Methyluracil ointment (Nizhpharm) - reviews

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Methyluracil is a stimulator of immunity and tissue regeneration. It is produced in various dosage forms (tablets, ointments, suppositories) by a number of domestic enterprises: Biokhimik, Nizhpharm, Obnovlenye, Rosbio, Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Altaivitamins, Dalkhimfarm, Sintez, etc. Stimulates cell growth and reproduction, acting as a repair agent and accelerating the restoration of damaged tissues. Promotes rapid healing of wounds, erosive and ulcerative lesions, burns. Increases the body's resistance to invasion by bacterial and viral agents. Normalizes protein metabolism, activates cell regeneration in the area of ​​damage, accelerates tissue epithelization, strengthens cellular and humoral immunity. Shows anabolic activity. External forms have a photoprotective effect. A distinctive feature of the drug is its ability to stimulate hematopoiesis (to activate the processes of formation of white and red blood cells in the bone marrow). In addition to this, methyluracil exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the body's tolerance to blood loss and hypoxia, normalizes gastric secretion and the acid-base balance of gastric juice. The tablet form of methyluracil is prescribed for the treatment of mild forms of leukopenia (including those that developed as a result of chemotherapy for malignant tumors, radiotherapy or x-ray therapy), ulcerative necrotic lesions of the pharynx and tonsils, septic tonsillitis, anemia, decreased platelet counts, benzene poisoning, ulcerative erosive lesions of the gastric and duodenal mucosa, slowly healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, hepatitis, etc.

d. The external form (ointment) is used to treat slow-healing wounds, burns, the so-called. “sun allergy” (photodermatitis), trophic ulcers of the lower and upper extremities, bedsores. Local forms (suppositories) are used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon, ulcerative colitis. Methyluracil has a relatively small number of side effects: these are allergic reactions, and for internal forms - vertigo, headaches, heartburn. The drug is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the active component, leukemia, malignant processes in the bone marrow, excessive wound granulation (for external and local forms). Methyluracial in the form of an ointment combines well with external applications of disinfectants and antibacterial agents. Clinically significant interactions (increased or decreased effects of drugs when used together) have not been established for methyluracil. A number of sources (mainly from the Soviet period) indicated the possibility of using methyluracil tablets to stimulate anabolic processes during sports, but not a single study has been conducted that would confirm the effectiveness of the drug for sports purposes.

S.V. Smirnov, L.P. Loginov, M.V. Shakhlamov – Department of Acute Thermal Injuries of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, Moscow;

According to preclinical studies, Stizamet® ointment, containing 3% methyluracil on an emulsion basis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates skin regeneration, accelerates the healing processes of surgical and burn wounds and reduces the likelihood of suppuration, enhancing the synthesis of intracellular proteins and nucleic acids and activating the fibroblastic reaction in the dermis. When applied to the skin, the maximum concentration of methyluracil in the blood is achieved after 2 hours and remains high for the next 12 hours. About half of the drug substance is retained in the skin, which contributes to the manifestation of its local dermatotropic effect. The half-life is 5.1 hours.

Purpose of the study:

to establish the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug Stizamet® in the treatment of patients with burns.

Materials and methods

Stizamet® ointment is a homogeneous mass of creamy consistency, white and odorless. The ointment is packaged in aluminum tubes of 35 g.

22 patients with burns aged from 15 to 67 years (11 men and 11 women) were treated with the ointment. II–IV degree skin burns occupied an area from 2 to 20% of the body surface and were located in the upper (10 patients) and lower (11 patients) extremities, chest (7 patients), abdomen (5 patients), back (in 3 patients). Wounds of combined localization in the same patient were treated. Control group – 10 people matched by age, gender, location, area and depth of burns with the main group. In 5 patients, symmetrical areas on the extremities (mainly on the upper ones) were used as a control, comparable in localization and depth of burns with the only difference that the wounds on one arm were treated with Stizamet® ointment, and on the other with methyluracil ointment 10%, which allowed compare the effectiveness of drugs more objectively. Thus, 5 patients were included in the clinical analysis of both the main and control groups. Treatment of patients was carried out using a closed method under a bandage; before application, the usual toileting of the burn wound was performed. The dressings were fixed with gauze or tubular bandages and were changed after 1–2 days. The drug was applied simultaneously to burn surfaces with an area of ​​no more than 10% of the body surface. The effectiveness of the action was assessed by the dynamics of the wound process, the timing of free skin grafting and epithelization, the dynamics of wound microflora during treatment, and cytological studies.


The dressings were well tolerated by patients, did not cause adverse reactions, and no toxic or allergic complications were identified. In 3 patients with second degree burns, Stizamet® ointment was started on the first or second day after the injury. Complete epithelization of burn wounds was achieved in 8 to 10 days after changing the dressings 3 times. In 11 patients with third-degree burns, the drug was used at a later date (10–12 days from the moment of injury) after cleansing the wounds of non-viable tissue in the reparative phase of the wound process (which was confirmed by cytological studies). Healing was observed on days 21–22 from the moment of injury on the upper extremities, and 26–28 on the lower extremities. In one patient in this group, the drug turned out to be ineffective, which served as the basis for its replacement with Levomekol ointment. This did not affect the healing time. When treating 5 patients in the control group, the healing time for degree III A burns was 22–23 days on the upper extremities and 27–29 days on the lower extremities. In 4 patients, the drug Stizamet® was used in the treatment of flaccid granulating wounds after deep burns within 28–30 days from the moment of injury in order to prepare them for free skin grafting. In 3 out of 4 patients, after 5–7 days of using the ointment, it was possible to significantly improve the condition of the granulation tissue and perform a skin transplant with good engraftment of autografts. A similar result was obtained when treating 2 patients with 10% methyluracil ointment. At the same time, in 1 patient out of 4, treatment with Stizamet® ointment for long-existing wounds (60 days from the moment of admission to the clinic) turned out to be ineffective. In 4 patients, Stizamet® ointment was used to improve the reparative abilities of donor wounds: gauze pads with the drug were applied to donor wounds immediately after cutting the skin flaps directly on the operating table. In 3 out of 4, wound healing occurred under the initially applied bandage within 9–10 days after surgery, which is 1–2 days less than with treatment with traditional means. It should be noted that in one patient, the application of 10% methyluracil ointment and Stizamet® ointment to the symmetrical donor sites of the right and left thigh was accompanied by suppuration, and further treatment was carried out with 2% furacilin ointment.

Conducted bacteriological studies did not allow us to identify any characteristic features of the dynamics of wound microflora during treatment with Stizamet® and methyluracil ointment 10%. As with the use of other drugs, associations of 3–4 or more types of microbes took place in cultures of discharge from wounds at the beginning of treatment. The permanent microbes in these associations were Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosis, Enterobacteriaceae, and Proteus. A change in the microbial landscape was observed after the healing of most of the burn wounds, with the elimination of Proteus and Enterobacteria taking place, monoflora being more often isolated, and the number of microbial species in associations decreased to 2–3, which is apparently associated with the patterns of the healing process, when the reduction the area of ​​the wounds itself (due to island and marginal epithelization) leads to a decrease in the “substrate” for bacteria to inhabit. In 2 cases, it was necessary to alternate the use of Stizamet® ointment with the application of the domestic antiseptic Miramistin every other day, due to suppuration of the wound that occurred after applying the ointment twice. This allowed us to avoid further development of suppuration.


A study of the clinical effectiveness of Stizamet® ointment showed that despite the lower content of methyluracil, the studied ointment is not inferior in its effectiveness to methyluracil ointment 10%.
In some cases, the drug Stizamet® accelerated the healing of III A degree burns on the extremities by 1–2 days. It should also be noted that the drug under study improved the reparative abilities of donor wounds, reducing the time of their treatment by 1–2 days compared to the use of traditional means. Among 22 patients, Stizamet® was ineffective or ineffective in 3 patients (in the control group - in 2 out of 10). Stizamet® ointment is an effective remedy for local treatment of patients with II–III A degree burns in the reparative phase of the wound process, does not cause toxic or allergic reactions and can be widely used in practical combustiology. Seal

Methyluracil ointment (Nizhpharm) - reviews

Ksenia Limonova

I bought methyluracil on the advice of a doctor friend to smear the suture after a caesarean section. And you know, I'm happy with the result. The famous contractubex ointment loses in everything, from price to effect. The seam became lighter and was not noticeable at all. I also use this ointment for acne scars, it works well. Sometimes I rub it on my daughter’s butt when she gets irritated. And it costs mere pennies, about 40 rubles per tube.

Olga Polikarpova


The ointment fights rashes from the Coxsackie virus!

Whatever I applied to this rash, I just wasted my money (I wiped it with hydrogen peroxide, sprayed it with Miramistin, then applied it with “rescuer” ointment.. there was almost no use.

And then I found “Methyluracil ointment”.. My doctor advised me to smear my baby’s navel (it bled a little after birth), I applied a thin layer and everything healed quickly. I smeared the child’s bottom under a diaper (when there was severe diaper rash) everything went away .

And so... after I tried almost everything in the fight against this terrible rash, which really tormented my baby (because it is very itchy and everything hurts from it), I remembered about “Methyluracil ointment”. In the morning I applied it to my daughter for the rash by the evening the effect was visible... the small rash had almost gone away... the blisters became smaller, the redness went away, the effect amazed me! How come I didn’t remember about it before, and the child wouldn’t suffer, and everything would go away much faster! I advise everyone, you won’t regret it!


Methirulacil is also available in tablets and ointments and suppositories; unfortunately, I have not seen a suppository, I only heard about it, but I have tablets and ointment. My mother used the ointment, smeared it on her finger, tore off a nail, with meat at that, had to be treated, it helped a lot, but I tried the pills on myself.

Hemorrhoids, of course, are a nasty thing, my dad even had surgery, so it has to be treated, even if there is only a slight “burden.” This happened to me exactly when I gave birth to my child. Then I used suppositories and ointments and even took such pills.

As for whether you can drink them while breastfeeding, I’m not 100 percent sure, but the doctor prescribed them for me. I took them one tablet twice a day, I think I took them for two weeks, but you can’t get by with the tablets themselves, you also need suppositories and other means.

These tablets are not expensive, a little more than 10 hryvnia, you can buy them as a whole package, or you can buy them individually. I didn’t have any side effects from it, although I don’t think it’s worth taking them without a doctor.



My mother recently had surgery. The doctor advised me to smear the wound with methyluracil when changing the bandage so that it heals faster. I must admit that the ointment works great!

And then my mother was too lazy in the cold to go to the clinic for a dressing, especially since the wound was clean, she just needed to change the bandage... I volunteered to help. She took out all the bells and whistles: a bandage, scissors, a band-aid and a tube of this ointment...

After all the procedures, I decided to anoint the pimple that popped up as a result of using Belita Vitex natural care cream (those are natural care)! The next morning he was noticeably deflated, the inflammation around him was gone! There is a small dot left that can now be hidden with foundation! Without ointment, such a problem would take three days to mature, then heal for the same amount of time. And then the process stopped and began to decline!

I am delighted ! How much money is wasted on cosmetics that either do not help at all or help with constant long-term use! And the effective ointment - here it is, for only 13 hryvnia!

The ointment is odorless, thick viscous consistency, yellowish in color.



I always try more and more new remedies for stretch marks and scars, not that I have a lot of them, but I still have them, especially the teenage ones on my hips. Well, I would also like to remove the small scars on my legs over time, thanks to the bike

I think I tried this ointment after Clearvin, I used it for 3 months and now I’m comparing which is more effective.

Methyluracil ointment is in a metal tube and costs about 20 hryvnia. I’ll say right away that it ends very, very quickly, and yet it still needs to be applied in a thick layer. Speaking of fat content, the ointment has a very greasy, cloudy white consistency. It is absorbed for life, so it is ideal to apply before bed. I didn’t wrap cling film on top, maybe then the result would have been more obvious, but I was too lazy. The ointment is declared as regenerating and anti-inflammatory.

Result. There is a result, it seems to me that the ointment is much more effective than Clearvin, since it had a better effect on minor imperfections and reduced them. At medium length, stretching on the hips also worked better. Let me note that the effect is cosmetic, that is, the stretch marks are no longer visible, but if you run your hand, you can feel their depth, only polishing will save you.

Overall, I'm very pleased. I continue to smear myself, but now 2 times a week. Sometimes I smear it on my face and hands at night, in the morning the skin is very soft and delicate.

The only drawback of the ointment, besides being uneconomical, is the smell, it’s unpleasant, something like a shoe smell, but tolerable.


After two births with internal ruptures, I used methyluracil suppositories. I am very glad that they can be treated when you are breastfeeding. This means the medicine is non-toxic.


I used methyluracil suppositories after the cauterization procedure for erosion. Thanks to this, everything healed very quickly and there were no unpleasant phenomena. My treating gynecologist said that after various gynecological interventions, methyluracil suppositories are simply a godsend. Accelerate healing and have a good anti-inflammatory effect.






Good evening.:) I have been using this ointment for a long time. For problems with skin and nails, anoint it, it heals faster. Great ointment and inexpensive. There is a minus - it is a tube, like everything domestic, the packaging is problematic, it is not convenient to use. I recommend the ointment, tissue regeneration. A useful ointment for peeling nails, skin wounds, cuts, abrasions, injuries, burns... I applied this ointment and fixed it with a band-aid on top, preferably overnight. And in the morning I went to work like new. Isn’t this a miracle? I keep it in the refrigerator in a visible place. I also started applying it to cracked heels. It’s also good, you steam it according to technology and spread it on afterwards. Health to everyone!



effective, inexpensive



I have been using methyluracil ointment 10% for a long time when I need to cure non-healing wounds, ulcers or cracks on the skin and sometimes even on mucous membranes. I buy it from different manufacturers, now from the Tula Pharmaceutical Factory. The medicine is located in a cardboard box, which contains all the necessary primary information about the composition, method of storage, and expiration date. The ointment itself is produced in a metal tube, the net weight of the medicine is 30 grams. It squeezes out of the tube easily, its color is white with a very slight yellowish tint, I don’t smell any smell. The ointment is applied simply to the wound surface and heals it well. Even unpleasant pain goes away almost immediately. The price of one tube is 62 rubles. The product is old, but does not lose its value. The box contains detailed instructions on how to use the ointment. It is available without a prescription.



Price, quality, packaging size.



Now winter has come, it’s time to think about the child’s comfort; when we go outside, we warm all parts of the child’s body except the face. This is the ointment my dermatologist prescribed to me, last winter, to smear my child’s cheeks when we go for a walk. The child had red cheeks after every walk and we started applying Methyluracil ointment, I must say that it helps, his cheeks no longer get frostbitten in cold weather. The ointment is very greasy, this is what it looks like. The packaging is large, but the price is small. Also, due to the fact that it is oily, you only need a little bit of it, so it doesn’t run out for a long time and lasts a long time. We have been using it for two years now, but we haven’t even used half the tube yet. This can be seen in the first photo. I should also be sure to note that this ointment is universal and is suitable not only for children in the winter season. It is suitable for healing wounds, cuts, helps against various skin diseases and much more. I consider it a cheap analogue of bepanten. I am sure that such an ointment should be in every first aid kit.



cheap and good help



My daughter and I went to the gynecologist, her pussy was constantly turning red, and she recommended this ointment to us. We tried it and it really helps a lot. I no longer buy any expensive ointments like depanthenols or bipanthenes. It’s cheap, and most importantly it helps and heals very well!



Fights Coxsackie virus rash



Helps with COXSACKIE VIRUS... I personally experienced... I had a 1-year-old child with coxsackie... the rash was terrible... I treated it with hydrogen peroxide after miramistin... but it didn’t really help... I applied it with “rescuer” ointment, not a big effect... and then I tried methyluracil ointment... I applied it in the morning , in the evening the effect was already visible... If I had known earlier, I would have applied it from the first day!



low price, no allergies to the drug, quick help


after refrigeration it is very difficult to squeeze out

I first learned about this ointment at an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist. My daughter had diaper rash that was almost crimson in color, despite the fact that we regularly follow basic hygiene rules for girls. Previously, we used Bepanten ointment in complex treatment, which is very expensive (about 400 rubles), but did not give any results. The doctor advised using Methyluracil 10% ointment (for comparison, its cost is 68 rubles). The result was not long in coming: the very next morning the color of the diaper rash changed from crimson to reddish, and on the second day of treatment it completely disappeared. Now this ointment is always in our family pharmacy


I recently purchased methyluracil, by the way, thanks to the readers of Airek, I still swung my eye on this healing regenerating cream, which works wonders and many other healing things on the skin. Its name is not particularly memorable, so I read a lot of articles about medications here, wrote it down on a piece of paper, and OH A MIRACLE! ㋛ Those expensive medicines that pharmacists keep in bins ended up in my medicine cabinet.

I’ll mention right away that I use a lot of similar products in my arsenal, such as contractubex, solcoseryl, bepanthen, etc., because I constantly have rashes on my skin, from which it’s not so easy to escape, and after a swarm of pimples, difficult-to-heal craters form, or even worse wounds if there is nothing necessary to rub them with.

I’ll immediately note the advantages of this ointment:

  • Low price, I have standard packaging - NIZHFARM, all the products are like a carbon copy in one design, but inexpensive㋛
  • Covers wounds well and lightly disinfects them. The ointment was perfect for smearing the cat’s scratches and inflamed ears, the animal quickly calmed down and the ears healed.㋛
  • There is no odor or allergy, there are no
    dairy calves and strange essences that are usually put in such products.

    Oh, there are no pigmented green teas here either and a means of not getting dirty like an African-American.

It promises rapid healing of wounds, burns, dermatitis, etc., here I’ll immediately make a reservation that you can’t expect a miracle in a day, but that’s how similar medications work, the effect is gradual over the course of a week and depends on the level of skin damage, burns and cuts will go away faster, but for acne you need to use something in combination

However, there is still something that I didn’t LIKE:

  • GREAT (if you smear it on your face, it’s as if you’ve rubbed it with lard or oil)
  • It thickens catastrophically quickly and the ointment has to be scraped out of the tube directly using improvised means, so you need to wrap the cap more carefully, or then cut the tube

In general, this ointment should be, at least as a cheaper analogue of more expensive products, a million-dollar miracle from a product for 50 rubles. I also don’t think you should expect it, so it will do for healing small wounds .

P/S After some time has passed after using the product, I will note that this product best heals ACNE PITS when other remedies seemed powerless. Most similar effect

solcoseryl gel.

Useful product from France with wound healing and antibacterial properties



Hello, readers!

Very often, while studying Airek and other resources, I come across reviews of girls who use all sorts of pharmaceutical ointments, not originally intended for the treatment of urticaria, against acne and get good results.

I will not say that I am a supporter of such alternative cosmetology. There should be common sense in everything and hoping for a lasting result from using oxolinic ointment on the face (even if it once helped someone) is absolutely stupid...

What prompted me to try Methyluracil? — The regenerating properties of the substance and a large number of positive reviews. I thought that if it didn’t help, then at least the skin wounds would heal faster,

Let's start with the fact that a tube of ointment cost me about 60 rubles. I used it for almost a month. Sometimes I applied it in a thick layer, almost like a mask, sometimes in a thin layer. The product is very economical

By the way, I’ll tell those who don’t know: it’s better to store methyluracil in the refrigerator (the pharmacist warned me. If anything is written on the packaging, it should be at a temperature no higher than 20 degrees, but since it’s much warmer in our apartments, it’s better to play it safe.

Warm methyluracil is soft and flexible, but cold methyluracil is barely squeezed out of the tube. This is why my tube already looks so unpresentable.

The product melts on the skin and turns into an oil. No matter what layer (thick or thin) you apply, the product will not be completely absorbed. And after a couple of hours, I usually cleaned it with a napkin.

Actually about how I used methyluracil,

I washed my face in the evening and applied my favorite Baziron. I waited 10 minutes. and only after that I used the ointment.

Baziron is a very aggressive product that dries out the skin. Methyluracil, on the contrary, is fatty. It seems to me that when they are used together, a certain balance occurs. Perhaps it was precisely because I applied the ointment on top of the baziron that I did not clog my pores at all.

Now about the effect. It is there and visible.

1. Wounds heal much faster. This is especially good for those who like to suppress acne and pick at their faces.

2. The skin texture is evened out, pits and scars are gradually smoothed out.

3. The skin receives sufficient moisture. Dryness and flaking disappear.

What you should not expect from Methyluracil:

1. The fact that it will prevent the appearance of new acne. They will still pop out, but they will heal faster.

2. Strong effect against stains. I don't know. Everything is purely individual. I would say this is more of a treatment for scars and pits than stubborn spots. Although it helps someone.

Well, as proof, here is my result. This is the cheek. The first photo was taken on October 6 (before applying the ointment). The second is October 30 (after the course).

I heard that it is not recommended to use it for more than a month. The skin will get used to it... I’ll listen to the advice of smart people and take a break. But most likely I will definitely return to this ointment.

By the way, some say that it also helps against wrinkles. Hard to believe, but you can check


Good day!

We all know that there is some kind of crisis in the country. Who and why invented it and whether this crisis actually exists is a mystery to me... But I know for sure that the incomes (mine and almost all my friends) have decreased significantly. In short, money is a problem.

As someone with problematic skin who no longer knows what else to put on to avoid clogging my pores and causing breakouts, I’m not used to saving on such products - it seems like a good thing can’t be cheap. Earlier, I wrote a rave review about

Balm La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 and less enthusiastic about

Bayer Bepanten Plus... And, regarding these funds, my priorities have not changed. Would. If not for the crisis.

Thus, after studying a little on this very site, where you are currently reading this review, I came across this tool. What surprised me was that his overall score was almost perfect . Even Cicaplast and Bepanten are lower... The cost was even more surprising - less than 100 rubles! In general, such funds can cost so much!?

Just out of idle curiosity, I included it in my regular monthly order with


To tell the truth, I was pretty upset by the Vaseline in the composition - in Bepanten it spoiled the whole picture.

The drug is pharmaceutical - so there are only dry instructions and a discreet description . No rosy promises of regeneration of severed limbs and healing of open fractures in two days. No pompous packaging, polished inserts or soft plastic tubes. No intrusive perfumes. Only the effect .

The consistency of this drug cannot be called pleasant - it is almost the same fatty and viscous as that of Bepanten (a little softer, though more pliable). The smell is similar... to sheep's wool. Who knows will understand.

Having applied the product to my face before going to bed (I would be careful during the day, otherwise it will collect all the dust on itself), the first thing that pleasantly surprised me about it is how quickly it is absorbed . Literally in a couple of minutes! There is almost no smell either.

What is noteworthy is that this drug has a much better ability to heal and soothe tissue irritations . I didn’t even immediately believe how, HOW (CARL!?), an unfortunate pharmaceutical drug for 60 rubles. (without the melted fat of a newborn unicorn, a feather from the millennium falcon and the phalanx of the little finger of the Eastwick witch in the composition), bought at a pharmacy “near the house around the corner”, can give SUCH an effect?! Nevertheless, it is true. It is quickly absorbed, does not clog pores, does not cause irritation, heals and renews !

Separately, I would like to note that, as a product for post-peeling care , the work of this ointment is also above all praise - now I know for sure that the peeling “burn”, with daily treatment of the skin at night, will go away on the 2-3rd day. And that's great !

I use this drug as a night cream and as a universal healing agent . And, I believe, it will be used further.

Of the minuses (nothing is perfect, right?):

  • The texture, however, is a bit greasy and, if your personal life is in full swing, I advise you to apply it to your face “after”.
  • be stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 C. Those. In the summer you can’t carry it with you in your purse - and at home, it’s better to store it in the refrigerator.

For these minuses I'm taking off a star.

I RECOMMEND! Definitely!

Thank you for your attention to my review, be beautiful!


Every girl who has problem skin tries in every possible way to hide this flaw. If you, like me, have problem skin, then you know. that there are only three options to combat this deficiency: care, treatment and makeup. Everything would seem simple, but there is a problem...

The key to perfect skin is a symbiosis of all three methods. If there are often few questions with care and makeup (at least for me), then I am clearly not always knowledgeable about treatment issues. Perhaps someone will say that skin treatment is not necessary and this is all an invention of my brain. But you must admit that sometimes the impact of internal and external factors on our skin is so strong that some problems can only be gotten rid of with medication.

I read about Methyluracil ointment in reviews on Naturally, I was impressed by the low cost of the product and the fairly positive reviews. Ointments that have a similar effect on the skin often cost about 200 hryvnia and the results from their use are very doubtful. After reading a fairly large number of convincing reviews, I finally decided to purchase this ointment.

Not everything turned out to be as simple as I thought. The decision to buy ointment was not enough; it still needed to be found. When I went to the pharmacy, I asked about the availability of the drug I was interested in and in three cases out of four I was refused and offered to purchase an analogue (price range for analogues: 150 UAH - 270 UAH). At the fourth pharmacy, I still purchased Methyluracil ointment (Odessa, Social Pharmacy on Torgovaya Street - in the New Market area). The cost of the ointment was 18 UAH. (less than $1.5) - this is more expensive than what girls bought in Ukraine, but compared to analogues, which are 10 times more expensive - the price is wonderful.


I use the ointment three to four times a week at night. It has an oily texture, so it won’t fit under foundation or powder (it just forms a colored surface).

First you need to carry out a standard cleansing and toning procedure. At the moment I alternate three methods of cleansing the skin depending on the condition of the skin.

Method 1 (if your face has become too oily during the day):

  • makeup remover;
  • washing with tar soap;
  • tonic

Method 2 (at the first symptoms of inflammation):

  • makeup remover;
  • washing with mattifying gel;
  • targeted effect on inflammation using celandine tincture

Method 3 (for blackheads and comedones)

  • makeup remover;
  • washing with mattifying gel;
  • scrubbing or applying a mask (
    I use a mud mask from Organic Shop);
  • tonic

After which I apply the ointment pointwise to inflammation, scars and scars (consequences of acne and chickenpox). During the first week of use, some of the scars actually disappeared or became less noticeable, which suits me quite well.

The product cannot be called economical. In two weeks of use, I used half the tube. Accordingly, by the end of the month I will use the remaining tube. I hope for positive results and plan to repeat the course in a month. Since many people write about the skin getting used to this ointment. On my cheek there is a fairly noticeable scar from chicken pox, which I had as a child, which I want to get rid of)

Methyluracil ointment 10% 30g

Dosage form:

ointment for local and external use

Composition per 100 g.

Active substance

: methyluracil - 10.0 g


: Vaseline - 45.0 g; anhydrous lanolin - 31.5 g; purified water - 13.5 g


ointment from light yellow to yellow.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

tissue repair stimulator

AT X code :


pharmachologic effect

Has anabolic activity. By normalizing nucleic acid metabolism, it accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration in wounds, accelerates the growth and granulation maturation of tissue and epithelization. When used externally, it has photoprotective properties.

Indications for use

Slow-healing wounds, burns, photodermatitis.

Prevention of skin reactions during irradiation of neoplasms with low radiosensitivity, reduction of symptoms of radiation dermatitis and late adhesions of the vaginal walls (occlusions) - in the case of radiation therapy of genital neoplasms.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, excessive granulation.


Pregnancy, breastfeeding period, children under 12 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug is possible only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. If it is necessary to prescribe the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Directions for use and doses

Externally. Locally.

The ointment is applied daily to the affected areas in a thin layer in the amount of 5-10 g daily for 15-30 days. Before application, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic and any remaining necrotic tissue should be removed.

In the case of radiation therapy of genital tumors for the prevention and treatment of radioepithelitis, the ointment is used in loose tampons. The course of treatment is individual.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, short-term burning at the site of application of the drug.


Cases of overdose with local and external use have not been described.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug is compatible with external applications of antibacterial and antiseptic agents.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The use of the drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (work of a dispatcher, driving a vehicle, working with moving mechanisms).

Release form

Ointment for local and external use 10%.

25 g, 30 g in polyethylene jars with polymer lids.

25 g, 30 g in polyethylene terephthalate jars with polymer lids.

25 g each in orange glass jars with a triangular rim and polymer stretchable lids.

25 g, 30 g in aluminum tubes.

Each jar or tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack.

For hospitals: 30 or 60 cans along with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in corrugated cardboard boxes; 40 or 99 tubes, along with an equal number of instructions for use, are placed in corrugated cardboard boxes.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 20 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years 6 months.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

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