnesium has returned to normal, the drug is well tolerated, acts quickly, and can be prescribed to small children. The relative disadvantages of Magne B6 are the price and the fact that the product is in ampoules. "Magne B6" is contraindicated in case of renal failure and while taking certain drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism.

Sanofi-Winthrop Industries, Hungary

Magne B6 is based on a vital element present in all tissues and organs - magnesium.
This component takes an active part in all metabolic processes, including the transmission of impulses to nerve cells. The body primarily obtains magnesium from food. Its deficiency can occur in the event of an incorrect diet, for example, during diets, if the need for magnesium has sharply increased. The latter can happen during mental and physical stress, pregnancy, stress, and the use of diuretics. from 405

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Daily requirement

The average daily requirement for magnesium differs depending on age and gender:

Population group Daily value, mg Upper permissible limit, mg
Infants (0-6 months) 30
7-12 months 75
Children (1-3 years) 80 145
4-8 years 130 240
9-13 years 240 590
Girls (14-18 years old) 360 710
Boys (14-18 years old) 410 760
Men (19-30 years old) 400 750
Women (19-30 years old) 310 660
Men over 30 years old 420 770
Women over 30 years old 320 670
Pregnant and nursing 450 750

Magnesium is not produced by the human body, but must be supplied to it through food. But it is quite difficult to cover the daily dose of this macronutrient through food alone. Taking this into account, one cannot do without the additional use of magnesium preparations. In this review, we have collected the best of them containing various salts of this macronutrient.


Magnerot is a magnesium orotate that is usually prescribed to patients with cardiac problems, although the drug can be taken for other symptoms of magnesium deficiency. “Magnerot” is indicated for people who have had a heart attack, with coronary heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, muscle pain, atherosclerosis, and lipid metabolism disorders. Magnerot is not cheap and has the same contraindications as previous drugs. In addition, Magnerot should not be taken if you have cirrhosis of the liver or urolithiasis. You need to take the drug 6 tablets per day (for a week). Then - one tablet three times a day.

Woerwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

Magnerot is a magnesium preparation containing magnesium orotate dihydrate.
Magnesium is a macroelement that takes part in energy, protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the metabolism of nucleic acids. Magnesium inhibits neuromuscular transmission by regulating neuromuscular excitation. Magnesium is a natural calcium antagonist, takes part in the regulation of myocardial contractile function, and is necessary to maintain normal cardiomyocyte function. from 218

4.8 10 reviews


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The best magnesium supplement. A little about chelates

Magnesium Chelate NSP is placed first in the comparison table, because of the presented options it is the only one that claims to have a chelated form of magnesium.

Why the first? Because chelated forms have significantly better bioavailability. We want to receive magnesium ions, and not chew its compounds and pass them through the gastrointestinal tract.

So, let's try to figure out what chelates are.

Chelate compounds (from the Latin chela - claw) are claw-shaped complex compounds formed by the interaction of metal ions with ligands. Ligand is an atom, ion or molecule bound to a certain center. Chelates contain a central ion, a complexing agent, and ligands coordinated around it.

It's clear? Not good.

If we speak without fear of getting hit over the head with a microscope, a chelate is when metal atoms envelop large molecules tightly enough to form a stable structure. May gray-haired chemistry professors and armchair critics forgive me. As a result, a complex is formed that protects the metal ion from unnecessary interactions and ensures its delivery to the place of requirement.

In medicine and agriculture, chelates are used to introduce microelements into food, due to the high digestibility of chelate complexes compared to free metal ions.

Chelated form - reliable delivery of valuable cargo to its destination.

Why is this interesting in our case? We want magnesium. Magnesium is a trace element with which it can form chelate complexes. Through banal manipulations with the encyclopedia, we learn that citric acid can be used as a weak chelate additive.

It would seem that all magnesium citrates are chelate complexes? Then why don’t they write? Are you shy? Excessive modesty does not help increase sales. So the reason is different.

Not every manufacturer can provide the chelated form.

The problem is this: in order to end up with a chelate, you need to try very hard at the production stage and comply with a fairly large number of conditions (at least the strictest ratio of metal and chelate additive). Few can afford this. Hence such honesty (although it is rather determined by the size of the fines for giving incorrect information). Having the same spices, each cook will prepare the dish according to his capabilities.

Complivit Magnesium

This drug is a real vitamin-mineral complex, which, in addition to magnesium, contains B vitamins, vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, calcium, copper, zinc. You need to take “Complivit Magnesium” one tablet daily. The cost of this magnesium preparation is low, and among the contraindications is only individual sensitivity to its components. A significant disadvantage is that Complivit Magnesium is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, so it can only be prescribed to prevent magnesium deficiency.

Complivit Magnesium
JSC Pharmstandard-UfaVITA, Russia

A combined preparation containing a complex of vitamins and minerals, which are important factors in metabolic processes.
Used for: Prevention and replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Increased physical and mental stress. The period of recovery after long-term and/or severe diseases, including infectious ones. In complex treatment when prescribing antibiotic therapy. from 120

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Read also: Top 5 drugs for insomnia that are sold without a prescription The best over-the-counter drugs for the treatment of insomnia

Transdermal magnesium

Despite all the efforts of manufacturers, the bioavailability of magnesium from dietary supplements remains quite low. Hence the idea of ​​delivering it to the body in other ways. For example, through the skin.

Creams and sprays

And also gels, soaps, oils and lotions, mainly with magnesium chloride (it has the second highest concentration of magnesium after oxide - 30%). American naturopath Norman Shealy was the first to speak about their effectiveness. In 2005, he published a comparison table that showed that by rubbing magnesium cream into the skin, you can correct the deficiency much faster than using nutritional supplements (in a month and a half, rather than in six months). It is this research that is usually meant when it is repeated like a mantra that magnesium is absorbed better through the skin. The problem is that there is no study - only a short abstract with conclusions is available. But several screening tests with animals and people did not confirm them. Apparently, the author rubbed in not only magnesium. So a large review of current research on this topic does not recommend transdermal use.

Magnesium baths

This practice dates back to the 18th century, when a resort with unusual mineral water opened in the English town of Epsom - a natural solution of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate). Now this mixture is credited with various healing properties: it helps to relax and lose weight, relieves pain, and among the most toxic, it “removes toxins.” But initially it was believed that it simply had a laxative effect, which is closer to the truth: taking capsules or tablets with magnesium sulfate sometimes causes diarrhea.

The only study on the effects of magnesium baths was conducted in England, involving 19 students at the University of Birmingham. They lay in a solution of magnesium sulfate (1 g/100 ml) for 12 minutes a day at temperatures up to 55 degrees. At the end of the study, the majority of subjects had increased magnesium concentrations in their blood, although only slightly. This did not affect their health in any way. But questions remain.

Magnesium molecules are small enough to penetrate the skin barrier. Magnesium ions labeled with fluorescent markers actually penetrate into the top layer of the skin, using the openings of the hair follicles as a loophole. But for the cellular absorption of magnesium, special transport channels are needed, and they are not present in the skin. How could magnesium get into the blood of students? There are several assumptions. The first is boring, but the most plausible: through the lungs with steam. The second is much more fun: thanks to the absorption of magnesium ions by the mucous membrane of the anus. In the same way, the body could absorb alcohol from a hot bath. But, as Paul Ingram rightly notes, if you really want to take magnesium (or alcohol), then it’s more pleasant and easier to do it by mouth.


In addition to magnesium, this drug also contains potassium, so Panangin is usually prescribed for heart problems, in particular for rhythm disturbances. This remedy is indicated for elderly people with arterial hypertension. The fact is that while taking blood pressure medications with a diuretic effect, potassium is “washed out” of the body. The medicine should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. The maximum daily dose of Panangin is three tablets three times a day, and the course of treatment is a month. In addition to tablets, Panangin is also available in the form of injections for treatment in a hospital. This magnesium and potassium supplement is well tolerated and is quite affordable. Contraindications include renal failure, elevated levels of magnesium and potassium in the blood, as well as severe atrioventricular block. Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, need to take Panangin with caution to prevent excess potassium.

Gedeon Richter, Hungary

As part of complex therapy for heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias (mainly ventricular arrhythmias, as well as arrhythmias caused by an overdose of cardiac glycosides);
- to improve the tolerability of cardiac glycosides; — replenishment of potassium and magnesium deficiency when their content in the diet is reduced (for tablets). from 115

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Magnesium Rich Foods

Photos from open sources

Best Magnesium Aspartate

Magnesium aspartate is formed by Mg2+ ions and aspartic (aminosuccinic or another name - aspartate) acid. The latter refers to aliphatic amino acids. Magnesium aspartate is always combined with potassium aspartate.

Now Foods Potassium and Magnesium Aspartate

Rating: 4.9

The American brand Now Foods produces Magnesium & Potassium Aspartate additive. It contains 250 mg of magnesium aspartate, 99 mg of potassium aspartate and 100 mg of free form taurine per serving. These components are especially important for maintaining healthy heart and vascular function, proper transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

This supplement is sold by Now Foods in standard large size vegetable capsules. Some may have difficulty swallowing them. The dietary supplement is placed in a thick plastic jar in the amount of 120 pieces. Adults are recommended to take 1-2 capsules 2 times a day after meals. One bottle is enough for 1-2 months of use.

From the reviews it follows that American Potassium and Magnesium Aspartate is an excellent prophylactic for maintaining the normal functioning of the heart. Many note that the drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and is generally relaxing. With it, sleep becomes sound and deep, and morning awakening is easy. This supplement from Now Foods is generally well tolerated.


  1. the presence of taurine in the composition;
  2. one bottle is enough for 1-2 months of use;
  3. supports the cardiovascular system well;
  4. has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


  1. Some people are confused by the size of the capsules.

Panangin Forte

Rating: 4.8

Another nominee for the review was the drug Panangin Forte, produced in Hungary. It contains 316 mg of potassium aspartate and 280 mg of magnesium aspartate. This drug is appropriate to use for various manifestations of absolute or relative disturbance of blood supply to the myocardium, for heart failure, for tachycardia, and arrhythmia. Panangin Forte is approved for use from 18 years of age.

This drug is produced in the form of oval-shaped tablets, convex on both sides. They are covered with a white shell. The tablets are quite large, so they may be difficult to swallow. Panangin Forte is recommended to be consumed after meals, since the acidic environment of the stomach makes it less effective. It is not recommended to chew the tablets, and they should also be washed down with a glass of clean water. The daily dose is 3 tablets, divided into 2 doses.

Many people speak very highly of the drug Panangin Forte. They note that with this remedy they forget about uncontrolled tachycardia. Also, this drug has helped many people overcome cramps in the calf muscles. Panangin Forte is usually well tolerated, but occasionally it can cause nausea, pain or discomfort in the epigastric region.


  1. effective composition;
  2. effectively normalizes heart rate;
  3. eliminates cramps of the calf muscles;
  4. affordable price.


  1. tablet size;
  2. may cause nausea and epigastric pain.

Asparkam Update Renewal

Rating: 4.7

Various pharmaceutical companies produce the drug Asparkam. Our review included a nominee from the Russian manufacturing plant Update Renewal. Asparkam contains 177 mg of potassium and magnesium aspartate. This drug is used in complex therapy for heart failure, coronary artery disease, and problems with heart rhythm.

Asparkam is a flat cylindrical tablet with a scoring line on one side. They are white in color. The tablets are placed in a blister pack. There can be 24 or 56 pieces in one pack. Asparkam is prescribed for persons over 18 years of age to take orally after meals. Daily dose - 3-6 tablets. Consumption is divided into 3 times. The average therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks.

According to reviews, with the use of Asparkam, the heart rate returns to normal and shortness of breath is eliminated. With this drug, more strength and energy appears, the nervous system calms down. While using this medicine, the fingers stop going numb, the cramps go away, and the blood pressure decreases. Asparkam is usually well tolerated, but persons with digestive problems should take it with caution.


  1. good source of potassium and magnesium;
  2. heart rate normalizes;
  3. eliminates numbness of limbs, cramps;
  4. eliminates shortness of breath;
  5. The tablets are easy to swallow.


  1. may cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.
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